#' defaultPeptideTrainData
#' This function acces to the data to trace train the SVM method
defaultPeptideTrainData <- function(){
filePath <- system.file("extdata", "svmDataDefault.csv", package = "pIR")
data <- read.table(file = filePath, sep = ",", header = TRUE)
#' loadSVMModel
#' This function acces to a SVM model trained
#' @param model The model to be loaded
loadSVMModel <- function(model = "default"){
filePath <- system.file("extdata", "svmModelDefault.rda", package = "pIR")
svm <- load(file = filePath, .GlobalEnv)
filePath <- system.file("extdata", "svmModelHeller.rda", package = "pIR")
svm <- load(file = filePath, .GlobalEnv)
filePath <- system.file("extdata", "svmModelBranca.rda", package = "pIR")
svm <- load(file = filePath, .GlobalEnv)
#otherwise return default trained model
filePath <- system.file("extdata", "svmModelDefault.rda", package = "pIR")
svm <- load(file = filePath, .GlobalEnv)
#' transformData
#' This function transform a new data (dataframe) using center and scale transformation.
#' This transformation is necesary previous to use svm method.
#' @param instances The data to be transformed
#' @param defaultTrainingSet A flag to get the training set used in the transformation (if TRUE, default training set will be used)
#' @param trainingSet The training set used to apply transformation.
#' @details If trainingSet flag is not "default", "heller" or "branca", the current data will be used to apply the transformation requeried
#' @details before use a SVM model, the set supply must contains the following variables: calibrated, expasy and aaindex.
transformData <- function(instances = instance, trainingSet = "default"){
#load default dataset
filePath <- system.file("extdata", "svmDataSetDefault.rda", package = "pIR")
}else if(trainingSet=="heller"){
#load heller dataset
filePath <- system.file("extdata", "svmHellerDataSet.rda", package = "pIR")
}else if(trainingSet=="branca"){
#load branca dataset
filePath <- system.file("extdata", "svmBrancaDataSet.rda", package = "pIR")
}else if(trainingSet=="current"){
#otherwise, use the provided dataset to apply transformation...
data <- instances
#retrive attributes from dataset. It must be equal to new instance attributes.
peptides_propeties <- subset(data, select=c("calibrated", "expasy", "aaindex"))
#create preProcess object
preObject <- preProcess(peptides_propeties, method = c("center", "scale"))
#process new instances using (trainingSet) option
preData <- predict(preObject, newdata = instances)
#' pISVMsequences
#' This function predict the pI from multiple sequences contained into dataframe.
#' @param df The dataset with sequences. It must contains the variables: "calibrated", "expasy" and "aaindex".
#' @param model The SVM-based model to be used in the prediction (use "default", "heller" or "branca" options)
#' @param newModel A flag enabling the posibility to choose a new model to be used.
#' @details By default, this method use a svm-model from the setting of the "model" parameter and keeping
#' @details the parameter "newModel" = FALSE. However, it is possible to build a new svm model from the current dataset
#' @details setting "newModel"=TRUE. To do it, The input dataframe must contains the variables requeried to train
#' @details a svm model: "calibrated", "expasy" and "aaindex".
pISVMsequences <- function(df = dataframe, model = "default", newModel = FALSE){
#loading default svm model
svm <- loadSVMModel(model)
#processing data...requeried previous to use svm model
processedData <- transformData(instances = df, trainingSet = model)
#predicting pI with svm model
pI <- predict(svmModel, newdata = processedData)
#build dataframe with new pI values predicted
df$pIsvm <- as.vector(pI, mode = "any")
#build new svm model from current data
svmModel <- svmPIData(data = df)
#read varibles from dataframe
sequences_propeties <- subset(df, select=c("calibrated", "expasy", "aaindex"))
#processing data...requeried previous to use svm model
processedData <- transformData(instances = sequences_propeties, trainingSet = "current")
#predicting pI with svm model
pI <- predict(svmModel, newdata = processedData)
#build dataframe with new pI values predicted
df$pIsvm <- as.vector(pI, mode = "any")
#' pISVMpeptide
#' This function predict the pI of a single sequence.
#' @param sequence The sequence to be used
#' @param model The SVM-based model to be used in the prediction (use "default", "heller" or "branca" options)
pISVMpeptide <- function(sequence, model = "default"){
#computing the features requeried to vectorize the peptide/protein
aaindex <- aaIndex(sequence = sequence)
calibrated <- pIBjell(sequence = sequence, pkSetMethod = "calibrated")
expasy <- pIBjell(sequence = sequence, pkSetMethod = "expasy")
#loading svm-model
svm <- loadSVMModel(model = model)
#Building sequence as a dataframe
seq <- data.frame(calibrated, expasy, aaindex)
#pre-processing new instance using the same model training-dataset processing
seq <- transformData(instances = seq, trainingSet = model)
pI <- predict(svmModel, newdata = seq)
# dafaultTrainData
# This function acces to the data to trace train the SVM method
defaultProteinTrainData <- function(){
filePath <- system.file("extdata", "svmProteinData.csv", package = "pIR")
data <- read.table(file = filePath, sep = ",", header = TRUE)
# svmPIDefault
# This function train the original dataset from the SVM dataset a get the model
svmBuildPeptideData <- function(defaultModel = FALSE, method = "svmRadial", numberIter = 2){
data <- defaultPeptideTrainData()
svmModel <- svmModel
peptides_properties <- subset(data, select=c("calibrated", "expasy", "aaindex"))
peptides_experimental <- subset(data, select=c("pIExp"))
svmModel <- svmProfile(dfExp = peptides_experimental, dfProp = peptides_properties, method = method, numberIter = numberIter)
svmBuildProteinData <- function(loadData = FALSE, method = "svmRadial", numberIter = 2){
data <- defaultProteinTrainData()
data <- svmPIBuildSVM(originalData = data)
peptides_properties <- subset(data, select=c("expasy", "skoog", "calibrated", "solomon", "rodwell", "emboss", "lehninger", "grimsley", "patrickios", "DtaSelect", "aaindex"))
peptides_experimental <- subset(data, select=c("pIExp"))
svmProfileValue <- svmProfile(dfExp = peptides_experimental, dfProp = peptides_properties, method = method, numberIter = numberIter)
#' svmPIBuildSVMData
#' This function take a data frame in the way of: sequence pIExp. It return a dataframe with features to train a svm model
#' @param originalData The original dra frame
svmPIBuildData <- function(originalData){
data <- originalData
colnames(data) <-c("sequence", "pIExp")
#Add all the bjell methods and pk Sets
data <- mdply(data, function(sequence, pIExp) { pIBjell(sequence = sequence, pkSetMethod = "calibrated") })
colnames(data) <-c("sequence", "pIExp", "calibrated")
#Add all the bjell methods and pk Sets
data <- mdply(data, function(sequence, pIExp, calibrated) { pIBjell(sequence = sequence, pkSetMethod = "expasy") })
colnames(data) <-c("sequence", "pIExp", "calibrated", "expasy")
#Add all the bjell methods and pk Sets
data <- mdply(data, function(sequence, pIExp, calibrated, expasy) { pIBjell(sequence = sequence, pkSetMethod = "skoog") })
colnames(data) <-c("sequence", "pIExp", "calibrated", "expasy", "skoog")
#Add all the bjell methods and pk Sets
data <- mdply(data, function(sequence, pIExp, calibrated, expasy, skoog) { aaIndex(sequence = sequence) })
colnames(data) <-c("sequence", "pIExp", "calibrated", "expasy", "skoog", "aaindex")
#write.table(data, file = "data.csv", sep = ",", col.names = NA, qmethod = "double")
#' svmPIData
#' This function takes a data frame an return a model with the best variables.
#' The training process could be time-consuming.
#' @param data The df
svmPIData <- function(data){
peptides_propeties <- subset(data, select=c("calibrated", "expasy", "aaindex"))
peptides_experimental <- subset(data, select=c("pIExp"))
svmProfileValue <- svmProfile(dfExp = peptides_experimental, dfProp = peptides_propeties, method = "svmRadial", numberIter = 2)
svmProfile <- function(dfExp, dfProp, method = "svmRadial", numberIter = 2){
#load Data
# This is the data file with the descriptors:
peptides_desc <- as.matrix(dfProp);
# This is the Data File with the Experimental Isoelectric Point
#Scale and center data
peptides_desc<- scale(peptides_desc,center=TRUE,scale=TRUE);
#Divide the dataset in train and test sets
# Create an index of the number to train
inTrain <- createDataPartition(peptides_class, p = 3/4, list = FALSE)[,1];
#Create the Training Dataset for Descriptors
trainDescr <- peptides_desc[inTrain,];
# Create the Testing dataset for Descriptors
testDescr <- peptides_desc[-inTrain,];
trainClass <- peptides_class[inTrain];
testClass <- peptides_class[-inTrain];
mod <- getModelInfo("svmRadial", regex = FALSE)[[1]]
mod$predict <- function(modelFit, newdata, submodels = NULL) {
svmPred <- function(obj, x) {
hasPM <- !is.null(unlist(obj@prob.model))
if(hasPM) {
pred <- lev(obj)[apply(predict(obj, x, type = "probabilities"), 1, which.max)]
} else pred <- predict(obj, x)
out <- try(svmPred(modelFit, newdata), silent = TRUE)
if(is.character(lev(modelFit))) {
if(class(out)[1] == "try-error") {
warning("kernlab class prediction calculations failed; returning NAs")
out <- rep("", nrow(newdata))
out[seq(along = out)] <- NA
} else {
if(class(out)[1] == "try-error") {
warning("kernlab prediction calculations failed; returning NAs")
out <- rep(NA, nrow(newdata))
if(is.matrix(out)) out <- out[,1]
#Support Vector Machine Object
svmProfileValue <- rfe(trainDescr,trainClass, sizes = (1:3),rfeControl = rfeControl(functions = caretFuncs,number = numberIter, verbose = TRUE),method = mod);
return (svmProfileValue)
#' This function compute the isoelectric point using the aa Index
#' @param sequence The peptide sequence
aaIndex <- function(sequence){
sequence <- reformat(seq = sequence)
sequence <- toupper(sequence)
#aaV <- strsplit(sequence, "", fixed = TRUE)
#aaNTerm <- aaV[[1]][1]
#aaCTerm <- aaV[[1]][nchar(sequence)]
aaZimmermanDes <- data.frame(key <- c("A", "L", "R", "K", "N", "M", "D", "F", "C", "P", "Q", "S", "E", "T", "G", "W", "H", "Y", "I", "V"),
value <- c( 6.00, 5.98, 10.76, 9.74, 5.41, 5.74, 2.77, 5.48, 5.05, 6.30, 5.65, 5.68,3.22, 5.66, 5.97, 5.89, 7.59, 5.66, 6.02, 5.96))
colnames(aaZimmermanDes) <- c("key", "value")
#count <- 2;
lev <- c("A", "L", "R", "K", "N", "M", "D", "F", "C","P", "Q", "S", "E", "T", "G", "W", "H", "Y", "I", "V")
aaTable <- table(factor(prot <- strsplit(sequence, "")[[1]], levels = lev))
pKNValues <- loadNTermPK(pkSet = "calibrated")
pKCValues <- loadCTermPK(pkSet = "calibrated")
pKNTerm <- retrievePKValue(prot[1], pKNValues)
pKCTerm <- retrievePKValue(prot[length(prot)], pKCValues)
oldw <- getOption("warn")
options(warn = -1)
temp <- aaTable*aaZimmermanDes
options(warn = oldw)
zimm <- pKNTerm + pKCTerm + sum(temp$value)
zimm = zimm/(length(prot)+2)
return (as.numeric(zimm))
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