.drawHeatmap_Data4Cseq <- function(expData, plotFileName = "", smoothingType = "median", picDim = c(9, 2.2), bands = 5, cutoffLog = -7.0, xAxisIntervalLength = 50000, legendLabels = expression(2^-7, 2^0), useFragEnds = TRUE) {
fragsToVisualize = formatFragmentData(expData, useFragEnds)
drawHeatmapMain(fragsToVisualize, plotFileName, smoothingType, picDim, bands, cutoffLog, xAxisIntervalLength, legendLabels, useFragEnds)
.drawHeatmap_DataFrame <- function(expData, plotFileName = "", smoothingType = "median", picDim = c(9, 2.2), bands = 5, cutoffLog = -7.0, xAxisIntervalLength = 50000, legendLabels = expression(2^-7, 2^0), useFragEnds = TRUE) {
fragsToVisualize = expData
if (!useFragEnds) {
print("drawHeatmap: use of fragment-wise interpolated data not possible for data frame input")
drawHeatmapMain(fragsToVisualize, plotFileName, smoothingType, picDim, bands, cutoffLog, xAxisIntervalLength, legendLabels, useFragEnds)
.drawHeatmapMain <- function(fragsToVisualize, plotFileName = "", smoothingType = "median", picDim = c(9, 2.2), bands = 5, cutoffLog = -7.0, xAxisIntervalLength = 50000, legendLabels = expression(2^-7, 2^0), useFragEnds = TRUE) {
position = round((fragsToVisualize$start + fragsToVisualize$end) / 2)
averageReads = fragsToVisualize$reads
# prepare heatmap-like data (varied window lengths for running mean / running median)
signal = matrix(0, bands, nrow(fragsToVisualize))
for (i in 1:bands) {
wl = i * 2 - 1
if (smoothingType == "median") {
# smoothed data (median with defined window length)
signal[i,] = runmed(averageReads, wl, endrule = "keep")
} else {
# smoothed data (mean with defined window length)
signal[i,] = runmean(averageReads, wl, endrule = "keep")
# prepare heatmap plot
if (plotFileName != "") {
if (grepl(".pdf", plotFileName)) {
pdf(file = plotFileName, title = plotFileName, width = picDim[1], height = picDim[2], useDingbats = FALSE)
} else {
tiff(filename = plotFileName, width = picDim[1], height = picDim[2], compression = "none", bg = "white", pointsize = 20)
plot(position, averageReads, ylim = c(0,1), ylab = "wl", xlab = "fragment position", type = "n", lty = 1, axes = FALSE)
scale = 1 / (bands + 1.5)
maxSignal = max(signal)
# log-scale signal
signal = log2(signal/maxSignal)
# set cut-offs for log-scaled data
capMin = cutoffLog
capMax = 0.0
# define axes with custom intervals
minXAxis = floor(fragsToVisualize$start[1] / xAxisIntervalLength) * xAxisIntervalLength
maxXAxis = ceiling(fragsToVisualize$end[nrow(fragsToVisualize)] / xAxisIntervalLength) * xAxisIntervalLength
seqXAxis = seq(minXAxis, maxXAxis, by = xAxisIntervalLength)
axis(side = 1, at = seqXAxis, labels = seqXAxis, las = 0)
seqYAxis = c(0.5, bands - 0.5) * scale
labelsYAxis = c(2*bands-1,1)
axis(side = 2, at = seqYAxis, labels = labelsYAxis, las = 2)
# mark unused fragments (blind / repeated)
rect(minXAxis, 0, maxXAxis, bands * scale, col = "black", border = NA)
# prepare color palette
colorNumber = capMax*100-capMin*100 + 1
colors = heat.colors(colorNumber)
# pick colours for the fragments
for (i in 1:bands) {
for (j in 1:nrow(fragsToVisualize)) {
if (signal[i,j] > capMax) {
signal[i,j] = capMax
if (signal[i,j] < capMin) {
signal[i,j] = capMin
index = round((signal[i,j] - capMin) * 99) + 1
pickedColor = colors[index]
# mark 'missing' fragments at the sides (only fully present running median / mean windows are used)
if ((j < i) | (j > (nrow(fragsToVisualize) - i))) {
pickedColor = "black"
# print fragments in chosen colours
rect(fragsToVisualize[,2][j], (bands-i+1)*scale, fragsToVisualize[,3][j], (bands-i)*scale, col = pickedColor, border = NA)
if (plotFileName != "") {
# prepare heatmap legend
chosenPalette = heat.colors(100)
# prepare color legend plot
if (plotFileName != "") {
if (grepl(".pdf", plotFileName)) {
pdf(file = "color_legend.pdf", title = "Color Legend", width = 2, height = 5, useDingbats=FALSE)
} else {
tiff(filename = "color_legend.tiff", width = 200, height = 500, compression = "none", bg = "white", pointsize = 20)
# basic plot
plot(c(0,10), c(0,1), type='n', main="Signal intensity", axes = FALSE, xlab = "", ylab = "relative window coverage (log-scaled)")
# add axis...
legendLength = length(legendLabels) - 1
axis(2, c((0:legendLength)/legendLength), labels = legendLabels, las = 1)
# ... and color bands
for (i in 1:(length(chosenPalette)-1)) {
y = (i-1) / 100
rect(0, y, 10, y+1/100, col = chosenPalette[i], border=NA)
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