# input: some arguments provided to go_enrich
# output: database data.frame with type, db, version for GO-graph, GO-annotations, and gene-coords
eval_db_input = function(organismDb, godir, orgDb, annotations, txDb, regions, gene_len, gene_coords){
# annotation, coord databases/files
if (regions || gene_len){
if (!is.null(txDb) && is.null(orgDb)){
stop("Please provide an 'orgDb' package for annotations and/or Entrez-ID to gene-symbol conversion if 'txDb' is defined.")
if (!is.null(orgDb) && is.null(txDb) && is.null(gene_coords)){
stop("Please provide a 'txDb' object from bioconductor or a 'gene_coords' data.frame (if 'orgDb' is defined for GO-annotations, then either 'txDb' or 'gene_coords' is used to obtain gene-coordinates.")
if (!is.null(gene_coords) && !(gene_len || regions)){
stop("Parameter 'gene_coords' is only used when 'gene_len=TRUE' or 'regions=TRUE'.")
if (!is.null(txDb) && !(gene_len || regions)){
stop("Parameter 'txDb' is only used when 'gene_len=TRUE' or 'regions=TRUE'.")
# 1) annotations
# if orgDb/annotations is defined use that one instead of default organismDb
if (!is.null(annotations)){
anno_db = "custom"
a_version = "custom"
} else if (!is.null(orgDb)){
anno_db = orgDb
a_version = load_db(anno_db)
} else {
anno_db = organismDb
a_version = load_db(anno_db)
databases = data.frame(type="go_annotations", db=anno_db, version=a_version, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
# 2) coordinates
# only if blocks or gene-len
if (regions || gene_len){
if (!is.null(gene_coords)){
coord_db = "custom"
c_version = "custom"
} else if (!is.null(txDb)){
coord_db = txDb
c_version = load_db(coord_db)
} else {
coord_db = organismDb
c_version = load_db(coord_db)
} else {
coord_db = NA
c_version = NA
databases = rbind(databases, list("gene_coordinates", coord_db, c_version))
# 3) symbol to entrez conversion
# only if coords are needed and TxDb is used
if (!( && !(is.null(txDb))){
entrez_db = orgDb
e_version = load_db(orgDb)
} else {
entrez_db = NA
e_version = NA
databases = rbind(databases, list("symbol_to_entrez", entrez_db, e_version))
# 4) GO-graph
if (is.null(godir)){
databases = rbind(databases, list("go_graph", "integrated", "23-Mar-2020"))
} else {
databases = rbind(databases, list("go_graph", "custom", godir))
# input: some arguments provided e.g. to get_anno_genes, get_child_nodes, get_parent_nodes
# output: term and graph_path, potentially user-defined
eval_onto_input = function(term_df=NULL, graph_path_df=NULL, godir=NULL){
# ontology
if ((is.null(term_df)) && !(is.null(graph_path_df))){
stop("Please also provide 'term_df' (when 'graph_path_df' is specified also 'term_df' is needed)")
if (!(is.null(term_df))){
# A) term and graph_path provided directly
if (is.null(graph_path_df)){
stop("Please also provide 'graph_path_df' (when 'term_df' is specified also 'graph_path_df' is needed)")
stop("Please provide either 'term_df' and 'graph_path_df' or 'godir'")
term = term_df
graph_path = graph_path_df
} else if (!(is.null(godir))){
# B) custom ontology directory
term = read.table(paste0(godir, "/term.txt"), sep="\t", quote="", comment.char="",
graph_path = read.table(paste0(godir, "/graph_path.txt"),
sep="\t", quote="", comment.char="",
} # else C) use integrated term and graph_path
return(list(term, graph_path))
# input: some arguments provided e.g. to get_anno_categories, get_names
# output: term, potentially user-defined
eval_term = function(term_df, godir){
if (!(is.null(term_df)) && !(is.null(godir))){
stop("Please provide either 'term_df' or 'godir'")
if (!(is.null(term_df))){
term = term_df
} else if (!(is.null(godir))){
term = read.table(paste0(godir, "/term.txt"), sep="\t", quote="", comment.char="",
} # else term is taken from sysdata
# load database
load_db = function(db, silent=FALSE){
if (!suppressWarnings(suppressMessages(require(db, character.only=TRUE)))){
stop("database '" ,db, "' is not installed. Please install it from bioconductor:\nif (!requireNamespace('BiocManager', quietly = TRUE))\n\tinstall.packages('BiocManager')\nBiocManager::install('",db ,"')")
vers = as.character(packageVersion(db))
# find overlaps of genes, ranges and convert to data.frame chr, start, end, gene
get_genes_from_regions = function(gene_coords, ranges){
genes = IRanges::subsetByOverlaps(gene_coords, ranges)
out = data.frame(chr=seqnames(genes), start=start(genes), end=end(genes), gene=elementMetadata(genes)[,1])
# convert EntrezID from TxDb to symbol using orgDb
entrez_to_symbol = function(entrez, orgDb){
symbol = suppressMessages(select(orgDb, keys=as.character(entrez), columns=c("ENTREZID","SYMBOL"), keytype="ENTREZID"))
# just double-check
if(any(symbol[,1] != entrez)) {stop("Unexpected order in entrez_to_symbol.")}
# take the lowest transcript start and the highest end (cols in: gene, chr, start, end)
combine_tx = function(coords){
c1 = aggregate(TXSTART ~ SYMBOL + TXCHROM, coords, min)
c2 = aggregate(TXEND ~ SYMBOL + TXCHROM, coords, max)
out = merge(c1, c2)[,c(2:4,1)] # move gene to last column
# get chr, start, stop, symbol for all genes in coord_db
# txDb only has entrez, not gene-symbol, need orgDb for conversion
# eval_db_input checks that TxDb and OrgDb depend on each other
get_all_coords = function(coord_db="Homo.sapiens", entrez_db=NA, silent=FALSE){
load_db(coord_db, silent)
if (!silent){
message("find gene coordinates using database '", coord_db,"'...")
if ({
# OrganismDb
symbols = keys(get(coord_db), keytype="SYMBOL")
coords = suppressMessages(select(get(coord_db), keys=symbols, columns=c("TXCHROM", "TXSTART", "TXEND", "SYMBOL"), keytype="SYMBOL"))
} else {
# OrgDb/TxDb (combine possible different Entrez per Symbol)
load_db(entrez_db, silent)
entrez = keys(get(coord_db), keytype="GENEID")
coords = suppressMessages(select(get(coord_db), keys=entrez, columns=c("TXCHROM", "TXSTART", "TXEND", "GENEID"), keytype="GENEID"))
coords[,1] = entrez_to_symbol(coords[,1], get(entrez_db))[,2]
colnames(coords)[1] = "SYMBOL"
# maximum transcript range
coords = combine_tx(coords)
# remove genes that are still duplicated (on different chroms, mostly X/Y)
coords = coords[!(coords[,4] %in% coords[duplicated(coords[,4]),4]) ,]
# get chr, start, stop, symbol for input symbols
# txDb only has only entrez, not gene-symbol, need orgDb for conversion
# eval_db_input checks that TxDb and OrgDb depend on each other
get_gene_coords = function(symbols, coord_db="Homo.sapiens", entrez_db=NA, silent=FALSE){
load_db(coord_db, silent)
if (!silent){
message("find gene coordinates using database '", coord_db,"'...")
if ({
# OrganismDb
coords = suppressMessages(select(get(coord_db), keys=symbols, columns=c("TXCHROM", "TXSTART", "TXEND", "SYMBOL"), keytype="SYMBOL"))
} else {
# OrgDb/TxDb (combine possible different Entrez per Symbol)
load_db(entrez_db, silent)
entrez = suppressMessages(select(get(entrez_db), keys=symbols, columns=c("ENTREZID", "SYMBOL"), keytype="SYMBOL"))
en_coords = suppressMessages(select(get(coord_db), keys=entrez[,2], columns=c("TXCHROM", "TXSTART", "TXEND", "GENEID"), keytype="GENEID"))
coords = merge(entrez, en_coords, by.x="ENTREZID", by.y="GENEID")[,2:5]
# maximum transcript range
coords = combine_tx(coords)
# remove genes that are still duplicated (on different chroms, mostly X/Y)
coords = coords[!(coords[,4] %in% coords[duplicated(coords[,4]),4]) ,]
# get term.txt IDs for GO-IDs
go_to_term = function(go_ids, term){
go_ids = as.character(go_ids)
# remove obsolete terms
term = term[term[,5]==0,]
# get term-IDs of GOs
go_ids_term = term[match(go_ids, term[,4]), 1]
# get GO-IDs of term.txt IDs
term_to_go = function(term_ids, term){
go_ids = term[match(term_ids, term[,1]) ,4]
# check if res is really go_enrich()[[1]]
check_res = function(res){
if (!(is.list(res) && all(names(res) == c("results","genes","databases","min_p")))){
stop("Please use an object returned from go_enrich as input (list with 4 elements).")
# infer go_enrich test given input_genes = res[[2]]
# TODO: maybe remove parameter 'test' for go_enrich too
infer_test = function(input_genes){
if (ncol(input_genes) == 2){
if(all(input_genes[,2] %in% c(1,0))){
test = "hyper"
} else {
test = "wilcoxon"
} else if(ncol(input_genes) == 3){
test = "binomial"
} else if(ncol(input_genes) == 5){
test = "contingency"
} else {
stop("Identification of test failed.")
# infer ontology, load term and graph_path if custom
# given databases = go_enrich()[[3]]
load_onto = function(databases){
onto = databases[databases[,1] == "go_graph", ]
if (onto[1,2] == "custom"){
message("Read custom ontology graph...")
godir = onto[1,3]
term = read.table(paste0(godir,"/term.txt"),sep="\t",quote="",comment.char="",
graph_path = read.table(paste0(godir,"/graph_path.txt"),sep="\t",quote="",comment.char="",
} # else, take from sysdata
return(list(term, graph_path))
# get annotated genes and their scores from go_enrich() given GO-IDs
# use term and graph_path directly to avoid re-reading custom ontology
get_anno_scores = function(res, go_ids, term, graph_path, annotations=NULL){
in_genes = res[[2]]
anno_db = res[[3]][1,2]
if (anno_db == "custom" && is.null(annotations)){
stop("Apparently go_enrich was run with custom annotations. Please provide those custom annotations to this function too.")
# check if background genes are defined (optional for hyper)
test = infer_test(in_genes)
if (test == "hyper" & all(in_genes[,2] == 1)){
genes = NULL
} else {
genes = in_genes[,1]
# genes=NULL will return annotations for all genes
anno = get_anno_genes(go_ids, database=anno_db, genes, annotations, term, graph_path)
if (is.null(anno)){
return(invisible(NULL)) # no annotations - warning from get_anno_genes
# add scores to nodes
anno_scores = cbind(anno, in_genes[match(anno[,2], in_genes[,1]), 2:ncol(in_genes)])
colnames(anno_scores)[3:ncol(anno_scores)] = colnames(in_genes)[2:ncol(in_genes)]
# for default background, bg-genes are not in res[[2]], match yields NA, convert to 0
if (test == "hyper"){
anno_scores[[,3]), 3] = 0 # default 0 for hyper (NA if background not defined)
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