# New method implementations for generic functions
# Author: Peter Humburg
####################### methods for strandPileup ##############################
## strand specific read counts from 'AlignedRead'
setMethod("strandPileup", "AlignedRead",
definition=function(aligned, chrLen, extend, coords=c("leftmost", "fiveprime"),
compress=TRUE, plot=TRUE, ask=FALSE, ...){
coords <- match.arg(coords)
chrFilter <- lapply(levels(chromosome(aligned)), function(chr, all) all == chr, chromosome(aligned))
## compute pileup for each chromosome
counts <- mapply(function(filter, len, extend, aligned, ...){
sfilter1 <- filter & strand(aligned) == "+"
sfilter2 <- filter & strand(aligned) == "-"
## separate strands
fwd <- aligned[sfilter1]
rev <- aligned[sfilter2]
ext1 <- -width(fwd) + as.integer(extend)
ext2 <- -width(rev) + as.integer(extend)
counts <- list(coverage(fwd, extend = ext1, coords = coords, ...)[[1]],
coverage(rev, extend = ext2, coords = coords, ...)[[1]])
## append trailing zeros to get full chromosome length
counts <- .fixCounts(counts, len)
if(!compress) counts <- decompress(counts)
chrFilter, chrLen, extend, MoreArgs=c(list(aligned=aligned), list(...)), SIMPLIFY=FALSE)
counts <- ReadCounts(counts, levels(chromosome(aligned)), compress=compress)
if(!plot) return(counts)
## plot image of counts for each chromosome and strand
ask <- devAskNewPage(ask)
for(i in 1:length(counts)){
plot(counts, chr=i, type="hilbert", scale="ratio", log=TRUE)
plot(counts, chr=i, type="hilbert", scale="total", log=TRUE)
## strand specific read counts from data frame
setMethod("strandPileup", "data.frame",
definition=function(aligned, chrLen, extend, coords=c("leftmost", "fiveprime"),
compress=TRUE, plot=TRUE, ask=FALSE, ...){
coords <- match.arg(coords)
## ensure aligned contains all required information
## Note that all operations are based on column names. This allows
## for the presence of additional columns and arbitrary column order
## but imposes strict requirements on column names.
requiredNames <- c("chromosome", "start", "end", "strand")
## Chromosome names should be stored as factor
if(!"chromosome" %in% names(aligned)) {
stop("Chromosome names are missing.")
if(!is.factor(aligned[["chromosome"]])) {
aligned[["chromosome"]] <- as.factor(aligned[["chromosome"]])
## need names for chrLen
if(is.null(names(chrLen))) names(chrLen) <- levels(aligned$chromosome)
## if we have start position and length for each read we convert this
## into start and end position
if(all(c("position", "length") %in% names(aligned)) && !isTRUE("start" %in% names(aligned)))
names(aligned)[which(names(aligned) == "position")] <- "start"
## ensure 'start' is 5'-end and 'end' is 3'-end
if(all(c("start", "length") %in% names(aligned)) && !isTRUE("end" %in% names(aligned))){
idx <- aligned$strand == "+"
if(coords == "leftmost") {
aligned$end <- aligned$start + aligned$length - 1
tmp <- aligned$start[!idx]
aligned$start[!idx] <- aligned$end[!idx]
aligned$end[!idx] <- tmp
if(coords == "fiveprime"){
aligned$end <- integer(nrow(aligned))
aligned$end[idx] <- aligned$start[idx] + aligned$length[idx] - 1
aligned$end[!idx] <- aligned$start[!idx] - aligned$length[!idx] + 1
if(!all(requiredNames %in% names(aligned)))
stop("Columns ", requiredNames[which(!(requiredNames %in% names(aligned)))], " are missing.")
## compute pileup for each chromosome
counts <- vector(length(levels(aligned$chromosome)), mode="list")
names(counts) <- levels(aligned$chromosome)
for(chr in levels(aligned$chromosome)){
chrFilter <- aligned$chromosome == chr
strFilter <- aligned$strand == "+"
start1 <- aligned$start[chrFilter & strFilter]
start1 <- start1[start1 + extend -1 <= chrLen[chr]]
start2 <- aligned$end[chrFilter & !strFilter] - extend + 1
start2 <- start2[start2 >= 1L]
counts[[chr]] <- list(coverage(IRanges::IRanges(start=start1, width=extend), ...),
coverage(IRanges::IRanges(start=start2, width=extend), ...))
counts[[chr]] <- .fixCounts(counts[[chr]], chrLen[chr])
if(!compress) counts[[chr]] <- decompress(counts[[chr]])
counts <- ReadCounts(counts, compress=compress)
if(!plot) return(counts)
## plot image of counts for each chromosome and strand
ask <- devAskNewPage(ask)
for(i in 1:length(counts)){
plot(counts, chr=i, type="hilbert", scale="ratio", log=TRUE)
plot(counts, chr=i, type="hilbert", scale="total", log=TRUE)
####################### methods for callBindingSites ##############################
## binding sites from list of read counts (one component per chromosome)
## this is where the actual work is done, other methods should create strand specific
## read counts and pass them on to this method
setMethod("callBindingSites", "ReadCounts",
definition=function(data, bind, support, background, bgCutoff=0.9, supCutoff=0.9,
fdr = 0.05, extend=1, tailCut=0.95, piLambda=0.5, adapt=FALSE, corSummary=median,
compress=TRUE, digits=16, plot=TRUE, verbose=TRUE, ask=FALSE, plotTo, ...){
stop("Mandatory argument \"bind\" is missing. Please specify length of binding region. ",
"You may specify a range of possible values by providing the minimum and maximum.")
stop("Mandatory argument \"support\" is missing. Please specify length of support region. ",
"You may specify a range of possible values by providing the minimum and maximum.")
## plot to file plotTo
if(!missing(plotTo) && plot) pdf(plotTo, width=8, height=11)
## determine length of binding and support region if necessary
if(length(bind) > 1 || length(support) > 1){
if(verbose) message("Determining length of binding and support region...")
if(plot) par(mfrow=c(2,1))
regionLen <- getBindLen(data, bind, support, corSummary, verbose=verbose, plot=plot)
bind <- regionLen[1]
support <- regionLen[2]
## ensure 'background' has sensible value
background <- 10*(bind + 2*support)
if(verbose) message("Setting length of background window to ", background, ".")
if(background < 2*(bind + 2*support)){
warning("Background window is too short (", background, "). Using", 10*(bind + 2*support), "instead.\n")
background <- 10*(bind + 2*support)
## calculate score
if(verbose) message("Scoring binding sites...")
score <- lapply(data, startScore, b=bind, support=support, background=background, bgCutoff=bgCutoff,
## identify significant peaks
if(verbose) message("Determining significance...")
allScores <- c(lapply(score, function(x) x[!]), recursive=TRUE)
cutoff <- getCutoff(allScores, alpha = fdr, lambda = piLambda, tailCut=tailCut, adapt=adapt, plot = plot,
if(verbose) message("Significance threshold [score (p-value)]: ", sprintf("%.2f", cutoff$cutoff[1]), " (",
cutoff$cutoff[2], ")")
peaks <- lapply(score, pickPeak, cutoff$cutoff[1], offset=support + ceiling(bind/2))
## need to map p-values back to genomic coordinates
at <- lapply(score,
pval <- vector(length(score), mode="list")
start <- 0
for(i in 1:length(score)){
pval[[i]] <- numeric(length(score)) + NA
pval[[i]][which(!at[[i]])] <- cutoff$pvalue[1:sum(!at[[i]])+start]
start <- start + sum(!at[[i]])
call <-,
call$bind <- eval(call$bind)
call$support <- eval(call$support)
call$background <- eval(call$background)
start <- support + ceiling(bind/2)
result <- BindScore(call=call, score=score, pvalue=pval, peaks=peaks, cutoff=cutoff$cutoff,
nullDist=cutoff$h0, names=names(data), compress=compress, digits=digits, start=start)
par(mfrow=c(1, 2))
plot(result, type="density")
plot(result, type="qqplot")
if(!missing(plotTo) && plot)
## using matrix of read counts (single chromosome)
setMethod("callBindingSites", "matrix",
definition=function(data, chrName="chr", ...){
data <- new("ReadCounts", list(data), chrName)
call <-,
call$data <- data
call[[1]] <- `callBindingSites`
for(i in 3:length(call)) call[[i]] <- eval(call[[i]])
## using name of file with mapped reads
## type: file type (see ?readAligned for details)
## minQual: minimum alignment quality to use. All reads with lower alignment quality will be removed
## before pilup is created
setMethod("callBindingSites", "character",
definition=function(data, type, minQual=70, ...){
data <- readAligned(data, type=type)
data <- data[quality(alignQuality(data)) >= minQual]
call <-,
call$data <- data
call[[1]] <- `callBindingSites`
for(i in 3:length(call)) call[[i]] <- eval(call[[i]])
## For everything else we try to compute read counts and pass data on to the list method
setMethod("callBindingSites", "ANY",
definition=function(data, chrLen, plot=TRUE, verbose=TRUE, ..., plotTo){
## plot to file plotTo
if(!missing(plotTo) && plot) {
pdf(plotTo, width=8, height=11)
par(mfrow=c(length(chrLen), 2))
if(verbose) message("Accumulating read counts...")
dots <- list(...)
if(is.null(dots$extend)) dots$extend <- 1
counts <- strandPileup(data, chrLen=chrLen, extend=dots$extend, plot=plot)
call <-,
call$data <- counts
call[[1]] <- `callBindingSites`
for(i in 3:length(call)) call[[i]] <- eval(call[[i]])
bindScore <- eval(call)
if(!missing(plotTo) && plot)
############################# New methods for existing generic functions ##############################
## lapply method for ReadCounts objects
setMethod("lapply", "ReadCounts",
definition=function(X, FUN, ...){
lapply(X@counts, FUN, ...)
## sapply method for ReadCounts objects
setMethod("sapply", "ReadCounts",
definition=function(X, FUN, ..., simplify = TRUE, USE.NAMES = TRUE){
sapply(X@counts, FUN, ..., simplify = simplify, USE.NAMES = USE.NAMES)
## lapply for BindScore objects. Applies function by chromosome
setMethod("lapply", "BindScore",
definition=function(X, FUN, ...){
result <- vector(length(names(X)), mode="list")
names(result) <- names(X)
for(i in names(X)){
result[[i]] <-[[i]], ...)
## number of chromosomes
setMethod("length", "ReadCounts", definition=function(x) length(x@counts))
## length of chromosomes
setMethod("chrLength", "ReadCounts", definition=function(x, subset){
len <- sapply(x, nrow)
if(!missing(subset)) len <- len[subset]
setMethod("chrLength", "RLEReadCounts", definition=function(x, subset){
len <- sapply(x, S4Vectors::elementNROWS)[1, ]
if(!missing(subset)) len <- len[subset]
setMethod("chrLength", "BindScore", definition=function(x, subset){
len <- S4Vectors::elementNROWS(score(x)) + 2*support(x) + binding(x)
if(!missing(subset)) len <- len[subset]
## number of reads on each chromosome/strand
setMethod("nreads", "ReadCounts", definition=function(x, byStrand = TRUE, subset){
counts <- sapply(x, colSums)
if(!missing(subset)) counts <- matrix(counts[ , subset], nrow = 2,
dimnames=list(c("+", "-"), colnames(counts)[subset]))
} else{
counts <- sapply(x, sum)
if(!missing(subset)) counts <- counts[subset]
setMethod("nreads", "RLEReadCounts", definition=function(x, byStrand = TRUE, subset){
counts <- sapply(x, sum)
counts <- matrix(counts[ , subset], nrow = 2, dimnames=list(c("+", "-"),
if(!byStrand) counts <- colSums(counts)
## number of predicted binding sites
setMethod("length", "BindScore", definition=function(x) sum(sapply(peaks(x), length)))
setMethod("length<-", "ReadCounts",
definition=function(x, value){length(x@counts) <- value; invisible(x)})
## TODO: this is inconsistent with the length method above, consider changing
setMethod("length<-", "BindScore",
definition=function(x, value){
length(x@score) <- value
length(x@pvalue) <- value
length(x@peaks) <- value
## convert to data.frame
setMethod("", c(x="BindScore"),
definition=function(x, ...){
chr <- rep(names(x), times=S4Vectors::elementNROWS(peaks(x)))
pos <- c(peaks(x), recursive=TRUE)
peakScores <- c(mapply(function(y, i, offset) as.numeric(y[i - offset]), score(x), peaks(x),
MoreArgs=list(support(x) + ceiling(binding(x)/2)), SIMPLIFY=FALSE),
peakPval <- c(mapply(function(y, i, offset) as.numeric(y[i - offset]), pvalue(x), peaks(x),
MoreArgs=list(support(x) + ceiling(binding(x)/2)), SIMPLIFY=FALSE),
df <- data.frame(chromosome=chr, position=pos, score=peakScores, pvalue=peakPval, stringsAsFactors = TRUE)
if(nrow(df) > 0) rownames(df) <- 1:nrow(df)
## get first n peaks (either by position or score)
setMethod("head", "BindScore",
definition=function(x, n=6, by=c("score", "position"), ...){
df <-
type <- pmatch(by[1], c("score", "position"), nomatch=0)
if(type == 1){
idx <- order(df$pvalue, -df$score)
df <- df[idx,]
head(df, n, ...)
## get last n peaks (either by position or score)
setMethod("tail", "BindScore",
definition=function(x, n=6, by=c("score", "position"), ...){
df <-
type <- pmatch(by[1], c("score", "position"), nomatch=0)
if(type == 1){
idx <- order(df$pvalue, -df$score)
df <- df[idx,]
tail(df, n, ...)
## minimum and maximum score
setMethod("min", "BindScore",
definition=function(x, ..., na.rm=TRUE){
min(sapply(score(x), min, na.rm=na.rm))
setMethod("max", "BindScore",
definition=function(x, ..., na.rm=TRUE){
max(sapply(score(x), max, na.rm=na.rm))
setMethod("range", "BindScore",
definition=function(x, ..., na.rm=TRUE){
c(min(x, na.rm=na.rm), max(x, na.rm=na.rm))
## human readable summaries
setMethod("show", "ReadCounts",
cat("Number of reads:", sum(sapply(object@counts, sum)),"\n")
setMethod("show", "BindScore",
cat("Predicted binding sites:", length(object), "\n")
cat("Significance cut-off: ", cutoff(object, "score"),
" (p-value: ", cutoff(object, "pvalue"), ")\n", sep = "")
## explicit conversion between compressed and decompressed representations
setMethod("compress", "ReadCounts",
ReadCounts(counts=x@counts, compress=TRUE)
setMethod("compress", "BindScore",
definition=function(x, digits=16){
BindScore(call=x@functionCall, score=score(x), pvalue=pvalue(x), peaks=peaks(x),
cutoff=cutoff(x), nullDist=nullDist(x), compress=TRUE, digits=digits)
setMethod("compress", "RLEReadCounts",
definition=function(x){ ## input is already compressed, do nothing
setMethod("compress", "RLEBindScore",
definition=function(x){ ## input is already compressed, do nothing
setMethod("decompress", "RLEReadCounts",
ReadCounts(counts=lapply(x@counts, decompress, simplify=TRUE), compress=FALSE)
setMethod("decompress", "RLEBindScore",
BindScore(call=x@functionCall, score=lapply(score(x), as.numeric),
pvalue=lapply(pvalue(x), as.numeric), peaks=peaks(x), cutoff=cutoff(x),
nullDist=nullDist(x),start=x@start, compress=FALSE)
setMethod("decompress", "Rle",
definition=function(x, class){
if(missing(class)) class <- base::class(runValue(x))
as(x, class)
setMethod("decompress", "RleList",
definition=function(x, class, simplify=TRUE){
if(missing(class)) class <- sapply(x, function(i) base::class(runValue(i)))
result <- lapply(1:length(x), function(i) as(x[[i]], class[i]))
names(result) <- names(x)
## simplify into matrix or vector if possible
if(simplify & length(result) == 1) result <- result[[1]]
else if(simplify & all.equal(class, rep(class[1], length(class)), check.attributes=FALSE) &
max(abs(diff(S4Vectors::elementNROWS(result)))) == 0){
result <-, result)
################# plotting functions ##########################
## plot read counts in a window, optionally with overlayed score and nucleosome positions
## or plot hilbert curve of all read counts on chromosome
setMethod("plot", list(x="ReadCounts", y="missing"),
definition=function(x, chr, center, score, width=2000, type=c("hilbert", "window"), ...){
type <- match.arg(type)
if(missing(chr) && length(x) == 1) chr <- names(x)
if(type == "window"){
start <- center - ceiling(width/2)
score <- decompress(score[[chr, start:(start + width+1)]])
.plotWindow(x, chr=chr, center=center, score=score, width=width, ...)
else if(type == "hilbert") .plotReads(x[[chr]], ...)
setMethod("plot", list(x="RLEReadCounts", y="missing"),
definition=function(x, chr, center, score, width=2000, type=c("hilbert", "window"), ...){
type <- match.arg(type)
if(missing(chr) && length(x) == 1) chr <- names(x)
if(type == "window"){
start <- floor(center - ceiling(width/2))
end <- ceiling(center + ceiling(width/2))
if(!is.character(chr)) chr <- names(x)[chr]
x <- list(sapply(x[[chr]], function(x) as.integer(window(x,start,end))))
names(x) <- chr
if(!missing(score)) score <- decompress(score[[chr, start:end]])
.plotWindow(x, chr=chr, start=start, end=end, width=width, score=score, offset=start, ...)
else if(type == "hilbert"){
.plotReads(decompress(x[[chr]]), ...)
## plots to asses fit of null distribution
setMethod("plot", list(x="BindScore", y="missing"),
definition=function(x, npoints = 10000, type=c("density", "qqplot"), ...){
type <- match.arg(type)
cutoff <- cutoff(x)["score"]
nullDist <- nullDist(x)
## get vector of all scores
values <- unlist(lapply(score(x), function(x) {d <- decompress(x); d[!]}),
if(type == "density"){
minVal <- min(values)
maxVal <- max(values)
range <- maxVal - minVal
breaks <- seq(minVal, maxVal, length.out=max(range, 100))
hist(values, breaks=breaks, freq=FALSE, main="Empirical and fitted null distribution", xlab="Score")
lines(seq(minVal, maxVal, by=0.1), dnorm(seq(minVal, maxVal, by=0.1),
mean=nullDist["mean"], sd=nullDist["sd"]), col=2)
if(is.finite(cutoff)) abline(v=cutoff, col=4, lty=2)
if(type == "qqplot"){
## qqnorm is very slow for large samples
## if the sample is large we just plot a subset of all points
if(length(values) <= npoints){
qqline(values, col=2)
qObs <- quantile(values, probs=seq(0,1, length.out=npoints))
qTheo <- qnorm(ppoints(qObs))
plot(qTheo, qObs, xlab="Theoretical Quantiles", ylab="Sample Quantiles", main="Normal Q-Q Plot")
qqline(values, col=2)
if(is.finite(cutoff)) abline(h=cutoff, col=4, lty=2)
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