#' @title Retrieve dataframe of reference intergenic IDs
#' @description Retrieve a dataframe of reference intergenic IDs.
#' It is generated using the reference intergenic fasta file from Bgee FTP.
#' @param myBgeeMetadata A Class BgeeMetadata object.
#' @param myUserMetadata A Class UserMetadata object.
#' @author Julien Wollbrett
#' @author Julien Roux
#' @return A dataframe containing reference intergenic ids
#' @noMd
#' @noRd
get_ref_intergenic_ids <- function(myBgeeMetadata,
myUserMetadata) {
bgee_intergenic_file <- retrieve_intergenic_path(myBgeeMetadata, myUserMetadata)
bgee_intergenic <- readDNAStringSet(bgee_intergenic_file)
# keep only intergenic ids from fasta file
return("^([^ ]+).*", "\\1", names(bgee_intergenic))))
#' @title Generate presence absence
#' @description Generate presence absence calls. It correponds to
#' the last part of the generation of the expression calls workflow.
#' It runs the last part of the workflow generating presetn/absent
#' expression calls.
#' This function should only be used by advanced user who already
#' manually run all previous parts of the pipeline.
#' If you are not an advanced user it is safer to run the function
#' ``generate_calls_workflow`` that run all steps of the worklow
#'@seealso generate_calls_workflow
#' @param myAbundanceMetadata A descendant object of the Class myAbundanceMetadata
#' (optional).
#' @param myBgeeMetadata A Class BgeeMetadata object (optional).
#' @param myUserMetadata A Class UserMetadata object.
#' @author Julien Wollbrett
#' @author Julien Roux
#' @return path to the 4 output files
#' @export
#' @examples {
#' # this example reuse data present in the directory 'extdata' of the package.
#' user <- new('UserMetadata', working_path = system.file('extdata',
#' package = 'BgeeCall'), species_id = '6239', rnaseq_lib_path = system.file(
#' 'extdata', 'SRX099901_subset', package = 'BgeeCall'),
#' annotation_name = 'WBcel235_84', simple_arborescence = TRUE)
#' calls_output <- generate_presence_absence(myUserMetadata = user)
#' #
#' }
generate_presence_absence <- function(myAbundanceMetadata = new("KallistoMetadata"),
myBgeeMetadata = new("BgeeMetadata"), myUserMetadata) {
# load data
ref_intergenic <- get_ref_intergenic_ids(myBgeeMetadata,
tool_path <- get_tool_path(myAbundanceMetadata,
myBgeeMetadata, myUserMetadata)
# use the standard output dir or the one defined by the user
output_path <- get_tool_output_path(myAbundanceMetadata,
myBgeeMetadata, myUserMetadata)
# check if calls have to be created
if(!(myAbundanceMetadata@overwrite_calls & file.exists(file.path(output_path,
myAbundanceMetadata@gene_calls_file_name)))) {
# biotype mapping information will depend on
# summarization at gene level or not
biotype_mapping <- ""
if (myAbundanceMetadata@txOut) {
biotype_mapping <- load_transcript_to_biotype(myAbundanceMetadata,
myBgeeMetadata, myUserMetadata)
} else {
biotype_mapping <- load_gene_to_biotype(myAbundanceMetadata,
myBgeeMetadata, myUserMetadata)
# run tximport for file with intergenic regions (if
# myAbundanceMetadata@txOut = FALSE, then tximport
# will summurarize transcript level estimates at
# gene level)
tximportObject <- run_tximport(myAbundanceMetadata = myAbundanceMetadata,
myBgeeMetadata = myBgeeMetadata, myUserMetadata = myUserMetadata)
# recalculate TPM without intergenic regions and
# run tximport (if myAbundanceMetadata@txOut =
# FALSE, then tximport will summurarize at
# transcript level estimates at gene level)
# remove intergenic
tximportObject_without_intergenic <- abundance_without_intergenic(myAbundanceMetadata,
myBgeeMetadata, myUserMetadata)
# transform tximportObect in order to easily
# process information
abundance <- transform_tximport(tximportObject,
# transform tximportObject without intergenic in
# order to easily process information
abundance_without_intergenic <- transform_tximport(tximportObject_without_intergenic,
# define coding and intergenic abundance subset
selected_coding <- abundance$biotype %in% "protein_coding"
selected_intergenic <- (abundance$type == "intergenic" &
abundance$id %in% biotype_mapping$id)
# calculate TPM cutoff
if(isTRUE(myUserMetadata@verbose)) {
message("Generate present/absent expression calls.\n")
results <- calculate_abundance_cutoff(abundance,
selected_coding, selected_intergenic, myAbundanceMetadata@cutoff)
} else {
results <- suppressMessages(calculate_abundance_cutoff(abundance,
selected_coding, selected_intergenic, myAbundanceMetadata@cutoff))
abundance_cutoff <- results[1]
r_cutoff <- results[2]
# generate name of output file
calls_file_name <- myAbundanceMetadata@gene_calls_file_name
cutoff_info_file_name <- myAbundanceMetadata@gene_cutoff_file_name
distribution_file_name <- myAbundanceMetadata@gene_distribution_file_name
if (myAbundanceMetadata@txOut) {
calls_file_name <- myAbundanceMetadata@transcript_calls_file_name
cutoff_info_file_name <- myAbundanceMetadata@transcript_cutoff_file_name
distribution_file_name <- myAbundanceMetadata@transcript_distribution_file_name
# generate pdf plot
pdf(file = file.path(output_path, distribution_file_name),
width = 6, height = 5)
plot_distributions(abundance, selected_coding,
selected_intergenic, abundance_cutoff, myUserMetadata)
# add presence/absence information
abundance$call <- ifelse(abundance$abundance >=
abundance_cutoff, "present", "absent")
# generate cutoff info file
cutoff_info_file <- cutoff_info(abundance, "call",
abundance_cutoff, r_cutoff, myUserMetadata)
# transfert presence/absence annotations to the
# abundances without intergenic
abundance_without_intergenic <- merge(abundance_without_intergenic,
abundance[, c("id", "call")], by = "id")
# Save calls and stats to output folder
calls_file_path <- file.path(output_path, calls_file_name)
cutoff_info_file_path <- file.path(output_path,
write.table(abundance_without_intergenic, file = calls_file_path,
quote = FALSE, sep = "\t", col.names = TRUE,
row.names = FALSE)
write.table(t(t(cutoff_info_file)), file = cutoff_info_file_path,
quote = FALSE, sep = "\t", col.names = FALSE,
row.names = TRUE)
#save values of the Slots of the BgeeCall internal S4 objects
s4_summary_df <-
s4_slots_path <- file.path(output_path, "S4_slots_summary.tsv")
write.table(s4_summary_df, file = s4_slots_path, quote = FALSE, sep = "\t",
col.names = TRUE, row.names = FALSE)
calls_result <- list()
calls_result$calls_tsv_path <- calls_file_path
calls_result$cutoff_info_file_path <- cutoff_info_file_path
calls_result$abundance_tsv <- file.path(output_path,
calls_result$TPM_distribution_path <- file.path(output_path,
calls_result$S4_slots_summary <- s4_slots_path
## t(t(cutoff_info_file)) is a solution to export a
## vector vertically
} else {
if(isTRUE(myUserMetadata@verbose)) {
message("no need to regenerate calls")
#' @title Transform tximport object
#' @description transform tximport object in order to easily process information
#' @param tximportObject A tximport Object
#' @param biotype_mapping Mapping between gene or transcript IDs and biotypes
#' @return A tximport Object with biotype and without the countsFromAbundance
#' column
#' @noMd
#' @noRd
transform_tximport <- function(tximportObject, biotype_mapping) {
tx_df <-
tx_df$id <- rownames(tx_df)
tx_df$countsFromAbundance <- NULL
abundance <- merge(tx_df, biotype_mapping, by = "id",
all = FALSE)
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