### R code from vignette source 'GOvis.Rnw'
### code chunk number 1: Setup
### code chunk number 2: Example
## subset of interest: 37+42 samples
eset <- ALL[, intersect(grep("^B", as.character(ALL$BT)),
which(as.character(ALL$mol) %in% c("BCR/ABL","NEG", "ALL1/AF4")))]
MB = factor(eset$
## intensities above 100 in at least 7 of the samples
f1 <- kOverA(7, log2(100))
f2 = function(x) {gps = split(2^x, MB); mns=sapply(gps, mean);
if(max(mns) - min(mns) < 100) FALSE else TRUE}
ff <- filterfun(f1, f2)
selected <- genefilter(eset, ff)
esetSub <- eset[selected,]
### code chunk number 3: mtFstats
pvCutOff = 0.05
Fstats = mt.maxT(exprs(esetSub), as.numeric(MB)-1,
B=1000, test="f")
eSet = esetSub[Fstats$index[Fstats$adjp<pvCutOff],]
gN = featureNames(eSet)
lls = unlist(mget(gN, hgu95av2ENTREZID, ifnotfound=NA))
eS = eSet[!duplicated(lls),]
gN = featureNames(eS)
lls = unlist(mget(gN, hgu95av2ENTREZID, ifnotfound=NA))
lls = as.character(lls[!])
syms = unlist(mget(gN, hgu95av2SYMBOL, ifnotfound=NA))
### code chunk number 4: inducedGO
gMF = makeGOGraph(lls, "MF", chip="hgu95av2")
gBP = makeGOGraph(lls, "BP", chip="hgu95av2")
gCC = makeGOGraph(lls, "CC", chip="hgu95av2")
nMF = list()
lbs = rep("", length(nodes(gMF)))
names(lbs) = nodes(gMF)
nMF$label = lbs
nBP = list()
lbs = rep("", length(nodes(gBP)))
names(lbs) = nodes(gBP)
nBP$label = lbs
nCC = list()
lbs = rep("", length(nodes(gCC)))
names(lbs) = nodes(gCC)
nCC$label = lbs
if( require("Rgraphviz") ) {
gMFlo = agopen(gMF, "gMF")
gBPlo = agopen(gBP, "gBP")
gCClo = agopen(gCC, "gCC")
### code chunk number 5: GOMF
if (require("Rgraphviz"))
plot(gMFlo, nodeAttrs=nMF, main="Molecular Function")
### code chunk number 6: GOBP
if (require("Rgraphviz"))
plot(gBPlo, nodeAttrs=nBP, main="Biological Process")
### code chunk number 7: GOCC
if (require("Rgraphviz"))
plot(gCClo, nodeAttrs=nCC, main="Cellular Component")
### code chunk number 8: findhigestmeans
mns = apply(exprs(eS), 1, function(x) sapply(split(x, MB), mean))
whismax = apply(mns, 2, function(x) match(max(x), x))
maxNames = names(mns[,1])[whismax]
names(maxNames) = names(whismax)
### code chunk number 9: genesToGO
CCnodes = nodes(gCC)
nodes2affy = mget(CCnodes, hgu95av2GO2ALLPROBES, ifnotfound=NA)
cts = sapply(nodes2affy, function(x) {
wh = names(whismax) %in% x
all1cts = sapply(cts, function(x) x["ALL1/AF4"])
all1cts = ifelse(, 0, all1cts)
##put nice names on
names(all1cts) = names(cts)
bcrcts = sapply(cts, function(x) x["BCR/ABL"])
bcrcts = ifelse(, 0, bcrcts)
names(bcrcts) = names(cts)
negcts = sapply(cts, function(x) x["NEG"])
negcts = ifelse(, 0, negcts)
names(negcts) = names(cts)
ctmat = cbind(all1cts, bcrcts, negcts)
### code chunk number 10: layoutandrender
if( require(Rgraphviz) ) {
opar = par(xpd = NA)
plotPieChart <- function(curPlot, counts, main) {
renderNode <- function(x) {
y <- x*100+1
function(node, ur, attrs=list(), radConv=1) {
nodeCenter <- getNodeCenter(node)
pieGlyph(y, xpos=getX(nodeCenter),
col=c("blue", "green", "red"))
drawing <- vector(mode="list", length=nrow(counts))
for (i in 1:length(drawing)) {
drawing[[i]] <- renderNode(counts[i,])
if( missing(main) )
main="Example Pie Chart Plot"
plot(curPlot, drawNode=drawing, main=main)
legend(x="bottomleft", legend=c("ALL1/AF4", "BCR/ABL", "NEG"),
fill=c("blue", "green", "red"))
plotPieChart(gCClo, ctmat)
### code chunk number 11: imageMap
getNodeBB = function(ingraph) {
xypos = getNodeXY(ingraph)
hts = getNodeHeight(ingraph)
wdsR = getNodeRW(ingraph)
wdsL = getNodeLW(ingraph)
llx = xypos$x - wdsL
lly = xypos$y - (hts/2)
urx = xypos$x + wdsR
ury = xypos$y + (hts/2)
cbind(llx, lly, urx, ury)
CCbb = getNodeBB(gCClo)
##now we need to adjust the graphBB to the plot region
bbG = boundBox(gCClo)
llx = getX(botLeft(bbG))
lly = getY(botLeft(bbG))
urx = getX(upRight(bbG))
ury = getY(upRight(bbG))
##FIXME: work in progress here - we need to do a bit of mapping
##to get the right user coords on the jpg file...
if (interactive()) {
jpeg("mygraph.jpg", quality=100, width=urx-llx, height=ury-lly)
opar = par(plt=c(0,1,0,1), xpd=NA)
plotPieChart(gCClo, ctmat)
## FIXME (wh 20.1.2005): better to use imageMap function for Ragraph objects
## in the package Rgraphviz instead.
if(require("geneplotter")) {
con = openHtmlPage("example", "An Image Map")
imageMap(CCbb, con, tags=list(
TITLE = getNodeNames(gCClo),
HREF = rep("", length(nodes(gCC)))),
### code chunk number 12: multip
igenes = unlist(mget(gN[1:10], hgu95av2ENTREZID))
igenes = igenes[!]
igenes = as.character(igenes)
psets = mget(igenes, revmap(hgu95av2ENTREZID))
psets = sapply(psets, function(x) x[1])
GOs = mget(psets, hgu95av2GO, ifnotfound=NA)
gBP = sapply(GOs, getOntology, "BP")
##how many terms
sum(sapply(gBP, length))
##drop those with no BP annotations
hasBP = sapply(gBP, function(x) length(x) > 0 && ![1]))
gBP = gBP[hasBP]
ggs = lapply(igenes[hasBP], makeGOGraph, "BP", chip="hgu95av2.db")
## you could also do ggx = lapply(gBP, GOGraph, GOBPPARENTS)
## and should get the same thing
simatM1 = matrix(1, nr=sum(hasBP), nc=sum(hasBP))
for(i in 1:sum(hasBP))
for( j in 1:sum(hasBP) )
if( i== j ) next else
simatM1[i,j] = simUI(ggs[[i]], ggs[[j]])
simatM2 = matrix(1, nr=sum(hasBP), nc=sum(hasBP))
for(i in 1:sum(hasBP))
for( j in 1:sum(hasBP) )
if( i== j ) next else {
simatM2[i,j] = simLP(ggs[[i]], ggs[[j]])
### code chunk number 13: <leavesEx
gCC.leaves = leaves(gCC, "in")
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