facet.count <- function(args, formula, obj,
facets, groups, superpose, strip, key,
breaks, probability, include.lowest, right, ...,
xlab, xlim, ylab, ylim, layout, byrow, dark,
col, grid, subset, preplot, add)
dots <- list(...)
e <- environment(formula)
xs <- args$rhs
is_discrete <- all(sapply(xs, is.discrete))
n <- nrow(obj)
if ( superpose && !is.null(groups) )
.stop("cannot specify 'superpose' and 'groups' in same call")
if ( !is.null(groups) ) {
has_groups <- TRUE
} else {
groups <- rep_len(factor(1), n)
has_groups <- FALSE
if ( !is.null(subset) ) {
xs <- lapply(xs, "[", subset)
groups <- groups[subset]
if ( any(lengths(xs) == 1L) )
.stop("can't estimate reasonable axes")
if ( !is.null(facets) ) {
if ( ! )
facets <-
facets[] <- lapply(facets, function(fc) {
if ( is.factor(fc) ) {
} else {
factor(fc, levels=unique(fc))
has_facets <- TRUE
} else {
facets <- rep_len(factor(1), length(xs))
facets <-
has_facets <- FALSE
facet_levels <- unique(facets)
facet_levels <- lapply(seq_len(nrow(facet_levels)),
function(i) facet_levels[i,,drop=FALSE])
if ( missing(xlab) ) {
if ( length(unique(names(args$rhs))) != 1L ) {
xlab <- character(1)
} else {
xlab <- unique(names(args$rhs))
h <- formals(graphics::hist.default)
if ( missing(breaks) )
breaks <- h$breaks
if ( missing(include.lowest) )
include.lowest <- h$include.lowest
if ( missing(right) )
right <- h$right
if ( missing(probability) || is.null(probability) )
probability <- FALSE
if ( missing(ylab) ) {
if ( probability ) {
if ( is_discrete ) {
ylab <- "proportion"
} else {
ylab <- "density"
} else {
ylab <- "count"
xrange <- c(NA, NA)
yrange <- c(NA, NA)
plotnew <- !add
add <- FALSE
facets.out <- list()
for ( f in facet_levels ) {
facet_ids <- subset_rows(facets, f)
for ( i in facet_ids ) {
x <- xs[[i]]
v <- names(xs)[i]
if ( has_groups || superpose ) {
if ( has_groups ) {
levels <- levels(groups)
} else if ( superpose ) {
levels <- na.omit(unique(names(xs)))
} else {
levels <- NULL
nlevels <- length(levels)
if ( is.function(col) ) {
colors <- col(nlevels)
} else {
colors <- col
if ( length(colors) != nlevels )
colors <- rep_len(colors, nlevels)
has_cats <- TRUE
} else {
if ( is.function(col) ) {
colors <- col(1)
} else {
colors <- col
has_cats <- FALSE
if ( !is.numeric(x) )
x <- as.factor(x)
layers <- list()
for ( g in levels(groups) ) {
gi <- groups
if ( has_groups ) {
data <- x[gi == g]
} else {
data <- x
if ( has_cats ) {
if ( has_groups ) {
cat <- g
} else if ( superpose || key ) {
cat <- v
} else {
cat <- NULL
coli <- setNames(colors, levels)
coli <- coli[cat]
} else {
coli <- colors
if ( length(xlab) > 1L ) {
xlabi <- xlab[i]
} else {
xlabi <- xlab
if ( is_discrete ) {
class <- levels(data)
count <- as.numeric(table(data))
proportion <- count / sum(count, na.rm=TRUE)
xrange <- range(c(xrange, seq_along(class)), na.rm=TRUE)
if ( probability ) {
yrange <- range(c(yrange, proportion), na.rm=TRUE)
} else {
yrange <- range(c(yrange, count), na.rm=TRUE)
layers[[length(layers) + 1L]] <- list(
class=class, count=count, prop=proportion,
col=coli, facet=f, group=g, add=add)
} else {
stat <- hist(data, breaks=breaks, right=right,
include.lowest=include.lowest, plot=FALSE)
xrange <- range(c(xrange, stat$breaks), na.rm=TRUE)
if ( probability ) {
yrange <- range(c(yrange, stat$density), na.rm=TRUE)
} else {
yrange <- range(c(yrange, stat$count), na.rm=TRUE)
layers[[length(layers) + 1L]] <- list(
breaks=stat$breaks, mids=stat$mids,
count=stat$count, density=stat$density,
col=coli, facet=f, group=g, add=add)
add <- TRUE
last <- i == max(facet_ids)
if ( !superpose || last ) {
text <- character()
if ( length(xs) > 1L || has_facets ) {
if ( has_facets ) {
text <- c(sapply(f, as.character), text)
} else if ( !superpose ) {
text <- c(v, text)
attr(layers, "strip") <- list(
strip=strip, text=text)
if ( has_cats ) {
attr(layers, "key") <- list(
key=key, text=levels, fill=colors)
facets.out <- c(facets.out, list(layers))
add <- superpose
add <- FALSE
if ( is_discrete ) {
rx <- 1
} else {
rx <- 0.1 * diff(xrange)
ry <- 0.1 * diff(yrange)
if ( missing(layout) )
layout <- TRUE
if ( missing(byrow) )
byrow <- TRUE
layout <- list(layout=layout, byrow=byrow)
if ( missing(preplot) )
preplot <- NULL
if ( missing(xlim) || is.null(xlim) )
xlim <- xrange + rx * c(-0.5, 0.5)
if ( missing(ylim) || is.null(ylim) )
ylim <- c(0, yrange[2] + ry * 0.5)
if ( missing(grid) )
grid <- FALSE
par <- list(
xlab=xlab, ylab=ylab,
xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim)
out <- list(
facets=facets.out,"rbind", facet_levels),
grid=grid, preplot=preplot,
add=!plotnew, par=c(par, dots))
if ( !missing(dark) )
out$dark <- dark
if ( is_discrete ) {
class(out) <- ""
} else {
class(out) <- "facet.hist"
} <- function(x, ...) {
obj <- .update.par(x, ...)
if ( isTRUE(obj$layout$layout) ) {
layout <- .auto.layout(obj,
byrow=obj$layout$byrow, par=obj$par)
} else if ( is.numeric(obj$layout$layout) ) {
layout <- .setup.layout(obj$layout$layout,
byrow=obj$layout$byrow, par=obj$par)
} else {
layout <- obj$layout
if ( isTRUE(obj$dark) || getOption("Cardinal.dark", default=FALSE) ) {
} else if ( isFALSE(obj$dark) ) {
if ( obj$add )
nil <- c(list(x=NA, y=NA), obj$par)
nil$type <- 'n'
nil$xaxt <- 'n'
nil$yaxs <- 'i'
for ( facet in obj$facets ) {
for ( layer in facet ) {
new <- !layer$add
if ( new ) {
if ( obj$add ) {
} else {"plot", nil)
if ( isTRUE(obj$grid) ) grid()
if ( !is.null(obj$preplot) ) {
call <- obj$preplot$call
e <- obj$preplot$envir
eval(call, envir=e)
names <- layer$class
if ( is.null(obj$par$xaxt) )
axis(side=1, labels=names,
n <- length(obj$groups)
nx <- 2 * (n %/% 2)
i <- which(obj$groups %in% layer$group)
nl <- length(layer$class)
grouping.factor <- 0.9
if ( n %% 2 == 0 ) {
d <- grouping.factor / nx
dx <- (d / 2) + d * (n %/% 2 - 1)
} else {
d <- grouping.factor / (nx + 1)
dx <- d * (n %/% 2)
at <- (seq_len(nl) - dx) + (d * (i - 1))
scale <- 0.8
width <- scale / n
if ( obj$probability ) {
yi <- layer$prop
} else {
yi <- layer$count
args <- c(list(
xleft=at - (width / 2),
xright=at + (width / 2),
ybottom=0, ytop=yi,
col=layer$col), obj$par)"rect", args)
strip <- attr(facet, "strip")
if ( !is.null(strip) )
.draw.strip.labels(strip$strip, strip$text)
key <- attr(facet, "key")
if ( !is.null(key) )
.draw.key(key$key, key$text, key$fill)
.Cardinal$lastplot <- x
print.facet.hist <- function(x, ...) {
obj <- .update.par(x, ...)
if ( isTRUE(obj$layout$layout) ) {
layout <- .auto.layout(obj,
byrow=obj$layout$byrow, par=obj$par)
} else if ( is.numeric(obj$layout$layout) ) {
layout <- .setup.layout(obj$layout$layout,
byrow=obj$layout$byrow, par=obj$par)
} else {
layout <- obj$layout
if ( isTRUE(obj$dark) || getOption("Cardinal.dark", default=FALSE) ) {
} else if ( isFALSE(obj$dark) ) {
if ( obj$add )
nil <- c(list(x=NA, y=NA), obj$par)
nil$type <- 'n'
nil$yaxs <- 'i'
for ( facet in obj$facets ) {
for ( layer in facet ) {
new <- !layer$add
if ( obj$probability ) {
args <- c(list(
x=layer$breaks, y=layer$density,
col=layer$col), obj$par)
} else {
args <- c(list(
x=layer$breaks, y=layer$count,
col=layer$col), obj$par)
if ( new ) {
if ( obj$add ) {
} else {"plot", nil)
if ( isTRUE(obj$grid) ) grid()
if ( !is.null(obj$preplot) ) {
call <- obj$preplot$call
e <- obj$preplot$envir
eval(call, envir=e)
a1 <- a2 <- args
a1$y <- c(0, a1$y)
a1$type <- "S"
a2$y <- c(a2$y, 0)
a2$type <- "s""lines", a1)"lines", a2)
strip <- attr(facet, "strip")
if ( !is.null(strip) )
.draw.strip.labels(strip$strip, strip$text)
key <- attr(facet, "key")
if ( !is.null(key) )
.draw.key(key$key, key$text, key$fill)
.Cardinal$lastplot <- x
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