extractNonLinearSubpathways <- function(graphs, pathways, a, b, k, filter,
groupMode, export, verbose)
if ( missing(verbose) ) { verbose <- TRUE }
message('Extracting Non Linear Subpathways...', appendLF = FALSE)
subsNonLinear <- .extractNonLinearSubpathways(graphs, pathways,
a, b, k, filter, groupMode, export, verbose)
}, warning = function(war)
}, error = function(e)
message('\nError in non linear extraction.');
, finally = { }
.extractNonLinearSubpathways <- function(graphs, pathways, a, b, k, filter,
groupMode, export, verbose)
if (missing(verbose)) { verbose <- TRUE }
if (missing(a)) { a <- 3 }
if (missing(b)) { b <- 10 }
if (missing(k)) { k <- 2 }
if (missing(filter)) { filter <- FALSE }
if (missing(groupMode)) { groupMode <- c('expand') }
if (missing(export)) { export <- c('.RData') }
opts <- list(filter=filter, k=k, a=a, b=b, export=export)
dirs <- cache$dirs
eAdjMats <- graphs$expanded
cAdjMats <- graphs$combined
org <- graphs$org
if (!missing(pathways))
# Keep a subset of pathways
pathways <- paste(org, pathways, sep='')
eAdjMats <- eAdjMats[pathways]
cAdjMats <- cAdjMats[pathways]
# Find user genes
if (opts$filter)
e=new.env(); load(cache$dirs$geneExpressions, e)
geneEx <- e[[ls(e)[1]]]
genes <- sort(as.numeric(unique(rownames(geneEx))))
if (!(opts$filter)) { genes <- NULL}
# Filter adjacency matrices according to user genes
if (groupMode == 'expand') { adjMats <- eAdjMats }
if (groupMode == 'collapse') { adjMats <- cAdjMats }
adjMats <- filterMatrix(adjMats=adjMats, org=org, userGenes=genes)
# Build global gene and edge indexer
lex <- matrixToLexicon(adjMats=adjMats, org=org,
# Convert edgeType matrix to adjacency matrix
adjMatsBin <- adjMats
for (i in 1:length(adjMatsBin) )
if (is.matrix(adjMatsBin[[i]])) #if (!is.null(adjMatsBin[[i]]))
adjMatsBin[[i]][adjMatsBin[[i]] > 1] <- 1
# Apply k-clique algorithm to find the k-subpaths for each pathway.
export <- c('unlistToMatrix', 'as', 'graphAM', 'kCliques', 'ugraph')
cores <- ifelse( length(adjMatsBin) > detectCores()*10, 'default', 1 )
subs <- .doSafeParallel(funcName=.nlSubpaths,
adjMatsBin, lex, k, names(adjMatsBin), a, b)
if ( !is.null(subs) ) { names(subs) <- names(adjMatsBin) }
if ( !is(subs,'list') ) { subs <- list(subs) }
# Ensure that all subpaths have the same number of columns
subs <- fillMatrixList(subs)
# Join list of named matrices to a single named matrix
subs <- unlistToMatrix(subs)
# Delete temporaty files and directories
# Export subpaths
exportSubpaths(subs, dir=paste(dirs$nlr, org, sep='//'), type=opts$export,
subsNonLinear <- list(subpaths=subs, adjMats=adjMats,
groupMode=groupMode, org=org, lex=lex, subpathwayType='Non-Linear')
.nlSubpaths <- function(i, ...)
# ------- Unpacking arguments -------
args <- list(...)
adjMat <- args[[1]][[i]]
lex <- args[[2]]
k <- args[[3]]
pathname <- args[[4]][i]
a <- args[[5]]
b <- args[[6]]
# ----------------------------------
org <- lex$org
edgeList <- lex$edges
if (!is.matrix(adjMat)) { return() }
tmp <- paste(org,':',sep='')
rownames(adjMat) <- gsub(tmp,'', rownames(adjMat)) #!!
colnames(adjMat) <- gsub(tmp,'', colnames(adjMat)) #!!
# Create a graphNEL graph from the adjacency matrix
if (nrow(adjMat) * sum(adjMat) > 1e05)
{ adjMat[lower.tri(adjMat, diag = FALSE)] <- 0 }
G <- as(graphAM(adjMat, 'directed'), 'graphNEL')
ksubpath <- kCliques(ugraph(G))[[paste(k, 'cliques', sep='-')]]
if (is.null(ksubpath)) { return() }
# Keep cliques of length a to b
lgt <- sapply(ksubpath, function(x) { length(x) })
# Set max column count if right border is not supplied
if(is.null(b)) { b <- max(lgt) }
droppedSubsIdx <- which(lgt<a | lgt>b)
acceptedSubsIdx <- which(lgt>=a & lgt<=b)
# A subpath is stored in each line on Ld, and its maximum length is b.
Ld <- matrix(0, nrow=length(ksubpath), ncol=b)
for (j in acceptedSubsIdx)
Ld[j,] <- c(ksubpath[[j]], rep(0, b-lgt[j]))
if (length(droppedSubsIdx) > 0)
Ld <- matrix(Ld[-droppedSubsIdx,], ncol=b)
if (nrow(Ld) == 0) { return() }
# Each subpath by now is a bucket of genes. Lets consider all the possible
# interactions between those genes. Not all of them correspond to actual
# interactions. The ones that do are the final subpath.
R <- list()
for (j in seq(nrow(Ld),1))
# Edge list indexes
r1 <- as.numeric(is.element(edgeList[,1], Ld[j,]))
r2 <- as.numeric(is.element(edgeList[,2], Ld[j,]))
idx1 <- which((r1 + r2) == 2)
idx2 <- which(edgeList[,6] == gsub(org, '', pathname))
r <- intersect(idx1, idx2)
if ( length(r) > 0 )
R <- c(R, list(r))
names(R) <- rep(pathname, length(R))
# Turn list of uneven subpaths to matrix (indexes of edgelist)
iSubpaths <- unlistToMatrix(R)
# Replace zeros with next availiable row index (max_index + 1).
iSubpaths[which(iSubpaths==0)] <- nrow(lex$edges) + 1
# Create mapper from indexes to entrez numbers
lib <- paste(lex$edges[,1], lex$edges[,2], sep='-')
# Zero mapping (map (max_index + 1) to zero)
lib <- c(lib, 0)
# Turn indexes to entrez names edges
subpaths <- matrix(lib[iSubpaths], nrow=nrow(iSubpaths))
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