# == title
# The Class for Legends
# == details
# This is a very simple class for legends that it only has one slot which is the real `grid::grob` of the legends.
# Construct a single legend by `Legend` and a group of legends by `packLegend`.
# == example
# lgd = Legend(at = 1:4)
# lgd
# lgd@grob
Legends = setClass("Legends",
slots = list(
name = "ANY",
grob = "ANY",
type = "character",
n = "numeric",
multiple = "numeric",
direction = "character"
# == title
# Constructor method for Legends class
# == param
# -... arguments.
# == details
# There is no public constructor method for the `Legends-class`.
# == value
# No value is returned.
# == author
# Zuguang Gu <>
Legends = function(...) {
new("Legends", ...)
# == title
# Make a Single Legend
# == param
# -at Breaks of the legend. The values can be either numeric or character. If it is not specified,
# the values of ``labels`` are taken as labels.
# -labels Labels corresponding to ``at``. If it is not specified, the values of ``at`` are taken as labels.
# -col_fun A color mapping function which is used to make a continuous legend. Use `circlize::colorRamp2` to
# generate the color mapping function. If ``at`` is missing, the breaks recorded in the color mapping function
# are used for ``at``.
# -name Name of the legend, internally used.
# -break_dist A zooming factor to control relative distance of two neighbouring break values.The length
# of it should be ``length(at) - 1`` or a scalar.
# -nrow For legend which is represented as grids, ``nrow`` controls number of rows of the grids if the grids
# are arranged into multiple rows.
# -ncol Similar as ``nrow``, ``ncol`` controls number of columns of the grids if the grids
# are arranged into multiple columns. Note at a same time only one of ``nrow`` and ``ncol`` can be specified.
# -by_row Are the legend grids arranged by rows or by columns?
# -grid_height The height of legend grid. It can also control the height of the continuous legend if it is horizontal.
# -grid_width The width of legend grid. It can also control the width of the continuous legend if it is vertical.
# -gap If legend grids are put into multiple rows or columns, this controls the gap between neighbouring rows or columns, measured as a `grid::unit` object.
# -column_gap The same as ``gap``.
# -row_gap Space between legend rows.
# -labels_gp Graphic parameters for labels.
# -labels_rot Text rotation for labels. It should only be used for horizontal continuous legend.
# -border Color of legend grid borders. It also works for the ticks in the continuous legend.
# -background Background colors for the grids. It is used when points and lines are the legend graphics.
# -type Type of legends. The value can be one of ``grid``, ``points``, ``lines`` and ``boxplot``.
# -graphics Self-defined graphics for legends. The value should be a list of functions.
# Each function should accept four argumets: ``x`` and ``y``: positions of the legend grid (center point), ``w`` and ``h``: width and height
# of the legend grid.
# -legend_gp Graphic parameters for the legend grids. You should control the filled color of the legend grids by ``gpar(fill = ...)``.
# -pch Type of points if points are used as legend. Note you can use single-letter as pch, e.g. ``pch = 'A'``.
# There are three additional integers that are valid for ``pch``: 26 and 27 for single diagonal lines and 28 for double diagonal lines.
# -size Size of points.
# -legend_height Height of the whole legend body. It is only used for vertical continous legend.
# -legend_width Width of the whole legend body. It is only used for horizontal continous legend.
# -direction Direction of the legend, vertical or horizontal?
# -title Title of the legend.
# -title_gp Graphic parameters of the title.
# -title_position Position of title relative to the legend. ``topleft``, ``topcenter``, ``leftcenter-rot``
# and ``lefttop-rot`` are only for vertical legend and ``leftcenter``, ``lefttop`` are only for
# horizontal legend.
# -title_gap Gap between title and the legend body.
# == details
# Most of the argument can also be set in ``heatmap_legend_param`` argument in `Heatmap` or ``annotation_legend_param``
# argument in `HeatmapAnnotation` to configure legend styles for heatmap and annotations.
# == seealso
# `packLegend` packs multiple legends into one `Legends-class` object.
# See examples of configuring legends:
# == value
# A `Legends-class` object.
# == example
# lgd = Legend(labels =[1:6], title = "foo", legend_gp = gpar(fill = 1:6))
# draw(lgd, test = "add labels and title")
# require(circlize)
# col_fun = colorRamp2(c(0, 0.5, 1), c("blue", "white", "red"))
# lgd = Legend(col_fun = col_fun, title = "foo")
# draw(lgd, test = "only col_fun")
# col_fun = colorRamp2(c(0, 0.5, 1), c("blue", "white", "red"))
# lgd = Legend(col_fun = col_fun, title = "foo", at = c(0, 0.1, 0.15, 0.5, 0.9, 0.95, 1))
# draw(lgd, test = "unequal interval breaks")
Legend = function(at, labels = at, col_fun, name = NULL,
break_dist = NULL, nrow = NULL, ncol = 1, by_row = FALSE,
grid_height = unit(4, "mm"),
grid_width = unit(4, "mm"),
gap = unit(2, "mm"), column_gap = gap, row_gap = unit(0, "mm"),
labels_gp = gpar(fontsize = 10), labels_rot = 0,
border = NULL, background = "#EEEEEE",
type = "grid", graphics = NULL, legend_gp = gpar(),
pch = 16, size = unit(2, "mm"),
legend_height = NULL, legend_width = NULL,
direction = c("vertical", "horizontal"),
title = "", title_gp = gpar(fontsize = 10, fontface = "bold"),
title_position = c("topleft", "topcenter", "leftcenter", "lefttop", "leftcenter-rot", "lefttop-rot"),
title_gap = unit(2, "mm")) {
if(missing(at) && !missing(labels)) {
at = seq_along(labels)
if(!"fontsize" %in% names(labels_gp)) {
labels_gp$fontsize = 10
labels_gp = check_gp(labels_gp)
title_gp = check_gp(title_gp)
# odevlist = dev.list()
direction = match.arg(direction)[1]
title_position = match.arg(title_position)[1]
title_padding = title_gap
if(missing(col_fun)) {
if(is.null(border)) border = "white"
legend_body = discrete_legend_body(at = at, labels = labels, nrow = nrow, ncol = ncol,
grid_height = grid_height, grid_width = grid_width, gap = gap, row_gap = row_gap, column_gap = column_gap, labels_gp = labels_gp,
border = border, background = background, type = type, graphics = graphics, legend_gp = legend_gp,
pch = pch, size = size, by_row = by_row)
} else {
if(!missing(col_fun) && missing(at)) {
breaks = attr(col_fun, "breaks")
if(is.null(breaks)) {
stop_wrap("You should provide `at` for color mapping function\n")
if(is.null(break_dist)) {
le1 = grid.pretty(range(breaks))
le2 = pretty(breaks, n = 3)
if(abs(length(le1) - 5) < abs(length(le2) - 5)) {
at = le1
} else {
at = le2
} else {
at = breaks
if(direction == "vertical") {
legend_body = vertical_continuous_legend_body(at = at, labels = labels, col_fun = col_fun, break_dist = break_dist,
grid_height = grid_height, grid_width = grid_width, legend_height = legend_height,
labels_gp = labels_gp, border = border)
} else {
legend_extension = unit(0, "mm")
if(title_position == "lefttop") {
title_width = convertWidth(grobWidth(textGrob(title, gp = title_gp)), "mm")
title_height = convertHeight(grobHeight(textGrob(title, gp = title_gp)), "mm")
if(unit_to_numeric(title_height[1]) <= unit_to_numeric(grid_height[1])) {
legend_extension = title_width + title_padding
legend_body = horizontal_continuous_legend_body(at = at, labels = labels, col_fun = col_fun, break_dist = break_dist,
grid_height = grid_height, grid_width = grid_width, legend_width = legend_width,
labels_gp = labels_gp, labels_rot = labels_rot, border = border, legend_extension = legend_extension)
if(is.null(title)) {
object = new("Legends")
object@grob = legend_body
object@type = "single_legend_no_title"
object@n = 1
object@multiple = 1
object@direction = "vertical"
if(!inherits(title, c("expression", "call"))) {
if(title == "") {
object = new("Legends")
object@grob = legend_body
object@type = "single_legend_no_title"
object@n = 1
object@multiple = 1
object@direction = "vertical"
title_grob = textGrob(title, gp = title_gp)
title_height = convertHeight(grobHeight(title_grob), "mm")
title_width = convertWidth(grobWidth(title_grob), "mm")
legend_width = convertWidth(grobWidth(legend_body), "mm")
legend_height = convertHeight(grobHeight(legend_body), "mm")
# at the top level, create a global viewport
if(!missing(col_fun)) {
if(direction == "vertical") {
if(title_position %in% c("leftcenter", "lefttop")) {
stop_wrap("'topleft', 'topcenter', 'leftcenter-rot' and 'lefttop-rot' are only allowd for vertical continuous legend")
if(direction == "horizontal") {
if(title_position %in% c('leftcenter-rot', 'lefttop-rot')) {
stop_wrap("'topleft', 'topcenter', 'lefttop' and 'leftcenter' are only allowd for horizontal continuous legend")
if(title_position %in% c("topleft", "topcenter")) {
if(title_width > legend_width && title_position == "topleft") {
total_width = title_width
total_height = title_height + title_padding + legend_height
title_x = unit(0, "npc")
title_just = c("left", "top")
} else {
total_width = legend_width
total_height = title_height + title_padding + legend_height
if(title_position == "topleft") {
title_x = unit(0, "npc")
title_just = c("left", "top")
} else {
title_x = unit(0.5, "npc")
title_just = "top"
gf = grobTree(
textGrob(title, x = title_x, y = unit(1, "npc"), just = title_just, gp = title_gp),
edit_vp_in_legend_grob(legend_body, x = unit(0, "npc"), y = unit(0, "npc"), valid.just = c(0, 0)),
vp = viewport(width = total_width, height = total_height),
cl = "legend"
attr(gf, "width") = total_width
attr(gf, "height") = total_height
} else if(title_position %in% c("leftcenter", "lefttop")) {
if(title_height > legend_height && title_position == "lefttop") {
total_width = title_width + title_padding + legend_width
total_height = title_height
title_y = unit(1, "npc")
title_just = c("left", "top")
} else {
total_width = title_width + title_padding + legend_width
total_height = legend_height
if(title_position == "lefttop") {
if(missing(col_fun)) {
title_y = unit(1, "npc") - convertY(grobY(legend_body$children[[1]], 270), "mm")
} else {
if(direction == "horizontal") {
title_y = unit(1, "npc") - convertHeight(grobHeight(legend_body$children[[2]])*0.5 - grobHeight(textGrob(title, gp = title_gp))*0.5, "mm")
} else {
title_y = unit(1, "npc")
title_just = c("left", "top")
} else {
title_y = unit(0.5, "npc")
title_just = "left"
gf = grobTree(
textGrob(title, x = unit(0, "npc"), y = title_y, just = title_just, gp = title_gp),
edit_vp_in_legend_grob(legend_body, x = unit(1, "npc"), y = unit(1, "npc"),
valid.just = c(1, 1)),
vp = viewport(width = total_width, height = total_height),
cl = "legend"
attr(gf, "width") = total_width
attr(gf, "height") = total_height
} else if(title_position %in% c("leftcenter-rot", "lefttop-rot")) {
if(title_width > legend_height && title_position == "lefttop-rot") {
total_width = title_height + title_padding + legend_width
total_height = title_width
title_y = unit(1, "npc")
title_just = c("right", "top")
} else {
total_width = title_height + title_padding + legend_width
total_height = legend_height
if(title_position == "lefttop-rot") {
title_y = unit(1, "npc")
title_just = c("right", "top")
} else {
title_y = unit(0.5, "npc")
title_just = "top"
gf = grobTree(
textGrob(title, x = unit(0, "npc"), y = title_y, just = title_just, gp = title_gp, rot = 90),
edit_vp_in_legend_grob(legend_body, x = unit(1, "npc"), y = unit(1, "npc"),
valid.just = c(1, 1)),
vp = viewport(width = total_width, height = total_height, gp = gpar(fontsize = 10, lineheight = 0.8)),
cl = "legend"
attr(gf, "width") = total_width
attr(gf, "height") = total_height
object = new("Legends")
object@grob = gf
object@type = "single_legend"
object@name = name
object@n = 1
object@multiple = 1
object@direction = "vertical"
signature = "Legends",
definition = function(object) {
if(object@type == "single_legend") {
cat("A single legend\n")
} else if(object@type == "single_legend_no_title") {
cat("A single legend without title\n")
} else {
cat("A pack of", object@n, "legends\n")
widthDetails.Legend = function(x) {
attr(x, "width")
heightDetails.Legend = function(x) {
attr(x, "height")
# grids are arranged by rows or columns
discrete_legend_body = function(at, labels = at, nrow = NULL, ncol = 1, by_row = TRUE,
grid_height = unit(4, "mm"), grid_width = unit(4, "mm"),
gap = unit(2, "mm"), column_gap = gap, row_gap = unit(0, "mm"),
labels_gp = gpar(fontsize = 10),
border = "white", background = "#EEEEEE",
type = "grid", graphics = NULL, legend_gp = gpar(),
pch = 16, size = unit(2, "mm")) {
n_labels = length(labels)
if(is.null(nrow)) {
nrow = ceiling(n_labels / ncol)
} else {
ncol = ceiling(n_labels / nrow)
if(length(at) == 1) {
nrow = 1
ncol = 1
ncol = ifelse(ncol > n_labels, n_labels, ncol)
if(length(grid_height) == 1) grid_height = rep(grid_height, nrow)
if(length(grid_width) == 1) grid_width = rep(grid_width, ncol)
if(!is.null(graphics)) {
if(length(graphics) != n_labels) {
stop_wrap("Length of `graphics` should be the same as number of labels.")
if(!all(sapply(graphics, is.function))) {
stop_wrap("`graphics` should be a list of functions.")
if(length(graphics) == 0) graphics = NULL
labels_mat = matrix(c(labels, rep(NA, nrow*ncol - n_labels)), nrow = nrow, ncol = ncol, byrow = by_row)
index_mat = matrix(1:(nrow*ncol), nrow = nrow, ncol = ncol, byrow = by_row)
l_na = apply(labels_mat, 2, function(x) all(
if(any(l_na)) {
message_wrap(qq("No legend element is put in the last @{sum(l_na)} column@{ifelse(sum(l_na) > 1, 's', '')} under `ncol = @{ncol}`, maybe you should set `by_row = TRUE`? Reset `ncol` to @{sum(!l_na)}."))
ncol = sum(!l_na)
l_na = apply(labels_mat, 1, function(x) all(
if(any(l_na)) {
message_wrap(qq("No legend element is put in the last @{sum(l_na)} row@{ifelse(sum(l_na) > 1, 's', '')} under `nrow = @{nrow}`, maybe you should set `by_row = FALSE`? Reset `nrow` to @{sum(!l_na)}."))
nrow = sum(!l_na)
labels_padding_left = unit(1, "mm")
## max width for each column in the legend
labels_max_width = NULL
for(i in 1:ncol) {
if(i == 1) {
labels_max_width = max("unit.c", lapply(labels_mat[, i], function(x) {
grobWidth(textGrob(x, gp = labels_gp))
} else {
labels_max_width = unit.c(labels_max_width, max("unit.c", lapply(labels_mat[, i], function(x) {
grobWidth(textGrob(x, gp = labels_gp))
labels_max_width = convertWidth(labels_max_width, "mm")
row_height = NULL
for(i in 1:nrow) {
if(i == 1) {
row_height = max("unit.c", lapply(labels_mat[i, ], function(x) {
grobHeight(textGrob(x, gp = labels_gp))
} else {
row_height = unit.c(row_height, max("unit.c", lapply(labels_mat[i, ], function(x) {
grobHeight(textGrob(x, gp = labels_gp))
row_height = convertWidth(row_height + unit(4, "points"), "mm") # 4pt is the margin of the text
row_height_no_gap = row_height
for(i in seq_along(row_height)) {
row_height_no_gap[i]= row_height[i] = max(row_height[i], grid_height[i])
if(i < length(row_height)) {
row_height[i] = row_height[i] + row_gap
row_height = convertHeight(row_height, "mm")
legend_gp = recycle_gp(legend_gp, n_labels)
legend_body_width = sum(grid_width) + labels_padding_left*ncol + sum(labels_max_width) + column_gap*(ncol-1)
legend_body_height = sum(row_height)
legend_body_width = convertWidth(legend_body_width, "mm")
legend_body_height = convertHeight(legend_body_height, "mm")
# legend grid
gl = list()
previous_x = unit(0, "mm")
for(i in 1:ncol) {
if(inherits(labels_mat[1, 1], "expression")) {
index = index_mat[, i][sapply(labels_mat[, i], function(x) x) != ""]
} else {
index = index_mat[, i][![, i])]
ni = length(index)
y ="unit.c", lapply(1:ni, function(ind) {
if(ind == 1) {
unit(0, "points")
} else {
y = legend_body_height - y # from top
labels_x = previous_x + grid_width[i] + labels_padding_left
labels_y = y - (row_height[1:ni] - row_gap)*0.5
if(ni == nrow) labels_y[nrow] = y[nrow] - row_height[nrow]*0.5
labels_x = convertWidth(labels_x, "mm")
labels_y = convertHeight(labels_y, "mm")
gl = c(gl, list(
textGrob(labels[index], x = labels_x, y = labels_y, just = "left", gp = labels_gp)
######### graphics ############
# grid
sgd = subset_gp(legend_gp, index)
sgd2 = gpar()
if("grid" %in% type) {
sgd2$fill = sgd$fill
} else {
sgd2$fill = background
sgd2$col = border
grid_x = previous_x
grid_y = y - (row_height[1:ni] - row_gap)*0.5
if(ni == nrow) grid_y[nrow] = y[nrow] - row_height[nrow]*0.5
grid_x = convertWidth(grid_x, "mm")
grid_x = rep(grid_x, length(grid_y))
grid_y = convertHeight(grid_y, "mm")
if(is.null(graphics)) {
gl = c(gl, list(
rectGrob(x = grid_x, y = grid_y, width = grid_width[i], height = row_height_no_gap, gp = sgd2, just = "left")
if(any(c("points", "p") %in% type)) {
if(length(pch) == 1) pch = rep(pch, n_labels)
if(length(size) == 1) size = rep(size, n_labels)
if(is.character(pch)) {
gl = c(gl, list(
textGrob(pch[index], x = grid_x + grid_width[i]*0.5, y = grid_y, gp = subset_gp(legend_gp, index))
} else {
gl = c(gl,
.pointsGrob_as_a_list(x = grid_x + grid_width[i]*0.5, y = grid_y, pch = pch[index],
gp = subset_gp(legend_gp, index), size = size[index], width = grid_width[i], height = row_height_no_gap)
if(any(c("lines", "l") %in% type)) {
gl = c(gl, list(
segmentsGrob(x0 = grid_x, y0 = grid_y,
x1 = grid_x + grid_width[i], y1 = grid_y,
gp = subset_gp(legend_gp, index))
if(any(c("boxplot", "box") %in% type)) {
gl = c(gl, list(
segmentsGrob(x0 = grid_x + grid_width[i]*0.5, y0 = grid_y - row_height_no_gap*0.45,
x1 = grid_x + grid_width[i]*0.5, y1 = grid_y + row_height_no_gap*0.45,
gp = subset_gp(legend_gp, index)),
rectGrob(x = grid_x + grid_width[i]*0.5, y = grid_y, width = grid_width[i]*0.9, height = row_height_no_gap*0.5,
gp = subset_gp(legend_gp, index)),
segmentsGrob(x0 = grid_x + grid_width[i]*0.05, y0 = grid_y,
x1 = grid_x + grid_width[i]*0.95, y1 = grid_y,
gp = subset_gp(legend_gp, index))
} else {
fl = graphics[index]
gb_lt = list()
for(k in seq_along(fl)) {
gb_lt[[k]] = grid.grabExpr(fl[[k]](x = grid_x[1] + grid_width[i]*0.5, y = grid_y[k], w = grid_width[i], h = row_height_no_gap[k]), width = grid_width[i], height = row_height_no_gap[k])
gl = c(gl, gb_lt)
previous_x = previous_x + grid_width[i] + labels_max_width[i] + labels_padding_left + column_gap
class(gl) = "gList"
gt = gTree(children = gl, cl = "legend_body", vp = viewport(width = legend_body_width, height = legend_body_height))
attr(gt, "height") = legend_body_height
attr(gt, "width") = legend_body_width
vertical_continuous_legend_body = function(at, labels = at, col_fun,
break_dist = NULL, grid_height = unit(4, "mm"), grid_width = unit(4, "mm"),
legend_height = NULL,
labels_gp = gpar(fontsize = 10),
border = NULL) {
n = length(at)
breaks = attr(col_fun, "breaks")
if(identical(order(at), seq(n, 1))) {
breaks = rev(breaks)
break_dist = rev(break_dist)
} else {
od = order(at)
if(!is.null(break_dist)) {
if(!identical(od, 1:n)) {
stop_wrap("`at` should be sorted if `break_dist` is set.")
at = at[od]
labels = labels[od]
if(!is.null(break_dist)) {
if(is.null(breaks)) {
stop_wrap("`col_fun` must have a 'breaks' attribute if `break_dist` is set.")
if(length(break_dist) == 1) {
break_dist = rep(break_dist, n - 1)
if(length(break_dist) != n - 1) {
stop_wrap("Length of `break_dist` should be `length(at) - 1`.")
# this function is not vectorized
generate_map_fun = function(breaks) {
nb = length(breaks)
y = c(0, break_dist)
y = cumsum(y)/sum(y)
function(x) {
if(x <= y[1]) {
} else if(x >= y[nb]) {
} else {
for(i in 2:nb) {
if(x == y[i]) {
if(x < y[i]) {
return( (x - y[i-1])/(y[i] - y[i-1])*(breaks[i] - breaks[i-1]) + breaks[i-1] )
col_fun2 = col_fun
map_fun = generate_map_fun(sort(at))
col_fun = function(x) {
x2 = sapply(x, map_fun)
y = c(0, break_dist)
y = cumsum(y)/sum(y)
attr(col_fun, "breaks") = y
if(at[1] <= at[n]) {
at = y
} else {
at = rev(y)
n_labels = length(labels)
labels_max_width = max_text_width(labels, gp = labels_gp)
labels_padding_left = unit(1, "mm")
labels_gp = recycle_gp(labels_gp, n)
min_legend_height = unit(sum(sapply(seq_len(n), function(i) {
convertHeight(grobHeight(textGrob(labels[i], gp = subset_gp(labels_gp, i))), "mm", valueOnly = TRUE)
})), "mm") + unit(6 * (n-1), "points")
if(!is.null(legend_height)) {
if(convertHeight(legend_height, "mm", valueOnly = TRUE) < convertHeight(min_legend_height, "mm", valueOnly = TRUE)) {
warning_wrap("`legend_height` you specified is too small, use the default minimal height.")
legend_height = min_legend_height
} else {
legend_height = max(min_legend_height, unit(21.1, "mm")) # five-label legend
legend_height = convertHeight(legend_height, "mm")
segment_col = border
if(is_diff_equal(at)) {
at_diff_is_equal = TRUE
} else {
at_diff_is_equal = FALSE
labels_padding_left = unit(4, "mm")
# oborder = border
# if(is.null(border)) segment_col = "black"
legend_body_width = grid_width + labels_padding_left + labels_max_width
legend_body_height = legend_height
legend_body_width = convertWidth(legend_body_width, "mm")
legend_body_height = convertHeight(legend_body_height, "mm")
gl = list()
# labels
labels_line_height = convertHeight(grobHeight(textGrob("fooy", gp = labels_gp)), "mm")
x = unit(rep(0, n_labels), "npc")
offset = unit(2, "points") # space from the first break to the bottom and the last break to the top
k = length(at)
ymin = offset
ymax = legend_height-offset
y = (at - at[1])/(at[k] - at[1])*(ymax - ymin) + ymin
y = convertY(y, "mm")
labels_x = grid_width + labels_padding_left
labels_y = convertHeight(y, "mm")
if(!at_diff_is_equal) {
labels_line_height ="unit.c", lapply(labels,
function(x) grobHeight(textGrob(x, gp = labels_gp)) + unit(4, "pt")))
y_top = labels_y + labels_line_height*0.5
y_bottom = labels_y - labels_line_height*0.5
y_top = convertY(y_top, "mm", valueOnly = TRUE)
y_bottom = convertY(y_bottom, "mm", valueOnly = TRUE)
yrange = convertY(unit.c(offset - labels_line_height[1]*0.5,
legend_body_height - offset + labels_line_height[length(labels_line_height)]*0.5), "mm", valueOnly = TRUE)
new_pos = smartAlign(y_bottom, y_top, yrange)
y2 = (new_pos[, 1] + new_pos[, 2])/2
y2 = unit(y2, "mm")
labels_y = y2
if(all(abs(as.numeric(labels_y) - as.numeric(y)) < 1e-4)) {
adjust_text_pos = FALSE
labels_padding_left = unit(1, "mm")
labels_x = grid_width + labels_padding_left
legend_body_width = grid_width + labels_padding_left + labels_max_width
legend_body_width = convertWidth(legend_body_width, "mm")
# if(is.null(oborder)) segment_col = NULL
} else {
adjust_text_pos = TRUE
gl = c(gl, list(
textGrob(labels, x = labels_x, y = labels_y, just = "left", gp = labels_gp)
## colors
at2 = unlist(lapply(seq_len(n_labels - 1), function(i) {
x = seq(at[i], at[i+1], length = round((at[i+1]-at[i])/(at[k]-at[1])*100))
x = x[-length(x)]
at2 = c(at2, at[length(at)])
colors = col_fun(at2)
x2 = unit(rep(0, length(colors)), "npc")
y2 = seq(0, 1, length = length(colors)+1); y2 = y2[-length(y2)]
y2 = y2 * (legend_body_height - 2*offset) + offset
y2 = y2 + (y2[2] - y2[1])*0.5
hh = (legend_body_height - 2*offset)*(1/length(colors))
x2 = unit.c(unit(0, "npc"), x2, unit(0, "npc"))
y2 = unit.c(offset*0.5, y2, legend_body_height - offset*0.5)
hh = unit.c(offset, hh, offset)
colors = c(colors[1], colors, colors[length(colors)])
gl = c(gl, list(
rectGrob(x2, rev(y2), width = grid_width, height = hh, just = c("left", "center"),
gp = gpar(col = rev(colors), fill = rev(colors))),
segmentsGrob(unit(0, "npc"), y, unit(0.8, "mm"), y, gp = gpar(col = ifelse(is.null(border), "white", border))),
segmentsGrob(grid_width, y, grid_width - unit(0.8, "mm"), y, gp = gpar(col = ifelse(is.null(border), "white", border)))
if(adjust_text_pos) {
segment_x0 = grid_width
segment_y0 = y
segment_x1 = grid_width + labels_padding_left*(1/3)
segment_y1 = y
gl = c(gl, list(
segmentsGrob(segment_x0, segment_y0, segment_x1, segment_y1)
segment_x0 = grid_width + labels_padding_left - unit(0.5, "mm")
segment_y0 = labels_y
segment_x1 = grid_width + labels_padding_left*(2/3)
segment_y1 = labels_y
gl = c(gl, list(
segmentsGrob(segment_x0, segment_y0, segment_x1, segment_y1)
segment_x0 = grid_width + labels_padding_left*(1/3)
segment_y0 = y
segment_x1 = grid_width + labels_padding_left*(2/3)
segment_y1 = labels_y
gl = c(gl, list(
segmentsGrob(segment_x0, segment_y0, segment_x1, segment_y1)
if(!is.null(border)) {
gl = c(gl, list(
rectGrob(width = grid_width, height = legend_height, x = unit(0, "npc"), just = "left", gp = gpar(col = border, fill = "transparent"))
class(gl) = "gList"
gt = gTree(children = gl, cl = "legend_body", vp = viewport(width = legend_body_width, height = legend_body_height))
attr(gt, "height") = legend_body_height
attr(gt, "width") = legend_body_width
horizontal_continuous_legend_body = function(at, labels = at, col_fun,
break_dist = NULL, grid_height = unit(4, "mm"), grid_width = unit(4, "mm"),
legend_width = NULL,
labels_gp = gpar(fontsize = 10), labels_rot = 0,
border = NULL, legend_extension = unit(0, "mm")) {
n = k = length(at)
breaks = attr(col_fun, "breaks")
if(identical(order(at), seq(k, 1))) {
breaks = rev(breaks)
break_dist = rev(break_dist)
} else {
od = order(at)
if(!is.null(break_dist)) {
if(!identical(od, 1:n)) {
stop_wrap("`at` should be sorted if `break_dist` is set.")
at = at[od]
labels = labels[od]
if(!is.null(break_dist)) {
if(is.null(breaks)) {
stop_wrap("`col_fun` must have a 'breaks' attribute if `break_dist` is set.")
if(length(break_dist) == 1) {
break_dist = rep(break_dist, n - 1)
if(length(break_dist) != n - 1) {
stop_wrap(qq("Length of `break_dist` should be `length(at) - 1` which is @{length(at) - 1}."))
# this function is not vectorized
generate_map_fun = function(breaks) {
nb = length(breaks)
y = c(0, break_dist)
y = cumsum(y)/sum(y)
function(x) {
if(x <= y[1]) {
} else if(x >= y[nb]) {
} else {
for(i in 2:nb) {
if(x == y[i]) {
if(x < y[i]) {
return( (x - y[i-1])/(y[i] - y[i-1])*(breaks[i] - breaks[i-1]) + breaks[i-1] )
col_fun2 = col_fun
map_fun = generate_map_fun(sort(at))
col_fun = function(x) {
x2 = sapply(x, map_fun)
y = c(0, break_dist)
y = cumsum(y)/sum(y)
attr(col_fun, "breaks") = y
if(at[1] <= at[n]) {
at = y
} else {
at = rev(y)
labels_rot = labels_rot %% 360
n_labels = length(labels)
labels_width ="unit.c", lapply(labels, function(x) {
grobWidth(textGrob(x, gp = labels_gp, rot = labels_rot))
labels_max_height = max("unit.c", lapply(labels, function(x) {
grobHeight(textGrob(x, gp = labels_gp, rot = labels_rot))
labels_max_height = convertHeight(labels_max_height, "mm")
labels_padding_top = unit(1, "mm")
min_legend_width = sum(labels_width) + unit(2.1, "mm")*n_labels
if(is.null(legend_width)) legend_width = min_legend_width
segment_col = border
legend_body_width = legend_width
legend_body_height = grid_height + labels_padding_top + labels_max_height
legend_body_width = convertWidth(legend_body_width, "mm")
legend_body_height = convertHeight(legend_body_height, "mm")
gl = list()
# legend grid
offset = unit(2, "pt")
xmin = offset
xmax = legend_body_width - offset
x = (at - at[1])/(at[k] - at[1])*(xmax - xmin)+ xmin
x = convertX(x, "mm")
labels_x = convertWidth(x, "mm")
labels_y = legend_body_height - grid_height - labels_padding_top
if(labels_rot == 0) {
labels_just = "top"
} else if(labels_rot > 0 & labels_rot < 180) {
labels_just = "right"
} else if(labels_rot > 180 & labels_rot < 360) {
labels_just = "left"
# adjust the text position
labels_width ="unit.c", lapply(labels,
function(x) grobWidth(textGrob(x, gp = labels_gp, rot = labels_rot)) + unit(2, "mm")))
x_right = labels_x + labels_width*0.5
x_left = labels_x - labels_width*0.5
x_right = convertX(x_right, "mm", valueOnly = TRUE)
x_left = convertX(x_left, "mm", valueOnly = TRUE)
# adjust to the left extension, caused by e.g. title
ext = max(legend_extension, labels_width[1]*0.5 - offset)
xrange = convertX(unit.c(-ext,
legend_body_width - offset + labels_width[length(labels_width)]*0.5
), "mm", valueOnly = TRUE)
new_pos = smartAlign(x_left, x_right, xrange)
x2 = (new_pos[, 1] + new_pos[, 2])/2
x2 = unit(x2, "mm")
labels_x = x2
if(all(abs(as.numeric(labels_x) - as.numeric(x)) < 1e-4)) {
adjust_text_pos = FALSE
} else {
adjust_text_pos = TRUE
labels_padding_top = unit(4, "mm")
legend_body_height = grid_height + labels_padding_top + labels_max_height
legend_body_height = convertHeight(legend_body_height, "mm")
labels_y = legend_body_height - grid_height - labels_padding_top
# if(is.null(segment_col)) segment_col = "black"
gl = c(gl, list(
textGrob(labels, x = labels_x, y = labels_y, just = labels_just, gp = labels_gp, rot = labels_rot)
at2 = unlist(lapply(seq_len(n_labels - 1), function(i) {
x = seq(at[i], at[i+1], length = round((at[i+1]-at[i])/(at[k]-at[1])*100))
x = x[-length(x)]
at2 = c(at2, at[length(at)])
colors = col_fun(at2)
y2 = unit(rep(1, length(colors)), "npc")
x2 = seq(0, 1, length = length(colors)+1); x2 = x2[-length(x2)]
x2 = x2 * (legend_body_width - 2*offset) + offset
x2 = x2 + (x2[2] - x2[1])*0.5
ww = (legend_body_width - 2*offset)*(1/length(colors))
y2 = unit.c(unit(1, "npc"), y2, unit(1, "npc"))
x2 = unit.c(unit(0, "npc"), x2, legend_body_width - offset)
ww = unit.c(offset, ww, offset)
colors = c(colors[1], colors, colors[length(colors)])
gl = c(gl, list(
rectGrob(x2, y2, height = grid_height, width = ww, just = c("left", "top"),
gp = gpar(col = colors, fill = colors)),
segmentsGrob(x, legend_body_height - grid_height, x, legend_body_height - grid_height + unit(0.8, "mm"), gp = gpar(col = ifelse(is.null(border), "white", border))),
segmentsGrob(x, legend_body_height - unit(0.8, "mm"), x, legend_body_height, gp = gpar(col = ifelse(is.null(border), "white", border)))
if(adjust_text_pos) {
segment_x0 = x
segment_y0 = legend_body_height - grid_height
segment_x1 = x
segment_y1 = legend_body_height - grid_height - labels_padding_top*(1/3)
gl = c(gl, list(
segmentsGrob(segment_x0, segment_y0, segment_x1, segment_y1)
segment_x0 = labels_x
segment_y0 = legend_body_height - grid_height - labels_padding_top*(2/3)
segment_x1 = labels_x
segment_y1 = legend_body_height - grid_height - labels_padding_top + unit(0.5, "mm")
gl = c(gl, list(
segmentsGrob(segment_x0, segment_y0, segment_x1, segment_y1)
segment_x0 = x
segment_y0 = legend_body_height - grid_height - labels_padding_top*(1/3)
segment_x1 = labels_x
segment_y1 = legend_body_height - grid_height - labels_padding_top*(2/3)
gl = c(gl, list(
segmentsGrob(segment_x0, segment_y0, segment_x1, segment_y1)
if(!is.null(border)) {
gl = c(gl, list(
rectGrob(width = legend_width, height = grid_height, y = unit(1, "npc"), just = "top", gp = gpar(col = border, fill = "transparent"))
class(gl) = "gList"
gt = gTree(children = gl, cl = "legend_body", vp = viewport(width = legend_body_width, height = legend_body_height))
attr(gt, "height") = legend_body_height
attr(gt, "width") = legend_body_width
# == title
# Pack Legends
# == param
# -... A list of objects returned by `Legend`.
# -gap Gap between two neighbouring legends. The value is a `grid::unit` object with length of one.
# It is the same as ``row_gap`` if the direction if vertial and the same as ``column_gap`` if
# the direction is horizontal.
# -row_gap Horizontal gaps between legends.
# -column_gap Vertical gaps between legends.
# -direction The direction to arrange legends.
# -max_width The maximal width of the total packed legends. It only works for horizontal arrangement.
# If the total width of the legends exceeds it, the legends will be arranged into multiple rows.
# -max_height Similar as ``max_width``, but for the vertical arrangment of legends.
# -list The list of legends can be specified as a list.
# == value
# A `Legends-class` object.
# == seealso
# == example
# require(circlize)
# col_fun = colorRamp2(c(0, 0.5, 1), c("blue", "white", "red"))
# lgd1 = Legend(at = 1:6, legend_gp = gpar(fill = 1:6), title = "legend1")
# lgd2 = Legend(col_fun = col_fun, title = "legend2", at = c(0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1))
# pd = packLegend(lgd1, lgd2)
# draw(pd, test = "two legends")
# pd = packLegend(lgd1, lgd2, direction = "horizontal")
# draw(pd, test = "two legends packed horizontally")
packLegend = function(..., gap = unit(4, "mm"), row_gap = unit(4, "mm"), column_gap = unit(4, "mm"),
direction = c("vertical", "horizontal"),
max_width = NULL, max_height = NULL, list = NULL) {
if(!is.null(list)) {
legend_list = list
} else {
legend_list = list(...)
if(length(legend_list) == 1) {
legend_list = lapply(legend_list, function(x) {
lgd = x@grob
lgd$name = legend_grob_name()
direction = match.arg(direction)
if(direction == "vertical") {
if(missing(row_gap)) {
row_gap = gap
if(direction == "horizontal") {
if(missing(column_gap)) {
column_gap = gap
if(length(row_gap) != 1) {
stop_wrap("Length of `row_gap` must be one.")
if(length(column_gap) != 1) {
stop_wrap("Length of `column_gap` must be one.")
n_lgd = length(legend_list)
nr = 1
nc = 1
if(direction == "vertical") {
lgd_height ="unit.c", lapply(legend_list, grobHeight))
if(is.null(max_height)) {
ind_list = list(1:n_lgd)
nc = 1
} else {
lgd_height_num = convertHeight(lgd_height, "mm", valueOnly = TRUE)
max_height_num = convertHeight(max_height, "mm", valueOnly = TRUE)
gap_num = convertHeight(column_gap, "mm", valueOnly = TRUE)
if(n_lgd == 1 && max_height_num < lgd_height_num) {
ind_list = list(1)
nc = 1
} else {
ind_list = split_by_max(lgd_height_num, max_height_num, gap_num)
nc = length(ind_list)
pack_width = NULL
pack_height = NULL
for(i in 1:nc) {
ind = ind_list[[i]]
pack_width = unit.c(pack_width, max("unit.c", lapply(legend_list[ ind_list[[i]] ], grobWidth))) + column_gap)
hu ="unit.c", lapply(legend_list[ind], function(x) unit.c(grobHeight(x), row_gap)))
hu = hu[-length(hu)]
ph = sum(hu)
pack_height[i] = convertHeight(ph, "mm", valueOnly = TRUE)
pack_width[length(pack_width)] = pack_width[length(pack_width)] - column_gap
pack_width = convertWidth(pack_width, "mm")
pack_height = unit(max(pack_height), "mm")
## pack_width is the width for each column
## pack_height is the total height of the packed legends
gl = list()
for(i in 1:nc) {
ind = ind_list[[i]]
ni = length(ind)
legend_x = sum(pack_width[1:i]) - pack_width[i] # most left side
legend_x = convertX(legend_x, "mm")
for(j in 1:ni) {
# the legend height in current column
current_legend_height ="unit.c", lapply(legend_list[ind], function(x) grobHeight(x) + row_gap))
current_legend_height = convertHeight(current_legend_height, "mm")
legend_y = unit(1, "npc") - sum(current_legend_height[1:j]) + row_gap
gl = c(gl, list(
edit_vp_in_legend_grob(legend_list[[ ind[j] ]], x = legend_x, y = legend_y, valid.just = c(0, 0))
} else {
lgd_width ="unit.c", lapply(legend_list, grobWidth))
if(is.null(max_width)) {
ind_list = list(1:n_lgd)
nr = 1
} else {
lgd_width_num = convertWidth(lgd_width, "mm", valueOnly = TRUE)
max_width_num = convertWidth(max_width, "mm", valueOnly = TRUE)
gap_num = convertWidth(column_gap, "mm", valueOnly = TRUE)
if(n_lgd == 1 && max_width_num < lgd_width_num) {
ind_list = list(1)
nr = 1
} else {
ind_list = split_by_max(lgd_width_num, max_width_num, gap_num)
nr = length(ind_list)
pack_width = NULL
pack_height = NULL
for(i in 1:nr) {
ind = ind_list[[i]]
pack_height = unit.c(pack_height, max("unit.c", lapply(legend_list[ind], function(x) grobHeight(x) + row_gap))))
hu ="unit.c", lapply(legend_list[ind], function(x) unit.c(grobWidth(x), column_gap)))
hu = hu[-length(hu)]
ph = sum(hu)
pack_width[i] = convertWidth(ph, "mm", valueOnly = TRUE)
pack_height[length(pack_height)] = pack_height[length(pack_height)] - row_gap
pack_height = convertWidth(pack_height, "mm")
pack_width = unit(max(pack_width), "mm")
## pack_height is the height for each row
## pack_width is the total width of the packed legends
gl = list()
for(i in 1:nr) {
ind = ind_list[[i]]
ni = length(ind)
legend_y = unit(1, "npc") - sum(pack_height[1:i]) + pack_height[i] # most bottom side
for(j in 1:ni) {
# the legend width in current row
current_legend_width ="unit.c", lapply(legend_list[ind], function(x) grobWidth(x) + column_gap))
current_legend_width = convertWidth(current_legend_width, "mm")
legend_x = sum(current_legend_width[1:j]) - column_gap # most right side
legend_x = convertX(legend_x, "mm")
gl = c(gl, list(
edit_vp_in_legend_grob(legend_list[[ ind[j] ]], x = legend_x, y = legend_y, valid.just = c(1, 1))
pack_legends_width = sum(pack_width)
pack_legends_height = sum(pack_height)
pack_legends_width = convertWidth(pack_legends_width, "mm")
pack_legends_height = convertHeight(pack_legends_height, "mm")
class(gl) = "gList"
gt = gTree(children = gl, cl = "packed_legends", vp = viewport(width = pack_legends_width, height = pack_legends_height))
attr(gt, "width") = pack_legends_width
attr(gt, "height") = pack_legends_height
object = new("Legends")
object@grob = gt
object@type = "packed_legends"
object@direction = direction
object@n = n_lgd
if(direction == "vertical") {
object@multiple = nc
} else {
object@multiple = nr
split_by_max = function(x, max, gap = 0) {
x = x + gap
ind = seq_along(x)
ind_list = list()
while(length(x)) {
i2 = which(cumsum(x) < max)
if(length(i2)) {
i = max(i2)
} else {
i = 1
ind_list = c(ind_list, list(ind[seq_len(i)]))
x = x[-seq_len(i)]
ind = ind[-seq_len(i)]
legend_grob_name = (function() {
i = 1
function() {
txt = paste0("legend_grob_", i)
i <<- i + 1
edit_vp_in_legend_grob = function(gtree, ...) {
if(is.null(gtree$vp)) {
vp_param = list(...)
nm = names(vp_param)
if("valid.just" %in% nm) {
valid.just = vp_param$valid.just
} else {
valid.just = NULL
vp_param = vp_param[names(vp_param) != "valid.just"]
gtree$vp =, vp_param)
if(!is.null(valid.just)) {
gtree$vp$valid.just = valid.just
} else {
vp_param = list(...)
nm = names(vp_param)
if("just" %in% nm) {
vp_param$valid.just = valid_just(vp_param$just)
for(nm in names(vp_param)) {
gtree$vp[[nm]] = vp_param[[nm]]
# gtree$vp$name = legend_vp_name()
valid_just = function(just) {
if(length(just) == 1) {
just = switch(just,
"centre" = c("center", "center"),
"center" = c("center", "center"),
"left" = c("left", "center"),
"right" = c("right", "center"),
"top" = c("center", "top"),
"bottom" = c("center", "bottom"),
"top" = c("center", "top"),
c("center", "center"))
if(length(just) != 2) {
stop_wrap("`just` should be a single character or a vector of length 2.")
j = c("center" = 0.5, "left" = 0, "right" = 1, "top" = 1, "bottom" = 0)
if(is.character(just)) {
just = j[just]
} else if(!is.numeric(just)) {
stop_wrap("`just` can only be character or numeric.")
# == title
# Draw the Legends
# == param
# -object The `grid::grob` object returned by `Legend` or `packLegend`.
# -x The x position of the legends, measured in current viewport.
# -y The y position of the legends, measured in current viewport.
# -just Justification of the legends.
# -test Only used for testing.
# == details
# In the legend grob, there should always be a viewport attached which is like a wrapper of
# all the graphic elements in a legend.
# If in the ``object``, there is already a viewport attached, it will modify the ``x``, ``y``
# and ``valid.just`` of the viewport. If there is not viewport attached, a viewport
# with specified ``x``, ``y`` and ``valid.just`` is created and attached.
# You can also directly use `grid::grid.draw` to draw the legend object, but you can
# only control the position of the legends by first creating a parent viewport and adjusting
# the position of the parent viewport.
# == example
# lgd = Legend(at = 1:4, title = "foo")
# draw(lgd, x = unit(0, "npc"), y = unit(0, "npc"), just = c("left", "bottom"))
# # and a similar version of grid.draw
# pushViewport(viewport(x = unit(0, "npc"), y = unit(0, "npc"), just = c("left", "bottom")))
# grid.draw(lgd)
# popViewport()
setMethod(f = "draw",
signature = "Legends",
definition = function(object, x = unit(0.5, "npc"), y = unit(0.5, "npc"), just = "centre", test = FALSE) {
legend = object@grob
legend = edit_vp_in_legend_grob(legend, x = x, y = y, valid.just = valid_just(just))
if(is.character(test)) {
test2 = TRUE
} else {
test2 = test
test = ""
if(test2) {
# rect_grob = rectGrob(gp = gpar(col = "red", lty = 2, fill = "transparent"))
# legend$children[[rect_grob$name]] = rect_grob
# legend$childrenOrder = c(legend$childrenOrder, rect_grob$name)
if(test2) {
# grid.rect(width = grobWidth(legend), height = grobHeight(legend))
grid.text(test, x = 0.5, y = unit(1, "npc") - unit(1, "cm"))
# == title
# Draw the Legends
# == param
# -x The `grid::grob` object returned by `Legend` or `packLegend`.
# -recording Pass to `grid::grid.draw`.
# == details
# This function is actually an S3 method of the ``Legends`` class for the `grid::grid.draw`
# general method. It applies `grid::grid.draw` on the ``grob`` slot of the object.
# == example
# lgd = Legend(at = 1:4, title = "foo")
# pushViewport(viewport(x = unit(0, "npc"), y = unit(0, "npc"), just = c("left", "bottom")))
# grid.draw(lgd)
# popViewport()
grid.draw.Legends = function(x, recording = TRUE) {
grid.draw(x@grob, recording = recording)
# == title
# Grob width for legend_body
# == param
# -x A legend_body object.
widthDetails.legend_body = function(x) {
attr(x, "width")
# == title
# Grob height for legend_body
# == param
# -x A legend_body object.
heightDetails.legend_body = function(x) {
attr(x, "height")
# == title
# Grob width for packed_legends
# == param
# -x A legend object.
widthDetails.legend = function(x) {
attr(x, "width")
# == title
# Grob height for packed_legends
# == param
# -x A legend object.
heightDetails.legend = function(x) {
attr(x, "height")
# == title
# Grob width for packed_legends
# == param
# -x A packed_legends object.
widthDetails.packed_legends = function(x) {
attr(x, "width")
# == title
# Grob height for packed_legends
# == param
# -x A packed_legends object.
heightDetails.packed_legends = function(x) {
attr(x, "height")
# assume x is ordered
is_diff_equal = function(x) {
all(abs(diff(diff(x)))/mean(diff(x)) < 1e-4)
# x, y, pch, size, gp are all vectorized
# width and height are single values
# pch are numeric
.pointsGrob_as_a_list = function(x, y, pch, gp, size, width, height) {
n = length(x)
if(any(pch %in% 26:31)) {
gl = list()
for(i in 1:n) {
if(pch[i] == 26) {
gb = segmentsGrob(x[i] - width*0.4, y[i] - height*0.4, x[i] + width*0.4, y[i] + height*0.4, gp = subset_gp(gp[i]))
} else if(pch[i] == 27) {
gb = segmentsGrob(x[i] + width*0.4, y[i] - height*0.4, x[i] - width*0.4, y[i] + height*0.4, gp = subset_gp(gp[i]))
} else if(pch[i] == 28) {
gb = segmentsGrob(unit.c(x[i] - width*0.4, x[i] + width*0.4),
unit.c(y[i] - height*0.4, y[i] - height*0.4),
unit.c(x[i] + width*0.4, x[i] - width*0.4),
unit.c(y[i] + height*0.4, y[i] + height*0.4),
gp = subset_gp(gp[i]))
} else if(pch[i] %in% 29:31) {
stop_wrap("pch in 29:31 is not implemented in Legend().")
} else {
gb = pointsGrob(x = x[i], y = y[i], pch = pch[i], gp = subset_gp(gp, i), size = size[i])
gl = c(gl, list(gb))
} else {
gb = pointsGrob(x = x, y = y, pch = pch, gp = gp, size = size)
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