### =========================================================================
### XStringSet objects
### -------------------------------------------------------------------------
### This tells some operations (e.g. pcompare() and narrow()) to ignore the
### list-like nature of XStringSet derivatives i.e. to treat their list
### elements as atoms.
setMethod("pcompareRecursively", "XStringSet", function(x) FALSE)
### The concrete XStringSet subclasses below have no additional slots.
### - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
### The "seqtype" and "seqtype<-" methods.
setMethod("seqtype", "XStringSet",
function(x) seqtype(new(elementType(x)))
### NOT an endomorphism in general! (Because it downgrades 'x' to a
### B/DNA/RNA/AAStringSet instance.)
setReplaceMethod("seqtype", "XStringSet",
function(x, value)
ans_class <- paste(value, "StringSet", sep="")
## Don't try to replace the code below with 'as(x, ans_class)' because
## that would introduce a chicken-egg situation ('as(x, ans_class)'
## actually calls the seqtype() setter when 'x' is an XStringSet
## object).
lkup <- get_seqtype_conversion_lookup(seqtype(x), value)
if (!is.null(lkup))
x <- xvcopy(x, lkup=lkup) # temporarily breaks 'x'!
new2(ans_class, pool=x@pool, ranges=x@ranges, check=FALSE)
### - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
### Going from XString to XStringSet with extractList() and family.
setMethod("relistToClass", "XString",
function(x) paste0(class(x), "Set")
### - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
### Accessor-like methods.
setMethod("width", "character",
if (anyNA(x))
stop("NAs in 'x' are not supported")
## Bytes with values > 127 in 'x' break 'nchar(x, type="chars")'
## on some systems, depending on how LC_CTYPE is set. For example
## on my Linux laptop where LC_CTYPE is set to en_US.UTF-8:
## Sys.getlocale("LC_CTYPE") # en_US.UTF-8
## x <- rawToChar(as.raw(135L))
## nchar(x, type="chars") # invalid multibyte string, element 1
## These byte values are legit e.g. they occur when doing things
## like 'SolexaQuality(99L)' or 'BString(rawToChar(as.raw(135L)))'.
## The purpose of temporarily setting LC_CTYPE to C below is to
## make sure that the call to 'nchar(x, type="chars")' will always
## succeed and do the right thing. A simple test is:
## x <- safeExplode(rawToChar(as.raw(1:255)))
## stopifnot(identical(width(x),, 255)))
## Note that using 'nchar(x, type="bytes")' wouldn't be an option
## because it breaks the Modstrings package (which uses multibyte
## characters).
prev_LC_CTYPE <- Sys.getlocale("LC_CTYPE")
Sys.setlocale("LC_CTYPE", "C")
on.exit(Sys.setlocale("LC_CTYPE", prev_LC_CTYPE))
nchar(x, type="chars")
setMethod("nchar", "XStringSet",
function(x, type="chars", allowNA=FALSE) width(x)
### - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
### The "subseq" endomorphism and related transformations.
### Methods for XStringSet objects are inherited from the XVectorList class.
### The default "narrow" method calls windows() so we only need to implement
### a "windows" method for character vectors to make narrow() also work on
### them.
setMethod("windows", "character",
function(x, start=NA, end=NA, width=NA)
x_width <- width(x)
ir <- solveUserSEW(x_width, start=start, end=end, width=width)
substr(x, start=start(ir), stop=end(ir))
setMethod("subseq", "character",
function(x, start=NA, end=NA, width=NA)
narrow(x, start=start, end=end, width=width)
setMethod("threebands", "character",
function(x, start=NA, end=NA, width=NA)
names(x) <- NULL
x_width <- width(x)
solved_SEW <- solveUserSEW(x_width, start=start, end=end, width=width)
left <- substr(x, start=1L, stop=start(solved_SEW)-1L)
middle <- substr(x, start=start(solved_SEW), stop=end(solved_SEW))
right <- substr(x, start=end(solved_SEW)+1L, stop=x_width)
list(left=left, middle=middle, right=right)
setReplaceMethod("subseq", "character",
function(x, start=NA, end=NA, width=NA, value)
bands <- threebands(x, start=start, end=end, width=width)
## Use x[] <- ... to preserve names and any other attribute.
x[] <- paste(bands$left, value, bands$right, sep="")
### TODO: Make this a method for XVectorList objects and move it to the
### IRanges package (this means the implementation cannot use xscat() anymore).
setReplaceMethod("subseq", "XStringSet",
function(x, start=NA, end=NA, width=NA, value)
bands <- threebands(x, start=start, end=end, width=width)
## Use x[] <- ... to preserve class (endomorphism), names, metadata
## columns, and any other attribute.
if (is.null(value)) {
x[] <- xscat(bands$left, bands$right)
} else {
x[] <- xscat(bands$left, value, bands$right)
### - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
### make_XStringSet_from_strings()
### Low-level generic called by XStringSet() constructor. Not intended to be
### called directly by the end user.
### Purpose is to make it easy to extend the XStringSet() constructor to
### support XStringSet derivatives defined in other packages. For example,
### defining the following method in the Modstrings package will make calls
### of the form 'XStringSet("ModDNA", ...)' work (granted that seqtype()
### works properly on ModDNAStringSet objects via appropriate methods):
### setMethod("make_XStringSet_from_strings", "ModStringSet",
### function(x0, strings, start, width)
### {
### codec <- modscodec(seqtype(x0))
### strings <- vapply(strings,
### function(string)
### .convert_letters_to_one_byte_codes(string, codec),
### character(1),
### callNextMethod()
### }
### )
setGeneric("make_XStringSet_from_strings", signature="x0",
function(x0, strings, start, width)
## Only light checking of 'start' and 'width' (i.e. we don't check
## that they have the same length as 'strings' and define valid
## ranges on its elements).
stopifnot(is(x0, "XStringSet"), is.integer(start), is.integer(width))
if (!is.character(strings))
stop(wmsg("input must be a character vector"))
ans <- standardGeneric("make_XStringSet_from_strings")
stopifnot(class(ans) == class(x0))
### Default method.
setMethod("make_XStringSet_from_strings", "XStringSet",
function(x0, strings, start, width)
lkup <- get_seqtype_conversion_lookup("B", seqtype(x0))
class(x0), elementType(x0), strings, start, width, lkup,
### - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
### The XStringSet() constructor. NOT exported.
### This constructor and its helper functions use the uSEW (user-specified
### Start/End/Width) interface.
setGeneric("XStringSet", signature="x",
function(seqtype, x, start=NA, end=NA, width=NA, use.names=TRUE)
### 'x' must be a character string or an XString object.
.oneSeqToXStringSet <- function(seqtype, x, start, end, width, use.names)
ans_xvector <- XString(seqtype, x)
ans_ranges <- solveUserSEW(length(ans_xvector),
start=start, end=end, width=width,
## We mimic how substring() replicates the name of a single string (try
## 'substring(c(A="abcdefghij"), 2, 6:2)').
if (!is(x, "XString") && normargUseNames(use.names)) {
x_names <- names(x)
if (!is.null(x_names)) {
ans_names <-, length(ans_ranges))
names(ans_ranges) <- ans_names
extractList(ans_xvector, ans_ranges)
.charToXStringSet <- function(seqtype, strings, start, end, width, use.names)
if (length(strings) == 1L) {
ans <- .oneSeqToXStringSet(seqtype, strings,
start, end, width, use.names)
} else {
use.names <- normargUseNames(use.names)
x0 <- new2(paste0(seqtype, "StringSet"), check=FALSE)
solved_SEW <- solveUserSEW(width(strings),
start=start, end=end, width=width)
ans <- make_XStringSet_from_strings(x0, strings,
if (use.names)
names(ans) <- names(strings)
setMethod("XStringSet", "character",
function(seqtype, x, start=NA, end=NA, width=NA, use.names=TRUE)
if (is.null(seqtype))
seqtype <- "B"
.charToXStringSet(seqtype, x, start, end, width, use.names)
setMethod("XStringSet", "factor",
function(seqtype, x, start=NA, end=NA, width=NA, use.names=TRUE)
if (is.null(seqtype))
seqtype <- "B"
if (length(x) < nlevels(x)) {
ans <- .charToXStringSet(seqtype, as.character(x),
start, end, width, use.names)
## If 'x' has less levels than elements, then it's cheaper to
## operate on its levels. In case of equality (i.e. if
## length(x) == nlevels(x)), the price is the same but the final
## XStringSet object obtained by operating on the levels might use
## less memory (if 'x' contains duplicated values).
ans <- .charToXStringSet(seqtype, levels(x),
start, end, width, use.names)
setMethod("XStringSet", "XString",
function(seqtype, x, start=NA, end=NA, width=NA, use.names=TRUE)
.oneSeqToXStringSet(seqtype, x, start, end, width, use.names)
setMethod("XStringSet", "XStringSet",
function(seqtype, x, start=NA, end=NA, width=NA, use.names=TRUE)
ans <- narrow(x, start=start, end=end, width=width, use.names=use.names)
## `seqtype<-` must be called even when 'seqtype' is NULL
## because we want to enforce downgrade to a B/DNA/RNA/AAStringSet
## instance
if (is.null(seqtype))
seqtype <- seqtype(x)
seqtype(ans) <- seqtype
setMethod("XStringSet", "list",
function(seqtype, x, start=NA, end=NA, width=NA, use.names=TRUE)
x_len <- length(x)
if (x_len == 0L) {
tmp_elementType <- "BString"
} else {
tmp_elementType <- paste(seqtype(x[[1L]]), "String", sep="")
tmp_class <- paste(tmp_elementType, "Set", sep="")
tmp <- XVector:::new_XVectorList_from_list_of_XVector(tmp_class, x)
XStringSet(seqtype, tmp,
start=start, end=end, width=width, use.names=use.names)
### 2 extra "XStringSet" methods to deal with the probe sequences stored
### in the *probe annotation packages (e.g. drosophila2probe).
setMethod("XStringSet", "AsIs",
function(seqtype, x, start=NA, end=NA, width=NA, use.names=TRUE)
if (!is.character(x))
stop("unsuported input type")
class(x) <- "character" # keeps the names (unlike as.character())
.charToXStringSet(seqtype, x, start, end, width, use.names)
setMethod("XStringSet", "probetable",
function(seqtype, x, start=NA, end=NA, width=NA, use.names=TRUE)
XStringSet(seqtype, x$sequence,
start=start, end=end, width=width, use.names=use.names)
### Default method.
setMethod("XStringSet", "ANY",
function(seqtype, x, start=NA, end=NA, width=NA, use.names=TRUE)
XStringSet(seqtype, as.character(x),
start=start, end=end, width=width, use.names=use.names)
setMethod("XStringSet", "missing",
function(seqtype, x, start=NA, end=NA, width=NA, use.names=TRUE)
XStringSet(seqtype, NULL)
### - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
### The user interfaces to the XStringSet() constructor.
BStringSet <- function(x=character(), start=NA, end=NA, width=NA,
XStringSet("B", x, start=start, end=end, width=width,
DNAStringSet <- function(x=character(), start=NA, end=NA, width=NA,
XStringSet("DNA", x, start=start, end=end, width=width,
RNAStringSet <- function(x=character(), start=NA, end=NA, width=NA,
XStringSet("RNA", x, start=start, end=end, width=width,
AAStringSet <- function(x=character(), start=NA, end=NA, width=NA,
XStringSet("AA", x, start=start, end=end, width=width,
### - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
### Coercion.
setAs("ANY", "BStringSet", function(from) BStringSet(from))
setAs("ANY", "DNAStringSet", function(from) DNAStringSet(from))
setAs("ANY", "RNAStringSet", function(from) RNAStringSet(from))
setAs("ANY", "AAStringSet", function(from) AAStringSet(from))
setAs("ANY", "XStringSet",
from_seqtype <- try(seqtype(from), silent=TRUE)
if (is(from_seqtype, "try-error"))
from_seqtype <- "B"
XStringSet(from_seqtype, from)
### - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
### The "show" and "showAsCell" methods.
.namesW <- 20
.XStringSet.show_frame_header <- function(iW, widthW, with.names)
cat(format("", width=iW+1),
format("width", width=widthW, justify="right"),
if (with.names) {
cat(format(" seq", width=getOption("width")-iW-widthW-.namesW-1),
format("names", width=.namesW, justify="left"),
} else {
cat(" seq")
.XStringSet.show_frame_line <- function(x, i, iW, widthW)
width <- nchar(x)[i]
snippet_width <- getOption("width") - 2L - iW - widthW
if (!is.null(names(x)))
snippet_width <- snippet_width - .namesW - 1L
snippet <- toSeqSnippet(x[[i]], snippet_width)
if (!is.null(names(x))) {
snippet_class <- class(snippet)
snippet <- format(snippet, width=snippet_width)
class(snippet) <- snippet_class
cat(format(paste("[", i,"]", sep=""), width=iW, justify="right"), " ",
format(width, width=widthW, justify="right"), " ",
if (!is.null(names(x))) {
snippet_name <- names(x)[i]
if (
snippet_name <- "<NA>"
else if (nchar(snippet_name) > .namesW)
snippet_name <- paste0(substr(snippet_name, 1L, .namesW - 3L),
cat(" ", snippet_name, sep="")
### 'half_nrow' must be >= 1
.XStringSet.show_frame <- function(x, half_nrow=5L)
if (is.null(head_nrow <- getOption("showHeadLines")))
head_nrow <- half_nrow
if (is.null(tail_nrow <- getOption("showTailLines")))
tail_nrow <- half_nrow
lx <- length(x)
iW <- nchar(as.character(lx)) + 2 # 2 for the brackets
ncharMax <- max(nchar(x))
widthW <- max(nchar(ncharMax), nchar("width"))
.XStringSet.show_frame_header(iW, widthW, !is.null(names(x)))
if (lx < (2*half_nrow+1L) | (lx < (head_nrow+tail_nrow+1L))) {
for (i in seq_len(lx))
.XStringSet.show_frame_line(x, i, iW, widthW)
} else {
if (head_nrow > 0)
for (i in 1:head_nrow)
.XStringSet.show_frame_line(x, i, iW, widthW)
cat(format("...", width=iW, justify="right"),
format("...", width=widthW, justify="right"),
if (tail_nrow > 0)
for (i in (lx-tail_nrow+1L):lx)
.XStringSet.show_frame_line(x, i, iW, widthW)
setMethod("show", "XStringSet",
object_len <- length(object)
cat(class(object), " object of length ", length(object), sep="")
if (object_len != 0L)
if (object_len != 0L)
setMethod("showAsCell", "XStringSet",
vapply(object, toSeqSnippet, character(1), width=23L)
### - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
### Other coercion methods.
### 'unlist(x)' turns XStringSet object 'x' into an XString object.
setMethod("unlist", "XStringSet",
function(x, recursive=TRUE, use.names=TRUE)
.Call2("XStringSet_unlist", x, PACKAGE="Biostrings")
setMethod("as.character", "XStringSet",
function(x, use.names=TRUE)
use.names <- normargUseNames(use.names)
ans <- .Call2("new_CHARACTER_from_XStringSet",
x, xs_dec_lkup(x),
if (use.names)
names(ans) <- names(x)
setMethod("as.factor", "XStringSet",
### TODO: Turn this into an S3/S4 combo for
setMethod("", "XStringSet",
function(x, row.names=NULL, optional=FALSE)
x <- as.character(x), row.names=NULL, optional=optional,
setMethod("as.vector", "XStringSet",
function(x, mode="any")
if (!isSingleString(mode))
stop("'mode' must be a single string")
if (!(mode %in% c("any", "character")))
stop("'mode' can only be \"any\" or \"character\" ",
"when 'x' is an XStringSet object")
setMethod("toString", "XStringSet",
function(x, ...) toString(as.character(x), ...)
setMethod("as.matrix", "XStringSet",
function(x, use.names=TRUE)
use.names <- normargUseNames(use.names)
nrow <- length(x)
if (nrow == 0)
stop("'x' must contain at least 1 string")
widths <- width(x)
ncol <- widths[1]
if (!all(widths == ncol))
stop("'x' strings are not equal-width")
y <- as.character(x, use.names=FALSE)
y <- unlist(strsplit(y, NULL), recursive=FALSE, use.names=FALSE)
m <- matrix(y, nrow=nrow, byrow=TRUE)
if (use.names)
rownames(m) <- names(x)
### - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
### updateObject()
### Update XStringSet objects created before the big change to the XStringSet
### internals ("super" slot replaced by "pool" slot).
### This change happened in Biostrings 2.13.43.
setMethod("updateObject", "XStringSet",
function(object, ..., verbose=FALSE)
if (!is(try(object@pool, silent=TRUE), "try-error"))
ans_xvector <- updateObject(object@super)
ans_ranges <- updateObject(object@ranges)
names(ans_ranges) <- names(object)
extractList(ans_xvector, ans_ranges)
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