### =========================================================================
### XString objects
### -------------------------------------------------------------------------
### The XString virtual class is a general container for storing an "external
### string".
setClass("XString", contains="XRaw", representation("VIRTUAL"))
### XString subclasses (no additional slots)
setClass("BString", contains="XString")
setClass("DNAString", contains="XString")
setClass("RNAString", contains="XString")
setClass("AAString", contains="XString")
### - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
### Accessor-like methods.
setMethod("nchar", "XString", function(x, type="chars", allowNA=FALSE) length(x))
### - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
### The "seqtype" and "seqtype<-" methods.
setMethod("seqtype", "BString", function(x) "B")
setMethod("seqtype", "DNAString", function(x) "DNA")
setMethod("seqtype", "RNAString", function(x) "RNA")
setMethod("seqtype", "AAString", function(x) "AA")
.copySubSharedRaw <- function(x, start=1, nchar=NA, lkup=NULL)
ans <- SharedRaw(nchar)
SharedVector.copy(ans, start, start + nchar - 1L, src=x, lkup=lkup)
### Downgrades 'x' to a B/DNA/RNA/AAString instance!
setReplaceMethod("seqtype", "XString",
function(x, value)
from_seqtype <- seqtype(x)
to_seqtype <- value
ans_class <- paste(to_seqtype, "String", sep="")
lkup <- get_seqtype_conversion_lookup(from_seqtype, to_seqtype)
if (is.null(lkup))
return(new(ans_class, shared=x@shared, offset=x@offset, length=x@length))
shared <- .copySubSharedRaw(x@shared, start=x@offset+1L, nchar=x@length, lkup=lkup)
new(ans_class, shared=shared, length=length(shared))
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### XString.readCodes()
XString.readCodes <- function(x, i, imax=integer(0))
SharedRaw.readInts(x@shared, x@offset + i, x@offset + imax)
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### extract_character_from_XString_by_positions() and
### extract_character_from_XString_by_ranges()
### Low-level generics called by the as.character(), show(), and letter()
### methods for XString and XStringViews objects. Not intended to be called
### directly by the end user.
### Purpose is to facilitate support for XString derivatives defined in
### other packages. For example, defining the following methods in the
### Modstrings package will make as.character(), show(), and letter()
### work as expected on ModString and ModStringViews objects (granted
### that seqtype() works properly on ModString derivatives via appropriate
### methods):
### setMethod("extract_character_from_XString_by_positions", "ModString",
### function(x, pos, collapse=FALSE)
### {
### ans <- callNextMethod()
### codec <- modscodec(seqtype(x))
### .convert_one_byte_codes_to_letters(ans, codec)
### }
### )
### setMethod("extract_character_from_XString_by_ranges", "ModString",
### function(x, start, width, collapse=FALSE)
### {
### ans <- callNextMethod()
### codec <- modscodec(seqtype(x))
### .convert_one_byte_codes_to_letters(ans, codec)
### }
### )
setGeneric("extract_character_from_XString_by_positions", signature="x",
function(x, pos, collapse=FALSE)
## Only light checking of 'pos' (i.e. we don't check that it contains
## valid positions on 'x').
stopifnot(is(x, "XString"), is.integer(pos))
ans <- standardGeneric("extract_character_from_XString_by_positions")
### Default method.
setMethod("extract_character_from_XString_by_positions", "XString",
function(x, pos, collapse=FALSE)
XVector:::extract_character_from_XRaw_by_positions(x, pos,
setGeneric("extract_character_from_XString_by_ranges", signature="x",
function(x, start, width, collapse=FALSE)
## Only light checking of 'start' and 'width' (i.e. we don't check
## that they have the same length and define valid ranges on 'x').
stopifnot(is(x, "XString"), is.integer(start), is.integer(width))
ans <- standardGeneric("extract_character_from_XString_by_ranges")
### Default method.
setMethod("extract_character_from_XString_by_ranges", "XString",
function(x, start, width, collapse=FALSE)
XVector:::extract_character_from_XRaw_by_ranges(x, start, width,
### - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
### make_XString_from_string()
### Low-level generic called by XString() constructor. Not intended to be
### called directly by the end user.
### Purpose is to make it easy to extend the XString() constructor to
### support XString derivatives defined in other packages. For example,
### defining the following method in the Modstrings package will make calls
### of the form 'XString("ModDNA", ...)' work (granted that seqtype() works
### properly on ModDNAString objects via appropriate methods):
### setMethod("make_XString_from_string", "ModString",
### function(x0, string, start, width)
### {
### codec <- modscodec(seqtype(x0))
### string <- .convert_letters_to_one_byte_codes(string, codec)
### callNextMethod()
### }
### )
setGeneric("make_XString_from_string", signature="x0",
function(x0, string, start, width)
## Only light checking of 'start' and 'width' (i.e. we don't check
## that they define a valid range on 'string').
stopifnot(is(x0, "XString"),
if (!isSingleString(string))
stop(wmsg("input must be a single non-NA string"))
ans <- standardGeneric("make_XString_from_string")
stopifnot(class(ans) == class(x0))
### Default method.
setMethod("make_XString_from_string", "XString",
function(x0, string, start, width)
lkup <- get_seqtype_conversion_lookup("B", seqtype(x0))
class(x0), string, start, width, lkup,
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### The XString() constructor. NOT exported.
### This constructor and its helper functions use the uSEW (user-specified
### Start/End/Width) interface.
setGeneric("XString", signature="x",
function(seqtype, x, start=NA, end=NA, width=NA)
.charToXString <- function(seqtype, string, start, end, width)
if (!isSingleString(string))
stop(wmsg("input must be a single non-NA string"))
x0 <- new2(paste0(seqtype, "String"), check=FALSE)
solved_SEW <- solveUserSEW(width(string),
start=start, end=end, width=width)
make_XString_from_string(x0, string, start(solved_SEW), width(solved_SEW))
setMethod("XString", "character",
function(seqtype, x, start=NA, end=NA, width=NA)
if (is.null(seqtype))
seqtype <- "B"
.charToXString(seqtype, x, start, end, width)
setMethod("XString", "factor",
function(seqtype, x, start=NA, end=NA, width=NA)
if (is.null(seqtype))
seqtype <- "B"
.charToXString(seqtype, as.character(x), start, end, width)
setMethod("XString", "XString",
function(seqtype, x, start=NA, end=NA, width=NA)
ans <- subseq(x, start=start, end=end, width=width)
## `seqtype<-` must be called even when user supplied 'seqtype' is
## NULL because we want to enforce downgrade to a B/DNA/RNA/AAString
## instance
if (is.null(seqtype))
seqtype <- seqtype(x)
seqtype(ans) <- seqtype
### Just because of the silly "AsIs" objects found in the probe packages
### (e.g. drosophila2probe$sequence)
setMethod("XString", "AsIs",
function(seqtype, x, start=NA, end=NA, width=NA)
if (!is.character(x))
stop("unsuported input type")
class(x) <- "character" # keeps the names (unlike as.character())
XString(seqtype, x, start=start, end=end, width=width)
### - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
### The user interfaces to the XString() constructor.
BString <- function(x="", start=1, nchar=NA)
XString("B", x, start=start, width=nchar)
DNAString <- function(x="", start=1, nchar=NA)
XString("DNA", x, start=start, width=nchar)
RNAString <- function(x="", start=1, nchar=NA)
XString("RNA", x, start=start, width=nchar)
AAString <- function(x="", start=1, nchar=NA)
XString("AA", x, start=start, width=nchar)
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### Coercion.
setAs("XString", "BString",
function(from) {seqtype(from) <- "B"; from}
setAs("XString", "DNAString",
function(from) {seqtype(from) <- "DNA"; from}
setAs("XString", "RNAString",
function(from) {seqtype(from) <- "RNA"; from}
setAs("XString", "AAString",
function(from) {seqtype(from) <- "AA"; from}
setAs("character", "BString", function(from) BString(from))
setAs("character", "DNAString", function(from) DNAString(from))
setAs("character", "RNAString", function(from) RNAString(from))
setAs("character", "AAString", function(from) AAString(from))
setAs("character", "XString", function(from) BString(from))
setMethod("as.character", "XString",
extract_character_from_XString_by_ranges(x, 1L, length(x))
setMethod("toString", "XString", function(x, ...) as.character(x))
### FIXME: Sometimes returns a vector sometimes a factor. This needs to be
### sorted out. The use case is that relies on this.
setMethod("as.vector", "XString",
codes <- xscodes(x)
x_alphabet <- names(codes)
if (is.null(x_alphabet)) {
ans <- rawToChar(as.raw(x), multiple=TRUE)
x_alphabet <- alphabet(x)
if (!is.null(x_alphabet))
ans <- factor(ans, levels=x_alphabet)
code2pos <- integer(length(codes))
code2pos[codes] <- seq_along(codes)
ans <- code2pos[as.integer(x)]
attributes(ans) <- list(levels=x_alphabet, class="factor")
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### The "show" method.
compact_ellipsis <- rawToChar(as.raw(c(0xe2, 0x80, 0xa6)))
### NOT exported but used in the BSgenome package.
### 'x' must be a single character string, or an XString or
### MaskedXString object.
### Return a character vector possibly with a class attribute on it for
### later S3 dispatch in add_colors().
toSeqSnippet <- function(x, width)
if (width < 7L)
width <- 7L
## Do NOT use nchar() here as it wouldn't do the right thing on a
## MaskedXString object!
x_len <- length(x)
if (x_len <= width) {
ans <- as.character(x)
} else {
w1 <- (width - 2L) %/% 2L
w2 <- (width - 3L) %/% 2L
ans <- paste0(as.character(subseq(x, start=1, width=w1)),
as.character(subseq(x, end=x_len, width=w2)))
if (is(x, "XString") || is(x, "MaskedXString"))
class(ans) <- c(seqtype(x), class(ans)) # for S3 dispatch
# in add_colors()
setMethod("show", "XString",
object_len <- object@length
cat(object_len, "-letter ", class(object), " object\n", sep="")
snippet <- toSeqSnippet(object, getOption("width") - 5L)
cat("seq: ", add_colors(snippet), "\n", sep="")
setMethod("showAsCell", "XString",
ans <- safeExplode(as.character(object))
class(ans) <- c(seqtype(object), class(ans))
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### Equality.
### We want:
### BString("ab") == "ab" # TRUE
### DNAString("TG") == RNAString("UG") # TRUE!!!
### library(BSgenome.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg18)
### dna <- Hsapiens$chr1
### dna != Hsapiens$chr1 # FALSE
### dnav <- Views(dna, start=1:7, end=101:107)
### dnav[[1]] == dnav[[7]] # TRUE
### dnav <- Views(dna, start=1:7, end=(length(dna)-6):length(dna))
### This is fast:
### dnav[[1]] == dnav[[7]] # FALSE
### But this would have killed your machine:
### s1 <- toString(dnav[[1]])
### s7 <- toString(dnav[[7]])
### s1 == s7
### 'x' and 'y' must be XString objects
.XString.equal <- function(x, y)
if (x@length != y@length)
ans <- !, x@offset + 1L, y@shared, y@offset + 1L, x@length)
setMethod("==", signature(e1="XString", e2="XString"),
function(e1, e2)
if (!comparable_seqtypes(seqtype(e1), seqtype(e2))) {
class1 <- class(e1)
class2 <- class(e2)
stop("comparison between a \"", class1, "\" instance ",
"and a \"", class2, "\" instance ",
"is not supported")
.XString.equal(e1, e2)
setMethod("==", signature(e1="BString", e2="character"),
function(e1, e2)
if (length(e2) != 1 || e2 %in% c("", NA))
stop("comparison between a \"BString\" object and a character vector ",
"of length != 1 or an empty string or an NA ",
"is not supported")
.XString.equal(e1, BString(e2))
setMethod("==", signature(e1="character", e2="BString"),
function(e1, e2) e2 == e1
setMethod("!=", signature(e1="XString", e2="XString"),
function(e1, e2) !(e1 == e2)
setMethod("!=", signature(e1="BString", e2="character"),
function(e1, e2) !(e1 == e2)
setMethod("!=", signature(e1="character", e2="BString"),
function(e1, e2) !(e1 == e2)
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### The "substr" and "substring" methods.
setMethod("substr", "XString",
function(x, start, stop) subseq(x, start=start, end=stop)
setMethod("substring", "XString",
function(text, first, last=1000000L) subseq(text, start=first, end=last)
### - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
### updateObject()
### Update XString objects created before the big internal renaming I made
### in IRanges 1.3.76.
setMethod("updateObject", "XString",
function(object, ..., verbose=FALSE)
if (!is(try(object@shared, silent=TRUE), "try-error"))
xdata <- object@xdata
ans_shared <- new("SharedRaw")
ans_shared@xp <- xdata@xp
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