# environment that contains global variables
INDEX_ENV = new.env()
get_figure_index = function() {
increase_figure_index = function() {
get_heatmap_index = function() {
increase_heatmap_index = function() {
get_annotation_index = function() {
increase_annotation_index = function() {
get_row_annotation_index = function() {
increase_row_annotation_index = function() {
get_color_mapping_index = function() {
increase_color_mapping_index = function() {
# default colors for matrix or annotations
# this function should be improved later
default_col = function(x, main_matrix = FALSE) {
if(is.factor(x)) {
x = as.vector(x)
if(length(unique(as.vector(x))) == 1) {
x = as.character(x)
attributes(x) = NULL
x = x[!]
if(is.character(x)) { # discrete
levels = unique(x)
#colors = hsv(runif(length(levels)), 1-runif(1)/2, 1-runif(1)/2)
colors = rand_color(length(levels), luminosity = sample(c("bright", "light", "dark", "random"), 1))
names(colors) = levels
} else if(is.numeric(x)) {
if(main_matrix) {
p = sum(x > 0)/sum(x != 0)
if(p > 0.25 & p < 0.75) {
if(ht_opt$verbose) {
cat("This matrix has both negative and positive values, use a color mapping symmetric to zero\n")
if(length(unique(x)) >= 100) {
q1 = quantile(abs(x), 0.99)
col_fun = colorRamp2(c(-q1, 0, q1), c("blue", "#EEEEEE", "red"))
if(any(x > q1*3 | x < -q1*3)) {
message_wrap("The automatically generated colors map from the minus and plus 99^th of the absolute values in the matrix. There are outliers in the matrix whose patterns might be hidden by this color mapping. You can manually set the color to `col` argument.\n\nUse `suppressMessages()` to turn off this message.")
} else {
q1 = max(abs(x))
col_fun = colorRamp2(c(-q1, 0, q1), c("blue", "#EEEEEE", "red"))
} else {
if(length(unique(x)) >= 100) {
q1 = quantile(x, 0.01)
q2 = quantile(x, 0.99)
if(q1 == q2) {
col_fun = colorRamp2(seq(min(x), max(x), length = 3), c("blue", "#EEEEEE", "red"))
} else if(length(unique(x[x > q1 & x < q2])) == 1) {
col_fun = colorRamp2(seq(min(x), max(x), length = 3), c("blue", "#EEEEEE", "red"))
} else {
col_fun = colorRamp2(seq(q1, q2, length = 3), c("blue", "#EEEEEE", "red"))
if(any(x > q2 + (q2-q1) | x < q1 - (q2-q1))) {
message_wrap("The automatically generated colors map from the 1^st and 99^th of the values in the matrix. There are outliers in the matrix whose patterns might be hidden by this color mapping. You can manually set the color to `col` argument.\n\nUse `suppressMessages()` to turn off this message.")
} else {
col_fun = colorRamp2(seq(min(x), max(x), length = 3), c("blue", "#EEEEEE", "red"))
} else {
#col_fun = colorRamp2(range(min(x), max(x)), c("white", hsv(runif(1), 1, 1)))
col_fun = colorRamp2(range(min(x), max(x)), c("white", rand_color(1, luminosity = sample(c("bright", "dark"), 1))))
# == title
# Calculate Pairwise Distance from a Matrix
# == param
# -x A matrix or a list. If it is a matrix, the distance is calculated by rows.
# -pairwise_fun A function which calculates distance between two vectors.
# -... Pass to `stats::as.dist`.
# == detail
# You can construct any type of distance measurements by defining a pair-wise distance function.
# The function is implemented by two nested ``for`` loops, so the efficiency may not be so good.
# == value
# A `stats::dist` object.
# == author
# Zuguang Gu <>
# == example
# lt = lapply(1:10, function(i) {
# sample(letters, sample(6:10, 1))
# })
# dist2(lt, function(x, y) {
# length(intersect(x, y))/length(union(x, y))
# })
dist2 = function(x, pairwise_fun = function(x, y) sqrt(sum((x - y)^2)), ...) {
if(is.matrix(x)) {
if(nrow(x) < 2) {
stop_wrap("`x` should have at least two rows.")
nr = nrow(x)
mat2 = matrix(NA, nrow = nr, ncol = nr)
rownames(mat2) = colnames(mat2) = rownames(x)
for(i in 2:nr) {
for(j in 1:(nr-1)) {
mat2[i, j] = pairwise_fun(x[i, ], x[j, ])
as.dist(mat2, ...)
} else if(is.list(x)) {
if(length(x) < 2) {
stop_wrap("`x` should have at least length of 2.")
nr = length(x)
mat2 = matrix(NA, nrow = nr, ncol = nr)
rownames(mat2) = colnames(mat2) = names(x)
for(i in 2:nr) {
for(j in 1:(nr-1)) {
mat2[i, j] = pairwise_fun(x[[i]], x[[j]])
as.dist(mat2, ...)
} else {
stop_wrap("`x` can be a matrix or a list.")
get_dist = function(matrix, method) {
if(is.function(method)) {
nargs = length(as.list(args(method)))
if(nargs == 2) { # a distance function
dst = method(matrix)
} else if(nargs == 3) {
dst = dist2(matrix, method)
} else {
stop_wrap("Since your distance method is a function, it can only accept one or two arguments.")
} else if(inherits(method, "dist")) {
} else if(method %in% c("euclidean", "maximum", "manhattan", "canberra", "binary", "minkowski")) {
# if(any( {
# dst = get_dist(matrix, function(x, y) {
# l = |
# x = x[!l]
# y = y[!l]
# as.vector(dist(rbind(x, y), method = method))
# })
# warning("NA exists in the matrix, calculating distance by removing NA values.")
# } else {
dst = dist(matrix, method = method)
# }
} else if(method %in% c("pearson", "spearman", "kendall")) {
if(any( {
dst = get_dist(matrix, function(x, y) {
l = |
x = x[!l]
y = y[!l]
1 - cor(x, y, method = method)
warning_wrap("NA exists in the matrix, calculating distance by removing NA values.")
} else {
dst = switch(method,
pearson = as.dist(1 - cor(t(matrix), method = "pearson")),
spearman = as.dist(1 - cor(t(matrix), method = "spearman")),
kendall = as.dist(1 - cor(t(matrix), method = "kendall")))
} else {
stop_wrap(qq("method @{method} not supported"))
get_dend_order = function(x) {
hclust = x$order,
dendrogram = order.dendrogram(x))
recycle_gp = function(gp, n = 1) {
for(i in seq_along(gp)) {
x = gp[[i]]
gp[[i]] = c(rep(x, floor(n/length(x))), x[seq_len(n %% length(x))])
check_gp = function(gp) {
if(!"lineheight" %in% names(gp)) {
gp$lineheight = 0.9
if(!inherits(gp, "gpar")) {
stop_wrap("Graphic parameters should be specified by `gpar()`.")
# == title
# Subset a gpar Object
# == param
# -gp A `gpar` object.
# -i A vector of indices.
# == value
# A `grid::gpar` object.
# == example
# gp = gpar(col = 1:10, fill = 1)
# subset_gp(gp, 1:5)
subset_gp = function(gp, i) {
gp = lapply(gp, function(x) {
if(length(x) == 1) x
else x[i]
class(gp) = "gpar"
get_text_just = function(rot, side) {
rot = rot %% 360
if(! rot %in% c(0, 90, 270)) {
stop_wrap("Only support horizontal or vertical rotations for text.\n")
if(side == "left") {
if(rot == 0) {
return(c(1, 0.5))
} else if(rot == 90) {
return(c(0.5, 0))
} else if(rot == 270) {
return(c(0.5, 1))
} else if(side == "right") {
if(rot == 0) {
return(c(0, 0.5))
} else if(rot == 90) {
return(c(0.5, 1))
} else if(rot == 270) {
return(c(0.5, 0))
} else if(side == "top") {
if(rot == 0) {
return(c(0.5, 0))
} else if(rot == 90) {
return(c(0, 0.5))
} else if(rot == 270) {
return(c(1, 0.5))
} else if(side == "bottom") {
if(rot == 0) {
return(c(0.5, 1))
} else if(rot == 90) {
return(c(1, 0.5))
} else if(rot == 270) {
return(c(0, 0.5))
c.list = function(lt, ..., list = NULL) {
if(length(lt) == 0) lt = list()
if(is.null(list)) {
lt_add = list(...)
n = length(lt)
for(i in seq_along(lt_add)) {
lt[[n+i]] = lt_add[[i]]
} else {
lt = c(lt, list)
rep.list = function(x, n) {
lt = vector("list", n)
for(i in seq_len(n)) {
lt[i] = list(x)
# == title
# List All Heatmap Components
# == param
# -pattern A regular expression.
# == value
# A vector of viewport names.
list_components = function(pattern = NULL) {
vp = = TRUE, grobs = FALSE, flatten = FALSE, print = FALSE)
vp = unlist(vp)
attributes(vp) = NULL
vp = vp[!grepl("^\\d+$", vp)]
vp = vp[!grepl("GRID.VP", vp)]
# unique(vp)
if(!is.null(pattern)) {
vp = grep(pattern, vp, value = TRUE)
# == title
# Maximum Width of Text
# == param
# -text A vector of text.
# -gp Graphic parameters for text.
# -rot Rotation of the text, scalar.
# == details
# It simply calculates maximum width of a list of `grid::textGrob` objects.
# Note it ignores the text rotation.
# == value
# A `grid::unit` object which is in "mm".
# == author
# Zuguang Gu <>
# == seealso
# `max_text_height` calculates the maximum height of a text vector.
# == example
# x = c("a", "bb", "ccc")
# max_text_width(x, gp = gpar(fontsize = 10))
max_text_width = function(text, gp = gpar(), rot = 0) {
if(is.null(text)) {
return(unit(0, "mm"))
n = length(text)
gp = recycle_gp(gp, n)
u = max("unit.c", lapply(seq_len(n), function(i) grobWidth(textGrob(text[i], gp = subset_gp(gp, i), rot = rot)))))
convertWidth(u, "mm")
# == title
# Maximum Height of Text
# == param
# -text A vector of text.
# -gp Graphic parameters for text.
# -rot Rotation of the text, scalar.
# == details
# It simply calculates maximum height of a list of `grid::textGrob` objects.
# Note it ignores the text rotation.
# == value
# A `grid::unit` object.
# == author
# Zuguang Gu <>
# == seealso
# `max_text_width` calculates the maximum width of a text vector.
# == example
# x = c("a", "b\nb", "c\nc\nc")
# max_text_height(x, gp = gpar(fontsize = 10))
max_text_height = function(text, gp = gpar(), rot = 0) {
if(is.null(text)) {
return(unit(0, "mm"))
n = length(text)
gp = recycle_gp(gp, n)
u = max("unit.c", lapply(seq_len(n), function(i) grobHeight(textGrob(text[i], gp = subset_gp(gp, i), rot = rot)))))
convertHeight(u, "mm")
text_width = function(text, gp = gpar()) {
if(is.null(text)) {
return(unit(0, "mm"))
n = length(text)
gp = recycle_gp(gp, n)
u ="unit.c", lapply(seq_len(n), function(i) grobWidth(textGrob(text[i], gp = subset_gp(gp, i)))))
convertWidth(u, "mm")
text_height = function(text, gp = gpar()) {
if(is.null(text)) {
return(unit(0, "mm"))
n = length(text)
gp = recycle_gp(gp, n)
u ="unit.c", lapply(seq_len(n), function(i) grobHeight(textGrob(text[i], gp = subset_gp(gp, i)))))
convertHeight(u, "mm")
dev.null = function(...) {
pdf(file = NULL, ...)
stop_wrap = function (...) {
x = paste0(...)
x = paste(strwrap(x), collapse = "\n")
stop(x, call. = FALSE)
warning_wrap = function (...) {
x = paste0(...)
x = paste(strwrap(x), collapse = "\n")
warning(x, call. = FALSE)
message_wrap = function (...) {
x = paste0(...)
x = paste(strwrap(x), collapse = "\n")
generate_param_list_fun = function(default) {
if(!is.list(default)) {
stop_wrap("`default` needs to be a list.")
lt = default
function(..., list = NULL) {
if(missing(list)) {
lt2 = list(...)
} else {
lt2 = list
for(nm in intersect(names(lt), names(lt2))) {
lt[[nm]] = lt2[[nm]]
add_vp_name = function(vpname) {
grid.text(vpname, 0, 1, just = c("left", "top"), gp = gpar(fontsize = 6, col = "red"))
upViewport = function(...) {
if(ht_global_opt$show_vp) {
grid.rect(gp = gpar(fill = "transparent", col = "black", lty = 3))
vpname = current.viewport()$name
if(!grepl("^GRID.VP", vpname)) {
popViewport = function(...) {
if(ht_global_opt$show_vp) {
grid.rect(gp = gpar(fill = "transparent", col = "black", lty = 3))
vpname = current.viewport()$name
if(!grepl("^GRID.VP", vpname)) {
dev.off2 = function () {
i1 = dev.prev()
i2 = dev.cur()
if (i1 == 2) {
} else if(i1 > 2) {
i11 = dev.prev(i1)
if(names(i11) == "RStudioGD") {
} else {
unit.c = function(...) {
lt = list(...)
lt = lt[!sapply(lt, is.null)], lt)
">.unit" = function(x, y) {
if(!unit_in_mm(x)) {
stop_wrap("x should be in mm unit")
if(!unit_in_mm(y)) {
stop_wrap("y should be in mm unit")
as.numeric(x) > as.numeric(y)
"<.unit" = function(x, y) {
if(!unit_in_mm(x)) {
stop_wrap("x should be in mm unit")
if(!unit_in_mm(y)) {
stop_wrap("y should be in mm unit")
as.numeric(x) < as.numeric(y)
unit_in_mm = function(x) {
identical(unitType(x), "mm")
unit_to_numeric = function(x) {
normalize_graphic_param_to_mat = function(x, nc, nr, name) {
if(is.matrix(x)) {
if(nrow(x) == nr && ncol(x) == nc) {
} else {
stop_wrap(paste0(name, "needs to be a matrix with ", nc, " columns and ", nr, " rows."))
} else {
if(length(x) == nc) {
return(matrix(rep(x, each = nr), ncol = nc))
} else if(length(x) == nr) {
return(matrix(rep(x, times = nc), ncol = nc))
} else if(length(x) == 1) {
return(matrix(x, ncol = nc, nrow = nr))
} else {
stop_wrap(paste0("Since ", name, " is a vector, it should have length of ", nc, " or ", nr, "."))
recycle_param = function(x, all_names, default, as.list = FALSE) {
n = length(all_names)
if(length(x) == 0) {
if(as.list) {
rep(list(default), n)
} else {
rep(default, n)
} else if(length(x) == n) {
if(as.list) {
x = lapply(1:n, function(i) x[i])
} else {
nm = names(x)
if(length(intersect(nm, all_names)) == 0) {
nm = NULL
if(is.null(nm)) {
if(length(x) == 1) {
if(as.list) {
x = rep(list(x), n)
} else {
x = rep(x, n)
} else {
if(length(x) > n) {
x = x[1:n]
if(as.list) {
x = lapply(1:n, function(i) x[i])
} else {
if(as.list) {
x = c(lapply(seq_along(x), function(i) x[i],
rep(list(default), n - length(x))))
} else {
x = c(x, rep(default, n - length(x)))
} else {
if(as.list) {
x2 = rep(list(default), n)
names(x2) = all_names
for(cn in intersect(nm, all_names)) {
x2[[cn]] = x[cn]
x = x2
} else {
x2 = structure(rep(default, n), names = all_names)
x2[intersect(nm, all_names)] = x[intersect(nm, all_names)]
x = x2
# recycle_list(list(a = 1), "a")
# recycle_list(1, c("a", "b"))
# recycle_list(list(a = 1), c("a", "b"), 0)
recycle_list = function(x, all_names, default = NULL) {
n = length(all_names)
if(is.null(x)) {
lt = rep(list(default), n)
names(lt) = all_names
if(length(x) == 1 && !is.list(x) && n == 1) {
lt = list(x)
names(lt) = all_names
if(length(x) == 1 && !is.list(x)) {
lt = rep(list(x), n)
names(lt) = all_names
if(is.list(x)) {
lt = rep(list(default), n)
names(lt) = all_names
for(nm in names(x)) {
lt[[nm]] = x[[nm]]
if(length(x) == n) {
lt = lapply(x, function(y) y)
names(lt) = all_names
stop_wrap("Not compatible with the annotations.")
# == title
# Convert XY in a Parent Viewport
# == param
# -u A list of two units which correspond to x and y.
# -vp_name The name of the parent viewport.
# == details
# It converts a coordinate measured in current viewport to the coordinate in a parent viewport.
# In the conversion, all units are recalculated as absolute units, so if you change the size
# of the interactive graphic window, you need to rerun the function.
# == value
# A list of two units.
# == example
# grid.newpage()
# pushViewport(viewport(x = 0.5, y = 0.5, width = 0.5, height = 0.5, just = c("left", "bottom")))
# grid.rect()
# grid.points(x = unit(2, "cm"), y = unit(2, "cm"), pch = 1)
# u = list(x = unit(2, "cm"), y = unit(2, "cm"))
# u2 = getXY_in_parent_vp(u)
# popViewport()
# grid.rect(gp = gpar(col = "red"))
# grid.points(x = u2$x, u2$y, pch = 2)
getXY_in_parent_vp = function(u, vp_name = "ROOT") {
if(inherits(u, "unit")) {
if(length(u) == 2) {
u = list(x = u[1], y = u[2])
} else {
stop_wrap("If `u` is a unit vector, it must have length of 2.")
if(length(u) != 2) {
stop_wrap("`u` should be a list of length of 2 (two elements: `x` and `y`).")
if(is.null(names(u))) {
names(u) = c("x", "y")
vp = current.viewport()
current_vp_name = vp$name
original_vp_name = current_vp_name
if(current_vp_name == "ROOT") {
while(current_vp_name != vp_name) {
if(current_vp_name == "ROOT") {
stop_wrap(qq("Cannot find a parent viewport with name \"@{vp_name}\"."))
u$x = convertX(u$x, "mm")
u$y = convertX(u$y, "mm")
# vp is measured in parent vp
current_vp_x = vp$x - vp$width*vp$valid.just[1]
current_vp_y = vp$y - vp$height*vp$valid.just[2]
offset_x = convertX(current_vp_x, "mm")
offset_y = convertY(current_vp_y, "mm")
u$x = u$x + offset_x
u$y = u$y + offset_y
vp = current.viewport()
current_vp_name = vp$name
# == title
# Get Values in a Matrix by Pair-wise Indices
# == param
# -m A matrix or a 3-dimension array.
# -i Row indices or the indices in the first dimension.
# -j Column indicies or the indices in the second dimension.
# == value
# If ``m`` is a matrix, the value returned is a vector ``c(m[i1, j1], m[i2, j2], ...)```.
# If ``m`` is an array, the value returned is a matrix ``rbind(m[i1, j1, ], m[i2, j2, ], ...)```.
# == example
# m = matrix(rnorm(100), 10)
# m2 = m[m > 0]
# ind ="rbind", lapply(1:10, function(ci) {
# i = which(m[, ci] > 0)
# cbind(i = i, j = rep(ci, length(i)))
# }))
# pindex(m, ind[, 1], ind[, 2])
# identical(pindex(m, ind[, 1], ind[, 2]), m[m > 0])
# # 3d array
# arr = array(1:27, dim = c(3, 3, 3))
# pindex(arr, 1:2, 2:3)
# identical(pindex(arr, 1:2, 2:3),
# rbind(arr[1, 2, ], arr[2, 3, ]))
pindex = function(m, i, j) {
if(length(i) == 1) i = rep(i, length(j))
if(length(j) == 1) j = rep(j, length(i))
if(length(i) != length(j)) {
stop_wrap("Length of index i and j should be the same.")
nr = nrow(m)
nc = ncol(m)
ind = (j-1)*nr + i
dm = dim(m)
if(length(dm) == 2) {
v = as.vector(m)
} else if(length(dm) == 3) {
v = m
dim(v) = c(dm[1]*dm[2], dm[3])
v[ind, , drop = FALSE]
} else {
stop_wrap("dimension of `m` can only be 2 and 3.")
# == title
# Restore the index vector to index matrix in layer_fun
# == param
# -j Column indices directly from ``layer_fun``.
# -i Row indices directly from ``layer_fun``.
# -x Position on x-direction directly from ``layer_fun``.
# -y Position on y-direction directly from ``layer_fun``.
# == details
# The values that are sent to ``layer_fun`` are all vectors (for the vectorization
# of the grid graphic functions), however, the heatmap slice where
# ``layer_fun`` is applied to, is still represented by a matrix, thus, it would be
# very convinient if all the arguments in ``layer_fun`` can be converted to the
# sub-matrix for the current slice. Here, as shown in above example,
# `restore_matrix` does the job. `restore_matrix` directly accepts the first
# four argument in ``layer_fun`` and returns an index matrix, where rows and
# columns correspond to the rows and columns in the current slice, from top to
# bottom and from left to right. The values in the matrix are the natural order
# of e.g. vector ``j`` in current slice.
# For following code:
# Heatmap(small_mat, name = "mat", col = col_fun,
# row_km = 2, column_km = 2,
# layer_fun = function(j, i, x, y, w, h, fill) {
# ind_mat = restore_matrix(j, i, x, y)
# print(ind_mat)
# }
# )
# The first output which is for the top-left slice:
# [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5]
# [1,] 1 4 7 10 13
# [2,] 2 5 8 11 14
# [3,] 3 6 9 12 15
# As you see, this is a three-row and five-column index matrix where the first
# row corresponds to the top row in the slice. The values in the matrix
# correspond to the natural index (i.e. 1, 2, ...) in ``j``, ``i``, ``x``, ``y``,
# ... in ``layer_fun``. Now, if we want to add values on the second column in the
# top-left slice, the code which is put inside ``layer_fun`` would look like:
# for(ind in ind_mat[, 2]) {
# grid.text(small_mat[i[ind], j[ind]], x[ind], y[ind], ...)
# }
# == example
# set.seed(123)
# mat = matrix(rnorm(81), nr = 9)
# Heatmap(mat, row_km = 2, column_km = 2,
# layer_fun = function(j, i, x, y, width, height, fill) {
# ind_mat = restore_matrix(j, i, x, y)
# print(ind_mat)
# })
# set.seed(123)
# mat = matrix(round(rnorm(81), 2), nr = 9)
# Heatmap(mat, row_km = 2, column_km = 2,
# layer_fun = function(j, i, x, y, width, height, fill) {
# ind_mat = restore_matrix(j, i, x, y)
# ind = unique(c(ind_mat[2, ], ind_mat[, 3]))
# grid.text(pindex(mat, i[ind], j[ind]), x[ind], y[ind])
# })
restore_matrix = function(j, i, x, y) {
x = as.numeric(x)
y = as.numeric(y)
od = order(x, rev(y))
ind = seq_along(i)
j = j[od]
i = i[od]
x = x[od]
y = y[od]
ind = ind[od]
nr = length(unique(i))
nc = length(unique(j))
# I = matrix(i, nrow = nr, ncol = nc)
# J = matrix(j, nrow = nr, ncol = nc)
IND = matrix(ind, nrow = nr, ncol = nc)
unit_with_vp = function(..., vp = current.viewport()$name) {
u = unit(...)
attr(u, "viewport") = vp
# == title
# Draw a Single Boxplot
# == param
# -value A vector of numeric values.
# -pos Position of the boxplot.
# -outline Whether draw outlines?
# -box_width width of the box.
# -pch Point type.
# -size Point size.
# -gp Graphic parameters.
# -direction Whether the box is vertical or horizontal.
# == details
# All the values are measured with ``native`` coordinate.
# == example
# lt = list(rnorm(100), rnorm(100))
# grid.newpage()
# pushViewport(viewport(xscale = c(0.5, 2.5), yscale = range(lt)))
# grid.boxplot(lt[[1]], pos = 1, gp = gpar(fill = "red"))
# grid.boxplot(lt[[2]], pos = 2, gp = gpar(fill = "green"))
# popViewport()
grid.boxplot = function(value, pos, outline = TRUE, box_width = 0.6,
pch = 1, size = unit(2, "mm"), gp = gpar(fill = "#CCCCCC"),
direction = c("vertical", "horizontal")) {
direction = match.arg(direction)[1]
boxplot_stats = boxplot(value, plot = FALSE)$stats
if(direction == "vertical") {
grid.rect(x = pos, y = boxplot_stats[2, 1],
height = boxplot_stats[4, 1] - boxplot_stats[2, 1], width = 1*box_width, just = "bottom",
default.units = "native", gp = gp)
grid.segments(pos - 0.5*box_width, boxplot_stats[5, 1],
pos + 0.5*box_width, boxplot_stats[5, 1],
default.units = "native", gp = gp)
grid.segments(pos, boxplot_stats[5, 1],
pos, boxplot_stats[4, 1],
default.units = "native", gp = gp)
grid.segments(pos, boxplot_stats[1, 1],
pos, boxplot_stats[2, 1],
default.units = "native", gp = gp)
grid.segments(pos - 0.5*box_width, boxplot_stats[1, 1],
pos + 0.5*box_width, boxplot_stats[1, 1],
default.units = "native", gp = gp)
grid.segments(pos - 0.5*box_width, boxplot_stats[3, 1],
pos + 0.5*box_width, boxplot_stats[3, 1],
default.units = "native", gp = gp)
if(outline) {
l1 = value > boxplot_stats[5, 1]
if(sum(l1)) grid.points(x = rep(pos, sum(l1)), y = value[l1],
default.units = "native", gp = gp, pch = pch, size = size)
l2 = value < boxplot_stats[1, 1]
if(sum(l2)) grid.points(x = rep(pos, sum(l2)), y = value[l2],
default.units = "native", gp = gp, pch = pch, size = size)
} else {
grid.rect(y = pos, x = boxplot_stats[2, 1],
width = boxplot_stats[4, 1] - boxplot_stats[2, 1], height = 1*box_width, just = "left",
default.units = "native", gp = gp)
grid.segments(boxplot_stats[5, 1], pos - 0.5*box_width,
boxplot_stats[5, 1], pos + 0.5*box_width,
default.units = "native", gp = gp)
grid.segments(boxplot_stats[5, 1], pos,
boxplot_stats[4, 1], pos,
default.units = "native", gp = gp)
grid.segments(boxplot_stats[1, 1], pos,
boxplot_stats[2, 1], pos,
default.units = "native", gp = gp)
grid.segments(boxplot_stats[1, 1], pos - 0.5*box_width,
boxplot_stats[1, 1], pos + 0.5*box_width,
default.units = "native", gp = gp)
grid.segments(boxplot_stats[3, 1], pos - 0.5*box_width,
boxplot_stats[3, 1], pos + 0.5*box_width,
default.units = "native", gp = gp)
if(outline) {
l1 = value > boxplot_stats[5, 1]
if(sum(l1)) grid.points(y = rep(pos, sum(l1)), x = value[l1],
default.units = "native", gp = gp, pch = pch, size = size)
l2 = value < boxplot_stats[1, 1]
if(sum(l2)) grid.points(y = rep(pos, sum(l2)), x = value[l2],
default.units = "native", gp = gp, pch = pch, size = size)
random_str = function(k = 1, len = 10) {
sapply(seq_len(k), function(i) paste(sample(c(letters, LETTERS, 0:9), len), collapse = ""))
to_unit_str = function(unit) {
to_unit = function(str) {
d = gsub("[^\\d]+$", "", str, perl = TRUE)
u = gsub("[\\d.]", "", str, perl = TRUE)
unit(as.numeric(d), u)
# nr <= nrow(mat)
# nc <- ncol(mat)
resize_matrix = function(mat, nr, nc, fun = median) {
w_ratio = nc/ncol(mat)
h_ratio = nr/nrow(mat)
ind_r2 = ceiling(1:nr / h_ratio)
ind_r1 = c(1, ind_r2[-length(ind_r2)]+1)
ind_c2 = ceiling(1:nc / w_ratio)
ind_c1 = c(1, ind_c2[-length(ind_c2)]+1)
if(is.null(fun)) {
mat[ ceiling(1:nr / h_ratio), ceiling(1:nc / w_ratio), drop = FALSE]
} else {
nr_reduced = length(ind_r1)
nc_reduced = length(ind_c1)
ind_grid = expand.grid(1:nr_reduced, 1:nc_reduced)
mat_reduced = matrix(nrow = nr_reduced, ncol = nc_reduced)
for(k in seq_len(nrow(ind_grid))) {
i = ind_grid[k, 1]
j = ind_grid[k, 2]
subm = mat[seq(ind_r1[i], ind_r2[i]), seq(ind_c1[j], ind_c1[j]), drop = FALSE]
mat_reduced[i, j] = fun(subm)
color_overlap = function (r0, g0, b0, r, g, b, alpha = 1) {
l_na_1 = | |
l_na_2 = | |
r = ifelse(l_na_1 & l_na_2, 1, ifelse(l_na_1, r * alpha,
ifelse(l_na_2, r0, r * alpha + r0 * (1 - alpha))))
g = ifelse(l_na_1 & l_na_2, 1, ifelse(l_na_1, g * alpha,
ifelse(l_na_2, g0, g * alpha + g0 * (1 - alpha))))
b = ifelse(l_na_1 & l_na_2, 1, ifelse(l_na_1, b * alpha,
ifelse(l_na_2, b0, b * alpha + b0 * (1 - alpha))))
return(list(r = r, g = g, b = b))
colorRamp2_biv = function(f1, f2, transparency = 0.5) {
f1 = f1
f2 = f2
if(length(transparency) == 1) transparency = rep(transparency, 2)
f = function(x1, x2) {
if(missing(x2)) {
if(ncol(x1) == 2) {
x2 = x1[, 2]
x1 = x1[, 1]
} else {
stop_wrap("If only one variable is specified, it should be a matrix/data frame with two columns.")
col1 = col2rgb(f1(x1), alpha = TRUE)/255
col2 = col2rgb(f2(x2), alpha = TRUE)/255
if(length(transparency)) {
col1[4, ] = 1 - transparency[1]
col2[4, ] = 1 - transparency[2]
col1 = col1[1:3, , drop = FALSE] * rep(col1[4, ], each = 3)
lt = color_overlap(col1[1, ], col1[2, ], col1[3, ],
col2[1, ], col2[2, ], col2[3, ], alpha = col2[4, ])
rgb(lt[[1]], lt[[2]], lt[[3]])
is_RStudio_current_dev = function() {
dv = names(dev.list())
if(length(dv) < 2) {
} else {
n = length(dv)
if(dv[n-1] == "RStudioGD") {
} else {
# dev.size = function(units = "in") {
# ds = par("din")
# if(units == "cm") {
# ds = ds*2.54
# } else if(units == "px") {
# stop("px is not supported.")
# }
# ds
# }
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