## clean reference set to non NA sites
cleanRefSet <- function(g, platform = c('EPIC','HM450','HM27')) {
platform <- match.arg(platform)
mapinfo <- sesameDataGet(paste0(
platform, '.probeInfo'))[[paste0('mapped.probes.hg19')]]
## mapinfo <- sesameDataGet(paste0(
## platform, ".address"))[["hg19"]]
g <- g[GenomicRanges::intersect(rownames(g), names(mapinfo)),,drop=FALSE]
g.clean <- g[apply(g, 1, function(x) !any(is.na(x))),,drop=FALSE]
g.clean <- g.clean[rownames(g.clean) %in% names(mapinfo),,drop=FALSE]
g.clean <- g.clean[!(as.vector(GenomicRanges::seqnames(
mapinfo[rownames(g.clean)])) %in% c('chrX','chrY','chrM')),,drop=FALSE]
g.clean <- g.clean[grep('cg',rownames(g.clean)),,drop=FALSE]
#' Restrict refset to differentially methylated probes
#' use with care, might introduce bias
#' The function takes a matrix with probes on the rows and cell types on
#' the columns and output a subset matrix and only probes that show
#' discordant methylation levels among the cell types.
#' @param g a matrix with probes on the rows and cell types on the columns
#' @return g a matrix with a subset of input probes (rows)
#' @examples
#' g = diffRefSet(getRefSet(platform='HM450'))
#' sesameDataGet_resetEnv()
#' @export
diffRefSet <- function(g) {
g <- g[apply(g, 1, function(x) min(x) != max(x)),]
'Reference set is based on ', dim(g)[1], ' differential probes from ',
dim(g)[2], ' cell types.')
#' Retrieve reference set
#' The function retrieves the curated reference DNA methylation status for
#' a set of cell type names under the Infinium platform. Supported cell types
#' include "CD4T", "CD19B", "CD56NK", "CD14Monocytes", "granulocytes", "scFat",
#' "skin" etc. See package sesameData for more details. The function output a
#' matrix with probes on the rows and specified cell types on the columns.
#' 0 suggests unmethylation and 1 suggests methylation. Intermediate
#' methylation and nonclusive calls are left with NA.
#' @param cells reference cell types
#' @param platform EPIC or HM450
#' @return g, a 0/1 matrix with probes on the rows and specified cell types
#' on the columns.
#' @examples
#' betas = getRefSet('CD4T', platform='HM450')
#' sesameDataGet_resetEnv()
#' @export
getRefSet <- function(cells=NULL, platform = c('EPIC','HM450')) {
platform <- match.arg(platform)
if (is.null(cells)) {
cells <- c('CD4T', 'CD19B','CD56NK','CD14Monocytes', 'granulocytes');
refdata <- sesameDataGet('ref.methylation')[cells]
probes <- Reduce(intersect, lapply(refdata, names))
g <- do.call(cbind, lapply(refdata, function(x) x[probes]))
g <- cleanRefSet(g, platform);
'Reference set is based on ', dim(g)[1], ' probes from ',
dim(g)[2], ' cell types.')
#' Estimate leukocyte fraction using a two-component model
#' The method assumes only two components in the mixture: the leukocyte
#' component and the target tissue component. The function takes the beta
#' values matrix of the target tissue and the beta value matrix of the
#' leukocyte. Both matrices have probes on the row and samples on the column.
#' Row names should have probe IDs from the platform. The function outputs
#' a single numeric describing the fraction of leukocyte.
#' @param betas.tissue tissue beta value matrix (#probes X #samples)
#' @param betas.leuko leukocyte beta value matrix,
#' if missing, use the SeSAMe default by infinium platform
#' @param betas.tumor optional, tumor beta value matrix
#' @param platform "HM450", "HM27" or "EPIC"
#' @return leukocyte estimate, a numeric vector
#' @importFrom utils head
#' @importFrom utils tail
#' @examples
#' betas.tissue <- sesameDataGet('HM450.1.TCGA.PAAD')$betas
#' estimateLeukocyte(betas.tissue)
#' sesameDataGet_resetEnv()
#' @export
estimateLeukocyte <- function(betas.tissue, betas.leuko = NULL,
betas.tumor = NULL, platform = c('EPIC','HM450','HM27')){
platform <- match.arg(platform)
if (!is.matrix(betas.tissue)) { betas.tissue <- as.matrix(betas.tissue) }
if (is.null(betas.leuko)) {
betas.leuko <- sesameDataGet('leukocyte.betas')[[platform]] }
if (!is.matrix(betas.leuko)) { betas.leuko <- as.matrix(betas.leuko) }
## choose the probes to work with
ave.leuko <- rowMeans(betas.leuko, na.rm=TRUE)
ave.tissue <- rowMeans(betas.tissue, na.rm=TRUE)
probes <- intersect(names(ave.leuko), names(ave.tissue))
ave.leuko <- ave.leuko[probes]; ave.tissue <- ave.tissue[probes]
if (toupper(platform) %in% c("HM450", "EPIC")) { nprobes <- 1000
} else if (toupper(platform) == "HM27") { nprobes <- 100; }
tt <- sort(ave.leuko - ave.tissue)
probes.leuko.lo <- names(head(tt, n=nprobes)) # leuk-specific hypo
probes.leuko.hi <- names(tail(tt, n=nprobes)) # leuk-specific hyper
if (!is.null(betas.tumor)) { # test tumor if specified
if (!is.matrix(betas.tumor))
betas.tumor <- as.matrix(betas.tumor)
betas.tissue <- betas.tumor }
## more refined range if dataset is big
if (dim(betas.tissue)[2] >= 10) { # exclude NAs
t.hi <- apply(betas.tissue[probes.leuko.hi,],1,min, na.rm=TRUE)
t.lo <- apply(betas.tissue[probes.leuko.lo,],1,max, na.rm=TRUE)
} else {
t.hi <- rep(0.0, length(probes.leuko.hi))
t.lo <- rep(1.0, length(probes.leuko.lo)) }
l.hi <- as.numeric(as.matrix(ave.leuko[probes.leuko.hi]))
l.lo <- as.numeric(as.matrix(ave.leuko[probes.leuko.lo]))
## calculating Leukocyte Percentage
leuko.estimate <- vapply(seq_len(ncol(betas.tissue)), function(i) {
s.hi <- betas.tissue[probes.leuko.hi, i]
s.lo <- betas.tissue[probes.leuko.lo, i]
p <- c((s.hi - t.hi) / (l.hi - t.hi), (s.lo - t.lo) / (l.lo - t.lo))
if (sum(!is.na(p)) < 10) return(NA); # not enough data
dd <- density(na.omit(p))
}, numeric(1))
names(leuko.estimate) <- colnames(betas.tissue)
twoCompsDiff <- function(pop1, pop2) {
pb <- intersect(rownames(pop1), rownames(pop2))
pop1 <- pop1[pb,]
pop2 <- pop2[pb,]
tt <- sort(rowMeans(pop1) - rowMeans(pop2))
res <- list(
diff_1m2u = names(tail(tt, n=1000)),
diff_1u2m = names(head(tt, n=1000)))
#' Estimate the fraction of the 2nd component in a 2-component mixture
#' @param pop1 Reference methylation level matrix for population 1
#' @param pop2 Reference methylation level matrix for population 2
#' @param target Target methylation level matrix to be analyzed
#' @param diff_1m2u A vector of differentially methylated probes (methylated
#' in population 1 but unmethylated in population 2)
#' @param diff_1u2m A vector of differentially methylated probes (unmethylated
#' in population 1 but methylated in population 2)
#' @param use.ave use population average in selecting differentially
#' methylated probes
#' @return Estimate of the 2nd component in the 2-component mixture
twoCompsEst2 <- function(
pop1, pop2, target, use.ave=TRUE, diff_1m2u=NULL, diff_1u2m=NULL) {
pb <- intersect(
intersect(rownames(pop1), rownames(pop2)),
message(length(pb), " probes shared. Starting from there.\n")
pop1 <- pop1[pb,]; pop2 <- pop2[pb,]; target <- target[pb,]
if (is.null(diff_1m2u) || is.null(diff_1u2m)) {
if (use.ave) {
tt <- sort(rowMeans(pop1) - rowMeans(pop2))
diff_1m2u <- names(tail(tt, n=1000))
diff_1u2m <- names(head(tt, n=1000))
} else {
diff_1u2m <- names(which(apply(pop1,1,function(x) {
all(x<0.3, na.rm=TRUE) && sum(is.na(x)) / length(x) < 0.5
}) & apply(pop2,1,function(x) {
all(x>0.7, na.rm=TRUE) && sum(is.na(x)) / length(x) < 0.5
diff_1m2u <- names(which(apply(pop1,1,function(x) {
all(x>0.7, na.rm=TRUE) && sum(is.na(x)) / length(x) < 0.5
}) & apply(pop2,1,function(x) {
all(x<0.3, na.rm=TRUE) && sum(is.na(x)) / length(x) < 0.5
message(length(diff_1u2m), " probes meth. in 2 and unmeth. in 1.\n")
message(length(diff_1m2u), " probes meth. in 1 and unmeth. in 2.\n")
d1u2m_hi <- apply(pop2[diff_1u2m,], 1, max, na.rm=TRUE)
d1u2m_lo <- apply(pop1[diff_1u2m,], 1, min, na.rm=TRUE)
d1m2u_hi <- apply(pop1[diff_1m2u,], 1, max, na.rm=TRUE)
d1m2u_lo <- apply(pop2[diff_1m2u,], 1, min, na.rm=TRUE)
est <- vapply(seq_len(ncol(target)), function(i) {
xx <- c((target[diff_1u2m,i] - d1u2m_lo) / (d1u2m_hi - d1u2m_lo),
1-(target[diff_1m2u,i] - d1m2u_lo) / (d1m2u_hi - d1m2u_lo))
dd <- density(na.omit(xx))
}, numeric(1))
names(est) <- colnames(target)
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