# Functions for ChIPseqR package
# Author: Peter Humburg
############## read mapping #######################
## align sequence data according to transcription start sites
## data: mapped reads (ReadCounts object)
## anno: gff formated annotations for genes (or any other feature of interest)
## offset: number of base pairs to use from either side of TSS
## returns a list of sequences centred around TSS
alignFeature <- function(data, anno, offset = 1000){
align <- function(start,x,offset){
chr <- as.character(start[1,1])
pos <- as.numeric(start[1,2])
if(is.null(x[[chr]])) return(NULL)
## read counts may be compressed
x <- decompress(x[[chr]])
## may be dealing with pooled forward and reverse read counts
if(!is.matrix(x)) x <- matrix(x, ncol=1)
ret <- matrix(0,ncol=ncol(x),nrow=2*offset+1)
slice <- (offset-min(pos,offset)+1):(offset+min(offset,nrow(x)-pos-1)+1)
ret[slice,] <- x[(pos-(offset-slice[1]+1)):(pos+(slice[length(slice)]-offset-1)),]
seq.genes <- vector(nrow(anno), mode="list")
for(i in 1:nrow(anno)){
reverse <- anno[i,7]=="-"
seq.genes[[i]] <- align(anno[i,c(1,4+reverse)], data, offset)
if(reverse) seq.genes[[i]] <- rev(seq.genes[[i]])
## compute sliding window summaries of read counts
windowCounts <- function(reads, window=1000, shift=500, method=sum){
views <- slidingViews(reads, window, shift)
wndw <- viewApply(views, function(v) method(as.vector(v)))
names(wndw) <- mid(ranges(views))
########### visualisation ####################
## plot read counts in a window, optionally with overlayed score and nucleosome positions
.plotWindow <- function(data, chr, center, score, width=2000, bind, start, end,
bind.col=3, score.type='l', xlab=NULL, ylab="Read count", cutoff=TRUE, offset=1, ...){
stopifnot(is(data, "ReadCounts") || is.list(data))
data <- data[[chr]]
if(missing(start)) start <- floor(center - ceiling(width/2))
if(missing(end)) end <- ceiling(center + ceiling(width/2))
range <- start:end - offset + 1
height <- max(data[range,])
mar <- par("mar")
mar[4] <- max(4.1, mar[4])
score <- score[[chr, start:end]]
peaks <- unlist(peaks(score))
if(missing(bind)) bind <- binding(score)
support <- support(score)
binding <- binding(score)
cutValue <- cutoff(score)["score"]
score <- unlist(score(score))
## plot read counts
if(is.null(xlab)) xlab <- paste(chr, start, "-", end)
plot(start:end, data[range,1], ylim=c(0,height), type='h', ylab=ylab, xlab=xlab, col=2, ...)
lines(start:end, data[range,2], type='h', col=4, lty=2)
## plot score
score.col <- col2rgb(3)/255
score.col <- rgb(sqrt(score.col[1,]), sqrt(score.col[2,]), sqrt(score.col[3,]))
min.score <- min(score, na.rm=TRUE)
max.score <- max(score, na.rm=TRUE)
denom <- ((max.score-min.score)/height)
lines(start:end, (score - min.score)/denom, col=score.col, lty=1, type=score.type, cex=0.5)
if(cutoff) abline(h=(cutValue - min.score)/denom, col=score.col, lty=2)
## add axis
ticks <- pretty(score) <- height*(ticks - min.score)/(max.score-min.score)
axis(4, labels=ticks,, col=score.col, col.axis=score.col)
mtext("Score", side=4, line=2.5, cex=par("cex")*par("cex.lab"), col=score.col)
## plot predicted binding sites
if(length(peaks) > 0)
.plotBind(peaks, 0, col=bind.col, b=bind, bind=binding, offset=0,
step=-0.01*(par("usr")[4]-par("usr")[3]), lwd=4, lend=1, extend=support)
## plot binding sites
## plots binding region (bind) of predicted binding site as well as actual (assumed) length of binding site (b)
.plotBind <- function(x, y, col=1, add=TRUE, b=147, bind=128, offset=-1000, step, extend, ...){
## assume bind <= b
## TODO: May want to allow bind > b, not sure whether it is needed in practice though
x.centre <- x
## calculate vertical position of features to plot
len <- max(b, bind + 2*extend) + 1
ypos <- numeric(length(x)) + y
if(length(x) > 1) for(i in 2:length(x)){
if(x[i] <= x[i-1] + len) ypos[i] <- ypos[i-1] + step
x <- x.centre - ceiling(b/2)
## plot larger feature first
if(!identical(b, bind)){
col <- rep(col,length.out=length(x))
plot(c(x[1],x[1]+b-1)+offset, c(y,y), col=col[1], type='l',...)
for(i in (1+!add):length(x)){
null<-mapply(function(s,col){ lines(c(s,s+b)+offset,c(ypos[i],ypos[i]),col=col,...)}, x[[i]],col[[i]])
add <- TRUE
## use lighter colour for overlayed feature
col <- col2rgb(col)/255
col <- rgb(sqrt(col[1,]), sqrt(col[2,]*0.5), sqrt(col[3,]))
x <- x.centre - ceiling(bind/2)
col <- rep(col,length.out=length(x))
plot(c(x[1],x[1]+bind-1)+offset, c(y,y), col=col[1], type='l',...)
if(!missing(extend) && extend > 0){
lines(c(x-extend, x)+offset, c(y,y), col=col, lend=1)
lines(c(x + bind + extend - 1, x)+offset, c(y,y), col=col, lend=1)
# pos <- !add
for(i in (1+!add):length(x)){
# if(i > 1 && x[[i]] > x[[i-1]] + bind + ifelse(missing(extend), 0, 2*extend)) pos <- 0
null<-mapply(function(s,col){ lines(c(s,s+bind)+offset,c(ypos[i],ypos[i]),col=col,...)}, x[[i]],col[[i]])
if(!missing(extend) && extend > 0){
null <- mapply(function(x,col) lines(c(x-extend, x)+offset, c(ypos[i],ypos[i]), col=col, lend=1),
x[[i]], col[[i]])
null <- mapply(function(x,col) lines(c(x + bind + extend, x)+offset, c(ypos[i],ypos[i]), col=col, lend=1),
x[[i]], col[[i]])
# pos <- pos + 1
.plotReads <- function(x, scale=c("total", "ratio"), log=TRUE, ...){
stopifnot(is(x, "matrix"), ncol(x) == 2)
method <- match.arg(scale)
hilbert <- list(HilbertVis::hilbertImage(x[,1]), HilbertVis::hilbertImage(x[,2]))
## process plot parameters
dots <- list(...)
if(!is.null(dots$mar)) mar <- dots$mar
else mar <- c(0,0,4,0)
if(!is.null(dots$col)) col <- dots$col
oldPar <- par("mar","bg","xpd")
par(mar=mar, bg="gray", xpd=TRUE)
if(method == "total"){
data <- hilbert[[1]] + hilbert[[2]]
if(log) data <- log(data)
if(is.null(dots$col)) col <- fBasics::seqPalette(256,"Blues")
dataRange <- diff(range(data[is.finite(data)], na.rm=TRUE))
centre <- as.numeric(!log)
step <- dataRange/length(col)
breaks <- c(seq(min(data[is.finite(data)], na.rm=TRUE), centre - step, length.out=length(col)/2), centre,
seq(step, max(data[is.finite(data)], na.rm=TRUE), length.out=length(col)/2))
image(data, col=col, breaks=breaks, xaxt="n",yaxt="n")
else if(method == "ratio"){
data <- log(hilbert[[1]]) - log(hilbert[[2]])
else data <- hilbert[[1]]/hilbert[[2]]
if(is.null(dots$col)) col <- fBasics::divPalette(256,"RdYlGn")
image(data, col=col,xaxt="n",yaxt="n")
## ensure margin background is white
offset <- 1/(2*(nrow(data)-1))
top <- grconvertY(grconvertY(1 + offset, "user", "inches") + par("mai")[3], "inches", "user")
rect(-offset, 1 + offset, 1 + offset, top, col="white", border=NA)
## add title
if(!is.null(dots$main)) title(dots$main)
if(method == "ratio") main <- "Ratio of Read Counts"
else if(method == "total") main <- "Total Read Counts"
title(paste(ifelse(log, "Log", ""), main))
####################### conversion #####################################
## convert list of genome coordinates into gff format
## pos: named list with start positions for each chromosome
pos2gff <- function(pos, method, feature, len, strand, score, name){
total <- sum(S4Vectors::elementNROWS(pos))
chr <- rep(names(pos), times = S4Vectors::elementNROWS(pos))
start <- unlist(pos, use.names=FALSE)
method <- rep(method, length.out=total)
feature <- rep(feature, length.out=total)
if(missing(strand)) strand <- "."
strand <- rep(strand, length.out=total)
if(missing(score)) score <- "."
score <- rep(score, length.out=total)
if(missing(name)) name <- paste(feature, 1:total, sep="_")
name <- paste("name \"", name, "\"", sep='')
data.frame(chromosome=chr, method=method, feature=feature, start=start,
end=start+len, score=score, strand=strand, frame=".", name=I(name),
####################### finding binding sites ##########################
## using C code
startScore <- function(data, b, support, background, bgCutoff, supCutoff){
if(typeof(data) != "integer")
data <- matrix(as.integer(unlist(data, use.names=FALSE)), ncol = 2)
score <- .Call(startScore_pois, data, as.integer(b), as.integer(support), as.integer(background),
bgCutoff, supCutoff)
## given binding site scores (for one chromosome), identify all peaks above given threshold
pickPeak <- function(score, threshold, offset=0, sub=FALSE){
idx <- which(score > threshold)
if(length(idx) == 0) return(NULL)
idx.dist <- diff(idx) <- which(idx.dist > 1)
idx.start <- c(1, +1)
idx.end <- c(, length(idx))
broadPeak <- IRanges::Views(score, idx[idx.start], idx[idx.end])
peak <- IRanges::viewWhichMaxs(broadPeak)
## if the peak is flat we pick the centre
for(i in 1:length(peak)){
runs <- as(broadPeak[[i]][(peak[i] - start(broadPeak)[i] + 1):width(broadPeak)[i]], "Rle")
peakWidth <- runLength(runs)[1]
if(peakWidth > 1){
peak[i] <- peak[i] + floor(peakWidth/2)
subPeaks <- mapply(function(s,e, x) {
if(s == e) p <- s + offset
else if(isTRUE(all.equal(diff(window(x, s, e)), rep(0, e-s))))
p <- s + floor((e - s)/2) + offset
else if(e-s > 1){
p <- which(diff(window(x, s, e-1)) >= 0 &
diff(window(x, s+1, e)) <= 0) + s + offset
if(x[s] > x[s + 1]) p <- c(s + offset, p)
if(x[e] > x[e - 1]) p <- c(p, e + offset)
drop <- which(diff(p) == 1)
if(length(drop) > 0) p <- p[-(drop + 1)]
else p <- which.max(x[s:e]) + s -1 + offset
},idx[idx.start], idx[idx.end],
MoreArgs=list(x=score), SIMPLIFY=FALSE)
ret <- list(peaks=peak+offset, subPeaks=subPeaks)
else ret <- peak + offset
## determine significance threshold for binding site scores
## alpha is the target level of the FDR (which will be adapted to the data)
getCutoff <- function(score, alpha = 0.05, tailCut=0.95, adapt=FALSE, lambda, plot = TRUE, returnPval = TRUE){
nllk <- function(sd, x, cutoff){
dnom <- log(pnorm(cutoff, sd=sd, log.p=FALSE) - pnorm(0, sd=sd, log.p=FALSE))
-(sum(dnorm(x[x < cutoff], sd=sd, log=TRUE) - dnom))
score <- score[!]
score2 <- -score[score <= median(score)]
score2 <- score2 - min(score2)
fit <- optimize(nllk, c(.Machine$double.eps, .Machine$double.max), x=score2, cutoff=quantile(score2, tailCut))
sigma <- fit$minimum
pval <- pnorm(score, mean=median(score), sd=sigma, lower.tail=FALSE)
fdr <- p.adjust(pval, "BH")
pi0 <- NA
F_hat <- sum(pval <= lambda)/length(pval)
pi0 <- min(1, (1 - F_hat)/(1 - lambda))
alpha <- alpha/pi0
cutoff <- ifelse(min(fdr) > alpha, Inf, min(score[fdr <= alpha]))
# if(plot){
# range <- max(score) - min(score)
# breaks <- seq(min(score), max(score), length.out=max(range, 100))
# hist(score, breaks=breaks, freq=FALSE, main="Empirical and fitted null distribution", xlab="Score")
# lines(seq(min(score), max(score), by=0.1), dnorm(seq(min(score), max(score), by=0.1),
# mean=median(score), sd=sigma), col=2)
# if(is.finite(cutoff)) abline(v=cutoff, col=4, lty=2)
# }
## assemble result
result <- list(cutoff=c(cutoff, alpha), h0=c(median(score), sigma))
names(result$cutoff) <- c("cutoff", "alpha")
names(result$h0) <- c("mean", "sd")
if(returnPval) result[["pvalue"]] <- fdr
if(adapt) result[["pi0"]] <- pi0
## calculate cross-correlation between strands
getBindCor <- function(data, max.lag, summary, plot=TRUE, ...){
result <- sapply(lapply(decompress(data), timsac::fftcor, lag=max.lag, plot=FALSE), function(x) x$ccor21)
matplot(0:max.lag,result, type='l', xlab="Lag", ylab="Cross-correlation",
main="Correlation between forward and reverse strand", lty=1:5, col=1:6)
if(is.null(names(data))) names <- 1:length(data)
else names <- names(data)
if(length(names) > 1 )legend("topright", legend=names, col=1:6, lty=1:5)
if(!missing(summary)) result <- apply(result, 1, summary)
## identify peaks in cross-correlation between strands to determine binding site length (and optionally support region length)
## bind and support give the maximum (and optionally minimum) length for binding site and support region
## Note that the assumption that the first peak in the cross-correlation indicates the length of the binding site
## is not accurate. The peak is closer to bind + 2*m where m is the median of the read distribution in the support region.
## ('read distribution in the support region' means the read density as a function of distance to binding site start/end)
## Consequently this method will overestimate the length of the binding site.
## If either bind or support are of length 1 this is assumed to be the known value and a more accurate estimate for the
## remaining parameter is used.
getBindLen <- function(data, bind, support, summary=median, verbose=FALSE, plot=TRUE, ...){
max.lag <- ifelse(missing(support), ceiling(max(bind)*1.5), 2*max(bind)+ceiling(max(support)*1.5))
bindCor <- getBindCor(data, max.lag, summary, plot=FALSE, ...)
## fit smoothing spline
bindSpline <- smooth.spline(0:(length(bindCor)-1), bindCor)
#determine lag that maximises correlation, this should be close to length of binding site
if(length(bind) == 1){
bindLen <- bind
#supLen <- which.max(bindSpline$y[(bind + min(support)):(bind + max(support)) + 1]) + min(support) - 1
supPeak <- which.max(window(bindSpline$y, bindLen + 2*min(support),
bindLen + 2*max(support) + 1)) + bindLen + 2*min(support) - 1
supLen <- round((supPeak - bindLen) * 0.5)
bindPeak <- supPeak ## need only location of first peak
if(verbose) message("Estimated length of support region: ", supLen)
if(length(support) == 1){
supLen <- support
bindPeak <- which.max(window(bindSpline$y, supLen + min(bind),
supLen + max(bind) + 1)) + min(bind) + supLen -1
bindLen <- bindPeak - 2*supLen
supPeak <- bindPeak ## need only location of first peak
if(verbose) message("Estimated length of binding site: ", bindLen)
bindPeak <- which.max(window(bindSpline$y, support[1] + bind[1],
support[2] + bind[2]+1)) + bind[1] + support[1] - 1
if(!missing(support) && length(support) > 1){
supLen <- which.max(window(bindSpline$y, 2*bindPeak+support[1],
2*bindPeak+support[2]+1)) + support[1] - 1
bindLen <- bindPeak - 2*supLen
supPeak <- 2*bindPeak + supLen
if(verbose) message("Estimated length of support region: ", supLen)
if(verbose) message("Estimated length of binding site: ", bindLen)
result <- c(bind=bindLen, support=supLen)
plot(0:max.lag, bindCor, xlab="Lag", ylab="Cross-correlation")
lines(bindSpline, col=2)
if(length(bind) > 1) abline(v=bind + support, lty=2)
if(!missing(support) && length(support) > 1)
abline(v=if(length(bind)>1) 2*bindPeak+support else bindLen+2*support, lty=2)
if(length(bind) > 1) abline(v=bindPeak, lty=3, col=2)
if(!missing(support) && length(support) > 1) abline(v=supPeak, lty=3, col=3)
## call nucleosomes. This is just for convenience
simpleNucCall <- function(data, bind=128, support=17, background=2000, chrLen, ...){
callBindingSites(data, bind=bind, support=support, background=background, chrLen=chrLen, ...)
callBindingSites(data, bind=bind, support=support, background=background, ...)
## x is position, y is score. The higher scoring of two overlapping entries is retained
## if y is missing the first entry is chosen
.noOverlap <- function(x, y, minDist){
result <- numeric(length(x))
result[1] <- x[1]
count <- 1
idx <- 1
if(length(x) > 1)
for(i in 2:length(x)){
if(x[i] >= result[count] + minDist){
result[count+1] <- x[i]
count <- count + 1
idx <- i
else if(!missing(y)){
if(y[i] > y[idx]) result[count] <- x[i]
length(result) <- count
## get sequences for predicted binding sites, removing overlaps by default
exportBindSequence <- function(prediction, reference, bind, overlap=FALSE, file=""){
## check arguments
stopifnot(is(prediction, "BindScore"))
stopifnot(is(reference, "XStringSet"))
if(missing(bind)) bind <- prediction@functionCall$bind
## predicted binding sites
peaks <-
peaks <- lapply(levels(peaks$chromosome), function(chr) subset(peaks, chromosome==chr)[,2:3])
## remove overlap
peaks <- lapply(peaks, function(x) .noOverlap(x[,1], x[, 2], minDist=bind))
else peaks <- lapply(peaks, "[[", 1)
start <- lapply(peaks, "-", floor(bind/2))
end <- lapply(peaks, "+", floor(bind/2))
seqs <- mapply(function(chr, s, e) Views(reference[[chr]], start=s, end=e,
names=paste("site", chr, 1:length(s), sep="_")), 1:length(names(prediction)), start, end)
if(file=="") return(seqs)
files <- sapply(names(prediction), function(chr) paste(file, "_", chr, ".fasta", sep=""))
mapply(function(x, file, format) writeXStringSet(as(x, "XStringSet"), file), seqs, files)
allWords <- function(alphabet, n){
x <- vector(n, mode="list")
for(i in 1:n) x[[i]] <- alphabet
df <- expand.grid(x)
result <- character(nrow(df))
for(i in 1:n) result <- paste(result, df[[i]], sep="")
allGroups <- function(alphabet, n){
words <- allWords(alphabet, n)
groups <- lapply(words, I)
names(groups) <- words
.nucFreq <- function(seq, classes=list(AT=c("AA","AT", "TA", "TT"), GC=c("CC", "CG", "GC", "GG"))){
patternLen <- nchar(classes[[1]][1])
counts <- matrix(0, nrow=nchar(seq) - patternLen + 1, ncol=length(classes))
colnames(counts) <- names(classes)
for(i in 1:(nchar(seq) - patternLen + 1)){
counts[i,] <- counts[i,] + sapply(classes, function(x) substr(seq, i, i + patternLen - 1) %in% x)
views2nucFreq <- function(x, classes=list(AT=c("AA","AT", "TA", "TT"), GC=c("CC", "CG", "GC", "GG"))){
stopifnot(is(x, "XStringViews"))
patternLen <- nchar(classes[[1]][1])
## TODO: check pattern length
counts <- matrix(0, nrow=max(width(x)) - patternLen + 1, ncol=length(classes))
colnames(counts) <- names(classes)
for(i in 1:length(x)){
f <- .nucFreq(toString(x[i]), classes)
if(nrow(f) == nrow(counts)) counts <- counts + f
## TODO: not sure how to best handle this. Only use for uniform windows!
.twoWayTest <- function(x, classes=c("A", "C", "G", "T"), df, blocked=FALSE){
classes1 <- classes[[1]]
classes2 <- classes[[2]]
classes1 <- classes2 <- classes
dfOffset <- 0
x <- matrix(x, nrow=length(classes1))
rownames(x) <- classes1
colnames(x) <- classes2
if(blocked > 0){
nblock <- nrow(x)/4
#overlap <- 2*nchar(classes1[1]) - nchar(colnames(x)[1])
blockIdx <- numeric(nblock)
block <- 1
for(i in seq(1,length(classes1), by=4)){
pattern <- substr(classes1[i], nchar(classes1[i]) - blocked + 1, nchar(classes1[i]))
for(j in 1:length(classes2))
if(substr(classes2[j], 1, blocked) == pattern){
blockIdx[block] <- j
block <- block + 1
result <- vector(nblock, mode="list")
for(i in 1:nblock){
result[[i]] <- Recall(x[((i-1)*4+1):(i*4), (blockIdx[i]):(blockIdx[i]+3)])
stat <- sum(sapply(result, "[[", "statistic"))
df <- sum(sapply(result, "[[", "df"))
comp <- matrix(0, nrow=nrow(x), ncol=ncol(x))
for(i in 1:nblock)
comp[((i-1)*4+1):(i*4), (blockIdx[i]):(blockIdx[i]+3)] <- result[[i]]$components
relFreq <- x/sum(x)
m <- list()
m[[1]] <- rowSums(relFreq)
m[[2]] <- colSums(relFreq)
expected <- matrix(apply(expand.grid(m),1,prod)*sum(x),nrow=nrow(x))
isNull <- sapply(expected, function(x) isTRUE(all.equal(x,0)))
comp <- ifelse(isNull, 0, sign(x - expected) * sqrt((x - expected)^2/expected))
stat <- sum(comp^2)
dfOffset <- sum(isNull)
if(dfOffset) warning("Table contains zero counts. Result may be unreliable.")
if(missing(df) && blocked) df <- 9 * nblock -dfOffset
if(missing(df)) df <- (nrow(x)-1)*(ncol(x)-1) - dfOffset
pvalue <- pchisq(stat, df, lower.tail=FALSE)
list(statistic=stat, pvalue=pvalue, components=comp, df=df)
.oneWayTest <- function(freq, ref){
if(any(ref > 1)) ref <- ref/sum(ref)
expected <- ref * sum(freq[1,])
comp <- t(apply(freq, 1, function(x) sign(x - expected) * sqrt((x - expected)^2/expected)))
stat <- rowSums(comp^2)
pvalue <- pchisq(stat, ncol(freq) -1, lower.tail=FALSE )
list(statistic=stat, pvalue=pvalue, components=comp)
diNucTest <- function(dinucFreq, reference){
order <- c("AA","CA","GA", "TA","AC","CC","GC","TC","AG","CG","GG","TG", "AT","CT","GT","TT")
dinucFreq <- dinucFreq[, order]
## two-way test
#test <- apply(dinucFreq, 1, .diNucChisqTest2)
test <- apply(dinucFreq, 1, .twoWayTest)
stat <- sapply(test, "[[", "statistic")
pvalue <- sapply(test, "[[", "pvalue")
comp <- t(sapply(test, function(x) c(x[["components"]])))
colnames(comp) <- order
## one-way test
reference <- reference[order]
test <- .oneWayTest(dinucFreq, reference)
comp <- test$components
stat <- test$statistic
pvalue <- test$pvalue
colnames(comp) <- order
list(statistic=stat, pvalue=pvalue, components=comp)
.triNucStat <- function(nuc, mononucFreq, dinucFreq, trinucFreq, n){
expected <- dinucFreq[-1, substr(nuc,2,3)]/mononucFreq[-c(1,nrow(mononucFreq)), substr(nuc,2,2)]
observed <- trinucFreq[ , nuc]/n
(observed - expected)^2/expected
triNucTest2 <- function(trinucFreq){
order <- mkAllStrings(c("A", "C", "G", "T"), 3)
trinucFreq <- trinucFreq[, order]
subStr1 <- mkAllStrings(c("A", "C", "G", "T"), 2, "left")
subStr2 <- mkAllStrings(c("A", "C", "G", "T"), 2, "right")
classes <- expand.grid(subStr1, subStr2)
table <- matrix(0, ncol=nrow(classes), nrow=nrow(trinucFreq))
idx <- numeric(ncol(trinucFreq))
names(idx) <- order
for(nuc in order){
idx[nuc] <- which(classes[,1] == substr(nuc, 1, 2) & classes[,2] == substr(nuc, 2, 3))
table[,idx[nuc]] <- trinucFreq[, nuc]
## df = 36 = 4*9 (9 df from each of the 4 blocks)
test <- apply(table, 1, .twoWayTest, classes=list(subStr1,subStr2), df=36, blocked=TRUE)
## restructure result
stat <- sapply(test, "[[", "statistic")
pval <- sapply(test, "[[", "pvalue")
comp <- t(sapply(test, function(x) x$components[idx]))
colnames(comp) <- order
list(statistic=stat, pvalue=pval, components=comp)
triNucTest1 <- function(trinucFreq, reference){
## one-way test
reference <- reference[colnames(trinucFreq)]
.oneWayTest(trinucFreq, reference)
## two way test for arbitrarily long nucleotides
oligoNucTest <- function(oligoFreq, alphabet=c("A", "C", "G", "T"), subLen){
if(missing(subLen)) subLen <- nchar(colnames(oligoFreq)[1]) - 1
oligo <- nchar(colnames(oligoFreq)[1])
## row and column classes
subStr1 <- mkAllStrings(alphabet, subLen, "left")
subStr2 <- mkAllStrings(alphabet, subLen, "right")
classes <- expand.grid(subStr1, subStr2)
## expand table, each row contains all entries of table for one position
table <- matrix(0, ncol=nrow(classes), nrow=nrow(oligoFreq))
idx <- numeric(ncol(oligoFreq))
names(idx) <- colnames(oligoFreq)
for(nuc in colnames(oligoFreq)){
idx[nuc] <- which(classes[,1] == substr(nuc, 1, subLen) & classes[,2] == substr(nuc, oligo-subLen+1, oligo))
table[,idx[nuc]] <- oligoFreq[, nuc]
## position specific two-way chi^2 test
test <- apply(table, 1, .twoWayTest, classes=list(subStr1,subStr2), blocked=2*subLen - oligo)
## restructure result
stat <- sapply(test, "[[", "statistic")
pval <- sapply(test, "[[", "pvalue")
comp <- t(sapply(test, function(x) x$components[idx]))
colnames(comp) <- colnames(oligoFreq)
df <- sapply(test, "[[", "df")
list(statistic=stat, pvalue=pval, components=comp, df=df)
plotFreq <- function(data, nameLen=1, alphabet=c("A", "C", "G", "T"),
xlim=c(-200, 200), bind=c(-73, 73), support=10, range=c(-500,499)){
par.old <- par(no.readonly=TRUE)
layout.mat <- matrix(1:16,ncol=4)
par(mar=rep(0, 4))
par(oma=rep(4.1, 4))
rowNames <- mkAllStrings(alphabet, nameLen, "left")
colNames <- mkAllStrings(alphabet, nameLen, "right")
# rowNames <- unique(sapply(colnames(data), function(x) substr(x, 1, nameLen)))
# colNames <- unique(sapply(colnames(data), function(x) substr(x, nchar(x) - nameLen + 1, nchar(x))))
bindLen <- bind[2]-bind[1]
ticks <- c(seq(sign(bind[1])*ceiling(bindLen/5)*5, xlim[1], by=-ceiling(bindLen/5)*5),
bind[1], (bindLen)/2 + bind[1], bind[2],
seq(sign(bind[2])*ceiling(bindLen/5)*5, xlim[2], by=ceiling(bindLen/5)*5))
## determine row and column indices for plotting of 4x4 blocks
row <- numeric()
for(i in seq(4, length(rowNames), by=4)) row <- c(row, rep((i-3):i, times=4))
row <- rep(row, times=ceiling(length(colNames)/4))
col <- numeric()
for(i in seq(4, length(colNames), by=4)) col <- c(col, rep(rep((i-3):i, each=4),
## if plotting a blocked design, i.e. row and column names overlap, remove all
## non matching combinations (structural 0s)
overlap <- 2*nameLen - nchar(colnames(data)[1])
match <- mapply(function(r, c)
substr(rowNames[r], nameLen-overlap +1, nameLen) == substr(colNames[c], 1, overlap),
row, col)
row <- row[match]
col <- col[match]
idx <- 1:length(row)
for(i in idx){
nuc <- paste(rowNames[row[i]], substr(colNames[col[i]], overlap + 1, nameLen), sep="")
plot(range[1]:range[2], data[,nuc], ylim=range(data),xlim=xlim,xaxt="n", yaxt="n", xlab="", ylab="")
lines(bind, c(0,0), col=rgb(0,1,0, 0.75), lwd=3, lend=1)
lines(bind + c(-support, support), c(0,0), col=rgb(0,1,0, 0.75), lwd=1, lend=1)
sp <- smooth.spline(range[1]:range[2], data[,nuc], nknots=200)
lines(sp, col=2)
if(col[i]%%4 == 1){
# if(length(rowNames)*length(colNames) == ncol(data))
mtext(rowNames[row[i]], 2, 2)
# else ## blocked layout
# mtext(rowNames[floor(i/16)*4 + ((i-1)%%16)+1], 2, 2)
if(col[i] %% 4 == 0){
if(row[i] %% 4 == 1){
# if(length(rowNames)*length(colNames) == ncol(data))
mtext(colNames[col[i]], 3, 2)
# mtext(colNames[floor(i/16) * 4 + (((((i - 1)%%16) + 1)/4) + 1)], 3, 2)
if(row[i] %% 4 == 0){
axis(1, at=ticks)
if(row[i]*col[i] %% 16 == 0){
mtext("Distance from nucleosome centre", 1, 3, outer=TRUE)
mtext("Score", 4, 3, outer=TRUE)
# for(i in 1:ncol(data)){
# plot(range[1]:range[2], data[,i], ylim=range(data),xlim=xlim,xaxt="n", yaxt="n", xlab="", ylab="")
# lines(bind, c(0,0), col=rgb(0,1,0, 0.75), lwd=3, lend=1)
# lines(bind + c(-support, support), c(0,0), col=rgb(0,1,0, 0.75), lwd=1, lend=1)
# sp <- smooth.spline(range[1]:range[2], data[,i], nknots=200)
# lines(sp, col=2)
# row <- (i-1)%%length(rowNames) + 1
# col <- ceiling(i/length(rowNames))
# if(col%%4 == 1){
## if(length(rowNames)*length(colNames) == ncol(data))
# mtext(rowNames[row], 2, 2)
## else ## blocked layout
## mtext(rowNames[floor(i/16)*4 + ((i-1)%%16)+1], 2, 2)
# }
# if((((i-1)%%16)+1) %in% 13:16){
# axis(4)
# }
# if((((i-1)%%16)+1) %in% c(1,5,9,13)){
# if(length(rowNames)*length(colNames) == ncol(data))
# mtext(colNames[floor(i/16)+1], 3, 2)
# mtext(colNames[floor(i/16) * 4 + (((((i - 1)%%16) + 1)/4) + 1)], 3, 2)
# }
# if((((i-1)%%16)+1) %in% c(4,8,12,16)){
# axis(1, at=ticks)
# }
# if(i %% 16 == 0){
# mtext("Distance from nucleosome centre", 1, 3, outer=TRUE)
# mtext("Score", 4, 3, outer=TRUE)
# }
# }
.oligonucSim <- function(freq1, freq2, oligo=3, iter=3000){
freq1 <- freq1[mkAllStrings(c("A", "C", "G", "T"), oligo-1, "left")]
freq2 <- freq2[mkAllStrings(c("A", "C", "G", "T"), oligo-1, "right")]
## calculate oligonucleotide frequencies
oligonuc <- mkAllStrings(c("A", "C", "G", "T"), oligo)
oligonucFreq <- numeric(length(oligonuc))
names(oligonucFreq) <- oligonuc
for(nuc in oligonuc){
oligonucFreq[nuc] <- freq1[substr(nuc, 1, oligo-1)] * freq2[substr(nuc, 2, oligo)]
## generate oligonucleotide counts
oligonucSample <- sample(oligonuc, iter, prob=oligonucFreq, replace=TRUE)
oligonucSample <- table(oligonucSample)
## arrange oligonucleotides into blocks
classes <- expand.grid(names(freq1), names(freq2))
table <- numeric(nrow(classes))
idx <- numeric(length(oligonuc))
names(idx) <- oligonuc
for(nuc in oligonuc){
idx[nuc] <- which(classes[,1] == substr(nuc, 1, oligo-1) & classes[,2] == substr(nuc, 2, oligo))
table[idx[nuc]] <- ifelse([nuc]), 0, oligonucSample[nuc])
test <- .twoWayTest(table, classes=list(names(freq1), names(freq2)), blocked=oligo-2)
## print head and tail of a vector
.headTail <- function(x, n = 6L){
start <- paste(head(x, n), collapse = ", ")
middle <- if(length(x) == 2*n + 1) {
paste(", ", x[n+1], ", ", sep="")
}else if(length(x) > 2*n + 1) ", ..., " else if(length(x) < 2*n + 1 && length(x) > n) ", "
end <- if(length(x) > n) paste(tail(x, min(n, length(x) - n)), collapse = ", ")
paste(start, middle, end, sep = "")
## helper function to print common information about objects of classes defined in this package
.showHeader <- function(object){
cat("Class:", class(object),"\n")
if("functionCall" %in% slotNames(object)){
cat("Generated by: ")
cat("Chromosomes: ", length(chrLength(object)), " (", .headTail(names(object), 2) ,")\n", sep="")
cat("Genome length:", sum(chrLength(object)), "\n")
## calculate p-values
.score2pval <- function(score, null){
scores <- c(lapply(score, function(y)
as.numeric(y[!])), recursive=TRUE)
pval <- pnorm(scores, mean=null["mean"], sd=null["sd"], lower.tail=FALSE)
pval <- p.adjust(pval, "BH")
## split back into chromosomes
len <- sapply(score, function(y) sum(!
end <- cumsum(len)
start <- c(1, end[-length(end)]+1)
result <- vector(mode="list", length(score))
for(i in 1:length(result)){
result[[i]][![[i]])] <- pval[start[i]:end[i]]
## append trailing zeros to get full chromosome length
## returns RleList with read counts for both strands
.fixCounts <- function(counts, totalLen){
countLen <- sapply(counts, length)
if(countLen[1] < totalLen){
counts[[1]]@lengths <- c(runLength(counts[[1]]), as.integer(totalLen) - countLen[1])
counts[[1]]@values <- c(runValue(counts[[1]]), 0L)
if(countLen[2] < totalLen){
counts[[2]]@lengths <- c(runLength(counts[[2]]), as.integer(totalLen) - countLen[2])
counts[[2]]@values <- c(runValue(counts[[2]]), 0L)
RleList(counts[[1]], counts[[2]])
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