#' @title Generate transcript to gene mapping for intergenic
#' @description Generate transcript to gene mapping for intergenic regions as
#' used by tximport. Gene and transcript columns are identical.
#' @param myBgeeMetadata A Reference Class BgeeMetadata object.
#' @param myUserMetadata A Reference Class UserMetadata object.
#' @author Julien Wollbrett
#' @return transcript to gene mapping for intergenic regions
#' @noMd
#' @noRd
#' @examples {
#' user <- new('UserMetadata', species_id = '6239')
#' bgee <- new('BgeeMetadata', intergenic_release = '0.1')
#' intergenic_tx2gene(bgee, user)
#' }
intergenic_tx2gene <- function(myBgeeMetadata, myUserMetadata) {
# retrieve intergenic IDs
all_transcripts <- get_intergenic_ids(myBgeeMetadata, myUserMetadata)
# Create a second column idantical to the first
# one. Then each intergenic region will be
# consider as a gene (of the same name) for
# tximport
all_transcripts[, 2] <- all_transcripts[, 1]
names(all_transcripts) <- c("TXNAME", "GENEID")
#' @title Create TxDb annotation
#' @description Create TxDb annotation from gtf or gff3 annotations
#' @param myAbundanceMetadata A descendant object of the Class
#' myAbundanceMetadata.
#' @param myUserMetadata A Reference Class UserMetadata object.
#' @author Julien Wollbrett
#' @return TxDb annotation
#' @import GenomicFeatures
#' @noMd
#' @noRd
create_TxDb <- function(myAbundanceMetadata, myUserMetadata) {
# create txdb from GRanges Object
# use the suppressWarnings function in order not to print useless warnings like :
# The "phase" metadata column contains non-NA values for features of type stop_codon. This information was ignored.
txdb <- suppressWarnings(makeTxDbFromGRanges(myUserMetadata@annotation_object,
taxonomyId = as.numeric(myUserMetadata@species_id)))
}, error = function(e) {
message("An error has occured when running the makeTxDbFromGRanges function from the",
" GenomicFeatures package. If the error below mention that all sequences in seqinfo(gr) must",
" belong to the same genome, please run the command : \n\tseqinfo(your_annotation_object)",
"\nand keep only",
" annotations corresponding to the genome to use for calls generation. It is possible",
" to remove annotations with the command : \n\t",
" your_annotation_object <- dropSeqlevels(your_annotation_object, seq_names_to_remove, \"coarse\")\n\n", e)
#' @title Create transcript to gene mapping file
#' @description Create transcript to gene mapping file as used by tximport.
#' The file contains both genic and intergenic regions.
#' @param myAbundanceMetadata A descendant object of the Class
#' myAbundanceMetadata.
#' @param myBgeeMetadata A Reference Class BgeeMetadata object.
#' @param myUserMetadata A Reference Class UserMetadata object.
#' @author Julien Wollbrett
#' @noMd
#' @noRd
#' @return path to the tx2gene file
create_tx2gene <- function(myAbundanceMetadata, myBgeeMetadata,
myUserMetadata) {
# create tx2gene from annotations
annotation_path <- get_annotation_path(myBgeeMetadata,
tx2gene_file <- myAbundanceMetadata@tx2gene_file
if (myAbundanceMetadata@ignoreTxVersion) {
tx2gene_file <- myAbundanceMetadata@tx2gene_file_without_version
tx2gene_path <- file.path(annotation_path, tx2gene_file)
if (!file.exists(tx2gene_path)) {
if(isTRUE(myUserMetadata@verbose)) {
message("Generate file ", tx2gene_file, ".\n")
if (!dir.exists(annotation_path)) {
dir.create(annotation_path, recursive = TRUE)
txdb <- create_TxDb(myAbundanceMetadata, myUserMetadata)
k <- biomaRt::keys(txdb, keytype = "TXNAME")
# Used suppressMessages in order not to print meesages like :
# 'select()' returned 1:1 mapping between keys and columns
tx2gene <- suppressMessages(,
k, "GENEID", "TXNAME")))
intergenic_tx2gene <- intergenic_tx2gene(myBgeeMetadata,
# Remove the transcript version that can be present
# in transcript id of gtf files
if (myAbundanceMetadata@ignoreTxVersion) {
if(isTRUE(myUserMetadata@verbose)) {
message("remove transcript version info in ",
tx2gene_file, " file.\n")
tx2gene$TXNAME <- gsub(pattern = "\\..*",
"", tx2gene$TXNAME)
tx2gene <- rbind(tx2gene, intergenic_tx2gene)
write.table(x = tx2gene, file = tx2gene_path,
sep = "\t", row.names = FALSE, quote = FALSE)
#' @title Run tximport
#' @description Run tximport. Will summarize abundance estimation from transcript
#' level to gene level if `myAbundanceMetadata@txout == FALSE`.
#' Otherwise keep abundance estimation at transcript level.
#' @param myAbundanceMetadata A descendant object of the Class
#' myAbundanceMetadata.
#' @param myBgeeMetadata A Reference Class BgeeMetadata object.
#' @param myUserMetadata A Reference Class UserMetadata object.
#' @param abundanceFile (Optional) Path to the abundance file. NULL by default.
#' If not NULL, the file located at `abundanceFile` will be used to run tximport.
#' Otherwise (Default) the path to the abundance file is deduced fom attributes of
#' classes `BgeeMetadata`, `UserMetadata` and `AbundanceMetadata`
#' @author Julien Wollbrett
#' @import rhdf5
#' @import tximport
#' @export
#' @examples {
#' user <- new("UserMetadata", working_path = system.file("extdata",
#' package = "BgeeCall"), species_id = "6239",
#' rnaseq_lib_path = system.file("extdata",
#' "SRX099901_subset", package = "BgeeCall"),
#' annotation_name = "WBcel235_84", simple_arborescence = TRUE)
#' abundance_file <- system.file('extdata', 'abundance.tsv', package = 'BgeeCall')
#' tx_import <- run_tximport(myUserMetadata = user,
#' abundanceFile = abundance_file)
#' }
#' @return a tximport object
run_tximport <- function(myAbundanceMetadata = new("KallistoMetadata"),
myBgeeMetadata = new("BgeeMetadata"),
myUserMetadata, abundanceFile = "") {
tx2gene_path <- create_tx2gene(myAbundanceMetadata,
myBgeeMetadata, myUserMetadata)
tx2gene <- read.table(tx2gene_path, header = TRUE,
sep = "\t")
abundance_file <- abundanceFile
if (nchar(abundance_file) == 0) {
abundance_file <- get_abundance_file_path(myAbundanceMetadata,
myBgeeMetadata, myUserMetadata)
if (!file.exists(abundance_file)) {
stop(paste0("can not generate presence/absence calls.
Abundance file is missing : ",
abundance_file, "."))
# fix bug when ignoreTxVersion is used AND contig/chromosome name contains a dot
# ignoreTxVersion option of tximport allows to remove version of transcripts. Name of intergenic regions was created using the approach
# CONTIGNAME_START_STOP. However, if the contig name contains a "." then the ignoreTxVersion option remove everything after the "."
# e.g. KB708127.1_324_4365 => KB708127
# In order to solve this bug the name of intergenic regions is modified before tximport step. This modification is done only if ignoreTxVersion option is set to TRUE.
if(myAbundanceMetadata@ignoreTxVersion) {
if(isTRUE(myUserMetadata@verbose)) {
message("As ignoreTxVersion==TRUE first need to verify that intergenic names does not contain any dot")
#create mapping data.frame in order to be able to change back TXNAME after tximport
mapping_modify_intergenic <- tx2gene[as.character(tx2gene$TXNAME)==as.character(tx2gene$GENEID),]
colnames(mapping_modify_intergenic) <- c(myAbundanceMetadata@transcript_id_header, "GENEID")
mapping_modify_intergenic$modified <- as.character(gsub('\\.', '_', mapping_modify_intergenic[,1]))
# update tx2gene
tx2gene$TXNAME <- gsub('\\.', '_', tx2gene$TXNAME)
# create temporary abundance file with modified name for intergenic regions
temp_abundance <- read.table(file = abundance_file, header = TRUE, sep = "\t")
#transform first column as character column
temp_abundance[,1] <- as.character(temp_abundance[,1])
is_intergenic <- with(temp_abundance, match(target_id, mapping_modify_intergenic[,1]))
for (i in seq(is_intergenic)) {
if(![i])) {
temp_abundance[i,1] <- as.character(mapping_modify_intergenic$modified[is_intergenic[i]])
temp_abundance_file <- file.path(get_tool_output_path(myAbundanceMetadata, myBgeeMetadata,
myUserMetadata), "temp_abundance.tsv")
write.table(x = temp_abundance, file = temp_abundance_file, quote = FALSE, sep = "\t",
row.names = FALSE, col.names = TRUE)
abundance_file <- temp_abundance_file
if(isTRUE(myUserMetadata@verbose)) {
txi <- tximport(abundance_file, type = myAbundanceMetadata@tool_name,
tx2gene = tx2gene, txOut = myAbundanceMetadata@txOut,
ignoreTxVersion = myAbundanceMetadata@ignoreTxVersion)
} else {
txi <- suppressMessages(tximport(abundance_file, type = myAbundanceMetadata@tool_name,
tx2gene = tx2gene, txOut = myAbundanceMetadata@txOut,
ignoreTxVersion = myAbundanceMetadata@ignoreTxVersion))
# If ignoreTxVersion==TRUE temp abundance file was created. Now need to delete it
if(myAbundanceMetadata@ignoreTxVersion) {
abundance_without_intergenic <- function(myAbundanceMetadata,
myBgeeMetadata, myUserMetadata) {
file_without_intergenic_name <- "abundance_without_intergenic.tsv"
# remove intergenic from tx2gene
tx2gene_path <- create_tx2gene(myAbundanceMetadata,
myBgeeMetadata, myUserMetadata)
intergenic_ids <- get_intergenic_ids(myBgeeMetadata, myUserMetadata)
tx2gene <- read.table(tx2gene_path, header = TRUE, sep = "\t")
tx2gene_without_intergenic <- subset(tx2gene, !(tx2gene$TXNAME %in%
# remove intergenic from abundance file
output_path <- get_tool_output_path(myAbundanceMetadata,
myBgeeMetadata, myUserMetadata)
abundance_file <- get_abundance_file_path(myAbundanceMetadata,
myBgeeMetadata, myUserMetadata)
abundance <- read.table(abundance_file, header = TRUE,
sep = "\t")
abundance_without_intergenic <-
abundance[which(abundance[[myAbundanceMetadata@transcript_id_header]] %in%
tx2gene_without_intergenic$TXNAME), ]
temp_abundance_file_without_intergenic <- file.path(output_path,
# calculate corrected TPM value
abundance_without_intergenic[myAbundanceMetadata@abundance_header] <-
write.table(abundance_without_intergenic, temp_abundance_file_without_intergenic,
sep = "\t", row.names = FALSE)
if(isTRUE(myUserMetadata@verbose)) {
txi_without_intergenic <- tximport(temp_abundance_file_without_intergenic,
type = myAbundanceMetadata@tool_name, tx2gene = tx2gene_without_intergenic,
txOut = myAbundanceMetadata@txOut, ignoreTxVersion = myAbundanceMetadata@ignoreTxVersion)
} else {
txi_without_intergenic <- suppressMessages(tximport(temp_abundance_file_without_intergenic,
type = myAbundanceMetadata@tool_name, tx2gene = tx2gene_without_intergenic,
txOut = myAbundanceMetadata@txOut, ignoreTxVersion = myAbundanceMetadata@ignoreTxVersion))
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