setMethod("plot", signature(x="scaleSpace", y="missing"), function(x, y, spm, type='b', ...){
nrScales <- length(x)
mirrorLocs <- spm@mirrorLocs
chromosomes <- names(x[[1]]@data)
spmLengths <- unlist(lapply(spm@data, function(x){return(length(x$pos))}))
chrom.indices <- unlist(lapply(x[[1]]@data, function(x){return(attr(x, 'chromosome'))}))
total <- sum(spmLengths[chromosomes])
if(type=='b' | type=='g'){
plot(0,0,xlim=c(0, total), ylim=c(-0.1,nrScales),col='white', xaxt="n", yaxt="n", main='Scale space gains', xlab='Genomic position (in mb)', ylab='Scale space',...) <- dev.cur()
if(type=='b' | type=='l'){
plot(0,0,xlim=c(0, total), ylim=c(-0.1,nrScales),col='white', xaxt="n", yaxt="n", main='Scale space losses',xlab='Genomic position (in mb)',ylab='Scale space', ...) <- dev.cur()
scale.spaces <- vector(length=nrScales)
heatcolors <- rev(heat.colors(32))
for(i in 1:nrScales){
xOffset <- 0
unlisted <- unlist(x[[i]]@data)
posy <- unlisted[grep("posy", names(unlisted))]
negy <- unlisted[grep("negy", names(unlisted))]
maxy <- max(posy, na.rm=TRUE)
maxy <- 1
miny <- min(negy, na.rm=TRUE)
miny <- -1
for(j in chromosomes){
if(type=='b' | type=='g'){
poscolors <- (x[[i]][[j]]$posy / maxy) * 32
poscolors <- heatcolors[poscolors]
xloc <- x[[i]][[j]]$posx + xOffset
yloc <- rep((i-1), length(x[[i]][[j]]$posx))
if(length(xloc) > 0){
segments(xloc,yloc ,xloc, (yloc+0.98), col=poscolors)
if(type=='b' | type=='l'){
negcolors <- (x[[i]][[j]]$negy / miny) * 32
negcolors <- heatcolors[negcolors]
xloc <- x[[i]][[j]]$negx + xOffset
yloc <- rep((i-1), length(x[[i]][[j]]$negx))
if(length(xloc) > 0){
segments(xloc,yloc ,xloc, (yloc+0.98), col=negcolors)
xOffset <- xOffset + length(spm[[j]]$pos)
scale.spaces[i] <- paste(x[[i]]@sigma / 1000000, 'Mb')
colin <- cumsum(unlist(lapply(mirrorLocs[chrom.indices], max)))
#get 2nd position out of mirrorLocs, this either the centromere or the end position
#add these values to the cumsum and use the results to plot centromeres (or end positions that get overwritten by the chromosome borders)
centromeres <- c(0, colin) + c(unlist(lapply(mirrorLocs[chrom.indices], function(x){return(x[2])})), 0)
#centromeres <- centromers[-24]
totalbp <- spm@sampleDensity * as.numeric(total)
axisBy <- 5000
sampleDensity <- spm@sampleDensity
if(type=='b' | type=='g'){
abline(v=centromeres/sampleDensity, col='lightblue', lty=2)
abline(v=c(0, colin/sampleDensity), col='darkblue')
text((colin/sampleDensity) ,-0.1, labels=chromosomes, pos=2, cex=0.6)
axis(1,seq(0,totalbp, by=(axisBy * spm@sampleDensity))/1000000, at=seq(0,total,by=axisBy))
axis(2,scale.spaces, at=seq(0.5,nrScales,by=1), las=1)
if(type=='b' | type=='l'){
abline(v=centromeres/sampleDensity, col='lightblue', lty=2)
abline(v=colin/spm@sampleDensity, col='darkblue')
text((colin/sampleDensity) ,-0.1, labels=chromosomes, pos=2, cex=0.6)
axis(1,seq(0,totalbp, by=(axisBy * spm@sampleDensity))/1000000, at=seq(0,total,by=axisBy))
axis(2,scale.spaces, at=seq(0.5,nrScales,by=1), las=1)
setMethod("plot", signature(x="compKc", y="missing"), function(x, sigRegions=NULL, type="1", chromosomes=NULL, colinAxis=NULL, maploc=NULL, interpolation=1, main=NULL, col1=NULL, col2=NULL, ylim=NULL, add=F, ...){
mirrorLocs <- x@spmCollection@mirrorLocs
if(type == 'b'){
colinAxis <- FALSE
if(is.null(chromosomes)) {
chromosomes <- 1:length(mirrorLocs)
colinAxis <- T
} else {
chromosomes <- sort(match(chromosomes, attr(mirrorLocs, 'chromNames')))
#Get chromosome information
chromNames <- attr(mirrorLocs, 'chromNames')
chromLengths <- table(x@spmCollection@annotation@chromosome)
chromLengths <- chromLengths[chromNames]
chromSizes <- sapply(mirrorLocs, max)
names(chromSizes) <- attr(mirrorLocs, 'chromNames')
chromSizes <- chromSizes[chromNames]
#process the chromosomes we are going to plot
dataoffsets <- cumsum(c(0, chromLengths))
total <- sum(chromLengths[chromNames[chromosomes]])
totalbp <- sum(chromSizes[chromNames[chromosomes]])
sampDensity <- totalbp / total
#plot roMeans panel
ycl0 <- rowMeans(x@spmCollection@data[,x@spmCollection@cl==0], na.rm=T)
ycl1 <- rowMeans(x@spmCollection@data[,x@spmCollection@cl==1], na.rm=T)
ylim <- range(ycl0, ycl1, na.rm=T)
if(is.null(col1)) col1 <- "black"
if(is.null(col2)) col2 <- "gray"
plot(0,0,xlim=c(0, total), ylim=ylim,type="n", xaxt="n", main=main, xlab='Genomic position (in mb)', ylab='rowMeans spmCollection', ...)
xOffset <- 0
for(i in chromosomes){
chromosome <- chromNames[i]
#draw rectangle where if sigregions is provided
if(!is.null(sigRegions)) {
r <- sigRegions@regionTable[sigRegions@regionTable$chromosome == chromosome,]
if(nrow(r) >0)
rect(xleft=r$startrow-dataoffsets[i]+xOffset, ybottom=ylim[1], xright=r$endrow-dataoffsets[i]+xOffset, ytop=ylim[2], col="lightgray", border=NA)
#to avoid getting really large images the user can set an interpolation
plottingPoints <- seq(1,chromLengths[chromosome], by=interpolation)
lines(xOffset + plottingPoints, ycl0[plottingPoints+dataoffsets[i]], type="l", col=col1)
lines(xOffset + plottingPoints, ycl1[plottingPoints+dataoffsets[i]], type="l", col=col2)
#if centromere is present, plot it
if(length(mirrorLocs[[i]]) == 3){
centromereLoc <- xOffset + (mirrorLocs[[i]][2]/sampDensity)
abline(v=centromereLoc, col='lightblue', lty=2)
text(xOffset,ylim[2], labels=chromNames[i], pos=4, cex=0.6)
labs <- pretty(c(0, chromSizes[chromosome]/1e6), n=3)
labs <- labs[labs < .85*chromSizes[chromosome]/1e6 ]
axis(1,labs, at=(labs*1e6/sampDensity)+xOffset)
xOffset <- xOffset + chromLengths[chromosome]
labs <- pretty(c(0, totalbp/1e6), n=5)
axis(1,labs, at=labs*1e6/sampDensity)
#plot snr panel if type="b"
if(type == 'b'){
ysnr <- switch(x@method, siggenes=x@siggenesResult@d, perm=x@snrResult@snrValues)
yname <- ifelse(x@method=="siggenes", "d values", "SNR value")
ylim <- range(ysnr, na.rm=T)
if(is.null(col1)) col1 <- "black"
if(is.null(col2)) col2 <- "gray"
plot(0,0,xlim=c(0, total), ylim=ylim,type="n", xaxt="n", main=main, xlab='Genomic position (in mb)', ylab=yname, ...)
xOffset <- 0
if(!is.null(sigRegions) & x@method=="perm")
abline(h=c(-sigRegions@cutoff, sigRegions@cutoff), col="yellow")
for(i in chromosomes){
chromosome <- chromNames[i]
#draw rectangle where if sigregions is provided
if(!is.null(sigRegions)) {
r <- sigRegions@regionTable[sigRegions@regionTable$chromosome == chromosome,]
if(nrow(r) >0)
rect(xleft=r$startrow-dataoffsets[i]+xOffset, ybottom=ylim[1], xright=r$endrow-dataoffsets[i]+xOffset, ytop=ylim[2], col="lightgray", border=NA)
#to avoid getting really large images the user can set an interpolation
plottingPoints <- seq(1,chromLengths[chromosome], by=interpolation)
lines(xOffset + plottingPoints, ysnr[plottingPoints+dataoffsets[i]], type="l", col=col1)
#if centromere is present, plot it
if(length(mirrorLocs[[i]]) == 3){
centromereLoc <- xOffset + (mirrorLocs[[i]][2]/sampDensity)
abline(v=centromereLoc, col='lightblue', lty=2)
text(xOffset,ylim[2], labels=chromNames[i], pos=4, cex=0.6)
labs <- pretty(c(0, chromSizes[chromosome]/1e6), n=3)
labs <- labs[labs < .85*chromSizes[chromosome]/1e6 ]
axis(1,labs, at=(labs*1e6/sampDensity)+xOffset)
xOffset <- xOffset + chromLengths[chromosome]
labs <- pretty(c(0, totalbp/1e6), n=5)
axis(1,labs, at=labs*1e6/sampDensity)
setMethod("plot", signature(x="samplePointMatrix", y="missing"), function(x, y, type="b", sigLevels=NULL, chromosomes=NULL, colinAxis=NULL, fillColor=NULL, maploc=NULL, interpolation=1, main=NULL, col=NULL, ylim=NULL, add=F, ...){
mirrorLocs <- x@mirrorLocs
if(!is.null(fillColor) & is.null(sigLevels)){
warning('Fill color given but no significance levels, unable to color significant regions')
if(is.null(fillColor) & !is.null(sigLevels)){
fillColor <- vector(mode='list')
if(type == 'b'){
total <- x@totalLength
chromosomes <- names(x@data)
chromNames <- attr(mirrorLocs, 'chromNames')
chromosomesOrdered <- chromNames[chromNames %in% chromosomes]
chromosomesOrdered <- c(chromosomesOrdered, chromosomes[!(chromosomes %in% chromNames)])
chromosomes <- chromosomesOrdered
#set colinear axis if parameter is not set and showing all chromosomes
colinAxis <- TRUE
chromosomes <- as.character(chromosomes)
spmLengths <- unlist(lapply(x@data, function(x){return(length(x$pos))}))
total <- sum(spmLengths[chromosomes])
#set colinear axis to false if parameter is not set and not showing all chromosomes
colinAxis <- FALSE
totalbp <- as.numeric(total) * x@sampleDensity
#determine how to scale axis
axisBy <- 10^(floor(log10(total)))
axisBy <- 10^(floor(log10(total/length(chromosomes))))
maxy <- x@maxy
miny <- x@miny
#set default plot arguments
if(type == 1){
if(is.null(main)) main = 'Gains and losses'
if(is.null(ylim)) ylim = c(miny, maxy)
if(is.null(main)) main = 'Gains'
if(is.null(ylim)) ylim = c(0, maxy)
if(is.null(col)) col = 'black'
if(type == 'g' | type == 'b' | type == 1){
plot(0,0,xlim=c(0, total), ylim=ylim, type="n", xaxt="n", main=main, xlab='Genomic position (in mb)', ylab='Normalized KC score', ...)
xOffset <- 0
for(i in chromosomes){
chromosome <- attr(x@data[[i]], 'chromosome')
#color area under the curve
if(!is.null(fillColor) & !is.null(sigLevels)){
sigRegions <- which(x[[i]]$pos > sigLevels$pos)
if(length(sigRegions) > 1){
#make separate polygons by inserting 'NA's between segments
t <- diff(sigRegions)
endPoints <- sigRegions[c(1,which(t>1)+1, length(sigRegions))]
sigRegions2 <- rep(NA,length(sigRegions) + length(endPoints))
fillHeight <- rep(NA,length(sigRegions) + length(endPoints))
for(k in 1:length(endPoints)){
currentSigRegion <- which((sigRegions<endPoints[k+1]) & (sigRegions>=endPoints[k]))
sigRegions2[currentSigRegion + k] <- sigRegions[currentSigRegion]
fillHeight[currentSigRegion + k] <- x[[i]]$pos[sigRegions[currentSigRegion]]
fillHeight[c((currentSigRegion[1] + k),(tail(currentSigRegion, n=1)+k))] <- sigLevels$pos
sigRegions <- sigRegions2
polygon(xOffset + seq(1,length(x[[i]]$pos))[sigRegions], fillHeight, col=fillColor$pos, border=NA)
#to avoid getting really large images the user can set an interpolation
plottingPoints <- seq(1,length(x[[i]]$pos), by=interpolation)
lines(xOffset + plottingPoints, x[[i]]$pos[plottingPoints], type="l", col=col)
chromosome.length <- 0
#if centromere is present, plot it
if(length(mirrorLocs[[chromosome]]) == 3){
centromereLoc <- xOffset + ((mirrorLocs[[chromosome]][2]/mirrorLocs[[chromosome]][3]) * length(x[[i]]$pos))
abline(v=centromereLoc, col='lightblue', lty=2)
if(!is.null(maploc) & FALSE){
chromosome.length <- mirrorLocs[[chromosome]][2]
locs <- xOffset + ((maploc[[i]]/chromosome.length) * length(x[[i]]$pos))
segments(locs,0,locs,1, col="purple")
text(xOffset,0.001, labels=i, pos=4, cex=0.6)
axis(1,seq(0, length(x[[i]]$pos), by=axisBy) * x@sampleDensity/1000000, at=seq(xOffset, (xOffset + length(x[[i]]$pos)), by=axisBy))
xOffset <- xOffset + length(x[[i]]$pos)
abline(h=sigLevels$pos, col="red", lty=2)
axis(1,seq(0, totalbp, by=(axisBy * x@sampleDensity))/1000000, at=seq(0,total,by=axisBy))
if(type == 'l' | type == 'b' | type == 1){
#if not in 1 plot, open new device
if(type != 1 & !add){
main = 'Losses'
ylim = c(miny, 0)
plot(0,0,xlim=c(0, total), ylim=ylim, col='white', xaxt="n",main=main, xlab='Genomic position (in mb)', ylab='Normalized KC score', ...)
xOffset <- 0
for(i in chromosomes){
chromosome <- attr(x[[i]], 'chromosome')
if(!is.null(fillColor) & !is.null(sigLevels)){
sigRegions <- which(x[[i]]$neg < sigLevels$neg)
if(length(sigRegions) > 1){
t <- diff(sigRegions)
endPoints <- sigRegions[c(1,which(t>1)+1, length(sigRegions))]
sigRegions2 <- rep(NA,length(sigRegions) + length(endPoints))
fillHeight <- rep(NA,length(sigRegions) + length(endPoints))
for(k in 1:length(endPoints)){
currentSigRegion <- which((sigRegions<endPoints[k+1]) & (sigRegions>=endPoints[k]))
sigRegions2[currentSigRegion + k] <- sigRegions[currentSigRegion]
fillHeight[currentSigRegion + k] <- x[[i]]$neg[sigRegions[currentSigRegion]]
fillHeight[c((currentSigRegion[1] + k),(tail(currentSigRegion,n=1)+k))] <- sigLevels$neg
sigRegions <- sigRegions2
polygon(xOffset + seq(1,length(x[[i]]$neg))[sigRegions], fillHeight, col=fillColor$neg, border=NA)
plottingPoints <- seq(1,length(x[[i]]$neg), by=interpolation)
lines(xOffset + plottingPoints, x[[i]]$neg[plottingPoints], type="l", col=col)
#if centromere is present, plot it
if(length(mirrorLocs[[chromosome]]) == 3){
centromereLoc <- xOffset + ((mirrorLocs[[chromosome]][2]/mirrorLocs[[chromosome]][3]) * length(x[[i]]$neg))
abline(v=centromereLoc, col='lightblue', lty=2)
if(type != 1){
text(xOffset,-0.001, labels=i, pos=4, cex=0.6)
axis(1,seq(0, length(x[[i]]$pos), by=axisBy) * x@sampleDensity/1000000, at=seq(xOffset, (xOffset + length(x[[i]]$pos)), by=axisBy))
xOffset <- xOffset + length(x[[i]]$neg)
abline(v=xOffset, col='darkblue')
abline(h=sigLevels$neg, col="red", lty=2)
axis(1,seq(0,totalbp, by=(axisBy * x@sampleDensity))/1000000, at=seq(0,total,by=axisBy))
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