setMethod("spatialDGMM", "SparseImagingExperiment",
function(x, r = 1, k = 3, groups = run(x),
method = c("gaussian", "adaptive"),
dist = "chebyshev", annealing = TRUE,
init = c("kmeans", "gmm"), p0 = 0.05,
iter.max = 100, tol = 1e-9,
BPPARAM = getCardinalBPPARAM(), ...)
groups <- as.factor(rep_len(groups, ncol(x)))
method <- match.arg(method)
init <- match.arg(init)
.message("calculating spatial weights...")
r.gweights <- list(r=r, w=lapply(r, function(ri) {
bplapply(levels(groups), function(gi, BPPARAM) {
xg <- x[,groups == gi]
spatialWeights(xg, r=ri, dist=dist,
method=method, BPPARAM=BPPARAM)
results <- list()
par <- expand.grid(k=k, r=r)
.message("segmenting feature images...")
for ( i in 1:nrow(par) ) {
rngseeds <- generateRNGStreams(nrow(x))
gweights <- r.gweights$w[[which(r.gweights$r == par$r[i])]]
results[[i]] <- featureApply(x, function(xi) {
fid <- attr(xi, "idx")
.message("r = ", par$r[i], ", k = ", par$k[i],
", ", "feature = ", fid, " ", appendLF = FALSE)
res <- .spatialDGMM_cluster(xi=xi, k=par$k[i], groups=groups,
group.weights=gweights, annealing=annealing,
init=init, iter.max=iter.max, tol=tol, p0=p0,
seed=rngseeds[fid], ...)
res <- .spatialDGMM_collate(x, res, groups)
}, .simplify=FALSE, .verbose=FALSE, BPPARAM=BPPARAM[[1]])
results <-"c", results)
models <- DataFrame(rev(expand.grid(feature=1:nrow(x), k=k, r=r)))
out <- .SpatialDGMM(
pixel=c("probability", "class")),
method=method, dist=dist),
resultData=as(results, "List"),
pixelData(out)$.group <- groups
.spatialDGMM_cluster <- function(xi, k, method, groups, group.weights,
annealing, init, iter.max, tol, p0, seed)
oseed <- getRNGStream()
results <- mapply(function(gi, w) {
xgi <- as.numeric(xi)[groups == gi]
res <- .spatialDGMM_fit1(xgi, k=k, weights=w,
annealing=annealing, init=init, iter.max=iter.max,
tol=tol, p0=p0, trace=FALSE, verbose=FALSE)
.message(".", appendLF=FALSE)
}, levels(groups), group.weights, SIMPLIFY=FALSE)
.message(" ")
names(results) <- levels(groups)
.spatialDGMM_collate <- function(x, results, groups, rename = FALSE) {
cnames <- unlist(lapply(levels(groups), function(gi)
paste(gi, seq_along(results[[gi]]$params$mu), sep=".")))
class <- character(length(groups))
for ( gi in levels(groups) ) {
class[groups == gi] <- paste(gi, results[[gi]]$class, sep=".")
class <- factor(class, levels=cnames)
if ( !rename ) {
cnames <- paste0(seq_along(cnames))
levels(class) <- cnames
probability <- mapply(function(res, gi) {
probs <- matrix(NA_real_,
probs[groups == gi,] <- res$probability
}, results, levels(groups), SIMPLIFY=FALSE)
probability <-"cbind", probability)
colnames(probability) <- cnames
estimates <-"rbind", mapply(function(res, gi) {
}, results, levels(groups), SIMPLIFY=FALSE))
row.names(estimates) <- cnames
estimates$class <- cnames
list(estimates=estimates, probability=probability, class=class)
.spatialDGMM_withmeans <- function(x) {
resultData(x) <- endoapply(resultData(x),
function(res) {
prob <- res$probability
mean <- rep(res$estimates$mean, each=ncol(x))
mean <- matrix(mean, nrow=nrow(prob), ncol=ncol(prob))
res$mean <- rowSums(mean * prob)
.spatialDGMM_fit1 <- function(xi, k, weights, annealing, init,
iter.max, tol, p0, trace, verbose)
# initialize with ordinary Gaussian mixture model
gmm <- suppressWarnings(Mclust(xi, G=1:k, modelNames="V", verbose=FALSE))
K <- gmm$G
N <- length(xi)
# initialize parameters (theta: mu, sigma, alpha, beta)
km <- try(kmeans(xi, centers=gmm$parameters$mean), silent=TRUE)
if ( inherits(km, "try-error") ) {
var_ok <- FALSE
ncl <- 0
} else {
var_ok <- all(tapply(xi, km$cluster, var) > 0)
ncl <- tabulate(km$cluster)
if ( init == "kmeans" && K > 1 && all(ncl > 1) && var_ok ) {
mu <- as.numeric(km$centers)
sigma <- as.numeric(tapply(xi, km$cluster, var))
} else {
mu <- gmm$parameters$mean
sigma <- gmm$parameters$variance$sigmasq
alpha <- rep(1, K)
beta <- 1
# initialize p(x|mu, sigma)
px <- matrix(0, nrow=length(xi), ncol=length(mu))
for ( j in 1:length(mu) )
px[,j] <- sqrt(1/(2 * pi * sigma[j])) * exp(-(xi - mu[j])^2 / (2 * sigma[j]))
# initialize prior probability
prior <- matrix(1 / K, nrow=N, ncol=K)
# initialize posterior probability p(z)
y <- regpr(px * prior, lambda=p0)
# trace
trace_out <- list(
mu=matrix(ncol=K, nrow=iter.max),
sigma=matrix(ncol=K, nrow=iter.max),
alpha=matrix(ncol=K, nrow=iter.max),
beta=matrix(ncol=1, nrow=iter.max))
# log-likelihood
loglik <- rep(NA_real_, iter.max)
error <- rep(NA_real_, iter.max)
error_old <- Inf
error_new <- Inf
# SA temperature
tt <- 1
# fit with EM + gradient descent + SA
for ( i in 1:iter.max ) {
## E-step
E <- .spatialDGMM_Estep(xi, mu=mu, sigma=sigma,
alpha=alpha, beta=beta, y=y, p0=p0, weights=weights)
# update spatial posterior
ybar <- E$ybar
# update prior
prior <- E$prior
# update posterior
y <- E$y
# log-likelihood
loglik[i] <- E$loglik
error[i] <- E$error
error_new <- error[i]
if ( verbose )
message("iter = ", i, "; error = ", error[i], "; loglik = ", loglik[i])
# check for convergence
error_diff <- error_old - error_new
if ( is.nan(error_diff) || error_diff < tol )
## M-step
linesearch <- function(eta) {
M <- .spatialDGMM_Mstep(xi, mu=mu, sigma=sigma,
alpha=alpha, beta=beta, y=y, ybar=ybar, eta=exp(eta))
E <- .spatialDGMM_Estep(xi, mu=M$mu, sigma=M$sigma,
alpha=M$alpha, beta=M$beta, y=y, p0=p0, weights=weights)
structure(E$error, loglik=E$loglik)
# find log(eta) that optimizes in direction of gradient
leta <- suppressWarnings(optimize(linesearch, c(-100, 0)))
eta <- exp(leta$minimum)
M <- .spatialDGMM_Mstep(xi, mu=mu, sigma=sigma,
alpha=alpha, beta=beta, y=y, ybar=ybar, eta=eta)
# update parameters
mu <- M$mu
sigma <- M$sigma
alpha <- M$alpha
beta <- M$beta
## simulated annealing
if ( annealing ) {
loglik_a <- loglik[i]
for ( j in 1:length(mu) ) {
mu_a <- mu
mu_a[j] <- rnorm(1, mean=mu[j], sd=sqrt(sigma[j] * tt))
E <- .spatialDGMM_Estep(xi, mu=mu_a, sigma=sigma,
alpha=alpha, beta=beta, y=y, p0=p0, weights=weights)
if ( E$loglik > loglik_a ) {
if ( verbose )
message("simulated annealing: loglik = ", E$loglik)
loglik_a <- E$loglik
mu <- mu_a
tt <- tt - (1 / iter.max)
# update trace
trace_out$mu[i,] <- mu
trace_out$sigma[i,] <- sigma
trace_out$alpha[i,] <- alpha
trace_out$beta[i,] <- beta
error_old <- error_new
# calculate class assignments
z <- apply(y, 1, which.max)
if ( trace ) {
params <- list(mu=mu, sigma=sigma,
alpha=alpha, beta=beta, trace=trace_out)
} else {
params <- list(mu=mu, sigma=sigma,
alpha=alpha, beta=beta)
list(params=params, probability=y, class=z)
.spatialDGMM_Estep <- function(xi, mu, sigma, alpha, beta, y, p0, weights)
# calculate spatial posterior probability p(z|neighbors)
ybar <- t(.spatialFilter(t(y), weights, attr(weights, "neighbors")))
# calculate p(x|mu, sigma)
px <- matrix(0, nrow=length(xi), ncol=length(mu))
for ( j in 1:length(mu) )
px[,j] <- sqrt(1/(2 * pi * sigma[j])) * exp(-(xi - mu[j])^2 / (2 * sigma[j]))
# calculate prior probability
prior <- t(alpha^2 * t(ybar)^beta)
prior <- prior / rowSums(prior)
# calculate new posterior probability p(z)
y <- regpr(px * prior, lambda=p0)
# log-likelihood and error function
loglik <- sum(log(rowSums(prior * px)))
error <- -sum(log(rowSums((prior * px)^y)))
list(ybar=ybar, prior=prior, y=y, error=error, loglik=loglik)
.spatialDGMM_Mstep <- function(xi, mu, sigma, alpha, beta, y, ybar, eta)
# initialize gradient
diff <- list(
mu=rep(1, length(mu)),
sigma=rep(1, length(mu)),
alpha=rep(1, length(mu)),
# calculate gradient
for ( j in 1:length(mu) ) {
diff$mu[j] <- sum(y[,j] * (mu[j] - xi) / sigma[j])
diff$sigma[j] <- sum(y[,j] * ((1 / sigma[j]) - (xi - mu[j])^2 / (sigma[j]^2))) / 2
dalpha_p <- y * (ybar[,j])^beta / rowSums(t(t((ybar)^beta) * alpha^2))
dalpha_p[] <- 1
diff$alpha[j] <- -sum(2 * y[,j] / alpha[j]) + 2 * alpha[j] * sum(dalpha_p)
diff$beta <- sum(y * (-log(ybar) + rowSums(t(t((ybar)^beta) * alpha^2) * log(ybar)) / rowSums(t(t((ybar)^beta) * alpha^2))))
# update parameters
mu <- mu - eta * diff$mu
sigma <- sigma - eta * diff$sigma
alpha <- alpha - eta * diff$alpha
beta <- beta - eta * diff$beta
list(mu=mu, sigma=sigma, alpha=alpha, beta=beta, diff=diff)
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