# A wrapped function to run BioTIP
# Last update 1/14/2022
# Author: Holly Yang (xyang2.at.uchicago.edu)
#' @title A master function to run BioTIP analysis
#' @description
#' There are two purposes of the \code{BioTIP}() function.
#' One is to make the tool easy to use for every R user. Another purpose is to enable iteratively calls to estimate the stability of predictions.
#' We recommend expert- or interested users to perform each step, with their own tweaking, as needed.
#' @param sce a \code(SingleCellExperiment} Object or \code{cell_data_set} Object
#' @param samplesL A list of vectors, whose length is the number of states. Each vector gives the sample names in a state.
#' Note that the vector s (sample names) has to be among the column names of the R object 'df'. This is also inherited from \link[graphics]{matplot}.
#' @param subDir: A string setting the sub path to save output and intermediate results (when verbose=TRUE) and plots (when plot=TRUE).
#' @param smallest.population.size: An integer, setting the threshold to exclude the smallest cell cluster with less cells
#' @param globa.HVG.select A logical value indicate weather to perform HVG selection across the whole dataset.
# By defaule, this value is FALSE when the input sce object is already an object for the HVG genes,
#' @param dec.pois A DataFrame is returned where each row corresponds to a gene in x (or in subset.row, if specified).
#' This is the output of \code{scran::modelGeneVarByPoisson}.
#' @param n.getTopHVGs An integer setting the number of global HVG. It only functions when globa.HVG.select=TRUE.
#' For BioTIP analysis, this number is suggested to be at least two fold larger than that of Differentially expressed genes.
#' We recommend to use a number larger than 4000.
#' @param getTopMCI.n.states An integer determines how many modules are evaluated (the top n MCI scores would be evaluated
#' for downstream analysis). It is inherited from the parameter \code{n} of the function \code{\link{getTopMCI}}.
#' Default is the number of cell clusters tested.
#' @param getTopMCI.gene.minsize A numerical value of the minimum number of transcripts in a cluster. A cutoff that determines
#' the smallest cluster in transcripts numbers for downstream analysis. It is inherited from the parameter \code{min} of the function \code{getTopMCI}.
#' @param getTopMCI.gene.maxsize A numerical value of the maximum number of transcripts in a cluster. A cutoff that determines
#' the largest cluster in transcripts numbers for downstream analysis. Default is NULL.
#' When there are cell poulations over 1k cells, recommend to set this parameter (e.g., 100) to reduce false positive.
#' @param MCIbottom: a numeric value setting the threshold for MCI score (i.e., the CTS score in the publication),
#' below which the identification will be removed for the downstream investigation.
#' @param local.HVG.optimize A logical value indicating wheather to run function code{\link{optimize.sd_selection}}.
#' Defaul is TRUE. However, for single-cell RT-PCR data or dataset with small number of tested geens, we recommend to set this parameter to FALSE, i.e.,
#' to run BioTIP analysis on all global HVG genes.
#' @param logmat.local.HVG.testres A data matrix of logcounts for the pre-selected local HVGs,
#' to speed up the process of large datasets by skipping the step of selecting local HVGs.
#' Default is NULL to select local HVGs iteratively by \code{localHVG.runs} runs, if \code{local.HVG.optimize} is TRUE.
#' @param localHVG.preselect.cut A positive numeric between 0 and 1, setting how many propotion of global HVG to be selected per cell cluster.
#' Default is 0.01. See the parameter \code{cutoff} of the functions code{\link{optimize.sd_selection} and/or code{\link{sd_selection}.
#' @param localHVG.runs An integer indicating the number of times to run this optimization, default 1000.
#' @param getNetwork.cut.fdr A numeric cutoff value for a Pearson Correlation Coefficient (PCC) analysis.
#' Default is 0.05. Transcripts are linked into a network if their correlations meet this PCC-significance criterion
#' See the parameter \code{fdr} of the function \code{\link{getNetwork}} for details. It only functions when code{local.HVG.optimize} is TRUE.
#' @param n.getMaxMCImember an integer deciding to report n modules with leading MCI scores per state (cluster).
#' Default is 2, i.e., two gene modules per cluster will be evaluated for significance.
#' It inherits the parameter \code{n} of the function \code{\link{getMaxMCImember}}.
#' @param getMCI.adjust.size A Boolean value indicating if MCI score should be adjusted by module size (the number of transcripts in the module) or not. Default FALSE.
#' This parameter is not recommended for fun=BioTIP. This parameter is called by the function \code{getMCI}.
#' @param n.permutation: An integer setting the number of permutation runs to estimate the significance of CTS identifications
#' @param empirical.MCI.p.cut A value setting the threshold of significance when estimating the significance of CTS identifications using the DNB model
#' @param empirical.IC.p.cut A value setting the threshold of significance when estimating the significance of CTS identifications using the Ic model
#' @local.IC.p A logical value. TRUE indicates that the singificance comes by comparing the observed Ic to simulated Ic of the same cluster;
#' FLASE will comapre the observed Ic to the simulated Ic at all tested clusters.
#' @IC.rank An integer, indicating that the significance comes also by observing the rank of the IC score at the desired cell cluster
#' among the IC scores for all tested cell clusters in the dataset. Default is 1 to request the highest rank. For a complex dataset, this parameter can be adapted to
#' a larger number.
#' @param M is precalculated gene-gene correlation matrix, will be reused in each downstream simulation analysis
# M is also reusable when rerun on the same set of genes and samples.
#' @param permutation.method An option of the way to estimate the significance of CTS identifications.
#' For simple trajectory topology or simple dataset focusing on one branch, we recommend 'both', i.e., shuffling both genes and cells.
#' For complex or large-ranged trajectory with many branches, we recommend 'gene', i.e., only shuffling genes
#' @param verbose A logical value. When TRUE, save intermediate results into the code{subDir}.
#' @param plot A logical value. When TRUE, generate plots for the intermediate results into the \code{subDir}.
#' @return A list of four objects when there is an identification. This contains the fields:
#' @param CTS.candidate is a named list of identified co-expressed gene models (i.e., CTS candidate genes) where the name indicates the predicted cell cluster IDs.
#' @param CTS.score is a named vector of numbers, where the name indicates the predicted cell cluster IDs.
#' @param Ic.shrink is a named list of Ic.shrink scores with the name of this list indicating the predicted cell cluster ID based on a CTS.candidate.
#' Each element of the list is a vector of Ic.shrink scores calculated across all input cell clusters for the corresponding CTS.candidate.
#' @param significant A vector of named logical values indicating whether a CTS.candidate at one cluster (the name) is significant in both models of DNB and Ic.shrink.
#' @export
BioTIP.wrap <- function(sce, samplesL, subDir = 'newrun',
n.getTopHVGs=round(nrow(sce)*0.4), # used for global HGV selection, dependening on the number of genes
logmat.local.HVG.testres = NULL,
n.getMaxMCImember = 2,
getMCI.adjust.size =FALSE,
n.permutation = 100,
empirical.IC.p.cut = 0.05,
local.IC.p = TRUE,
verbose=FALSE, plot=TRUE )
if(!'logcounts' %in% assayNames(sce) & !'counts' %in% assayNames(sce)) stop("no 'counts' nor logcounts' in names(assays(sce))")
if(! permutation.method %in% c('gene','both','sample')) {
warning('No permutation.method found for Ic signicance, gene permutation is performed')
mainDir = getwd()
if (!file.exists(subDir)){
dir.create(file.path(mainDir, subDir))
# setwd(file.path(mainDir, subDir))
outputpath = paste0(subDir,'/BioTIP_top',localHVG.preselect.cut,'FDR',getNetwork.cut.fdr,"_")
(tmp = lengths(samplesL))
if(any(tmp < smallest.population.size)) samplesL <- samplesL[-which(tmp < smallest.population.size)]
sce = sce[,unlist(samplesL)]
myplotIc <- function(filename,BioTIP_scores, CTS.candidate,SimResults_g ){
pdf(file=filename, width=10, height=6)
n = length(BioTIP_scores)
# x.row= ifelse(n>=4, 2, 1)
# if(n>8) warning('Only up to 8 CTSs are plotted')
nn<- ifelse(n>8, 8 ,n)
par(mfrow=c(2,nn)) # 8 plots per page, SimResults_g
for(i in 1:nn){
x = length(CTS.candidate[[i]])
plot_Ic_Simulation(BioTIP_scores[[i]], SimResults_g[[i]],
ylim=c(0, max(unlist(BioTIP_scores))),
las = 2, ylab="Ic.shrink",
main= paste("Cluster",names(BioTIP_scores)[i],"\n",x," genes"),
fun="boxplot", #fun="matplot",
TEXT = ifelse(local.IC.p, "p.Local=", "p.Global=")
text(1, 0.09, paste(TEXT,p.IC[i]), cex=1.5 )
for(i in 1:nn){
x = length(CTS.candidate[[i]])
plot_SS_Simulation(BioTIP_scores[[i]], SimResults_g[[i]],
main = paste("Delta Ic.shrink",x,"genes"),
if(n>8) {
for(i in (nn+1):n){
x = length(CTS.candidate[[i]])
plot_Ic_Simulation(BioTIP_scores[[i]], SimResults_g[[i]],
ylim=c(0, max(unlist(BioTIP_scores))),
las = 2, ylab="Ic.shrink",
main= paste("Cluster",names(BioTIP_scores)[i],"\n",x," genes"),
fun="boxplot", #fun="matplot",
TEXT = ifelse(local.IC.p, "p.Local=", "p.Global=")
text(1, 0.09, paste(TEXT,p.IC[i]), cex=1.5 )
for(i in (nn+1):n){
x = length(CTS.candidate[[i]])
plot_SS_Simulation(BioTIP_scores[[i]], SimResults_g[[i]],
main = paste("Delta Ic.shrink",x,"genes"),
######## 1) select global HVG ######################
## set.seed(0010101)
dec.pois <- scran::modelGeneVarByPoisson(sce, block=sce$batch)
} else dec.pois = dec.pois[rownames(sce),]
libsf.var <- getTopHVGs(dec.pois, n=n.getTopHVGs)
# [1] 4000
table(libsf.var %in% rownames(sce))
# 927 3073
libsf.var <- intersect(libsf.var, rownames(sce))
length(libsf.var) # 3073
dat <- sce[libsf.var,]
} else dat <- sce
#logcounts normalized by library size
if(grepl("cell_data_set", class(dat))) {
logmat <- as.matrix(normalized_counts(dat))
} else if((grepl("SingleCellExperiment", class(dat)))) logmat <- as.matrix(logcounts(dat))
# [1] 3073 7240
############ 2) identify CTS candidates
### BEGIN DO NOT REPEAT #1 -----------------------------
# 2.1) select local HVG per cluster by this optimizes sd selection
if(local.HVG.optimize) {
## set.seed(2020)
cat('running local HVG optimalization ...')
# testres is a list of downsampled logmat per cluster, with rows to be locally selected HVGs
testres <- optimize.sd_selection(logmat, samplesL, B=localHVG.runs,
times=.75, percent=0.8)
if(verbose) save(testres, file=paste0(outputpath,"optimized_local.HVG_selection.RData"), compress=TRUE) # !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
} else {
testres <- logmat.local.HVG.testres # working on the pre-selected local HVGs
if(!all(rownames(testres) %in% rownames(logmat))) {
testres <- testres[intersect(rownames(testres),rownames(logmat)),]
warning('Some of genes in the given logmat.local.HVG.testres are outside the golbal HVG!')
} else {
testres <- sd_selection(logmat, samplesL, cutoff=localHVG.preselect.cut)
# load(file=paste0(outputpath,"optimized_local.HVG_selection.RData"))
cat('HVG selection is done', '\n')
# Network Partition
igraphL <- getNetwork(testres, fdr = getNetwork.cut.fdr)
# C1:257 nodes
# C2:264 nodes
# C3:286 nodes
# C4:295 nodes
# TC:211 nodes
cluster <- getCluster_methods(igraphL)
# [1] "C1" "C2" "C3" "C4" "TC"
cat('Network partition is done', '\n')
# 2.2) Identifying CTS candidate, the MCI score uisng the DNB model #########
membersL <- getMCI(cluster,testres, adjust.size = getMCI.adjust.size, fun='BioTIP')
#[1] "members" "MCI" "sd" "PCC" "PCCo"
# save(membersL, file=paste0(outputpath,"membersL.RData")) #!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
cat('CTS score calculation is done', '\n')
# get the statistics using the MCI system
# getTopMCI.n.states decides how many states to check
topMCI = getTopMCI(membersL[["members"]], membersL[["MCI"]],
membersL[["MCI"]], min=getTopMCI.gene.minsize,
# C2 C1 TC
# 4.209349 3.518579 3.413213
if(class(topMCI)=="numeric" & length(topMCI)>0){
w <- ifelse(length(membersL$MCI) > 10, 80, 40)
h <- ifelse(length(membersL$MCI) > 10, 10, 5)
pdf(file=paste0(outputpath,"MCIBar_", localHVG.preselect.cut,
width=w, height=h)
plotBar_MCI(membersL, ylim=c(0, ceiling(max(topMCI, na.rm=TRUE))), minsize = getTopMCI.gene.minsize)
if(!is.null(MCIbottom)) abline(h=MCIbottom, lty=2, col='red')
plotBar_MCI(membersL, ylim=c(0, ceiling(max(topMCI, na.rm=TRUE))*2))
if(!is.null(MCIbottom)) abline(h=MCIbottom, lty=2, col='red')
# #the numbers in the parenthesis: they are total number of clusters, no control of the cell (sample) size per cluster
x <- which(topMCI >= MCIbottom)
if(length(x)>0) {
topMCI = topMCI[x]
if(getTopMCI.n.states > length(x)) warning(paste('less number of states have the highest CTS score larger than',MCIbottom))
getTopMCI.n.states = length(x)
# get the CTS ID within each cluster and CTS.candidate genes for the first leading MCI scores per state
CTS.candidate.ms <- getMaxMCImember(membersL[["members"]],
membersL[["MCI"]],min =getTopMCI.gene.minsize,
CTS.candidate = getCTS(topMCI, CTS.candidate.ms[["members"]][names(topMCI)])
# Length: 54
# Length: 26
# Length: 51
# get the state ID and CTS.candidate genes for the 2nd leading MCI scores per state
## tmp extracts the number of bars within each named state
tmp <- unlist(lapply(CTS.candidate.ms[['idx']][names(topMCI)], length))
## here returns all the groups with only 2 or more bars
(whoistop2nd <- names(tmp[tmp>=2]))
if(length(whoistop2nd)>0) {
nextMCI = getNextMaxStats(membersL[['MCI']], idL=CTS.candidate.ms[['idx']], whoistop2nd, which.next = 2)
nextMCI = nextMCI[order(nextMCI, decreasing=TRUE)]
x <- which(nextMCI >= MCIbottom)
if(length(x)>0) {
nextMCI = nextMCI[x]
whoistop2nd = names(nextMCI)
## add the gene members of the 2nd toppest biomodue in the states with exactly 2 bars
CTS.candidate = append(CTS.candidate, CTS.candidate.ms[["2topest.members"]][whoistop2nd])
topMCI = append(topMCI, nextMCI)
## here returns all the groups with exactly 3 bars
whoistop3rd = names(tmp[tmp>=3])
if(length(whoistop3rd)>0) {
nextMCI = getNextMaxStats(membersL[['MCI']], idL=CTS.candidate.ms[['idx']], whoistop3rd, which.next = 3)
nextMCI = nextMCI[order(nextMCI, decreasing=TRUE)]
x <- which(nextMCI >= MCIbottom)
if(length(x)>0) {
CTS.candidate = append(CTS.candidate, CTS.candidate.ms[["3topest.members"]][whoistop3rd])
topMCI = append(topMCI, nextMCI)
if(n.getMaxMCImember>3) warning('Please manually modify the BioTIP() accordingly to extract 4th and more CTS candididate per cell cluster')
} # ending if(length(whoistop2nd)>0)
} else warning(paste('All 2nd highest CTS scores are lower than',MCIbottom))
if(verbose) save(CTS.candidate, topMCI, file=paste0(outputpath,"CTS.candidate.RData")) #!!!!!!!!
### END DO NOT REPEAT, #1 -----------------------------
# load(file=paste0('BioTIP_top',localHVG.preselect.cut,'FDR',getNetwork.cut.fdr,'_','CTS.candidate.RData'))
# names(CTS.candidate)
# # [1] "C2" "C1" "TC"
############# estimate significance for CTS cendidate using the DNB model
# ## BEGIN DO NOT REPEAT, #2-----------------------------
# also refer to 'BioTIP_E8.25_mesoderm_cluster.R'
#[1] 3073 1362
# M is precalculated gene-gene correlation matrix, will be reused in the downstream simulation analysis
if(is.null(M)) {
cat('calcualting M .... ')
M <- cor.shrink(logmat, Y = NULL, MARGIN = 1, shrink = TRUE)
save(M, file=paste0(outputpath,"CTS_ShrinkM.RData"), compress=TRUE) # save the file as its calculation runs a while
dim(M) #3073 3073
M = M[rownames(logmat), rownames(logmat)]
# load(file=paste0(outputpath,"CTS_ShrinkM.RData"))
simuMCI = list()
## set.seed(2020)
for (i in 1:length(CTS.candidate)){
n <- length(CTS.candidate[[i]])
simuMCI[[i]] <- simulationMCI(n, samplesL, logmat, adjust.size=getMCI.adjust.size, B=n.permutation, fun="BioTIP", M=M)
names(simuMCI) = names(CTS.candidate)
if(verbose) save(simuMCI, file=paste0(outputpath,"SimuMCI_",n.permutation,"_", localHVG.preselect.cut, "_fdr",
n = length(CTS.candidate)
if(plot & n>0 & class(topMCI)=="numeric" & length(topMCI)>0){
w <- ifelse(n>3, 4*n, 7); h <- ifelse(n>3, n, 7) # updated 1/28/2022
pdf(file=paste0(outputpath,"barplot_MCI_Sim_RandomGene.pdf"), width=w, height=h)
for (i in 1:n){
plot_MCI_Simulation(topMCI[i], simuMCI[[i]], las=2, ylim=c(0, max(c(topMCI, simuMCI[[i]]), na.rm=TRUE)),
main=paste("Cluster", names(CTS.candidate)[i], ";", length(CTS.candidate[[i]]), "genes",
"\n","vs. ",n.permutation, "times of gene-permutation"),
## END DO NOT REPEAT #2 -----------------------------
## dropoff non-significant CTS by the above MCI simulation ---------------
n <- length(CTS.candidate)
p <- array(dim=n)
for(i in 1:n){
## scan the global MCI score in all clusters:
p[i] = length(which(simuMCI[[i]] >= topMCI[i]))/n.permutation/length(samplesL) # updated 2/4/2022
dropoff <- which(p>= empirical.MCI.p.cut)
CTS.candidate <- CTS.candidate[-dropoff] # updated 1/29/2022
# CTS.Symbol <- CTS.Symbol[-dropoff]
# save(CTS, file= paste0(outputpath, 'CTS.candidate.RData'))
# rm(n, CTS.candidate)
# load(file= paste0(outputpath, 'CTS.candidae.RData'))
cat('CTS.dandidate is done', '\n')
######## Finding Tipping Point and verify using IC score !!!! #################
###### BioTIP score, evaluate by Ic_shrink scores by shuffling genes, samples, or both ##############
# C= 1000
BioTIP_scores <- SimResults_g <- SimResults_s <- SimResults_b <- list()
## set.seed(101010)
for(i in 1:length(CTS.candidate)){ # begin loop i
CTS <- CTS.candidate[[i]]
n <- length(CTS)
BioTIP_scores[[i]] <- getIc(logmat, samplesL, CTS, fun="BioTIP",
shrink=TRUE, PCC_sample.target = 'none' )
if(permutation.method=='both'){ # flag1
###### shuffling both genes and samples ##############
SimResults_b[[i]] <- matrix(nrow=length(samplesL), ncol=n.permutation)
rownames(SimResults_b[[i]]) = names(samplesL)
for(j in 1:length(samplesL)) {
ns <- length(samplesL[[j]]) # of each state
CTS.sim <- sample(rownames(logmat), n) # !!!!
SimResults_b[[i]][j,] <- simulation_Ic_sample(logmat, ns, #Ic=BioTIP_score[i],
genes= CTS.sim, B=n.permutation,
fun="BioTIP", shrink=TRUE, PCC_sample.target = 'none')
} else { # flag1.1
if(permutation.method=='sample'){ # flag2
#### shuffling cluser IDs for cells
SimResults_s[[i]] <- matrix(nrow=length(samplesL), ncol=n.permutation)
rownames(SimResults_s[[i]]) = names(samplesL)
for(j in 1:length(samplesL)) {
ns <- length(samplesL[[j]]) # of each state
SimResults_s[[i]][j,] <- simulation_Ic_sample(logmat, ns, #Ic=BioTIP_score[i],
genes=CTS, B=n.permutation,
fun="BioTIP", shrink=TRUE, PCC_sample.target = 'none')
} else { # flag2.1
#### shuffling genes
SimResults_g[[i]] <- simulation_Ic(n, samplesL, logmat, B=n.permutation,
fun="BioTIP", shrink=TRUE, PCC_sample.target = 'none')
} # flag2.2
} # flag1.2
} # end loop i
# names(SimResults_b) <- names(CTS.candidate)
names(BioTIP_scores) <- names(CTS.candidate)
if(length(SimResults_g)>0) names(SimResults_g) <- names(BioTIP_scores)
if(length(SimResults_s)>0) names(SimResults_s) <- names(BioTIP_scores)
if(length(SimResults_b)>0) names(SimResults_b) <- names(BioTIP_scores)
if(verbose) if(permutation.method=='both') {
save( SimResults_b, BioTIP_scores,
file=paste0(outputpath,"IC_sim.PermutateBoth.RData"), compress=TRUE)
} else {
save( SimResults_g, SimResults_s, BioTIP_scores,
file=paste0(outputpath,"IC_sim.Permutation.RData"), compress=TRUE)
n <- length(CTS.candidate)
p.IC <- rep(1, n)
if(length(SimResults_g)>0) {
SimResults_4_p.IC = SimResults_g } else if(length(SimResults_s)>0) {
SimResults_4_p.IC = SimResults_s
} else if(length(SimResults_b)>0) {
SimResults_4_p.IC = SimResults_b
if(length(SimResults_4_p.IC)>0) {
for(i in 1:n){
interesting = names(BioTIP_scores[i]) ## uodated 1/30/2022
#first p value calculated for exactly at tipping point
p = length(which(SimResults_4_p.IC[[i]][interesting,] >= BioTIP_scores[[i]][names(BioTIP_scores)[i]]))
p = p/n.permutation # ncol(SimResults_4_p.IC[[i]])
#second p value calculated across all statuses
p2 = length(which(SimResults_4_p.IC[[i]] >= BioTIP_scores[[i]][names(BioTIP_scores)[i]]))
p2 = p2/n.permutation #ncol(SimResults_4_p.IC[[i]])
p.IC[i] = p2/nrow(SimResults_4_p.IC[[i]])
cat('BioTIP is done', '\n')
if(length(SimResults_g)>0 & length(CTS.candidate)>0) {
pdf.file.name = paste0(outputpath,"IC_Delta_SimresultGene.pdf")
myplotIc(pdf.file.name, BioTIP_scores, CTS.candidate, SimResults_g )
if(length(SimResults_s)>0) {
pdf.file.name = paste0(outputpath,"IC_Delta_SimresultSample.pdf")
myplotIc(pdf.file.name, BioTIP_scores, CTS.candidate, SimResults_s )
if(length(SimResults_b)>0) {
pdf.file.name = paste0(outputpath,"IC_Delta_SimresultBoth.pdf")
myplotIc(pdf.file.name, BioTIP_scores, CTS.candidate, SimResults_b )
## evaluate by the significance of Ic.shrink after permutation genes
n = length(BioTIP_scores)
# cat('NOTICE!','\n')
#x <- which(p.IC < empirical.p.cut)
x <- p.IC < empirical.IC.p.cut # updated 1/28/2022
# check if the max Ic is observed at TC
x2 <- rep(FALSE, n)
for(i in 1:n){
if (IC.rank==1) x2[i] = ifelse(names(which.max(BioTIP_scores[[i]])) == names(BioTIP_scores)[i],
TRUE, FALSE) else{
n2 <- length(BioTIP_scores[[i]]) # updated 09092022
which.high <- rank(BioTIP_scores[[i]])[n2:(n2-IC.rank+1)]
x2[i][which.high] <- TRUE
significant = x & x2
names(significant) <- names(CTS.candidate)
} else {
BioTIP_scores = NULL
significant = rep(FALSE, length(CTS.candidate))
names(significant) <- names(CTS.candidate)
cat('All CTS.candidate are insignificant in DMB model')
if(!is.null(getTopMCI.gene.maxsize)) {
x <- lengths(CTS.candidate)
dropoff <- which(x> getTopMCI.gene.maxsize)
CTS.candidate = CTS.candidate[-dropoff]
topMCI = topMCI[-dropoff]
BioTIP_scores = BioTIP_scores[-dropoff]
significant = significant[-dropoff]
} else {
warning(paste('No CTS has a score higher than', MCIbottom, '!'))
} else{
warning(paste('No module has', getTopMCI.gene.minsize, ' gene members!'))
# setwd(file.path(mainDir))
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