slots = c(
metric ="character",
distance = "dist",
view = "list",
palette = "character",
symbols = "numeric",
clusters = "numeric")
shrinkView <- function(name, object, i) {
shrinkTSNE <- function(tis, i) {
tis$Y <- tis$Y[i,]
snipTree <- function(hc, i) {
dend <- as.dendrogram(hc)
L <- labels(dend)
if (is.character(i)) {
i <- L %in% i
} else if (is.numeric(i)) {
temp <- i
i <- rep(FALSE, length(i))
i[temp] <- TRUE
L <- L[!i]
P <- prune(dend, L) # this step does not scale well
# since it removes one leaf at a tim
mds = object[i,],
tsne = shrinkTSNE(object, i),
hclust = snipTree(object, i),
heat = object
setMethod("[", signature = "Mercator", function(x, i, j, ..., drop=FALSE) {
# ignore j and drop, since we are thinking of this as really one-dimensional
if(missing(i)) i <- j
M <- as.matrix(x@distance)[i,i]
V <- list()
for (I in 1:length(x@view)) {
N <- names(x@view)[I]
cat(N, "\n", file=stderr())
V[[N]] <- shrinkView(N, x@view[[I]], i)
metric = x@metric,
distance = as.dist(M),
view = V,
palette = x@palette,
symbols = x@symbols,
clusters = x@clusters[i]
setMethod("dim", signature = "Mercator", function(x) {
setMethod("summary", signature(object="Mercator"),
function(object, ...) {
cat("An object of the 'Mercator' class, using the '", object@metric, "' metric, of size\n")
cat("Contains these visualizations: ", names(object@view), "\n")
setMethod("hist", signature(x = "Mercator"), function(x, breaks=123, ...) {
M <- as.matrix(x@distance)
U <- M[upper.tri(M)]
hist(U, breaks=breaks, ...)
setMethod("barplot", signature("Mercator"),
function(height, main = '', sub = NULL, border = NA, space = 0, ...) {
clus <- getClusters(height)
silh <- silhouette(clus, height@distance)
od <- order(clus, silh[,'sil_width'])
if (is.null(sub)) {
swd <- silh[od, 'sil_width']
sub <- paste("Mean SW =", round(mean(swd), 5))
barplot(swd, col = colv(height)[od], border=NA,
sub=sub, main=main, ...)
setMethod("plot", signature("Mercator", "missing"),
function(x, view = NULL, ask = NULL, ...) {
### known kinds of visualizations
plotMDS <- function(x, ...) {
plot(x@view[["mds"]], col=colv(x), pch=symv(x),
xlab = "PC1", ylab="PC2", ...)
plotTSNE <- function(x, ...) {
plot(x@view[["tsne"]]$Y, col=colv(x), pch=symv(x),
xlab = "T1", ylab="T2", ...)
plotUMAP <- function(x, ...) {
plot(x@view[["umap"]]$layout, col=colv(x), pch=symv(x),
xlab = "U1", ylab="U2", ...)
plotSOM <- function(x, type = "mapping", shape="straight", ...) {
plot(x@view[["som"]], type = type, shape = shape,
col=colv(x), pchs=symv(x), ...)
plotHC <- function(x, ...) {
dend <- x@view[["hclust"]]
labs <- dend$labels
if (is.null(labs)) {
labs <- seq(1, length(dend$order))
plotColoredClusters(dend, cols = colv(x), labs = labs, ...)
plotIG <- function(x, layout = NULL, ...) {
G <- x@view[["graph"]]
if (is.null(layout)) {
layout <- G$layouts[[1]]
if (is.character(layout)) {
foo <- ifelse(layout %in% c("mds", "tsne"),
function(x) x)
layout <- foo(G$layouts[[layout[1]]])
plot(G$graph, layout = layout, ...)
### implications of 'view' and 'ask' parameters
if (is.null(view)) { # first attached view is the default
view <- list(names(x@view)[1])
if (length(view) ==1 & view == "all") {
view <- names(x@view)
if (!is.list(view)) { # can show more than one
view <- as.list(view)
if (is.null(ask)) {
ask <- prod(par("mfcol")) < length(view) && dev.interactive()
if (ask & length(view) > 1) { # ask politely
oask <- devAskNewPage(TRUE)
### actually plot stuff
for (V in view) {
mds = plotMDS(x, ...),
tsne = plotTSNE(x, ...),
hclust = plotHC(x, ...),
umap = plotUMAP(x, ...),
som = plotSOM(x, ...),
graph = plotIG(x, ...))
setMethod("scatter", signature(object = "Mercator"),
function(object, view = NULL, ask = NULL,
colramp = NULL, ...) {
### known kinds of visualizations
smoothMDS <- function(object, ...) {
smoothScatter(x = object@view[["mds"]],
xlab = "PC1", ylab="PC2", ...)
smoothTSNE <- function(object, ...) {
smoothScatter(x = object@view[["tsne"]]$Y,
xlab = "T1", ylab="T2", ...)
smoothUMAP <- function(object, ...) {
smoothScatter(x = object@view[["umap"]]$layout,
xlab = "U1", ylab="U2", ...)
### implications of 'view' and 'ask' parameters
if (is.null(view)) { # first attached view is the default
view <- list(names(object@view)[1])
if (length(view) ==1 & view == "all") {
view <- names(object@view)
if (!is.list(view)) { # can show more than one
view <- as.list(view)
if (is.null(ask)) {
ask <- prod(par("mfcol")) < length(view) && dev.interactive()
if (ask && length(view) > 1) { # ask politely
oask <- devAskNewPage(TRUE)
### actually smooth stuff
if (is.null(colramp)) {
colramp <- topo.colors
for (V in view) {
mds = smoothMDS(object, colramp = colramp, ...),
tsne = smoothTSNE(object, colramp = colramp, ...),
umap = smoothUMAP(object, colramp = colramp, ...),
cat("No smooth scatter plot is available for view '", V, "'.\n"))
makeDisplay <- function(object) {
pal <- object@palette
baseSyms <- object@symbols
clusters <- object@clusters
if (is.null(names(clusters))) {
names(clusters) <- attr(object@distance, "Labels")
K <- max(clusters)
L <- length(pal)
R <- ifelse(K %% L == 0, K/L, 1 + trunc(K/L))
if (R > length(baseSyms)) {
stop("Are you kidding me? You can't possibly want that many (", K, ") clusters.")
mycol <- rep(pal, R)
mysym <- rep(baseSyms[1:R], each=L)
colv <- mycol[clusters]
symv <- mysym[clusters]
names(colv) <- names(symv) <- names(clusters)
list(colv = colv, symv = symv)
RC <- function(colv, symv) {
Dark24 <- dark.colors(24)
baseSyms <- c(16, 15, 17, 18, 10, 7, 11, 9)
lead <- sapply(symv, function(X) which(baseSyms == X)) - 1
units <- sapply(colv, function(X) which(Dark24 == X))
24*lead + units
colv <- function(object) {
md <- makeDisplay(object)
symv <- function(object) {
md <- makeDisplay(object)
getClusters <- function(DV) {
remapColors <- function(fix, vary) {
fixCluster <- getClusters(fix)
varyCluster <- getClusters(vary)
newCluster <- remap(fixCluster, varyCluster)
names(newCluster) <- names(varyCluster)
metric = vary@metric,
distance = vary@distance,
view = vary@view,
palette = vary@palette,
symbols = vary@symbols,
clusters = newCluster
setClusters <- function(DV, clusters) {
if (is.null(names(clusters))) {
names(clusters) <- names(DV@clusters)
L <- attr(DV@distance, "Labels")
if (any(names(clusters) != L)) {
if (all(names(clusters) %in% L)) {
warning("Reordering cluster info to match existing names.")
clusters <- clusters[L]
} else {
stop("Cluster names do not match existing names.")
metric = DV@metric,
distance = DV@distance,
view = DV@view,
palette = DV@palette,
symbols = DV@symbols,
clusters = clusters
recolor <- function(DV, clusters) {
msg = "Please use the new, more descriptive name (setClusters) for this function.")
setClusters(DV, clusters)
recluster <- function(DV, K) {
hc <- hclust(DV@distance, method = "ward.D2")
clust <- cutree(hc, k = K)
DV@clusters = clust
Mercator <- function(X, metric, method, K, ...) {
if (inherits(X, "dist")) {
DistMat <- X
} else if(inherits(X, "BinaryMatrix")) {
DistMat <- binaryDistance(X@binmat, metric)
if (is.null(attr(DistMat, "Labels"))) {
attr(DistMat, "Labels") <- paste("X", 1:attr(DistMat, "Size"), sep = "")
M <- attr(DistMat, "comment")
if (!is.null(M)) metric <- M
### OLD# clust <- pam(DistMat, k=K, diss=TRUE, cluster.only=TRUE)
hc <- hclust(DistMat, method = "ward.D2")
clust <- cutree(hc, k = K)
if (is.null(names(clust))) names(clust) <- attr(DistMat, "Labels")
view <- list()
ob <- new("Mercator",
metric = metric,
distance = DistMat,
view = view,
palette = dark.colors(24),
symbols = c(16, 15, 17, 18, 10, 7, 11, 9),
clusters = clust
addVisualization(ob, method, ...)
addVisualization <- function(DV, method, ...) {
METHODS = c(mds = function(X, ...) cmdscale(X@distance, ...),
hclust = function(X, ...) hclust(X@distance, method="ward.D2"),
tsne = function(X, ...) Rtsne(X@distance, is_distance = TRUE, ...),
graph = function(X, ...) createGraph(X, ...),
umap = function(X, ...) createUMAP(X@distance, ...),
som = function(X, ...) createSOM(X@distance, ...),
heat = function(X, ...) X@distance)
method <- match.arg(method, names(METHODS))
if (!is.null(DV@view[[method]])) {
warning("Overwriting an existing visualization:", method)
FUN <- METHODS[[method]]
argList <- c(list(DV), list(...))
temp <-, argList)
if (is.matrix(temp) && is.null(rownames(temp))) {
rownames(temp) <- attr(DV@distance, "Labels")
DV@view[[method]] <- temp
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