# plot the distribution of annotated scores for nodes and root nodes
# take table with sums of scores per node from plot_anno_scores
# create output with list of 3 tables(node-anno, root-anno, node->root-mapping)
plot_wilcox = function(anno_scores, root_anno_scores, root_info, term_df){
colnames(anno_scores)[3] = "score"
colnames(root_anno_scores)[3] = "score"
# go_id -> root table
root_names = get_names(anno_scores[,1], term_df)[,3] # get names
node_to_root = data.frame(go_id=anno_scores[,1], root_id=root_info[match(root_names, root_info[,3]), 1])
# layout
layout(matrix(c(1,2),ncol=2), widths=c(5,2))
ylim = range(c(anno_scores$score, root_anno_scores$score))
# ylim = range(c(anno_scores$score, root_anno_scores$score)/ mean(root_cols$median)) # TODO: proper range if normalized
# yrange = ylim[2] - ylim[1]
# ylim[2] = ylim[2] + 0.3*yrange
op = par(no.readonly = TRUE)
# plot GO-categories
par(mar=c(6.5,4,4,2), bty="l") #, bty="n") # mar default=c(5, 4, 4, 2)
violine(anno_scores, root_info, node_to_root, ylim)
# plot root nodes
par(mar=c(6.5,1,4,2), bty="l")
violine(root_anno_scores, root_info, node_to_root, ylim, root=TRUE)
out = list(node_anno=anno_scores, root_anno=root_anno_scores, node_to_root=node_to_root)
## plot multiple violins side by side
violine = function(plotty, root_info, node_to_root, ylim, root=FALSE){
# find root-node for every GO and add median and color (gos=[node, root] for every node to plot)
if (root){
gos = data.frame(unique(plotty[,1]), unique(plotty[,1]))
mainy = "root nodes"
} else {
gos = node_to_root[match(unique(plotty[,1]), node_to_root[,1]) ,]
mainy = "scores of annotated genes"
# root_info: [id, median, name, col] of root for every node
root_info = root_info[match(gos[,2], root_info[,1]), ]
# xlim
xoff = 0.5
xlim = c(1-xoff, nrow(gos)+xoff)
# plot
plot(1, type="n", ylim=ylim, xlim=xlim, ylab="score", xaxt="n", xlab="", main=mainy) #, log="y")
xlabel = root_info$root_name
# molecular_function -> mole_func
xlabel = sapply(xlabel, function(x) {paste(substr(unlist(strsplit(x,"_")),1,4), collapse="_")})
labelcol = root_info$root_col
} else {
xlabel = gos[,1]
labelcol = "black"
# plot horizontal line at root median
abline(h=root_info[,2], col=root_info$root_col)
# x-axis
xlabpos = ylim[1]-(ylim[2]-ylim[1])/12
# xlabpos = ylim[1]-(ylim[2]-ylim[1])/50 # for log-axis
axis(1, at=1:nrow(gos), labels=FALSE, cex.axis=0.9)
text(x=1:nrow(gos), y=xlabpos , labels=xlabel, srt=45, adj=c(1,1), xpd=TRUE, cex=0.8, col=labelcol)
for(i in seq_len(nrow(gos))){
scores = plotty[plotty$go_id == gos[i,1], "score"]
# divide by root median
# scores = scores / gos[i,"median"]
if (length(scores)==1) {
points(x=i, y=scores, col=root_info[i,"root_col"], pch=16, cex=1.5)
} else {
vioplot(scores, at=i, col=root_info[i,"root_col"], add=TRUE)
# points(i+runif(length(scores),-0.15, 0.15), scores)
# n genes
n = table(plotty$go_id)
text(x=1:nrow(gos), y=ylim[2], labels=paste0("n=",n[gos[,1]]), xpd=TRUE, cex=0.8, col=labelcol, pos=3, offset=0.5)
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