ecdf_list: The list with the ECDF's of the test statistic under the null...

Description Usage Format Source


This is a list whose entries are the empirical cumulative distribution functions for different number of patients that pairs can be mutated in.




A list whose entries are the empirical cumulative distribution functions. Entry 1 is set to NULL, because GeneAccord does not test pairs that occur in just one patient. Entry 2 then contains the ECDF of the test statistic under the null hypothesis for the case that pairs are mutated in two patients. Entry 3 contains the ECDF for the case where pairs occur in three patients.


The list was generated with the function generate_ecdf_test_stat as demonstrated in the vignette, just that the following parameter was set as num_pairs_sim = 100000.

GeneAccord documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 8:04 p.m.