
Defines functions phylogeo coerce_latlon_columns

#' The phylogeo class
#' Inherits from the phyloseq class and adds the Latitude and longitude
#' @import phyloseq
#' @name phylogeo-class
#' @rdname phylogeo-class
#' @exportClass phylogeo
             latitude = "character",
             longitude = "character"),
         contains = "phyloseq",
         prototype = prototype(otu_table = NULL,
                               tax_table = NULL,
                               sam_data = NULL,
                               phy_tree = NULL,
                               refseq = NULL,
                               latitude = NULL,
                               longitude = NULL)

#' initialize a phylogeo object from a phyloseq object
#' \code{phylogeo()} is a constructor method used internally to create a phylogeo
#' object and to ensure data integrity.
#' @import phyloseq
#' @import dplyr
phylogeo <- function(physeq) {

    # check for sample_data slot
    if (!"sam_data" %in% phyloseq::getslots.phyloseq(physeq)) {
        stop("Mapping requires that phyloseq objects have Sample_Data with
              Latitude and Longitude")

    # get lat/long columns. (based on https://github.com/rstudio/leaflet/blob/4ef0023c9fefa00a64e382ccd77d34d1413c47dc/R/normalize.R)
    sampledata <- data.frame(sample_data(physeq))
    sdfnames <- names(sampledata)
    lats = sdfnames[grep("^(lat|latitude)$", sdfnames, ignore.case = TRUE)]
    lngs = sdfnames[grep("^(lon|lng|long|longitude)$", sdfnames, ignore.case = TRUE)]
    if (!(length(lats) == 1 && length(lngs) == 1)) stop("Couldn't infer longitude/latitude columns")

    # Update sample_data and add it back to the phyloseq object
    sampledata <- sampledata %>%
        coerce_latlon_columns(lats) %>%
    sample_data(physeq) <- sampledata

    # get samples without NA values in Lat/Lng columns
    samples_to_keep <- row.names(sampledata[ !is.na(sampledata[[lats]]) & !is.na(sampledata[[lngs]]), ])

    # if samples have been dropped prune OTUs belonging to them
    if (length(row.names) > 0 ) {
        #update sample data
        prune_samples(samples_to_keep, physeq)

        #update otu/sequence data
        if (.hasSlot(physeq, "otu_table")) {
            prune_taxa(taxa_sums(physeq) > 0, physeq)

    # return the class
        latitude = lats,
        longitude = lngs,
        otu_table = physeq@otu_table,
        tax_table = physeq@tax_table,
        sam_data = physeq@sam_data,
        phy_tree = physeq@phy_tree,
        refseq = physeq@refseq)

#' Address Lat//Long Columns:
#'  "None" -> NA
#'  factor -> vector
#'  vector -> numeric
#' @keywords internal
coerce_latlon_columns <- function(df, col){
    colvals <- df[[col]]
    if (is.factor(colvals)) colvals <- as.vector(colvals) #convert to vector
    colvals[ colvals == "None"] <- NA  #some data has "None" so be sure to replace with NA
    df[[col]] <- as.numeric(as.character(colvals))
zachcp/phylogeo documentation built on May 4, 2019, 8:57 p.m.