############################ reverseArch ############################
## Simple function to invert the direction of edges in an directed graph.
## The returned graph is of class graphNEL.
## It can use either simple matrices or sparse matrices (SparseM library)
## dirGraph -- the graph to be transormed
## useAlgo -- 'sparse' or 'normal'
## useWeights -- if weights should be used (if useAlgo = 'normal' that
## the weigths are used anyway)
reverseArch <- function(dirGraph,
useAlgo = 'sparse',
useWeights = TRUE) {
if(edgemode(dirGraph) != 'directed')
stop('The graph is not directed. Nothing to do')
if(numEdges(dirGraph) == 0) {
message('Nothing to do:')
if(useAlgo == "sparse") {
nodNames <- nodes(dirGraph)
return(sparseM2Graph(t(graph2SparseM(dirGraph, useWeights)),
nodNames, edgemode = "directed"))
## To slow for large graphs. Probably is better to use only the SparseM package
return(as(t(as(dirGraph, 'matrix')), 'graphNEL'))
############################ getGraphRoot ############################
## find the root(roots) of the DAG
getGraphRoot <- function(dag,
leafs2root = TRUE) {
dag <- reverseArch(dag)
aux <- sapply(adj(dag, nodes(dag)), length)
return(names(which(aux == 0)))
######################## buildGOgraph.topology ########################
## The structure of the GO graph is build recursivly.
buildGOgraph.topology <- function(knownNodes, whichOnto = "BP") {
## first build the lookUp table for the GO terms
nodeLookUp <- new.env(hash = T, parent = emptyenv())
GOOTerm <- get(paste('GO', whichOnto, 'Term', sep = ''), mode = 'environment')
## warping functions for a easier acces to the lookUp table
isNodeInDAG <- function(node) {
return(exists(node, envir = nodeLookUp, mode = 'logical', inherits = FALSE))
setNodeInDAG <- function(node) {
assign(node, TRUE, envir = nodeLookUp)
## get the parents mapping
GOParents <- get(paste('GO', whichOnto, 'PARENTS', sep = ''))
## get the root of the ontology
GENE.ONTO.ROOT <- as.character(revmap(GOParents)$all)
## we read all the database once and the access the list
adjLookUP <- as.list(GOParents)
## we use an environment of environments to store edges: (this way is faster)
## in the end we will coerce it to a list of list and build a graphNEL obj.
edgeEnv <- new.env(hash = T, parent = emptyenv())
## add the arc (u --> v) to edgeEnv of type :
## 0 for a is_a relation
## 1 for a part_of relation
envAddEdge <- function(u, v, type) {
assign(v, switch(type, isa = 0, partof = 1, -1), envir = get(u, envir = edgeEnv))
## recursivly build the induced graph starting from one node
buildInducedGraph <- function(node) {
## if we have visited the node, there is nothing to do
## we put the node in the graph and we get his parents
setNodeInDAG(node) # we visit the node
assign(node, new.env(hash = T, parent = emptyenv()), envir = edgeEnv) # adj list
if(node == GENE.ONTO.ROOT)
adjNodes <- adjLookUP[[node]]
## debuging point! should not happen!
if(length(adjNodes) == 0)
message('\n There are no adj nodes for node: ', node)
for(i in 1:length(adjNodes)) {
x <- as.character(adjNodes[i])
envAddEdge(node, x, names(adjNodes[i]))
## we start from the most specific nodes
lapply(knownNodes, buildInducedGraph)
## now we must transform our env into a Graph structure
## for now we use lapply, later we can do it with eapply
.graphNodes <- ls(edgeEnv)
.edgeList <- eapply(edgeEnv,
function(adjEnv) {
aux <- as.list(adjEnv)
return(list(edges = match(names(aux), .graphNodes),
weights = as.numeric(aux)))
## now we can build the graphNEL object
GOgraph.topo <- new('graphNEL',
nodes = .graphNodes,
edgeL = .edgeList,
edgemode = 'directed')
############################ induceGraph ############################
## Given a GO term (or a list of GO terms) this function is returning
## the subgraph induced by node.
inducedGraph <- function(dag,
startNodes) {
return(subGraph(nodesInInducedGraph(dag, startNodes), dag))
############################ nodesInInducedGraph ############################
## Given a GO term (or a list of GO terms) this function is returning
## the nodes in the subgraph induced by node.
nodesInInducedGraph <- function(dag,
startNodes) {
## build a lookUp table with the nodes in the graph
nodeLookUp <- new.env(hash = T, parent = emptyenv())
nodesDAG <- dag@nodes
## recursivly build the list of induced nodes
buildInducedGraph <- function(node) {
## if we have visited the node, there is nothing to do
if(exists(node, envir = nodeLookUp, mode = 'logical', inherits = FALSE))
## we put the node in the graph and we get his parents
assign(node, TRUE, envir = nodeLookUp)
adjNodes <- nodesDAG[dag@edgeL[[node]]$edges]
if(length(adjNodes) == 0)
for(i in 1:length(adjNodes))
## we start from the specified nodes
lapply(startNodes, buildInducedGraph)
nodesInInducedGraph2 <- function(dag,
startNodes) {
## build a lookUp table with the nodes in the graph
nodeLookUp <- new.env(hash = T, parent = emptyenv())
edgesDAG <- edges(dag)
## warping functions for a easier acces to the lookUp table
isNodeInDAG <- function(node) {
return(exists(node, envir = nodeLookUp, mode = 'logical', inherits = FALSE))
setNodeInDAG <- function(node) {
assign(node, TRUE, envir = nodeLookUp)
## recursivly build the list of induced nodes
buildInducedGraph <- function(node) {
## if we have visited the node, there is nothing to do
## we put the node in the graph and we get his parents
adjNodes <- edgesDAG[[node]]
if(length(adjNodes) == 0)
for(i in 1:length(adjNodes))
## we start from the specified nodes
lapply(startNodes, buildInducedGraph)
############################ buildLevels ############################
## This function take the GOgraph and constructs a named vector which contain
## the level on which a node is. The root has level 1.
## The leafs2root parameter tell if the graph has edges directed from
## the leafs to the root, or vice-versa
## we return two environments:
## level2nodes -- the key is the level no. and as value we have the
## nodes on that level
## nodes2level -- as key we have the GO term and as value we have the
## level on which that node is
buildLevels <- function(dag,
root = NULL,
leafs2root = TRUE) {
## we need the root of the tree
root <- getGraphRoot(dag, leafs2root)
if(length(root) > 1)
warning(paste('The graph has:', length(root), 'roots', sep = ' '))
## we need the the graph with the edges from the root to the leafs
if(leafs2root == TRUE)
dag <- reverseArch(dag)
nodes2level <- new.env(hash = T, parent = emptyenv())
queue <- as.character(root)
level <- 1
adjList <- adj(dag, nodes(dag))
while(length(queue)) {
## assign the curent level
multiassign(queue, rep(level, length(queue)), envir = nodes2level)
## move to the next level
level <- level + 1
queue <- unique(unlist(adjList[queue], use.names = FALSE))
## revert the node2level
nl <- unlist(as.list(nodes2level))
f.index <- rep(sort(unique(nl)), table(nl))
level2nodes <- split(names(sort(nl)), f.index)
return(list(nodes2level = nodes2level,
level2nodes = list2env(level2nodes),
noOfLevels = level - 1,
noOfNodes = length(nodes2level)))
############################ buildLevels ############################
## This function return the number of levels of a DAG
getNoOfLevels <- function(graphLevels) {
########################### mapGenes2GOgraph ###########################
## This function builds for each node a vector containing all the genes/probes
## that can be annotated to that node.
## It starts with the nodes on the lowest level, and then pushes their genes
## to the parents/ancestors
## it returns the graph for which the attribute of each node contains a mapping
## of the genes/probes
mapGenes2GOgraph <- function(dag,
nodeLevel = buildLevels(dag, leafs2root = TRUE)) {
allNodes <- nodes(dag)
## just in case .....
if((ln.allNodes <- length(allNodes)) != nodeLevel$noOfNodes)
stop('nodeLevel is corrupt')
geneTerms <- new.env(hash = TRUE, parent = emptyenv())
nn <- names(mostSpecificGOs)
function(x) {
e <- new.env(hash = TRUE, parent = emptyenv())
if(x %in% nn)
multiassign(mostSpecificGOs[[x]], rep(TRUE, length(mostSpecificGOs[[x]])), envir = e)
assign(x, e, envir = geneTerms)
## get the levels list
levelsLookUp <- nodeLevel$level2nodes
noOfLevels <- nodeLevel$noOfLevels
for(i in noOfLevels:1) {
currentNodes <- get(as.character(i), envir = levelsLookUp, mode = 'character')
## get all the adjacent nodes (teoreticaly nodes from level i - 1)
adjList <- adj(dag, currentNodes)
## push the genes from level i to level i - 1
function(node) {
## get the genes from this node
genesID <- ls(get(node, envir = geneTerms, mode = 'environment'))
## debug option, just in case something goes wrong
if(length(genesID) == 0)
## for each adiacent node mapp the genesID to them
function(destNode) {
destEnv <- get(destNode, envir = geneTerms, mode = 'environment')
multiassign(genesID, rep(FALSE, length(genesID)), envir = destEnv)
## Assign for each node in the graph the coresponding environment
nodeDataDefaults(dag, attr = "genes") <- emptyenv()
nodeData(dag, allNodes, attr = "genes") <- as.list(geneTerms)[allNodes]
########################### misc functions ###########################
## return for each specified node the information stored to attr
.getFromNode <- function(g, attr, nNames) {
x <- nNames %in% nodes(g)
if(!all(x)) {
warning("Nodes not present in the graph:", nNames[!x])
nNames <- nNames[x]
retValue <- nodeData(g, nNames, attr = attr)
if(length(retValue) == 1)
.genesInNode <- function(g, nNames) {
x <- nNames %in% nodes(g)
if(!all(x)) {
warning("Nodes not present in the graph:", nNames[!x])
nNames <- nNames[x]
retValue <- lapply(nodeData(g, nNames, attr = "genes"), ls)
## if(length(retValue) == 1)
## return(retValue[[1]])
## return for each specified node the number of mapped genes
.countsInNode <- function(g, nNames) {
x <- nNames %in% nodes(g)
if(!all(x)) {
warning("Nodes not present in the graph:", nNames[!x])
nNames <- nNames[x]
retValue <- sapply(nodeData(g, nNames, attr = "genes"), length)
.writeToNodes <- function(g, attr, nodeList) {
## Assign for each node in the graph the coresponding value from nodeList
nodeDataDefaults(g, attr = attr) <- vector(class(nodeList))
nodeData(g, names(nodeList), attr = attr) <- nodeList
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