### from European/302-summaryFigs
makeIdiogram <- function(colname, color, res=1368) {
par(mfrow=c(2,24), mai=c(0, 0.1, 1, 0.1), bg='white')
for (I in c(1:22, "X", "Y")) {
chrname <- paste('chr', I, sep='')
dumbposn <- seq(1, 250000000, length=2500)
clap <- cytobandLocations[cytobandLocations$Chromosome == chrname,]
segset <- euroFreq[euroFreq$Chromosome == chrname,]
y <- rep(NA, length(dumbposn))
v <- rep(NA, length(dumbposn))
for(i in 1:nrow(clap)) {
y[clap[i, "loc.start"] <= dumbposn &
dumbposn <= clap[i, "loc.end"] ] <- as.numeric(clap[i, "Stain"])
v[clap[i, "loc.start"] <= dumbposn &
dumbposn <= clap[i, "loc.end"] ] <- as.numeric(segset[i, colname])
par(mai=c(0, 0.1, 0.5, 0.05))
image(1:1, dumbposn, matrix(rev(y), nrow=1), col=idiocolors, bty='n',
xlab='', ylab='', xaxt='n', yaxt='n', zlim=c(1, 8),
main=paste("Chr", I))
pts <- max(dumbposn)-c(min(clap$loc.start), max(clap$loc.end))
lines(c(1.4, 1.4), pts)
lines(c(0.6, 0.6), pts)
par(mai=c(0, 0.01, 0.5, 0.05))
barplot(rev(v), horiz=T, border=NA, col=color,
xlim=c(0, res/100), yaxs="i", xaxt="n", space=0)
### from02-wicell-biIdiogram
### DATA must have three columns, one of shich is "Chromosome" containing
### entries of the form "chr1".
biIdiogram <- function(DATA, leftcol, rightcol,
pal = c("blue", "red"),
horizontal=FALSE, nrows = 2) {
if(!nrows %in% 1:4) {
stop("Number of rows must be 1, 2, 3, or 4.")
opar <- par(bg="white")
# vertical layout, two rows
L1 <- function() {
layout(matrix(1:72, 1, 72, byrow = TRUE),
heights = c(1), widths=rep(c(1.1, 0.8, 1.1), times = 24))
L2 <- function() {
layout(matrix(1:72, 2, 36, byrow = TRUE),
heights = c(1,1), widths=rep(c(1.1, 0.8, 1.1), times = 12))
L3 <- function() {
layout(matrix(1:72, 3, 24, byrow = TRUE),
heights = c(1,1, 1), widths=rep(c(1.1, 0.8, 1.1), times = 8))
L4 <- function() {
layout(matrix(1:72, 4, 18, byrow = TRUE),
heights = c(1,1, 1, 1), widths=rep(c(1.1, 0.8, 1.1), times = 6))
switch(nrows, L1(), L2(), L3(), L4())
for (I in c(1:22, "X", "Y")) { # for each chromosome
chrname <- paste('chr', I, sep='')
dumbposn <- seq(1, 250000000, length=2500)
clap <- cytobandLocations[cytobandLocations$Chromosome == chrname,]
segset <- DATA[DATA$Chromosome == chrname,]
leftvals <- rightvals <- y <- rep(NA, length(dumbposn))
for(J in 1:nrow(clap)) {
y[clap[J, "loc.start"] <= dumbposn &
dumbposn <= clap[J, "loc.end"] ] <- as.numeric(clap[J, "Stain"])
rightvals[clap[J, "loc.start"] <= dumbposn &
dumbposn <= clap[J, "loc.end"] ] <- as.numeric(segset[J, rightcol])
leftvals[clap[J, "loc.start"] <= dumbposn &
dumbposn <= clap[J, "loc.end"] ] <- as.numeric(segset[J, leftcol])
resn <- max(max(segset[,leftcol]), max(segset[,rightcol]))
## left bars
par(mai=c(0, 0.001, 0.5, 0.001))
barplot(-rev(leftvals), horiz=T, border=NA, col=pal[1],
xlim=c(-1.05*resn, 0), yaxs="i", xaxt="n", space=0)
## chromosomes
par(mai=c(0, 0.02, 0.5, 0.02))
image(1:1, dumbposn, matrix(rev(y), nrow=1), col=idiocolors, bty='n',
xlab='', ylab='', xaxt='n', yaxt='n', zlim=c(1, 8),
main=paste("Chr", I), cex=0.8)
pts <- max(dumbposn) - c(min(clap$loc.start), max(clap$loc.end))
lines(c(1.4, 1.4), pts)
lines(c(0.6, 0.6), pts)
## right bars
par(mai=c(0, 0.001, 0.5, 0.001))
barplot(rev(rightvals), horiz=T, border=NA, col=pal[2],
xlim=c(0, 1.05*resn), yaxs="i", xaxt="n", space=0)
par(new = TRUE)
legend(0.4, 400, c(leftcol, rightcol), col=pal, pch=15)
# box()
getFreq <- function(name, standard = wisc) {
tenv <- new.env()
fname <- paste(name, "LGF.Rda", sep='')
load(file.path(lymPaths$clean, fname), envir = tenv)
DATA <- get(paste(name, "Data", sep=""), envir = tenv)
keep <- apply(DATA, 1, function(x) any(x > 0))
DATA <- DATA[keep,]
FREQ <- 100*apply(DATA, 2, mean)
temp <- data.frame(Loss = FREQ[grep("loss", names(FREQ))],
Gain = FREQ[grep("gain", names(FREQ))],
Fusion = FREQ[grep("fusion", names(FREQ))])
rownames(temp) <- sub("loss.", "", rownames(temp))
w <- which(rownames(temp) == "19q13.2.")
if (length(w) == 1) rownames(temp)[w] <- "19q13.2"
# DATA must include a column called "Chromosome" containing
# entries of the form "chr1".
horizontalStacks <- function(DATA, columns,
pal = mypal,
nrows = 2) {
if(!nrows %in% 1:4) {
stop("Number of rows must be 1, 2, 3, or 4.")
N <- length(columns)
if (N < 1) stop("You need to supply the name of at least one data column.")
if (N > 10) stop("Unable to show more than ten data columns.")
opar <- par(bg="white")
# vertical layout, two rows
corder <- function(N1) {
M <- matrix(1:(24*N1), ncol=N1, byrow=TRUE)
M <- M[, seq(ncol(M), 1, -1)]
L1 <- function(ncolumn) {
N1 <- ncolumn + 1
layout(matrix(corder(N1), 24*N1, 1, byrow = FALSE),
widths = c(1), heights=rep(c(0.8, rep(1.1, ncolumn)), times = 24))
L2 <- function(ncolumn) {
N1 <- ncolumn + 1
layout(matrix(corder(N1), 12*N1, 2, byrow = FALSE),
widths = c(1,1), heights=rep(c(0.8, rep(1.1, ncolumn)), times = 12))
L3 <- function(ncolumn) {
N1 <- ncolumn + 1
layout(matrix(corder(N1), 8*N1, 3, byrow = FALSE),
widths = c(1,1, 1), heights=rep(c(0.8, rep(1.1, ncolumn)), times = 8))
L4 <- function(ncolumn) {
N1 <- ncolumn + 1
layout(matrix(corder(N1), 6*N1, 4, byrow = FALSE),
widths = c(1,1, 1, 1), heights=rep(c(0.8, rep(1.1, ncolumn)), times = 6))
switch(nrows, L1(N), L2(N), L3(N), L4(N))
for (I in c(1:22, "X", "Y")) { # for each chromosome
chrname <- paste('chr', I, sep='')
dumbposn <- seq(1, 250000000, length=2500)
clap <- cytobandLocations[cytobandLocations$Chromosome == chrname,]
segset <- DATA[DATA$Chromosome == chrname,]
resn <- max(max(segset[,columns]))
y <- rep(NA, length(dumbposn))
for(J in 1:nrow(clap)) {
y[clap[J, "loc.start"] <= dumbposn &
dumbposn <= clap[J, "loc.end"] ] <- as.numeric(clap[J, "Stain"])
## chromosomes
par(mai=c(0.05, 0.6, 0.02, 0))
image(dumbposn, 1:1, matrix(y, ncol=1), col=idiocolors, bty='n',
xlab='', ylab='', xaxt='n', yaxt='n', zlim=c(1, 8),
mtext(paste("Chr", I), side=2, at=1, las=2, line=0.5)
pts <- c(min(clap$loc.start), max(clap$loc.end))
lines(pts, c(1.4, 1.4))
lines(pts, c(0.6, 0.6))
## right bars
for (K in 1:length(columns)) {
cname <- columns[K]
vals <- NA*y
for(J in 1:nrow(clap)) {
vals[clap[J, "loc.start"] <= dumbposn &
dumbposn <= clap[J, "loc.end"] ] <- as.numeric(segset[J, cname])
par(mai=c(0.001, 0.6, 0.001, 0))
barplot(vals, horiz=F, border=NA, col=pal[K],
ylim=c(0, 1.05*resn), xaxs="i", yaxt="n", space=0)
par(new = TRUE)
legend(0.78*par("usr")[2], 0.45*par("usr")[4], columns, col=pal, pch=15)
# DATA must include a column called "Chromosome" containing
# entries of the form "chr1".
stackIdiogram <- function(DATA, columns,
pal = mypal,
horizontal=FALSE, nrows = 2) {
if (horizontal) {
return(horizontalStacks(DATA, coplumns, pal, nrows))
if(!nrows %in% 1:4) {
stop("Number of rows must be 1, 2, 3, or 4.")
opar <- par(bg="white")
# vertical layout, two rows
L1 <- function(ncolumn) {
N1 <- ncolumn + 1
layout(matrix(1:(24*N1), 1, 24*N1, byrow = TRUE),
heights = c(1), widths=rep(c(0.8, rep(1.1, ncolumn)), times = 24))
L2 <- function(ncolumn) {
N1 <- ncolumn + 1
layout(matrix(1:(24*N1), 2, 12*N1, byrow = TRUE),
heights = c(1,1), widths=rep(c(0.8, rep(1.1, ncolumn)), times = 12))
L3 <- function(ncolumn) {
N1 <- ncolumn + 1
layout(matrix(1:(24*N1), 3, 8*N1, byrow = TRUE),
heights = c(1,1, 1), widths=rep(c(0.8, rep(1.1, ncolumn)), times = 8))
L4 <- function(ncolumn) {
N1 <- ncolumn + 1
layout(matrix(1:(24*N1), 4, 6*N1, byrow = TRUE),
heights = c(1,1, 1, 1), widths=rep(c(0.8, rep(1.1, ncolumn)), times = 6))
N <- length(columns)
if (N < 1) stop("You need to supply the name of at least one data column.")
if (N > 10) stop("Unable to show more than ten data columns.")
switch(nrows, L1(N), L2(N), L3(N), L4(N))
for (I in c(1:22, "X", "Y")) { # for each chromosome
chrname <- paste('chr', I, sep='')
dumbposn <- seq(1, 250000000, length=2500)
clap <- cytobandLocations[cytobandLocations$Chromosome == chrname,]
segset <- DATA[DATA$Chromosome == chrname,]
resn <- max(max(segset[,columns]))
y <- rep(NA, length(dumbposn))
for(J in 1:nrow(clap)) {
y[clap[J, "loc.start"] <= dumbposn &
dumbposn <= clap[J, "loc.end"] ] <- as.numeric(clap[J, "Stain"])
## chromosomes
par(mai=c(0, 0.05, 0.6, 0.02))
image(1:1, dumbposn, matrix(rev(y), nrow=1), col=idiocolors, bty='n',
xlab='', ylab='', xaxt='n', yaxt='n', zlim=c(1, 8),
mtext(paste("Chr", I), side=3, at=1, las=2, line=0.5, cex=1)
pts <- max(dumbposn) - c(min(clap$loc.start), max(clap$loc.end))
lines(c(1.4, 1.4), pts)
lines(c(0.6, 0.6), pts)
## right bars
for (K in 1:length(columns)) {
cname <- columns[K]
vals <- NA*y
for(J in 1:nrow(clap)) {
vals[clap[J, "loc.start"] <= dumbposn &
dumbposn <= clap[J, "loc.end"] ] <- as.numeric(segset[J, cname])
par(mai=c(0, 0.001, 0.6, 0.001))
barplot(rev(vals), horiz=T, border=NA, col=pal[K],
xlim=c(0, 1.05*resn), yaxs="i", xaxt="n", space=0)
par(new = TRUE)
legend(0.3*par("usr")[2], 0.2*par("usr")[4], columns, col=pal, pch=15)
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