setMethod("estimateSizeFactors", signature(object="CountDataSet"),
function( object, locfunc=median, ... ) {
if( length(list(...)) != 0 )
warning( "in estimateSizeFactors: Ignoring extra argument(s)." )
sizeFactors(object) <- estimateSizeFactorsForMatrix( counts(object), locfunc )
setMethod("estimateDispersions", signature(object="CountDataSet"),
function( object, method = c( "pooled", "pooled-CR", "per-condition", "blind" ),
sharingMode = c( "maximum", "fit-only", "gene-est-only" ),
fitType = c( "parametric", "local" ),
locfit_extra_args=list(), lp_extra_args=list(),
modelFrame = NULL, modelFormula = count ~ condition, ... )
stopifnot( is( object, "CountDataSet" ) )
if( any( sizeFactors(object) ) ) )
stop( "NAs found in size factors. Have you called already 'estimateSizeFactors'?" )
method <- match.arg( method )
sharingMode <- match.arg( sharingMode )
fitType <- match.arg( fitType )
if( length(list(...)) != 0 )
warning( "in estimateDispersions: Ignoring extra argument(s)." )
if( object@multivariateConditions && ! method %in% c( "blind", "pooled", "pooled-CR" ) )
stop( "You have specified multivariate conditions (i.e., passed a data frame with conditions). In this case, you cannot use method 'per-condition'." )
if( sharingMode == "gene-est-only" )
warning( "in estimateDispersions: sharingMode=='gene-est-only' will cause inflated numbers of false positives unless you have many replicates." )
## FIXME this warning should only be emitted when the number of replicates is indeed small.
# Remove results from previous fits
fData(object) <- fData(object)[ , ! colnames(fData(object)) %in% paste( "disp", object@dispTable, sep="_" ), drop=FALSE ]
object@dispTable <- character()
object@fitInfo = new.env( hash=TRUE )
if( method == "blind" ) {
bmv <- getBaseMeansAndVariances( counts(object), sizeFactors(object) )
dispsAndFunc <- estimateAndFitDispersionsFromBaseMeansAndVariances( bmv$baseMean,
bmv$baseVar, sizeFactors(object), fitType, locfit_extra_args, lp_extra_args )
object@fitInfo[[ "blind" ]] <- list(
perGeneDispEsts = dispsAndFunc$disps,
dispFunc = dispsAndFunc$dispFunc,
fittedDispEsts = dispsAndFunc$dispFunc( bmv$baseMean ),
df = ncol(counts(object)) - 1,
sharingMode = sharingMode )
if( object@multivariateConditions )
dispTable(object) <- c( "_all" = "blind" )
else {
a <- rep( "blind", length( levels( conditions(object) ) ) )
names(a) <- levels( conditions(object) )
object@dispTable <- a }
} else if( method == "per-condition" ) {
replicated <- names( which( tapply( conditions(object), conditions(object), length ) > 1 ) )
if( length( replicated ) < 1 )
stop( "None of your conditions is replicated. Use method='blind' to estimate across conditions, or 'pooled-CR', if you have crossed factors." )
nonreplicated <- names( which( tapply( conditions(object), conditions(object), length ) == 1 ) )
overall_basemeans <- rowMeans( counts( object, normalized=TRUE ) )
for( cond in replicated ) {
cols <- conditions(object)==cond
bmv <- getBaseMeansAndVariances( counts(object)[ , cols ], sizeFactors(object)[ cols ] )
dispsAndFunc <- estimateAndFitDispersionsFromBaseMeansAndVariances( bmv$baseMean,
bmv$baseVar, sizeFactors(object)[cols], fitType, locfit_extra_args, lp_extra_args )
object@fitInfo[[ cond ]] <- list(
perGeneDispEsts = dispsAndFunc$disps,
dispFunc = dispsAndFunc$dispFunc,
fittedDispEsts = dispsAndFunc$dispFunc( overall_basemeans ), # Note that we do not use bmv$baseMean here
df = sum(cols) - 1,
sharingMode = sharingMode ) }
object@dispTable <- sapply( levels(conditions(object)), function( cond )
ifelse( cond %in% replicated, cond, "max" ) )
} else if( method == "pooled" || method == "pooled-CR" ) {
if( method == "pooled" ) {
if( object@multivariateConditions ) {
if( is.null( modelFrame ) )
modelFrame <- pData(object)[ , colnames(pData(object)) != "sizeFactor" ]
conds <- modelMatrixToConditionFactor( modelFrame ) }
conds <- conditions(object)
if( !any( duplicated( conds ) ) )
stop( "None of your conditions is replicated. Use method='blind' to estimate across conditions, or 'pooled-CR', if you have crossed factors." )
bmv <- getBaseMeansAndPooledVariances( counts(object), sizeFactors(object), conds )
baseMeans <- bmv$baseMean
dispsAndFunc <- estimateAndFitDispersionsFromBaseMeansAndVariances( bmv$baseMean,
bmv$baseVar, sizeFactors(object), fitType, locfit_extra_args, lp_extra_args )
df <- ncol(counts(object)) - length(unique(conds))
} else { # method == "pooled-CR"
if( is.null( modelFrame ) )
modelFrame <- pData(object)[ , colnames(pData(object)) != "sizeFactor", drop=FALSE ]
baseMeans <- rowMeans( counts( object, normalized=TRUE ) )
dispsAndFunc <- estimateAndFitDispersionsWithCoxReid( counts(object), modelFormula, modelFrame,
sizeFactors(object), fitType, locfit_extra_args, lp_extra_args )
df <- NA
object@fitInfo[[ "pooled" ]] <- list(
perGeneDispEsts = dispsAndFunc$disps,
dispFunc = dispsAndFunc$dispFunc,
fittedDispEsts = dispsAndFunc$dispFunc( baseMeans ),
df = df,
sharingMode = sharingMode )
dt = if( object@multivariateConditions ) c( "_all" = "pooled" ) else character(0)
if("condition" %in% colnames(pData(object))) {
a <- rep( "pooled", length( levels( conditions(object) ) ) )
names(a) <- levels( conditions(object) )
dt = c(dt, a)
dispTable(object) = dt
} else
stop(sprintf("Invalid method '%s'.", method))
for( n in ls(object@fitInfo) )
fData(object)[[ paste( "disp", n, sep="_" ) ]] <-
switch( sharingMode,
`fit-only` = object@fitInfo[[ n ]]$fittedDispEsts,
`gene-est-only` = {
a <- object@fitInfo[[ n ]]$perGeneDispEsts
a[ is.nan(a) ] <- 0
pmax( a, 1e-8 ) },
`maximum` = pmax( object@fitInfo[[ n ]]$fittedDispEsts, object@fitInfo[[ n ]]$perGeneDispEsts, na.rm=TRUE ),
stop(sprintf("Invalid sharingMode '%s'.", sharingMode))
) ## switch
if( "max" %in% object@dispTable )
fData(object)[["disp_max"]] <- pmax,
c( fData(object)[ , colnames(fData(object)) %in% paste( "disp", object@dispTable, sep="_" ), drop=FALSE ], na.rm=TRUE ) )
validObject( object )
estimateVarianceFunctions <- function( ... )
.Defunct("estimateDispersions" )
varianceFitDiagnostics <- residualsEcdfPlot <- scvPlot <- function( ... )
.Defunct(msg=sprintf("The function '%s' is defunct. See the vignette of the package 'DESeq' for better suggestions on how to check fit quality.",
nbinomTest <- function( cds, condA, condB, pvals_only=FALSE, eps=NULL )
stopifnot( is( cds, "CountDataSet" ) )
#if( cds@multivariateConditions )
# stop( "For CountDataSets with multivariate conditions, only the GLM-based test can be used." )
if( all( dispTable(cds) ) ) )
stop( "Call 'estimateDispersions' first." )
if( dispTable(cds)[condA] == "blind" || dispTable(cds)[condB] == "blind" ) {
if( fitInfo( cds, "blind" )$sharingMode != "fit-only" )
warning( 'You have used \'method="blind"\' in estimateDispersion without also setting \'sharingMode="fit-only"\'. This will not yield useful results.' )
stopifnot( condA %in% levels(conditions(cds)) )
stopifnot( condB %in% levels(conditions(cds)) )
if( !is.null(eps) )
warning( "The 'eps' argument is defunct and hence ignored." )
colA <- conditions(cds)==condA
colB <- conditions(cds)==condB
bmv <- getBaseMeansAndVariances( counts(cds)[,colA|colB],
sizeFactors(cds)[colA|colB] )
rawScvA <- fData(cds)[ , paste( "disp", dispTable(cds)[condA], sep="_" ) ]
rawScvB <- fData(cds)[ , paste( "disp", dispTable(cds)[condB], sep="_" ) ]
pval <- nbinomTestForMatrices(
rawScvB )
if( pvals_only )
else {
bmvA <- getBaseMeansAndVariances( counts(cds)[,colA], sizeFactors(cds)[colA] )
bmvB <- getBaseMeansAndVariances( counts(cds)[,colB], sizeFactors(cds)[colB] )
id = rownames( counts(cds) ),
baseMean = bmv$baseMean,
baseMeanA = bmvA$baseMean,
baseMeanB = bmvB$baseMean,
foldChange = bmvB$baseMean / bmvA$baseMean,
log2FoldChange = log2( bmvB$baseMean / bmvA$baseMean ),
pval = pval,
padj = p.adjust( pval, method="BH" ),
# resVarA = cds@fitInfo[[ dispTable(cds)[condA] ]]$perGeneDispEsts / rawScvA,
# resVarB = cds@fitInfo[[ dispTable(cds)[condB] ]]$perGeneDispEsts / rawScvB,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE ) }
getVarianceStabilizedData <- function( cds ) {
stopifnot( is( cds, "CountDataSet" ) )
if( "blind" %in% ls(cds@fitInfo) )
fitInfo <- cds@fitInfo[["blind"]]
else if( "pooled" %in% ls(cds@fitInfo) )
fitInfo <- cds@fitInfo[["pooled"]]
stop( "Use 'estimateDispersions' with 'method=\"blind\"' (or \"pooled\") before calling 'getVarianceStabilizedData'" )
ncounts <- t( t(counts(cds)) / sizeFactors(cds) )
if( attr( fitInfo$dispFunc, "fitType" ) == "parametric" ) {
coefs <- attr( fitInfo$dispFunc, "coefficients" )
vst <- function( q )
log( (1 + coefs["extraPois"] + 2 * coefs["asymptDisp"] * q +
2 * sqrt( coefs["asymptDisp"] * q * ( 1 + coefs["extraPois"] + coefs["asymptDisp"] * q ) ) )
/ ( 4 * coefs["asymptDisp"] ) ) / log(2)
vst( ncounts )
} else {
# non-parametric fit -> numerical integration
xg <- sinh( seq( asinh(0), asinh(max(ncounts)), length.out=1000 ) )[-1]
xim <- mean( 1/sizeFactors(cds) )
baseVarsAtGrid <- fitInfo$dispFunc( xg ) * xg^2 + xim * xg
integrand <- 1 / sqrt( baseVarsAtGrid )
splf <- splinefun(
asinh( ( xg[-1] + xg[-length(xg)] )/2 ),
( xg[-1] - xg[-length(xg)] ) *
( integrand[-1] + integrand[-length(integrand)] )/2 ) )
h1 <- quantile( rowMeans(ncounts), .95 )
h2 <- quantile( rowMeans(ncounts), .999 )
eta <- ( log2(h2) - log2(h1) ) / ( splf(asinh(h2)) - splf(asinh(h1)) )
xi <- log2(h1) - eta * splf(asinh(h1))
tc <- sapply( colnames(counts(cds)), function(clm)
eta * splf( asinh( ncounts[,clm] ) ) + xi )
rownames( tc ) <- rownames( counts(cds) )
varianceStabilizingTransformation <- function (cds) {
exprs = getVarianceStabilizedData(cds),
phenoData = phenoData(cds),
featureData = featureData(cds),
experimentData = experimentData(cds),
annotation = annotation(cds),
protocolData = protocolData(cds))
makeExampleCountDataSet <- function( )
ngenes <- 10000
q0 <- rexp( ngenes, rate=1/250 )
is_DE <- runif( ngenes ) < .3
lfc <- rnorm( ngenes, sd=2 )
q0A <- ifelse( is_DE, q0 * 2^( lfc/2 ), q0 )
q0B <- ifelse( is_DE, q0 * 2^( -lfc/2 ), q0 )
true_sf <- c( 1., 1.3, .7, .9, 1.6 )
conds <- c( "A", "A", "B", "B", "B" )
m <- t( sapply( seq_len(ngenes), function(i)
sapply( 1:5, function( j )
rnbinom( 1, mu = true_sf[j] * ifelse( conds[j]=="A", q0A[i], q0B[i] ),
size = 1/.2 ) ) ) )
colnames(m) <- c( "A1", "A2", "B1", "B2", "B3" )
rownames(m) <- paste( "gene", seq_len(ngenes),
ifelse( is_DE, "T", "F" ), sep="_" )
newCountDataSet( m, conds )
fitNbinomGLMs <- function( cds, modelFormula, glmControl=list() )
stopifnot( is( cds, "CountDataSet" ) )
if( "disp_pooled" %in% colnames( fData(cds) ) )
disps <- fData(cds)$disp_pooled
else if( "disp_blind" %in% colnames( fData(cds) ) ) {
if( fitInfo( cds, "blind" )$sharingMode != "fit-only" )
warning( 'You have used \'method="blind"\' in estimateDispersion without also setting \'sharingMode="fit-only"\'. This will not yield useful results.' )
disps <- fData(cds)$disp_blind
} else
stop( "Call 'estimateDispersions' with 'method=\"pooled\"' (or 'blind') first." )
fitNbinomGLMsForMatrix( counts(cds), sizeFactors(cds), disps,
modelFormula, pData(cds), glmControl=glmControl )
nbinomGLMTest <- function( resFull, resReduced )
1 - pchisq( resReduced$deviance - resFull$deviance,
attr( resReduced, "df.residual" ) - attr( resFull, "df.residual" ) )
newCountDataSetFromHTSeqCount <- function( sampleTable, directory="." )
l <- lapply( as.character( sampleTable[,2] ), function(fn)
read.table( file.path( directory, fn ) ) )
if( ! all( sapply( l, function(a) all( a$V1 == l[[1]]$V1 ) ) ) )
stop( "Gene IDs (first column) differ between files." )
tbl <- sapply( l, function(a) a$V2 )
rownames(tbl) <- l[[1]]$V1
colnames(tbl) <- sampleTable[,1]
specialRows <- rownames(tbl) %in% c( "no_feature", "ambiguous",
"too_low_aQual", "not_aligned", "alignment_not_unique" )
tbl <- tbl[ !specialRows, ]
if( ncol(sampleTable) == 3 )
newCountDataSet( tbl, sampleTable[,3] )
newCountDataSet( tbl, sampleTable[,-(1:2)] )
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