priorHistone_init = function(histoneFile = NULL, histoneName = NULL, chipFile = NULL, fragL = 200, AllocThres = 900, chrList = NULL, capping = 0, outfileLoc = "./", bowtieDir = NULL, bowtieIndex = NULL, vBowtie = 2, mBowtie = 99, pBowtie = 8, bwaDir = NULL, bwaIndex = NULL, nBWA = 2, oBWA = 1, tBWA = 8, mBWA = 99, csemDir = NULL, picardDir = NULL, saveFiles = TRUE){
message( "More than one ChIP-seq data detected: Replicates must be from the same TF (experiment). Otherwise, we recommend run different ChIP-seq data separtely.")
}else if(is.null(chipFile)){
stop("Please provide proper path to ChIP-seq file.")
# Check parameters
if(fragL <= 0)
stop("fragL (fragment length) must be a positive value.")
if(AllocThres<0 | AllocThres>1000)
stop("AllocThres (allocation score threshold) must be a number between 0 and 1000.")
stop("Please provide proper path to histone file or use priorProcess for prior building using only DNase-seq or readAllocate for no prior Multi-reads allocation.")
if(prod(tolower(sub(".*\\.", "", histoneFile)) %in% c("fastq", "sam", "bam", "bed")) == 0 )
stop("All Histone ChIP-seq files must be in fastq, sam , bam or bed format.")
if(sum(tolower(sub(".*\\.", "", histoneFile)) == "fastq") > 0 & is.null(bowtieIndex) & is.null(bwaIndex))
stop("Please provide either Bowtie or BWA index for alignment.")
if(prod(tolower(sub(".*\\.", "", chipFile)) %in% c("fastq", "sam")) == 0)
stop("All ChIP-seq files must be in either fastq format or sam format.")
if(sum(tolower(sub(".*\\.", "", chipFile)) == "fastq") > 0 & is.null(bowtieIndex) & is.null(bwaIndex))
stop("Please provide either Bowtie or BWA index for alignment.")
if(vBowtie<0 | vBowtie>3)
stop("vBowtie (-v option in Bowtie) must be 0, 1, 2 or 3.")
if(mBowtie%%1!=0 | mBowtie<0)
stop("mBowtie (-m option in Bowtie) must be a positive integer.")
if(pBowtie%%1!=0 | pBowtie<0)
stop("pBowtie (-p option in Bowtie) must be a positive integer.")
if(nBWA < 0 | nBWA > 3)
stop("nBWA (bwa aln -n option in BWA) must be 0, 1, 2 or 3.")
if(oBWA < 0 | oBWA > 1)
stop("oBWA (bwa aln -o option in BWA) must be 0 or 1.")
if(mBWA%%1!=0 | mBWA<0)
stop("mBWA (bwa samse -n option in BWA) must be a positive integer.")
if(tBWA%%1!=0 | tBWA<0)
stop("tBWA (bwa aln -t option in BWA) must be a positive integer.")
#If the output folder does not exist, we create it automatically
system(paste('mkdir ', outfileLoc, sep=''))
#change into the output folder directory
#build the chromosome reference file using bowtie-inspect
script <- ""
Fn.Path <- system.file(file.path("Perl", script), package = "permseq")
bowtieIndexName <- gsub(".*/(.*)", "\\1", bowtieIndex)
chrom.ref <- paste(outfileLoc, "/", bowtieIndexName, ".ref", sep = "")
CMD <- paste(bowtieDir, "/bowtie-inspect -s ", bowtieIndex, " | perl ", Fn.Path, " ", chrom.ref, sep = "")
system(CMD, intern = TRUE)
chrom.ref <- NULL
# Sumarize Bowtie/BWA Input Parameters Information
# Sumarize Bowtie Information
bowtieInfo <- vector('list', 5)
names(bowtieInfo) <- c("bowtieIndex","bowtieDir","vBowtie","mBowtie","pBowtie")
bowtieInfo$bowtieIndex <- bowtieIndex
bowtieInfo$bowtieDir <- bowtieDir
bowtieInfo$vBowtie <- vBowtie
bowtieInfo$mBowtie <- mBowtie
bowtieInfo$pBowtie <- pBowtie
bwaInfo <- NULL
# Summarize BWA Information
bwaInfo <- vector('list', 6)
names(bwaInfo) <- c("bwaIndex","bwaDir","nBWA","oBWA","tBWA", "mBWA")
bwaInfo$bwaIndex <- bwaIndex
bwaInfo$bwaDir <- bwaDir
bwaInfo$nBWA <- nBWA
bwaInfo$oBWA <- oBWA
bwaInfo$tBWA <- tBWA
bwaInfo$mBWA <- mBWA
bowtieInfo <- NULL
#If the histone name(s) is not given, use the histone directory name
histoneName <- 1:length(histoneFile)
link <- vector('list', length(histoneFile))
names(link) <- histoneName
histoneAlign <- list()
# Process each Histone data - align to the reference genome and give the bowtie summary information
for(i in 1:length(histoneFile)){
link[[i]] <- .multihistoneProcess(histoneFile[i], fragL, AllocThres, chrList, chrom.ref, capping=0, outfileLoc = paste(outfileLoc, '/', histoneName[i], '/', sep=''), histoneName[i], bowtieIndex, csemDir, picardDir, bowtieDir, vBowtie, mBowtie, pBowtie, bwaDir, bwaIndex, nBWA, oBWA, tBWA, mBWA, saveFiles)
chrList <- link[[i]][['chrList']]
histoneFormat <- tolower(sub(".*\\.", "", histoneFile[i]))
if(is.null(bowtieIndex) || histoneFormat %in% c("sam", "bam", "bed")){
histoneAlign[[histoneName[i]]] <- list() ## If Histone file is bam or bed: No aligment information
histoneAlign[[histoneName[i]]] <- .summary(paste(outfileLoc, "/", histoneName[i], sep = ""), "priorProcessHistoneBowtie_temp.txt")
# Align each ChIP data
outfile_chip <- NULL
chipAlign <- list()
chipSAM <- c()
#Get the ChIP-seq data name
for(i in 1:length(chipFile)){
t1 <- strsplit(chipFile[i], '/')[[1]]
t1 <- t1[length(t1)]
t <- strsplit(t1, paste('.', sub(".*\\.", "", t1), sep=''))[[1]][1]
outfile_chip <- c(outfile_chip, t)
message("Info: Align reads using Bowtie...")
for(i in 1:length(chipFile)){
chipFormat <- tolower(sub(".*\\.", "", chipFile[i]))
if(chipFormat == "fastq"){
# Bowtie alignment
system(paste(bowtieDir, '/bowtie -q -v ', vBowtie, ' -a -m ', mBowtie, ' -p ', pBowtie, ' --sam ', bowtieIndex, ' ', chipFile[i], ' ', outfile_chip[i], '.sam', " 2>&1 | tee ", outfileLoc, "/priorProcessChIP_", outfile_chip[i], "_Bowtie_temp.txt", sep=''))
# Summarize ChIP alignment information
chipAlign[[outfile_chip[i]]] <- .summary(outfileLoc, paste("priorProcessChIP_", outfile_chip[i], "_Bowtie_temp.txt", sep = ""))
chipSAM[i] <- paste(outfileLoc, "/", outfile_chip[i], ".sam", sep = "")
print(paste("ChIP-seq file ", outfile_chip[i], " is in SAM format. The preprocessed alignment should contain multi-mapping reads. Otherwise, please provide FASTQ format ChIP-seq file.", sep = ""))
chipAlign[[outfile_chip[i]]] <- NULL
chipSAM[i] <- chipFile[i]
## Remove duplicates from SAM file
file.sam <- chipSAM[i]
filename <- gsub("\\.sam", "", chipSAM[i])
CMD <- "mkdir -p TMP_permseq"
CMD <- paste("java -jar ", picardDir, " SortSam I=", file.sam, " O=", filename, ".sort.sam VALIDATION_STRINGENCY=LENIENT SORT_ORDER=coordinate TMP_DIR=TMP_permseq", sep = "")
CMD <- paste("java -jar ", picardDir, " MarkDuplicates I=", filename, ".sort.sam ", "O=", filename, ".nodup.sam METRICS_FILE=QCmetric VALIDATION_STRINGENCY=LENIENT ASSUME_SORTED=true REMOVE_DUPLICATES=true TMP_DIR=TMP_permseq", sep = "")
CMD <- paste("java -jar ", picardDir, " SortSam I=", filename, ".nodup.sam O=", filename, ".nodup.sort.sam VALIDATION_STRINGENCY=LENIENT SORT_ORDER=queryname TMP_DIR=TMP_permseq", sep = "")
CMD <- "rm -rf TMP_permseq"
CMD <- paste(csemDir, "/sam/samtools view -Sb -h ", file.sam ," >", filename, ".tmp.bam", sep = "")
CMD <- paste(csemDir, "/sam/samtools sort ", filename, ".tmp.bam ", filename, ".tmp.sort", sep = "")
CMD <- paste(csemDir, "/sam/samtools rmdup ", filename, ".tmp.sort.bam ", filename, ".tmp.nodup.bam", sep = "")
CMD <- paste(csemDir, "/sam/samtools view -h ", filename, ".tmp.nodup.bam >", filename, ".tmp.nodup.sam", sep = "")
CMD <- paste(csemDir, "/sam/samtools sort -n ", filename, ".tmp.nodup.sam ", filename, ".nodup.sort", sep = "")
# CMD <- paste("rm -rf ", filename, ".tmp*", sep = "")
# system(CMD)
chipSAM[i] <- paste(filename, ".nodup.sort.sam", sep = "")
message( "Info: Aligning reads using BWA..." )
for(i in 1:length(chipFile)){
chipFormat <- tolower(sub(".*\\.", "", chipFile[i]))
if(chipFormat == "fastq"){
system(paste(bwaDir, '/bwa aln -n ', nBWA, ' -o ', oBWA, ' -t ', tBWA, ' ', bwaIndex, ' ', chipFile[i], ' >', outfile_chip[i], '.sai', sep=''))
system(paste(bwaDir, '/bwa samse -n ', mBWA, ' ', bwaIndex, ' ', outfile_chip[i], '.sai', ' ', chipFile[i], ' | ', bwaDir, '/ >', outfile_chip[i], '.sam', sep=''))
chipSAM[i] <- paste(outfileLoc,'/',outfile_chip[i],'.sam',sep='')
print(paste("ChIP-seq file ", outfile_chip[i], " is in SAM format. The preprocessed aligned SAM file should contain multi-mapping reads. Otherwise, please provide FASTQ format ChIP-seq file.", sep = ""))
chipSAM[i] <- chipFile[i]
chipAlign[[outfile_chip[i]]] <- NULL
## Remove duplicates from SAM file
file.sam <- chipSAM[i]
filename <- gsub("\\.sam", "", chipSAM[i])
CMD <- "mkdir -p TMP_permseq"
CMD <- paste("java -jar ", picardDir, " SortSam I=", file.sam, " O=", filename, ".sort.sam VALIDATION_STRINGENCY=LENIENT SORT_ORDER=coordinate TMP_DIR=TMP_permseq", sep = "")
CMD <- paste("java -jar ", picardDir, " MarkDuplicates I=", filename, ".sort.sam ", "O=", filename, ".nodup.sam METRICS_FILE=QCmetric VALIDATION_STRINGENCY=LENIENT ASSUME_SORTED=true REMOVE_DUPLICATES=true TMP_DIR=TMP_permseq", sep = "")
CMD <- paste("java -jar ", picardDir, " SortSam I=", filename, ".nodup.sam O=", filename, ".nodup.sort.sam VALIDATION_STRINGENCY=LENIENT SORT_ORDER=queryname TMP_DIR=TMP_permseq", sep = "")
CMD <- "rm -rf TMP_permseq"
CMD <- paste(csemDir, "/sam/samtools view -Sb -h ", file.sam ," >", filename, ".tmp.bam", sep = "")
CMD <- paste(csemDir, "/sam/samtools sort ", filename, ".tmp.bam ", filename, ".tmp.sort", sep = "")
CMD <- paste(csemDir, "/sam/samtools rmdup ", filename, ".tmp.sort.bam ", filename, ".tmp.nodup.bam", sep = "")
CMD <- paste(csemDir, "/sam/samtools view -h ", filename, ".tmp.nodup.bam >", filename, ".nodup.sam", sep = "")
CMD <- paste("rm -rf ", filename, ".tmp*", sep = "")
chipSAM[i] <- paste(filename, ".nodup.sam", sep = "")
outfile_chipmean <- paste(outfile_chip, '_chipmean_temp', sep='')
# Calcualte averaged chip counts at different groups
link.temp <- vector('list', length(histoneName))
names(link.temp) <- histoneName
for(i in 1:length(histoneName)){
link.temp[[i]] <- link[[i]][['posLoc_bychr']]
.chipMeanCounts(prior = NULL, link.temp, chipSAM, paste(outfile_chip, '.nodup.sam', sep=''), outfileLoc, outfile_chipmean)
#prepare for the plot to select the best histone to be used as dnase data
ylim <- vector('list', length(chipFile))
for(i in 1:length(chipFile))
ylim[[i]] <- c(0, 0)
reps <- vector('list', length(histoneFile))
for(i in 1:length(reps)){
reps[[i]] <- vector('list', length(chipFile))
for(j in 1:length(chipFile)){
reps[[i]][[j]] <- read.table(paste(histoneName[i], '_', outfile_chipmean[j], sep=''))
ylim[[j]][1] <- min(c(ylim[[j]][1], min(unlist(reps[[i]][[j]][2, ]/reps[[i]][[j]][1, ]))))
ylim[[j]][2] <- max(c(ylim[[j]][2], max(unlist(reps[[i]][[j]][2, ]/reps[[i]][[j]][1, ]))))
# Generate plot used to select one histone data which will be used as "DNase data" in the following step.
pdf(paste(outfileLoc, '/', 'marginal_histone_plot.pdf', sep=''))
for(j in 1:length(outfile_chip))
for(i in 1:length(reps)){
.fitPlot(list(reps[[i]][[j]]), link[[i]][['histoneThres']], link[[i]][['histoneKnots']],name = outfile_chip[j], xlab = histoneName[i], ylim=ylim[[j]])
# Summarizing information and create "Prior" class. The information saved in the "Prior" object will be passed to "priorHistone_multi"
chipUni <- c()
for(i in 1:length(chipFile)){
chipUni[i] <- paste(outfileLoc, '/', outfile_chip[i], '.sam.uni.bed', sep='')
#result <- vector('list', length(histoneName))
#names(result) <- histoneName
#for(i in 1:length(result)){
# result[[i]] <- vector('list', length(outfile_chip))
# names(result[[i]]) <- outfile_chip
# for(j in 1:length(chipFile)){
# result[[i]][[j]] <- unlist(reps[[i]][[j]][2,]/reps[[i]][[j]][1,])
# }
#link[['meanchip_histone']] <- result
system(paste('rm -rf ', outfileLoc, '/*temp', sep=''))
#create new "Prior" object
result = new("Prior",
chipName = outfile_chip,
chipSAM = chipSAM,
chipUni = chipUni,
chipNum = length(chipFile),
histoneName = histoneName,
fragL = fragL,
chrList = chrList,
bowtieInfo = bowtieInfo,
bwaInfo = bwaInfo,
csemDir = csemDir,
chrom.ref = chrom.ref,
histoneAlign = histoneAlign,
chipAlign = chipAlign,
histoneNum = length(histoneFile),
outfileLoc = outfileLoc,
dataNum = length(histoneName)
for(i in 1:length(histoneFile)){
result@dnaseHistone[[histoneName[i]]] <- link[[histoneName[i]]]
#plot the histone vs ChIP-seq read counts
.fitPlot = function(reps, histoneThres, histoneKnots, name, xlab, ylim){
par(mar = c(5, 5, 4, 2) + 0.1)
for (i in 1:length(reps)) {
a = reps[[i]][2, ]/reps[[i]][1, ]
matplot(histoneThres, t(a), col = "black", lwd = 1, pch = 20, ylab = "Average ChIP read count", xlab = paste("Histone (", xlab, ") read count", sep = ""), main=name, ylim=ylim)
for (j in 1:length(histoneKnots)) abline(v = histoneKnots[j], col = "blue", lwd = 2)
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