# Direct intensity manipulation ----
#' Remove rows when qVal_individual_threshold is exceeded
#' @param pdata data.frame
#' @param config AnalysisConfiguration
#' @return data.frame
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
#' @family filtering
#' @examples
#' dd <- prolfqua_data('data_spectronautDIA250_A')
#' config <- dd$config_f()
#' analysis <- dd$analysis(dd$data,config)
#' res <- remove_large_QValues(analysis, config)
remove_large_QValues <- function(pdata, config, qValThreshold = config$parameter$qVal_individual_threshold){
pdata <- pdata |>
dplyr::filter(!!sym(config$table$ident_qValue) < qValThreshold)
#' Remove rows when intensity lower then threshold
#' @param pdata data.frame
#' @param config AnalysisConfiguration
#' @return data.frame
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
#' @family filtering
#' @examples
#' dd <- prolfqua_data('data_spectronautDIA250_A')
#' config <- dd$config_f()
#' analysis <- dd$analysis(dd$data,config)
#' config$table$get_response()
#' res1 <- remove_small_intensities(analysis, config, threshold=1 )
#' res1000 <- remove_small_intensities(analysis, config, threshold=1000 )
#' stopifnot(nrow(res1) > nrow(res1000))
remove_small_intensities <- function(pdata, config, threshold = 1){
resData <- pdata |> dplyr::filter(!!sym(config$table$get_response()) >= threshold)
#' Transform intensity
#' @param pdata data.frame
#' @param config AnalysisConfiguration
#' @param .func function to transform intensities e.g. log2
#' @param .funcname generates new name from name of transformation and old working intensity column name.
#' @param intesityNewName column name for new intensity, default NULL
#' @return data.frame
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
#' @examples
#' dd <- prolfqua_data('data_spectronautDIA250_A')
#' config <- dd$config_f()
#' analysis <- dd$analysis(dd$data,config)
#' x <- transform_work_intensity(analysis, config, .func = log2)
#' stopifnot("log2_FG.Quantity" %in% colnames(x))
#' config <- dd$config_f()
#' x <- transform_work_intensity(analysis, config, .func = asinh)
#' stopifnot("asinh_FG.Quantity" %in% colnames(x))
transform_work_intensity <- function(pdata,
.funcname = NULL,
intesityNewName = NULL,
deep = FALSE){
if (deep) {
config <- config$clone(deep = TRUE)
.call <- as.list( match.call() )
if (is.null(intesityNewName)) {
.funcname <- if (is.null(.funcname)) {deparse(.call$.func)}else{.funcname}
newcol <- paste(.funcname, config$table$get_response(), sep = "_")
newcol <- intesityNewName
#pdata <- pdata |> dplyr::mutate_at(config$table$get_response(),
# .funs = funs(!!sym(newcol) := .func(.)))
pdata <- pdata |> dplyr::mutate(!!sym(newcol) := .func(!!sym(config$table$get_response())))
message("Column added : ", newcol)
config$table$is_response_transformed = TRUE
if (deep) {
return( list(data = pdata, config = config) )
} else {
return( pdata)
# Summarize Q Values ----
#' Compute QValue summaries for each precursor or peptide or protein
#' adds two columns srm_QValueMin - nth smallest qvalue for each precursor
#' srm_QValueNR - nr of precursors passing the threshold
#' @param pdata data.frame
#' @param config AnalysisConfiguration
#' @return data.frame
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
#' @param data data
#' @param config configuration
#' @examples
#' dd <- prolfqua_data('data_spectronautDIA250_A')
#' config <- dd$config_f()
#' analysis <- dd$analysis(dd$data,config)
#' res <- summarise_QValues(analysis, config)
#' stopifnot(c("srm_QValueMin", "srm_QValueNR") %in% colnames(res))
#' hist(unique(res$srm_QValueMin))
#' hist(unique(res$srm_QValueNR))
summarise_QValues <- function(pdata,
QValueMin <- "srm_QValueMin"
QValueNR <- "srm_QValueNR"
precursorIDs <- config$table$hierarchy_keys()
fileName <- config$table$fileName
QValue <- config$table$ident_qValue
qVal_minNumber_below_experiment_threshold <- config$parameter$qVal_minNumber_below_experiment_threshold
qVal_experiment_threshold <- config$parameter$qVal_experiment_threshold
nthbestQValue <- function(x,qVal_minNumber_below_experiment_threshold){sort(x)[qVal_minNumber_below_experiment_threshold]}
npass <- function(x,thresh = qVal_experiment_threshold){sum(x < thresh)}
qValueSummaries <- pdata |>
dplyr::select(!!!syms(c(fileName, precursorIDs, config$table$ident_qValue))) |>
dplyr::group_by_at(precursorIDs) |>
dplyr::summarise_at( c( QValue ), .funs = funs(!!QValueMin := nthbestQValue(.,qVal_minNumber_below_experiment_threshold ),
!!QValueNR := npass(., qVal_experiment_threshold)
pdata <- dplyr::inner_join(pdata, qValueSummaries, by = c(precursorIDs))
message("Columns added :",QValueMin, QValueNR)
#' Filter data by individual and experiment wide thresholds
#' employs parameters ident_qValue, qVal_minNumber_below_experiment_threshold,
#' qVal_individual_threshold and qVal_experiment_threshold
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
#' @examples
#' dd <- prolfqua_data('data_spectronautDIA250_A')
#' config <- dd$config_f()
#' analysis <- dd$analysis(dd$data,config)
#' summarize_hierarchy(analysis, config)
#' res <- filter_byQValue(analysis, config)
#' summarize_hierarchy(res, config)
filter_byQValue <- function(pdata, config){
data_NA <- remove_large_QValues(pdata, config)
data_NA <- summarise_QValues(data_NA, config)
data_NA_QVal <- data_NA |>
dplyr::filter( !!sym("srm_QValueMin") < config$parameter$qVal_experiment_threshold )
# Intensities to wide ----
.ExtractMatrix <- function(x, sep = "~lfq~"){
idx <- sapply(x,is.numeric)
xmat <- as.matrix(x[,idx])
idcols <- x |> dplyr::select(which(!idx == TRUE))
if (ncol(idcols) > 0) {
rownames(xmat) <- x |> dplyr::select(which(!idx == TRUE)) |>
tidyr::unite(x, sep = sep) |> dplyr::pull(x)
#' Transform tidy table into a table with a column of responses for each sample
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
tidy_to_wide <- function(data,
rowIDs ,
columnLabels ,
wide <- data |>
dplyr::select_at(c(rowIDs, columnLabels, value ))
wide_spread <- wide |>
tidyr::spread(key = columnLabels, value = value)
# wide_pivot <- wide |>
# tidyr::pivot_wider( names_from = all_of(columnLabels) , values_from = all_of(value) )
#message("I AM BEING USED: spread")
#' transform long to wide
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
#' @return list with data, rowdata, and annotation (colData)
#' @examples
#' dd <- prolfqua::sim_lfq_data_peptide_config()
#' config <- dd$config
#' data <- dd$data
#' res <- tidy_to_wide_config(data, config)
#' testthat::expect_equal(nrow(res$rowdata), nrow(res$data))
#' testthat::expect_equal(ncol(res$data) - ncol(res$rowdata) , nrow(res$annotation))
#' res <- tidy_to_wide_config(data, config, as.matrix = TRUE)
#' stopifnot(all(dim(res$data) == c(28, 12)))
#' stopifnot(all(dim(res$annotation) == c(12, 4)))
#' stopifnot(all(dim(res$rowdata) == c(28, 3)))
#' res <- scale(res$data)
#' tidy_to_wide_config(data, config, value = config$table$nr_children)
#' xt <- prolfqua::LFQData$new(dd$data, dd$config)
#' xt$data$nr_children
#' #xt$config$table$is_response_transformed <- TRUE
#' res <- xt$get_Aggregator()
#' x <- res$medpolish()
#' towide <- tidy_to_wide_config(x$data, x$config, value = x$config$table$nr_children)
#' dd <- prolfqua::sim_lfq_data_protein_config()
#' dd$config$table$nr_children
#' dd$data
#' xt <- tidy_to_wide_config(dd$data, dd$config, value = dd$config$table$nr_children)
#' xt$data
tidy_to_wide_config <- function(data, config,
as.matrix = FALSE,
fileName = FALSE,
value = config$table$get_response()
if (fileName) {
newcolname <- config$table$fileName
newcolname <- config$table$sampleName
ids <- dplyr::select(data,
all_of(c( config$table$sampleName, config$table$fileName, config$table$factor_keys(), config$table$isotopeLabel))) |>
dplyr::distinct() |> dplyr::arrange_at(newcolname)
res <- tidy_to_wide( data, c(config$table$hierarchy_keys(),config$table$isotopeLabel) ,
value = value )
rowdata <- res |> dplyr::select(all_of(c(config$table$hierarchy_keys(),config$table$isotopeLabel)))
if (as.matrix) {
resMat <- as.matrix(dplyr::select(res,-dplyr::one_of(c(config$table$hierarchy_keys(),config$table$isotopeLabel))))
names <- rowdata |>
tidyr::unite("newID", !!!dplyr::syms(c(config$table$hierarchy_keys(), config$table$isotopeLabel)), sep = sep) |> dplyr::pull("newID")
rownames(resMat) <- names
res <- resMat
return(list(data = res, annotation = ids, rowdata = rowdata))
#' Takes matrix of responses and converts into tibble
#' @param pdata (matrix)
#' @param value name of column to store values in. (see `gather`)
#' @param config AnalysisConfiguration
#' @param data lfqdata
#' @param sep separater to unite the hierarchy keys.
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
#' @examples
#' dd <- prolfqua::sim_lfq_data_peptide_config()
#' data <- dd$data
#' conf <- dd$config
#' res <- tidy_to_wide_config(data, conf, as.matrix = TRUE)
#' res <- scale(res$data)
#' xx <- response_matrix_as_tibble(res,"srm_intensityScaled", conf)
#' xx <- response_matrix_as_tibble(res,"srm_intensityScaled", conf, data)
#' conf$table$get_response() == "srm_intensityScaled"
response_matrix_as_tibble <- function(pdata, value, config, data = NULL, sep = "~lfq~"){
pdata <- dplyr::bind_cols(
tibble::tibble("row.names" := rownames(pdata)),
pdata <- tidyr::gather(pdata,key = !!config$table$sampleName, value = !!value, 2:ncol(pdata))
pdata <- tidyr::separate(pdata, "row.names", config$table$hierarchy_keys(), sep = sep)
if (!is.null(data)) {
pdata <- dplyr::inner_join(data, pdata)
#' compute median and mad on matrix
#' @keywords internal
.get_robscales <- function(data,
dim = 2)
medians <- apply(data, dim, median, na.rm = TRUE)
data = sweep(data, dim, medians, "-")
mads <- apply(data, dim, mad, na.rm = TRUE)
return(list( medians = medians, mads = mads ) )
#' compute median and standard deviation for each sample
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
#' @family preprocessing
#' @examples
#' bb <- prolfqua::sim_lfq_data_peptide_config()
#' conf <- bb$config
#' sample_analysis <- bb$data
#' pepIntensityNormalized <- transform_work_intensity(sample_analysis, conf, log2)
#' s1 <- get_robscales(pepIntensityNormalized, conf)
#' res <- scale_with_subset(pepIntensityNormalized, pepIntensityNormalized, conf)
#' s2 <- get_robscales(res$data, conf)
#' abs(mean(s1$mads) - mean(s2$mads)) < 0.1
get_robscales <- function(data, config){
data <- tidy_to_wide_config(data, config, as.matrix = TRUE)$data
scales <- .get_robscales(data)
# Functions working on Matrices go Here ----
#' robust scale wrapper
#' @keywords internal
#' @family preprocessing
#' @export
robust_scale <- function(data, dim = 2, preserveMean = FALSE){
scales <- .get_robscales(data, dim = dim)
data = sweep(data, dim, scales$medians, "-")
mads <- scales$mads/mean(scales$mads)
data = (sweep(data, dim, mads, "/"))
meanmed <- mean(scales$medians)
addmean <- if (preserveMean) {meanmed} else {0}
return(data + addmean)
#' Apply function requiring a matrix to tidy table
#' @param data data.frame
#' @param config AnalysisConfiguration
#' @param .func function
#' @param .funcname name of function (used for creating new column)
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
#' @family preprocessing
#' @examples
#' bb <- sim_lfq_data_peptide_config(Nprot = 100)
#' data <- bb$data
#' conf <- bb$config
#' res <- apply_to_response_matrix(data, conf, .func = base::scale)
#' stopifnot("abundance_base..scale" %in% colnames(res))
#' stopifnot("abundance_base..scale" == conf$table$get_response())
#' conf <- bb$config$clone(deep=TRUE)
#' conf$table$workIntensity <- "abundance"
#' res <- apply_to_response_matrix(data, conf$clone(deep=TRUE), .func = robust_scale)
#' # Normalize data using the vsn method from bioconductor
#' if( require("vsn")){
#' res <- apply_to_response_matrix(data, conf$clone(deep=TRUE), .func = vsn::justvsn)
#' }
apply_to_response_matrix <- function(data, config, .func, .funcname = NULL){
.call <- as.list( match.call() )
.funcname <- if (is.null(.funcname)) { deparse(.call$.func) } else {.funcname}
colname <- make.names( paste( config$table$get_response(), .funcname, sep = "_"))
mat <- tidy_to_wide_config(data, config, as.matrix = TRUE)$data
mat <- .func(mat)
data <- response_matrix_as_tibble(mat, colname, config, data)
#' Scale data using a subset of the data
#' this should reduce the overall variance.
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
#' @param data the whole dataset
#' @param subset a subset of the dataset
#' @param config configuration
#' @param perserveMean default FASE - sets mean to zero
#' @param get_scales return a list of transformed data and the scaling parameters
#' @family preprocessing
#' @examples
#' bb <-sim_lfq_data_peptide_config(Nprot = 100)
#' conf <- bb$config$clone(deep=TRUE)
#' sample_analysis <- bb$data
#' res <- transform_work_intensity(sample_analysis, conf, log2)
#' s1 <- get_robscales(res, conf)
#' res <- scale_with_subset(res, res, conf)
#' s2 <- get_robscales(res$data, conf)
#' stopifnot(abs(mean(s1$mads) - mean(s2$mads)) < 1e-6)
scale_with_subset <- function(data, subset, config, preserveMean = FALSE, get_scales = TRUE){
colname <- make.names( paste( config$table$get_response(), "subset_scaled", sep = "_"))
subset <- tidy_to_wide_config(subset, config, as.matrix = TRUE)$data
scales <- .get_robscales(subset)
mat <- tidy_to_wide_config(data, config, as.matrix = TRUE)$data
mat = sweep(mat, 2, scales$medians, "-")
if (!any(scales$mads == 0)) {
mads <- scales$mads/mean(scales$mads)
mat = sweep(mat, 2, mads, "/")
} else {
warning("SKIPPING scaling step in scale_with_subset function.")
meanmed <- mean(scales$medians)
addmean <- if (preserveMean) {meanmed} else {0}
mat <- mat + addmean
data <- response_matrix_as_tibble(mat, colname, config, data)
if (get_scales) {
return(list(data = data, scales = scales))
} else {
#' Scale using a subset of the data, within factor levels (e.g. use for pulldown data)
#' This method reduces the variance within the group.
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
#' @param data tibble with data
#' @param subset tibble with subset of the data which will be used to derive scaling parameters
#' @param config configuration
#' @param preserveMean default FALSE then set mean to 0
#' @family preprocessing
#' @examples
#' bb <- sim_lfq_data_peptide_config(Nprot = 100)
#' conf <- bb$config$clone(deep=TRUE)
#' sample_analysis <- bb$data
#' res <- transform_work_intensity(sample_analysis, conf, log2)
#' res <- scale_with_subset_by_factors(res, res, conf)
scale_with_subset_by_factors <- function(data, subset, config, preserveMean = FALSE){
config <- config$clone(deep = TRUE)
dl <- group_by(data, !!!syms(config$table$factor_keys_depth())) |> nest()
sl <- group_by(subset, !!!syms(config$table$factor_keys_depth())) |> nest()
cf <- config$clone(deep = TRUE)
cf$table$factors <- NULL
cf$table$factorDepth <- 0
N <- length(dl$data)
res <- vector(mode = "list", N)
scales <- vector(mode = "list", N)
for (i in 1:(N - 1)) {
tmp <- scale_with_subset(dl$data[[i]], sl$data[[i]] ,
cf$clone(deep = TRUE) ,
preserveMean = TRUE,
get_scales = TRUE)
res[[i]] <- tmp$data
scales[[i]] <- tmp$scales
tmp <- scale_with_subset(dl$data[[N]],
preserveMean = TRUE,
get_scales = TRUE)
res[[N]] <- tmp$data
scales[[N]] <- tmp$scales
#names(scales) <- dl[[1]]
resb <- dl
resb$data <- res
resb <- dplyr::ungroup( unnest(resb, cols = (names(resb))) )
return(list(data = resb, config = config, scales = list(mads = unlist(map(scales,"mads")), medians = unlist(map(scales,"medians")))))
#' normalize data by log2 and robust scaling
#' @param pdata data.frame
#' @param config AnalysisConfiguration
#' @return list with data.frame (data) and updated config (config)
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
#' @family preprocessing
#' @examples
#' bb <- sim_lfq_data_peptide_config(Nprot = 100)
#' xx <- normalize_log2_robscale(bb$data, bb$config)
#' xx$config$table$workIntensity
normalize_log2_robscale <- function(pdata, config){
pepConfig <- config$clone(deep = TRUE)
pepIntensityNormalized <- transform_work_intensity(pdata, pepConfig, log2)
pepConfig$table$is_response_transformed = TRUE
pepIntensityNormalized <- apply_to_response_matrix(pepIntensityNormalized,
.func = robust_scale)
pepIntensityNormalized <- pepIntensityNormalized |>
dplyr::rename(transformedIntensity = pepConfig$table$get_response())
return(list(data = pepIntensityNormalized, config = pepConfig))
.make_name_AinB <- function(levelA, levelB, prefix="nr_"){
c_name <- paste(prefix, levelB, "_IN_", levelA, sep = "")
.nr_B_in_A <- function(data,
merge = TRUE){
namA <- paste(levelA, collapse = "_")
namB <- paste(levelB, collapse = "_")
c_name <- .make_name_AinB(namA, namB)
if (!c_name %in% colnames(data) ) {
data$c_name <- NULL
tmp <- data |>
dplyr::select_at(c(levelA, levelB)) |>
dplyr::distinct() |>
dplyr::group_by_at(levelA) |>
dplyr::summarize(!!c_name := n())
if (!merge) {
data <- dplyr::inner_join(data, tmp, by = levelA )
message("Column added : ", c_name)
return(list(data = data, name = c_name))
#' Compute nr of B per A
#' @param pdata data.frame
#' @param config AnalysisConfiguration
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
#' @examples
#' bb <- sim_lfq_data_peptide_config(Nprot = 100)
#' config <- bb$config$clone(deep=TRUE)
#' data <- bb$data
#' hierarchy <- config$table$hierarchy_keys()
#' res <- nr_B_in_A(data, config)
#' res$data |>
#' dplyr::select_at(c(config$table$hierarchy_keys_depth(), res$name)) |>
#' dplyr::distinct() |>
#' dplyr::pull() |> table()
#' bb <- prolfqua::prolfqua_data('data_skylineSRM_HL_A')
#' config <- old2new(bb$config_f())
#' data <- bb$data
#' data$Area[data$Area == 0] <- NA
#' analysis <- setup_analysis(data, config)
#' resDataStart <- bb$analysis(bb$data, config)
#' nr_B_in_A(resDataStart, config)
#' nr_B_in_A(resDataStart, config, merge = FALSE)
#' config$table$hierarchyDepth <- 2
#' nr_B_in_A(resDataStart, config, merge = FALSE)
nr_B_in_A <- function(pdata, config , merge = TRUE){
levelA <- config$table$hkeysDepth()
levelB <- config$table$hierarchyKeys()[length(levelA) + 1]
if (is.na(levelB)) {
warning("here is no B in A")
.nr_B_in_A(pdata, levelA, levelB , merge = merge)
#' how many peptides per protein in each sample
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
#' @family summary
#' @examples
#' bb <- prolfqua::sim_lfq_data_peptide_config()
#' nr_B_in_A_per_sample(bb$data, bb$config, nested =FALSE)
#' bb <- prolfqua::sim_lfq_data_protein_config()
#' nr_B_in_A_per_sample(bb$data, bb$config, nested=FALSE)
nr_B_in_A_per_sample <- function(data, config, nested = TRUE){
#TODO wew check for deprecation since not used.
cf <- config
levelA <- cf$table$hierarchy_keys_depth()
levelB <- cf$table$hierarchy_keys()[length(levelA) + 1]
if (is.na(levelB)) {
warning("here is no B in A")
data <- prolfqua::complete_cases(data, cf)
data <- data |>
dplyr::mutate(presentabsent = case_when(!is.na(!!sym(cf$table$get_response())) ~ 1,
TRUE ~ 0))
pepStats <- data |> group_by_at(c(cf$table$hierarchy_keys_depth(), cf$table$sampleName)) |>
summarize(nrPep = n(), present = sum(.data$presentabsent), .groups = "drop")
annotColumns <- c(cf$table$fileName,
annotation <- data |>
dplyr::select(!!!syms(annotColumns) ) |>
res <- inner_join(annotation, pepStats, by = c(cf$table$sampleName, cf$table$hierarchy_keys_depth() ))
res <- if (nested) {res |> group_by_at(cf$table$hierarchy_keys_depth()) |> nest()} else {res}
#' Aggregates e.g. protein abundances from peptide abundances
#' @export
#' @examples
#' dd <- prolfqua::sim_lfq_data_peptide_config()
#' dd$data <- na.omit(dd$data)
#' xd <- nr_obs_sample(dd$data, dd$config)
#' xd$nr_children |> table()
#' # xd |> pivot_wider(id_cols = protein_Id, names_from = sample, values_from = nr_children)
#' dp <- prolfqua::sim_lfq_data_protein_config()
#' xp <- nr_obs_sample(dp$data, dp$config)
#' # xp
#' # xp |> pivot_wider(id_cols = protein_Id, names_from = sample, values_from = nr_peptides)
#' xp$nr_peptides |> table()
nr_obs_sample <- function(data, config, new_child = config$table$nr_children){
data <- data[!is.na(data[[config$table$get_response()]]),]
nr_children <- data |>
group_by(!!!rlang::syms(c(config$table$hierarchy_keys_depth(), config$table$fileName))) |>
summarize(!!new_child := sum(!!sym(config$table$nr_children), na.rm = TRUE), .groups = "drop")
#' Aggregates e.g. protein abundances from peptide abundances
#' @export
#' @param data tidy data
#' @param config prolfqua config
#' @param from_children TRUE compute from nr_children column, FALSE - do not use nr_children column
#' @param name_nr_child how to name column
#' @examples
#' dd <- prolfqua::sim_lfq_data_peptide_config()
#' xd <- nr_obs_experiment(dd$data, dd$config, from_children = FALSE)
#' xd <- nr_obs_experiment(dd$data, dd$config, from_children = TRUE)
#' stopifnot(min(xd$nr_child_exp) == 1)
#' dp <- prolfqua::sim_lfq_data_protein_config()
#' nr_obs_experiment(dp$data, dp$config)
#' nr_obs_experiment(dp$data, dp$config, from_children = FALSE)
#' dd <- prolfqua::sim_lfq_data_peptide_config()
#' dd$config$table$hierarchyDepth <- 2
#' xpep <- nr_obs_experiment(dd$data,dd$config)
#' stopifnot(all(xpep$nr_child_exp == 1))
#' xpep <- nr_obs_experiment(dd$data,dd$config, from_children = FALSE)
#' stopifnot(all(xpep$nr_child_exp == 1))
nr_obs_experiment <- function(data, config,
from_children = TRUE,
name_nr_child = "nr_child_exp"){
tb <- config$table
hkeys <- tb$hierarchy_keys()
hkeysd <- tb$hierarchy_keys_depth()
nr_children <- tb$nr_children
if (from_children ) {
xz <- nr_obs_sample(data,config)
xz <- xz |> group_by(!!!syms(hkeysd)) |>
dplyr::summarize(!!name_nr_child := max(!!sym(nr_children)), .groups = "drop")
} else {
xq <- data |> dplyr::select(hkeys) |>
distinct() |>
dplyr::group_by(!!!syms(hkeysd)) |>
dplyr::summarize(!!name_nr_child := dplyr::n(), .groups = "drop")
# Summarize Intensities by Intensity or NAs ----
.rankProteinPrecursors <- function(data,
column = config$table$get_response(),
fun = function(x){ sum(x, na.rm = TRUE)},
summaryColumn = "srm_meanInt",
rankColumn = "srm_meanIntRank",
rankFunction = function(x){ min_rank(desc(x)) }
table <- config$table
summaryPerPrecursor <- data |>
dplyr::group_by(!!!syms(table$hierarchy_keys())) |>
dplyr::summarize(!!summaryColumn := fun(!!sym(column)))
groupedByProtein <- summaryPerPrecursor |>
dplyr::arrange(!!sym( table$hierarchy_keys()[1])) |>
dplyr::group_by(!!sym( table$hierarchy_keys()[1]))
rankedBySummary <- groupedByProtein |>
dplyr::mutate(!!rankColumn := rankFunction(!!sym(summaryColumn)))
data <- dplyr::inner_join(data, rankedBySummary)
#' ranks precursor - peptide by intensity.
#' @param pdata data.frame
#' @param config AnalysisConfiguration
#' @return data.frame
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
#' @examples
#' bb <- prolfqua::sim_lfq_data_peptide_config()
#' res <- remove_large_QValues(bb$data, bb$config)
#' res <- rank_peptide_by_intensity(res,bb$config)
#' X <-res |> dplyr::select(c(bb$config$table$hierarchy_keys(),
#' srm_meanInt, srm_meanIntRank)) |> dplyr::distinct()
#' X |> dplyr::arrange(!!!rlang::syms(c(bb$config$table$hierarchy_keys()[1], "srm_meanIntRank" )))
rank_peptide_by_intensity <- function(pdata, config){
summaryColumn <- "srm_meanInt"
rankColumn <- "srm_meanIntRank"
pdata <- .rankProteinPrecursors(pdata, config, column = config$table$get_response(),
fun = function(x){ mean(x, na.rm = TRUE)},
summaryColumn = summaryColumn,
rankColumn = rankColumn,
rankFunction = function(x){min_rank(desc(x))}
message("Columns added : ", summaryColumn, " ", rankColumn)
# Summarise NAs on lowest hierarchy ----
#' Ranks peptides/precursors of a protein by NAs (adds new column .NARank)
#' @param pdata data.frame
#' @param config AnalysisConfiguration
#' @return data.frame
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
#' @examples
#' bb <- prolfqua::prolfqua_data('data_spectronautDIA250_A')
#' config <- bb$config_f()
#' analysis <- bb$analysis(bb$data, bb$config_f())
#' res <- remove_large_QValues(analysis, config)
#' res <- rank_by_NA(res,config)
#' colnames(res)
#' x <- res |>
#' dplyr::select(config$table$hierarchy_keys()[1], config$table$hierarchy_keys(TRUE)[1], "srm_NrNotNAs") |>
#' dplyr::distinct() |> dplyr::summarize(sum(srm_NrNotNAs)) |> dplyr::pull()
#' stopifnot(sum(!is.na(res[[config$table$get_response()[1]]])) == x)
#' res |> dplyr::select(c(config$table$hierarchy_keys(),"srm_NrNotNAs" ,"srm_NrNotNARank")) |>
#' dplyr::distinct() |>
#' dplyr::arrange(!!!rlang::syms(c(config$table$hierarchy_keys()[1],"srm_NrNotNARank")))
rank_by_NA <- function(pdata, config){
summaryColumn <- "srm_NrNotNAs"
rankColumn <- "srm_NrNotNARank"
pdata <- .rankProteinPrecursors(pdata, config,
column = config$table$get_response(),
fun = function(x){sum(!is.na(x))},
summaryColumn = summaryColumn,
rankColumn = rankColumn,
rankFunction = function(x){min_rank(desc(x))}
message("Columns added : ", summaryColumn, " ", rankColumn)
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