# these functions should be part of
# presenceAbsence.R they mainly correspond to
# duplicated code between the pipeline and this
# package. They do not need to be exported We
# decided to move them in a different file to
# easily update them when the pipeline is updated.
# XXX We should maybe centralise these functions
# somewhere outside of the package and the bgee
# pipeline
#' @title Calculate TPM cutoff
#' @description This function calculate the TPM cutoff.
#' This cutoff will correspond to the minimal value of TPM for which the ratio
#' of genes and intergenic regions is equal to `intergenic_cutoff`
#' (by default = 0.05)
#' or lower (first test if at least 1 TPM value has this property):
#' @param counts TPM information for both genic and intergenic regions
#' @param selected_coding TPM information for both protein_coding regions
#' @param selected_intergenic TPM information for intergenic regions
#' @param intergenic_cutoff value of the ratio between prop of
#' intergenic present and protein coding present (called r in this function)
#' @return the TPM cutoff and the value of r (proportion of intergenic regions
#' considered as present )
#' @author Julien Roux
#' @author Julien Wollbrett
#' @noMd
#' @noRd
calculate_abundance_cutoff <- function(counts,
intergenic_cutoff = 0.05) {
## r = (number of intergenic regions with TPM values
## higher than x * number of coding regions) /
## (number of coding regions with TPM values higher
## than x * number of intergenic regions) = 0.05
## What is value of x (cutoff)? calculate the
## distribution of r for a range of TPMs, then
## select the closest value to `cutoff`
## Counting how many intergenic regions have equal
## or higher value of TPM for every value of TPM For
## each gene's TPM (sorted), calculate r
summed_intergenic <-
function(x) {
return(sum(counts$abundance[selected_intergenic] >=
}, numeric(1))
## It is not necessary to do the same for coding
## regions: for a sorted vector the number of
## position + 1. Here, it is a bit trickier since
## we do not consider all coding TPM values, but the
## unique ones, so we use the rle function to know
## the lengths of the runs of similar values and sum
## them
summed_coding <-
c(0, cumsum(rle(sort(
summed_coding <- summed_coding[-(length(summed_coding))]
summed_coding <- sum(selected_coding) - summed_coding
## Now we can calculate r
r <-
(summed_intergenic / sum(selected_intergenic)) / (summed_coding / sum(selected_coding))
prot_coding_present <- 100 - (intergenic_cutoff * 100)
## Select the minimal value of TPM for which the
## ratio of genes and intergenic regions is equal to
## `intergenic_cutoff` or lower (first test if at
## least 1 TPM value has this property):
if (sum(r < intergenic_cutoff) == 0) {
TPM_cutoff <- sort(unique(counts$abundance[selected_coding]))[which(r == min(r))[1]]
r_cutoff <- min(r)
"There is no TPM cutoff for which ",
"% of the expressed genes would be coding. TPM cutoff is fixed at
the first value with maximum coding/intergenic ratio. r=",
"at TPM=",
} else {
TPM_cutoff <- sort(unique(counts$abundance[selected_coding]))[which(r < intergenic_cutoff)[1]]
r_cutoff <- intergenic_cutoff
message("TPM cutoff for which ",prot_coding_present,
"% of the expressed genes are coding found at TPM = ", TPM_cutoff)
return(c(TPM_cutoff, r_cutoff))
#' @title plot distribution of TPMs
#' @description Plotting of the distribution of TPMs for coding and intergenic
#' regions + cutoff
#' @param counts TPM information for both genic and intergenic regions
#' @param selected_coding TPM information for protein_coding regions
#' @param selected_intergenic TPM information for intergenic regions
#' @param cutoff TPM cutoff below which calls are considered as absent
#' @param myUserMetadata A Reference Class UserMetadata object.
#' This object has to be edited before running kallisto @seealso UserMetadata.R
#' @author Julien Roux
#' @author Julien Wollbrett
#' @noMd
#' @noRd
#' @return plot distribution of TPMs for coding and intergenic regions + cutoff
plot_distributions <- function(counts,
selected_coding, selected_intergenic,
cutoff, myUserMetadata) {
## Plotting of the distribution of TPMs for coding
## and intergenic regions + cutoff Note: this code
## is largely similar to plotting section in
## rna_seq_analysis.R
par(mar = c(5, 6, 1, 1)) ## bottom, left, top and right margins
dens <- density(log2(na.omit(counts$abundance) + 10 ^ -6))
## protein-coding genes only (had to take care of
## NAs strange behavior)
dens_coding <- density(log2(counts$abundance[selected_coding] +
10 ^ -6))
## Normalize density for number of observations
dens_coding$y <-
dens_coding$y * sum(selected_coding) / length(counts$abundance)
## intergenic
dens_intergenic <-
density(log2(counts$abundance[selected_intergenic] + 10 ^ -6))
dens_intergenic$y <-
dens_intergenic$y * sum(selected_intergenic) / length(counts$abundance)
## Plot whole distribution
title <- basename(myUserMetadata@rnaseq_lib_path)
ylim = c(0, max(dens$y) * 1.1),
xlim = c(-23, 21),
lwd = 2,
main = title,
bty = "n",
axes = FALSE,
xlab = ""
axis(2, las = 1)
at = seq(-30 , 30, by = 10),
line = 0,
mgp = c(3, 0.5, 0),
cex.axis = 0.8
expression(log[2]('TPM'+10 ^ -6)),
adj = 1,
padj = 0,
line = 0.2,
at = par("usr")[1],
col = "black",
cex = 0.8
## Plot the TPM cutoff abline(v=cutoff, col='gray',
## lty=1, lwd=2)
log2(cutoff + 1e-05),
log2(cutoff + 1e-05),
par("usr")[4] / 2,
col = "gray",
lty = 1,
lwd = 2,
angle = 160,
length = 0.1
## Add subgroups distributions (coding, intergenic,
## etc): protein-coding genes
col = "firebrick3",
lwd = 2,
lty = 2)
## intergenic
col = "dodgerblue3",
lwd = 2,
lty = 2)
## legend
"selected protein-coding genes",
"selected intergenic regions"
lwd = 2,
col = c("black",
"firebrick3", "dodgerblue3"),
lty = c(1, 2,
bty = "n"
# this function is not exactly the same than in the
# bgee pipeline. We removed the max_intergenic
# variable. In the pipeline this variable was used
# to define the reference intergenic regions. We
# do not need it anymore in this package as we
# precomputed the list of reference intergenic
# regions we also remove TPM_final_cutoff,
# FPKM_cutoff, FPKM_final_cutoff
#' @title Cutoff information
#' @description Calculate summary statistics to export in cutoff info file
#' @param counts TPM information for both genic and intergenic regions
#' @param column Name of the column containing presence/absence information
#' @param TPM_cutoff TPM cutoff below which calls are considered as absent
#' @param r_cutoff Proportion of intergenic regions considered as present
#' @param myUserMetadata A Reference Class UserMetadata object.
#' This object has to be edited before running kallisto @seealso UserMetadata.R
#' @return summary statistics to export in cutoff info file
#' @author Julien Roux
#' @author Julien Wollbrett
#' @noMd
#' @noRd
cutoff_info <- function(counts,
column, abundance_cutoff, r_cutoff,
myUserMetadata) {
## Calculate summary statistics to export in cutoff
## info file
genic_present <- sum(counts[[column]][counts$type ==
"genic"] == "present") / sum(counts$type == "genic") * 100
number_genic_present <- sum(counts[[column]][counts$type ==
"genic"] == "present")
coding_present <- sum(counts[[column]][counts$biotype %in%
"protein_coding"] == "present") / sum(counts$biotype %in%
"protein_coding") * 100
number_coding_present <-
sum(counts[[column]][counts$biotype %in%
"protein_coding"] == "present")
intergenic_present <- sum(counts[[column]][counts$type ==
"intergenic"] == "present") / sum(counts$type ==
"intergenic") * 100
number_intergenic_present <-
sum(counts[[column]][counts$type == "intergenic"] == "present")
## Export cutoff_info_file
to_export <- c(
sum(counts$type == "genic"),
sum(counts$biotype %in% "protein_coding"),
sum(counts$type == "intergenic"),
names(to_export) <- c(
#' @title Recalculate TPMs
#' @description Recalculate TPMs using functions from
#' ``````
#' @param counts A list of extimated counts
#' @param effLen A list of effective length
#' @return A list of recalculated TPMs
#' @noMd
#' @noRd
countToTpm <- function(counts, effLen) {
rate <- log(counts) - log(effLen)
denom <- log(sum(exp(rate)))
exp(rate - denom + log(1e+06))
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