# take a result from go_enrich() and a vector of GO-IDs to plot annotated scores
# plotting type depends on the performed test in go_enrich which is automatically recognized
# (fwer_threshold is not supported anymore, to not discriminate high_A or high_B in binomial, contingency)
plot_anno_scores = function(res, go_ids, annotations=NULL){
### check input
# check that all go_ids are in res
if (!all(go_ids %in% res[[1]][,2])){
inval = go_ids[!go_ids %in% res[[1]][,2]]
stop("go_ids not present in res (go_enrich result): ", paste(inval,collapse=", "))
# infer test
in_genes = res[[2]]
test = infer_test(in_genes)
# infer ontology
onto = load_onto(res[[3]])
term = onto[[1]]
graph_path = onto[[2]]
# infer root_nodes
root_names = rev(sort(unique(res[[1]][,1])))
# if some (default) root node is skipped in go_enrich, add it for stable colors
default_roots = c("molecular_function","cellular_component","biological_process")
if (all(root_names %in% default_roots)){
root_names = default_roots
# colors and IDs for root nodes
root_names_id = term[match(root_names, term[,2]) ,]
pie_cols = c("#F15A60","#7BC36A","#599BD3","#F9A75B","#9E67AB","#CE7058","#D77FB4")
root_cols = data.frame(root=root_names_id[,4], col=pie_cols[1:nrow(root_names_id)], stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
# reduce to used domains
# (to not plot root-node for unused domain, still have before for stable colors)
root_names_id = root_names_id[root_names_id[,2] %in% res[[1]][,1], ]
root_ids = root_names_id[,4]
# just in case
go_ids = as.character(go_ids)
# keep order of input GO's (which gets messed up in get_anno_genes by *apply)
ordere = data.frame(go_ids, rank=1:length(go_ids))
# get annotations and scores for GO-IDs
anno_scores = get_anno_scores(res, go_ids, term, graph_path, annotations)
# aggregate scores in nodes (wilcox: plot score distribution)
if (test == "hyper"){
# counts of 1 and 0 genes in a node
anno_scores = tapply(anno_scores[,3], anno_scores[,1], function(x) c(sum(x), length(x)-sum(x)))
anno_scores = data.frame(go_id = names(anno_scores),, anno_scores))
} else if (test %in% c("binomial", "contingency")){
# sums of scores in a node (binom + conti)
anno_scores = aggregate(anno_scores[,3:ncol(anno_scores)], list(go_id=anno_scores[,1]), sum)
### get annotation for root nodes (conti independent of root nodes)
if (test != "contingency"){
# get annotation and scores for root nodes
root_anno_scores = get_anno_scores(res, root_ids, term, graph_path, annotations)
# order alphabetically (which is rev(order(IDs)) for default GO)
root_anno_scores = root_anno_scores[rev(order(root_anno_scores[,1])), ]
# aggregate scores in root nodes
if (test != "wilcoxon"){
if (test == "hyper"){
# counts of 1 and 0 genes in a node
root_anno_scores = tapply(root_anno_scores[,3], root_anno_scores[,1], function(x) c(sum(x[]), length(x)-sum(x)))
root_anno_scores = data.frame(go_id = names(root_anno_scores),, root_anno_scores))
} else {
# sums of scores in a node (binom + conti)
root_anno_scores = aggregate(root_anno_scores[,3:ncol(root_anno_scores)], list(go_id=root_anno_scores[,1]), sum)
# add colors and root_node_name
root_anno_scores$root_name = root_names_id[match(root_anno_scores[,1], root_names_id[,4]), 2]
root_anno_scores$root_col = root_cols[match(root_anno_scores[,1], root_cols[,1]), 2]
# merge nodes with root node info
matched_root_name = get_names(anno_scores[,1], term)[,3] # get names also has root name
anno_scores$root_id = root_names_id[match(matched_root_name, root_names_id[,2]), 4]
anno_scores = cbind(anno_scores, root_anno_scores[match(anno_scores$root_id, root_anno_scores[,1]), 2:ncol(root_anno_scores)])
} else {
# for wilcox leave unaggregated version but create table with median, name, col
root_info = aggregate(root_anno_scores[,3], list(go_id=root_anno_scores[,1]), median)
root_info$root_name = get_names(root_info[,1], term)[,2]
root_info$root_col = root_cols[match(root_info[,1], root_cols[,1]), 2]
# recover original order (aggregate and get_anno_genes sorts output alphabetically)
anno_scores = anno_scores[order(ordere[match(anno_scores$go_id, ordere$go_ids), 2]),]
rownames(anno_scores) = 1:nrow(anno_scores)
# plot and get stats returned
if (test == "hyper"){
stats = plot_hyper(anno_scores, root_anno_scores)
} else if (test == "binomial"){
stats = plot_binomial(anno_scores, root_anno_scores)
} else if (test == "contingency"){
stats = plot_conti(anno_scores)
} else if (test == "wilcoxon"){
stats = plot_wilcox(anno_scores, root_anno_scores, root_info, term)
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