#' This function plots the average rates of clonal exclusivity for each
#' patient.
#' In addition to the average rate of clonal exclusivity, it also visualizes
#' the average number of clones of each patient.
#' @title Barplot of rates of clonal exclusivity and number of clones.
#' @param avg_rates_m A named vector with the average rates of clonal
#' exclusivity for each patient. The name of each
#' element is the patient id to be used in the barplot.
#' @param clone_tbl The tibble containing the gene-to-clone assignments
#' from all patients and all trees from the collection
#' of trees.
#' @param output_pdf The name of the pdf to be generated. Or if output_pdf
#' is "direct", then the plot is
#' generated directly and not to a pdf. Default: "direct"
#' @author Ariane L. Moore
#' @return None, the function plots the average rates of clonal exclusivity.
#' @export
#' @importFrom magrittr "%>%"
#' @importFrom dplyr tibble is.tbl filter select
#' @importFrom ggplot2 ggplot aes geom_bar ggtitle ylab xlab
#' scale_fill_gradient guides guide_colourbar coord_flip
#' theme_gray
#' @importFrom grDevices pdf
#' @examples
#' clone_tbl <- dplyr::tibble(
#' "file_name"=rep(c(rep(c("fn1", "fn2"), each=3)), 2),
#' "patient_id"=rep(c(rep(c("pat1", "pat2"), each=3)), 2),
#' "altered_entity"=c(rep(c("geneA", "geneB", "geneC"), 4)),
#' "clone1"=c(0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0),
#' "clone2"=c(1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1),
#' "tree_id"=c(rep(1, 6), rep(2, 6)))
#' avg_rates_m <- c(pat1=0.014, pat2=0.3)
#' plot_rates_clon_excl(avg_rates_m, clone_tbl)
plot_rates_clon_excl <- function(avg_rates_m, clone_tbl,
output_pdf="direct") {
tree_id <- pat_ids_c <- rates_m <- num_c <- pat_ids_r <- NULL
stopifnot("tree_id" %in% colnames(clone_tbl))
## find out the average number of clones
all_tree_ids <- unique(as.character(clone_tbl$tree_id))
num_trees <- length(all_tree_ids)
num_pats <- length(unique(as.character(clone_tbl$patient_id)))
stopifnot(num_pats == length(avg_rates_m))
## message to user
message("There are rates from ", num_pats, " patients.")
all_trees_num_clones <- c(rep(0, num_pats))
for (this_tree in all_tree_ids){
clone_tbl_this_tree <- clone_tbl %>%
filter(tree_id == this_tree) %>%
this_tree_num_clones <-
## this counts the number of clones that have at least one
## gene assigned to it
all_trees_num_clones <- all_trees_num_clones + this_tree_num_clones
all_trees_avg_num_clones <- all_trees_num_clones/num_trees
## put it into the right ordering
avgNumClones <-
## extract patient id's and make sure that avg_rates_m and avgNumClones
## are in the same order
pat_ids_rates <- names(avg_rates_m)
pat_ids_clones <- names(avgNumClones)
stopifnot(length(setdiff(pat_ids_rates, pat_ids_clones)) == 0)
avgNumClones <- avgNumClones[match(pat_ids_rates, pat_ids_clones)]
pat_ids_clones <- pat_ids_clones[match(pat_ids_rates, pat_ids_clones)]
myOrder <- order(nchar(pat_ids_rates), pat_ids_rates)
rates_and_clones_tbl <- tibble(pat_ids_r=pat_ids_rates[myOrder],
num_c=avgNumClones[myOrder]) %>%
filter(pat_ids_r == pat_ids_c)
stopifnot(dim(rates_and_clones_tbl)[1] == num_pats)
## message to user
message("The average rate of clonal exclusivity is between ",
round(min(avg_rates_m), digits=2),
"-", round(max(avg_rates_m), digits=2))
## this is to set the order among the ggplot bars
rates_and_clones_tbl$pat_ids_r <- factor(rates_and_clones_tbl$pat_ids_r,
rates_and_clones_tbl$pat_ids_c <- factor(rates_and_clones_tbl$pat_ids_c,
if(output_pdf != "direct")
pdf(output_pdf, height=10, width=5)
this_plot <- ggplot(rates_and_clones_tbl,
y=rates_m, fill=num_c)) +
geom_bar(stat="identity") +
ggtitle("Mean rates of clonal exclusivity in each patient")+
ylab("Rate m") +
xlab("Patients") +
scale_fill_gradient(low="lightblue", high="darkblue",
guide="colourbar") +
"number of clones"))) +
coord_flip() +
if(output_pdf != "direct"){
#' This function plots the ECDFs of the test statistic under the null
#' hypothesis.
#' The ECDF's of the test statistic under the null for a data set can be
#' generated with \code{\link{generate_ecdf_test_stat}}.
#' Afterwards, they can be visualized with this function. It is assumed
#' that the first ECDF in the ecdf_list is
#' the ECDF for the case where pairs are mutated in two patients.
#' @title Plot empirical cumulative distribution functions of the test
#' statistic under the null.
#' @param ecdf_list The list of ECDF's as generated with
#' \code{\link{generate_ecdf_test_stat}}.
#' @param plot_idx The index of which of the list entries of the ecdf_list
#' to plot. Default: c(2,3).
#' @param num_panel_rows The ECDF's will be plotted altogether, hence
#' \code{par(mfrow=c(x, y))} is used.
#' Here, \code{x} is the number of panel rows, which has to be set with
#' this parameter, and \code{y} will be taken as
#' ceil(#ECDF's/x). E.g., if you have 20 ECDF's in total, you can set
#' \code{num_panel_rows=4}, and then your 20
#' ECDF's will be plotted in panels with four rows, and five columns.
#' Default=1.
#' @param output_pdf The name of the pdf to be generated. Or if output_pdf
#' is "direct", then the plot is
#' generated directly and not to a pdf. Default: "direct".
#' @author Ariane L. Moore
#' @return None, the function plots ecdf curves.
#' @export
#' @importFrom graphics plot par grid
#' @importFrom grDevices pdf
#' @examples
#' avg_rates_m <- c(pat1=0.1, pat2=0.034, pat3=0.21, pat4=0.063)
#' list_of_num_trees_all_pats <- list(pat1=c(20, 20, 19),
#' pat2=c(20, 18, 20),
#' pat3=c(19, 20, 20),
#' pat4=c(20, 20, 20))
#' list_of_clon_excl_all_pats <- list(pat1=c(5, 0, 1),
#' pat2=c(10, 2, 0),
#' pat3=c(18, 12, 0),
#' pat4=c(0, 2, 0))
#' num_pat_pair_max <- 2
#' num_pairs_sim <- 10
#' ecdf_list <- generate_ecdf_test_stat(avg_rates_m,
#' list_of_num_trees_all_pats,
#' list_of_clon_excl_all_pats,
#' num_pat_pair_max,
#' num_pairs_sim)
#' plot_ecdf_test_stat(ecdf_list, plot_idx=2)
plot_ecdf_test_stat <- function(ecdf_list, plot_idx=c(2,3),
num_panel_rows=1, output_pdf="direct"){
num_ecdfs <- length(ecdf_list)
stopifnot(max(plot_idx) <= num_ecdfs)
num_ecdfs_to_plot <- length(plot_idx)
## the first list entry is just set to NULL!
real_num_ecdfs <- num_ecdfs-1
message("Found ", num_ecdfs_to_plot, " ECDF's to plot.")
stopifnot(num_panel_rows <= num_ecdfs_to_plot)
stopifnot(num_panel_rows > 0)
## plot the ecdf's
num_panel_cols <- ceiling(num_ecdfs_to_plot/num_panel_rows)
## make sure it is an integer
if( num_panel_cols != round(num_panel_cols, digits=0) ||
num_panel_rows != round(num_panel_rows, digits=0) ||
(num_panel_rows*num_panel_cols < num_ecdfs_to_plot)){
stop("The number of rows and columns for the panels needs to",
"be integers and need to multiply to a number which is greater or",
" equal to the number of ECDF's to plot!")
if(output_pdf != "direct"){
this_height <- num_panel_rows*4
this_width <- (num_panel_cols/num_panel_rows)*this_height
pdf(output_pdf, height=this_height, width=this_width)
## set the number of panel rows and columns
par(mfrow=c(num_panel_rows, num_panel_cols))
## plot ecdf's
for (i in plot_idx){
if(i == 1){ ## the first ecdf is just NULL
stop("Cannot plot the first ECDF of the list because by",
" default, it is set to NULL.")
this_ecdf <- ecdf_list[[i]]
main=paste("ECDF (Number of patients a pair",
" is mutated in=", i,")",
if(output_pdf != "direct"){
#' This function visualizes the distribution of p-values.
#' It is especially useful, when exploring the results with simulated
#' data under the null hypothesis, i.e. when delta is zero.
#' In that scenario, the p-values are expected to be uniformly distributed.
#' This function can take the p-values from
#' \code{\link{generate_test_stat_hist}} where the concatenated tibble
#' contains different values for 'num_pat_pair',
#' i.e. the number of patients the simulated pairs are mutated in. The
#' input tibble is expected to have the two columns
#' 'pval', and 'num_patients'. Left panel: histogram of all p-values from
#' the whole tibble.
#' Right panel: ecdf of the p-values with different colors for different
#' numbers of patients that the pairs were mutated in.
#' @title Plot histogram and empirical cumulative distribution function of
#' p-values.
#' @param res_sim tibble containing the simulated pairs of genes/pathways.
#' It contains the columns 'num_patients',
#' and 'pval', and can be generated with
#' \code{\link{generate_test_stat_hist}}
#' and then concatenating the tibbles.
#' @param output_pdf The name of the pdf to be generated. Or if output_pdf
#' is "direct", then the plot is
#' generated directly and not to a pdf. Default: "direct"
#' @author Ariane L. Moore
#' @return None, the function plots a p-value histogram.
#' @export
#' @importFrom magrittr "%>%"
#' @importFrom dplyr is.tbl select group_by tally filter pull
#' tibble
#' @importFrom RColorBrewer brewer.pal
#' @importFrom grDevices pdf rainbow
#' @importFrom graphics par hist points abline grid legend
#' @importFrom stats runif
#' @examples
#' res_sim <- dplyr::tibble(num_patients=c(rep(2,100),
#' rep(3,100), rep(4,100)),
#' pval=c(runif(300)))
#' vis_pval_distr_num_pat(res_sim)
vis_pval_distr_num_pat <- function(res_sim, output_pdf="direct"){
pval <- num_patients <- NULL
stopifnot("pval" %in% colnames(res_sim))
stopifnot("num_patients" %in% colnames(res_sim))
## extract the p-values
p_values <- as.numeric(res_sim$pval)
num_p_values <- length(p_values)
## plot the histogram and qqplot
if(output_pdf != "direct")
pdf(output_pdf, height=6, width=10)
par(mfrow=c(1,2), oma=c(3, 3, 3, 3))
## make the outer margin at the bottom of the plot large
## histogram
hist(p_values, main="Histogram of p-values", xlab="P-values",
breaks=25, xlim=c(0,1))
## qq-plot
## check how many observations there are for the different
## num_patients
num_patients_tally <- res_sim %>%
select(num_patients) %>%
group_by(num_patients) %>%
number_different_patients <- dim(num_patients_tally)[1]
num_patients_colors <- c()
if(number_different_patients > 8){
num_patients_colors <- rainbow(number_different_patients)
} else {
num_patients_colors <- c(brewer.pal(8, "Dark2"))
## all unqiue numbers of patients, e.g. 2, 3, 4, ...
all_unique_num_pats <-
## first num_patients
this_num_patients <- all_unique_num_pats[1]
this_num_pat_pvals <- res_sim %>%
filter(num_patients == this_num_patients) %>%
this_num_p_values <- length(this_num_pat_pvals)
p_vals_idx <- seq_len(this_num_p_values)
max_points <- 5000
if (this_num_p_values > max_points){
p_vals_idx <- sample(p_vals_idx, max_points)
sort(this_num_pat_pvals[p_vals_idx])), main="Uniform Q-Q Plot",
xlab="Theoretical Quantiles",
ylab="Sample Quantiles", xlim=c(0,1), ylim=c(0,1),
col=num_patients_colors[1], pch=".")
these_num_patients <- c(this_num_patients)
## Potential other num_patients
if(number_different_patients > 1){
for(i in seq(2, number_different_patients)){
this_num_patients <- as.numeric(num_patients_tally[i,1])
this_num_pat_pvals <- res_sim %>%
filter(num_patients == this_num_patients) %>%
this_num_p_values <- length(this_num_pat_pvals)
p_vals_idx <- seq_along(this_num_pat_pvals)
max_points <- 5000
if (this_num_p_values > max_points){
p_vals_idx <- sample(p_vals_idx, max_points)
col=num_patients_colors[i], pch=".")
these_num_patients <- c(these_num_patients, this_num_patients)
abline(0, 1, col="lightgrey")
## overlay the entire figure region with a new, single plot. Then call
## legend with the location ("bottom", ...)
par(fig=c(0, 1, 0, 1), oma=c(0, 0, 0, 0), mar=c(0, 0, 0, 0),
plot(0, 0, type="n", bty="n", xaxt="n", yaxt="n")
legend("bottom", inset=c(0, 0), xpd=TRUE, horiz=TRUE,
col=num_patients_colors, pch=19, pt.cex=0.8,
title="Number of patients")
## xpd=TRUE tells R that it is OK to plot outside the region
## horiz=TRUE tells R that I want a horizontal legend
## inset=c(x,y) tells R how to move the legend relative to the
## 'bottom' location
if(output_pdf != "direct"){
#' This function plots the heatmaps of final gene clone matrices.
#' After running the \code{\link{GeneAccord}}, one may want to visualize
#' the gene clone
#' heatmap for significant gene pairs.
#' @title Heatmaps of gene pairs of interest
#' @param pairs_of_interest The tibble containing the pairs of
#' genes/pathways that should be visualized in the heatmap.
#' This may be, e.g. the gene pairs were mle_delta > 0, qval < 0.1,
#' and num_patients > 1. It contains the columns 'entity_A',
#' and 'entity_B', and can be generated with \code{\link{GeneAccord}}.
#' For the plot, the function will attempt
#' to map the gene ID's from ensembl ID to gene name. However, if the
#' input genes are not ensembl IDs, it does not matter.
#' @param clone_tbl The tibble containing the information of which
#' gene/pathway is mutated in which
#' clone from which patient. Here, it is assumed that only one tree
#' from the collection of trees was chosen per
#' patient.
#' @param all_genes_tbl A tibble with all genes ensembl id's and
#' hgnc symbols. Can be created with
#' \code{\link{create_ensembl_gene_tbl_hg}}.
#' @param first_clone_is_N Logical indicating whether the first
#' clone column is actually representing the normal or germline,
#' and is not a tumor
#' clone. In that case, it will have the name 'N', and all other
#' columns will be one clone number smaller, e.g. 'clone2' is then actually
#' 'clone1' etc. Default: FALSE.
#' @param output_pdf The name of the pdf to be generated. Or if
#' output_pdf is "direct", then the plot is
#' generated directly and not to a pdf. Default: "direct"
#' @author Ariane L. Moore
#' @return None, the function plots a gene-to-clone assignment heatmap.
#' @export
#' @importFrom magrittr "%>%"
#' @importFrom dplyr is.tbl tibble select filter pull bind_cols
#' group_by tally
#' @importFrom ggplot2 ggplot geom_tile aes scale_fill_manual
#' theme_minimal theme labs ggtitle element_text
#' @importFrom ggpubr ggarrange
#' @importFrom reshape2 melt
#' @importFrom grDevices pdf
#' @examples
#' pairs_of_interest <- dplyr::tibble(entity_A="SETD2",
#' entity_B="BAP1")
#' clone_tbl <- dplyr::tibble(
#' file_name=c("X.csv", "X.csv", "Y.csv", "Y.csv"),
#' patient_id=c("X", "X", "Y", "Y"),
#' altered_entity=c("SETD2", "BAP1", "SETD2", "BAP1"),
#' clone1=c(0, 1, 1, 0),
#' clone2=c(1, 0, 0, 1))
#' \dontrun{all_genes_tbl <- create_ensembl_gene_tbl_hg()}
#' all_genes_tbl_example <- dplyr::tibble(
#' ensembl_gene_id=c("ENSG00000181555",
#' "ENSG00000163930"),
#' hgnc_symbol=c("SETD2", "BAP1"))
#' heatmap_clones_gene_pat(pairs_of_interest, clone_tbl,
#' all_genes_tbl_example)
heatmap_clones_gene_pat <- function(pairs_of_interest, clone_tbl,
file_name <- patient_id <- entity_A <- entity_B <- variable <-
altered_entity <- value <- n <- NULL
stopifnot("entity_A" %in% colnames(pairs_of_interest))
stopifnot("entity_B" %in% colnames(pairs_of_interest))
stopifnot("file_name" %in% colnames(clone_tbl))
stopifnot("patient_id" %in% colnames(clone_tbl))
stopifnot("altered_entity" %in% colnames(clone_tbl))
if("tree_id" %in% colnames(clone_tbl)){
stop("Can only plot for one tree at a time.\nMake sure",
" that the clone tbl is just from one tree id, and does not",
" contain the column 'tree_id'")
## extract the genes
all_A <- as.character(pairs_of_interest$entity_A)
all_B <- as.character(pairs_of_interest$entity_B)
genes_of_interest <- unique(c(all_A, all_B))
## clone columns are renamed
## if the column labeled 'clone1' is actually the normal/germline,
## the cancer clone numbers are also reduced by one
clone_col_names <- colnames(clone_tbl)[grepl("clone",
new_clone_col_names <- c()
for (this_col in clone_col_names){
if (this_col == "clone1"){
this_new_col <- "N"
} else {
this_new_col <- paste0("Clone", as.numeric(sub("clone",
"", this_col))-1)
} else {
this_new_col <- sub("clone", "Clone", this_col)
new_clone_col_names <- c(new_clone_col_names, this_new_col)
colnames(clone_tbl)[grepl("clone", colnames(clone_tbl))] <-
## here we remove columns that are just clone zero in all patients,
## for plotting
filterd_clone_tbl_just_clones <- clone_tbl %>%
select(-file_name, -patient_id, -altered_entity)
filterd_clone_tbl_nonzero_clones <- cbind(clone_tbl['patient_id'],
colSums(filterd_clone_tbl_just_clones) > 0])
## extract from the clone tbl just the entries with the genes of interest
filterd_clone_tbl_goi <- filterd_clone_tbl_nonzero_clones %>%
filter(altered_entity %in% genes_of_interest)
## map the ensembl gene ID's to the gene names
these_ens_ids <- filterd_clone_tbl_goi %>%
hgnc_symbols <- c()
for(this_ens in these_ens_ids){
this_hgnc <-
suppressMessages(ensembl_to_hgnc(this_ens, all_genes_tbl))
hgnc_symbols <- c(hgnc_symbols, this_hgnc)
filterd_clone_tbl_goi_gene_names <-
## plot the heatmap of gene pairs of interest
## do the heatmap for each patient separate, and
## then arrange them together to one plot
all_pats <-
filterd_clone_tbl_goi_gene_names %>%
select(patient_id) %>%
group_by(patient_id) %>%
tally() %>%
filter(n >= 2) %>%
stopifnot(length(all_pats) == length(unique(all_pats)))
num_pats_to_plot <- length(all_pats)
## define the pdf output
if(output_pdf != "direct")
pdf(output_pdf, width=num_pats_to_plot*5)
plot_list <- list()
cnt <- 0
for (this_pat in all_pats){
tbl_to_plot <- filterd_clone_tbl_goi_gene_names %>%
filter(patient_id == this_pat) %>%
select(-altered_entity, -patient_id)
## here we remove columns from the end that are just clone zero
## in this current patient, for plotting
tbl_to_plot_just_clones <- tbl_to_plot %>%
col_sums_clones <- colSums(tbl_to_plot_just_clones)
idx_clones_this_pat <- seq_len(max( which(col_sums_clones != 0 )))
tbl_to_plot_nonzero_clones <- cbind(tbl_to_plot['hgnc_symbols'],
tbl_to_plot_just_clones[, idx_clones_this_pat])
cnt <- cnt + 1
tbl_to_plot_melted <-
colors <- rev(c("darkblue", "lightblue"))
this_plot <- ggplot() +
fill=factor(value))) +
size=1, fill=NA, color="black") +
name="Mutation status") +
theme_minimal() +
vjust=0.5, hjust=1)) +
## Vertical text on x axis
labs(x="") + labs(y="") +
ggtitle(paste("Patient ", this_pat, sep="")) +
plot_list[[cnt]] <- this_plot
if (cnt > 156) {
my_letters <- NULL
} else if(cnt > 26){
my_letters <- c(LETTERS,
paste(LETTERS, ".1", sep=""),
paste(LETTERS, ".2", sep=""),
paste(LETTERS, ".3", sep=""),
paste(LETTERS, ".4", sep=""),
paste(LETTERS, ".5", sep=""))
} else {
my_letters <- LETTERS[seq_len(cnt)]
plot_altogether <- ggarrange(plotlist=plot_list,
ncol=cnt, labels=my_letters)
if(output_pdf != "direct"){
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