# Creating models from configuration ----
.ehandler = function(e){
warning("WARN :", e)
# return string here
#' Create custom lmer model
#' @rdname strategy
#' @param modelstr model formula
#' @param model_name name of model
#' @param report_columns columns to report
#' @export
#' @family modelling
#' @examples
#' istar <- prolfqua::sim_lfq_data_peptide_config(Nprot = 10, with_missing = FALSE)
#' istar <- prolfqua::LFQData$new(istar$data,istar$config)
#' istar$data <- istar$data |> dplyr::group_by(protein_Id) |>
#' dplyr::mutate(abundanceC = abundance - mean(abundance)) |> dplyr::ungroup()
#' istar$factors()
#' modelFunction <- strategy_lmer("abundanceC ~ group_ + (1|peptide_Id) ", model_name = "random_example")
#' mod <- build_model(
#' istar,
#' modelFunction)
#' sum(mod$modelDF$exists_lmer)
#' sum(mod$modelDF$isSingular, na.rm=TRUE)
strategy_lmer <- function(modelstr,
model_name = "Model",
report_columns = c("statistic",
) {
formula <- as.formula(modelstr)
model_fun <- function(x, pb , get_formula = FALSE){
if (get_formula) {
if (!missing(pb)) {
modelTest <- tryCatch(lmerTest::lmer(formula , data = x ),
error = .ehandler)
res <- list(model_fun = model_fun,
isSingular = lme4::isSingular,
contrast_fun = my_contest,
model_name = model_name,
report_columns = report_columns,
anova_df = get_anova_df(test = "F"),
is_mixed = TRUE)
#' Create linear model
#' The strategy contains functions to fit the model but also compute the contrasts etc.
#' @rdname strategy
#' @export
#' @param modelstr model formula
#' @param model_name name of model
#' @param report_columns columns to report
#' @family modelling
#' @return list with model function, contrast computation function etc.
#' @examples
#' tmp <- strategy_lm("Intensity ~ condition", model_name = "parallel design")
#' tmp$model_fun(get_formula = TRUE)
#' tmp$isSingular
strategy_lm <- function(modelstr,
model_name = "Model",
report_columns = c("statistic",
) {
formula <- as.formula(modelstr)
model_fun <- function(x, pb, get_formula = FALSE){
if (get_formula) {
if (!missing(pb)) {
modelTest <- tryCatch(lm( formula , data = x ),
error = .ehandler)
res <- list(model_fun = model_fun,
isSingular = isSingular_lm,
contrast_fun = my_contrast_V2,
model_name = model_name,
report_columns = report_columns,
anova_df = get_anova_df(test = "F"),
is_mixed = FALSE)
#' Create robust linear regression model
#' The strategy contains functions to fit the model but also compute the contrasts etc.
#' @rdname strategy
#' @export
#' @param modelstr model formula
#' @param model_name name of model
#' @param report_columns columns to report
#' @family modelling
#' @return list with model function, contrast computation function etc.
#' @examples
#' tmp <- strategy_rlm("Intensity ~ condition", model_name = "parallel design")
#' tmp$model_fun(get_formula = TRUE)
#' tmp$isSingular
strategy_rlm <- function(modelstr,
model_name = "Model",
report_columns = c("statistic",
) {
formula <- as.formula(modelstr)
model_fun <- function(x, pb, get_formula = FALSE){
if (get_formula) {
if (!missing(pb)) {
modelTest <- tryCatch(MASS::rlm( formula , data = x , method = "M" ),
error = .ehandler)
res <- list(model_fun = model_fun,
isSingular = isSingular_lm,
contrast_fun = my_contrast_V2,
model_name = model_name,
report_columns = report_columns,
anova_df = get_anova_df(test = "F"),
is_mixed = FALSE)
#' Create quasibinomial glm model
#' @export
#' @rdname strategy
#' @param modelstr model formula
#' @param model_name name of model
#' @param family either binomial or quasibinomial
#' @param multiplier for tuning default is 1.
#' @param report_columns columns to report
#' @family modelling
#' @examples
#' tmp <- strategy_glm("Intensity ~ condition", model_name = "parallel design")
#' tmp$model_fun(get_formula = TRUE)
#' tmp$isSingular
strategy_glm <- function(modelstr,
model_name = "Model",
test = "Chisq",
family = stats::binomial,
multiplier = 1,
offset = 1,
report_columns = c("statistic",
) {
formula <- as.formula(modelstr)
model_fun <- function(x, pb, get_formula = FALSE){
if (get_formula) {
if (!missing(pb)) {
# to avoid perfect separation (hack)
tt <- ftable(formula, x)
tt <- tt * multiplier + offset
DFT <- as.data.frame(tt)
modelTest <- tryCatch(glm( formula ,
data = DFT ,
weights = Freq,
family = family),
error = .ehandler)
res <- list(model_fun = model_fun,
isSingular = isSingular_lm,
contrast_fun = my_contrast_V2,
model_name = model_name,
report_columns = report_columns,
anova_df = get_anova_df(test = test),
is_mixed = FALSE)
#' anova returning dataframe
#' @keywords internal
#' @family modelling
#' @export
#' @examples
#' x <- get_anova_df(test = "F")
#' x <- get_anova_df(test = "Chisq")
get_anova_df <- function(test = "F"){
res <- function(x){
x <- anova(x, test = test)
colnames(x) <- make.names(colnames(x))
x <- data.frame(factor = rownames(x), x)
return(list(fun = res,
col_pval = paste0("Pr..",substr(test,1,3),"."),
col_fdr = paste0("FDR.Pr..",substr(test,1,3),".")))
.likelihood_ratio_test <- function(modelNO, model) {
res <- tryCatch( anova(modelNO,model), error = function(x) NULL)
if (!is.null(res)) {
res <- suppressWarnings(broom::tidy(res))[2,"p.value"]
# Fit the models to data ----
#' check if lm model is singular
#' @keywords internal
#' @family modelling
#' @export
isSingular_lm <- function(m){
anyNA <- any(is.na(coefficients(m)))
if (anyNA) {
} else {
if (df.residual(m) >= 2) {
#' retrieve complete models.
#' @keywords internal
#' @family modelling
#' @export
#' @examples
#' x <- sim_build_models_lmer(model = "factors", Nprot = 10)
#' cfits <- get_complete_model_fit(x$modelDF)
#' stopifnot(nrow(cfits) == 6)
get_complete_model_fit <- function(modelProteinF){
modelProteinF <- modelProteinF |> dplyr::filter(.data$exists_lmer == TRUE)
modelProteinF <- modelProteinF |> dplyr::filter(.data$nrcoeff_not_NA == max(.data$nrcoeff_not_NA)) |>
modelProteinF <- modelProteinF |> dplyr::filter(df.residual > 1)
#' analyses lmer4 and lm models created using help function `strategy_lm` or `strategy_lmer`
#' used in project p2901
#' @export
#' @family modelling
#' @keywords internal
#' @examples
#' x <- sim_lfq_data_peptide_config()
#' formula_randomPeptide <-
#' strategy_lmer("abundance ~ group_ + (1 | peptide_Id)")
#' mr <- model_analyse( x$data,
#' formula_randomPeptide,
#' subject_Id = x$config$table$hierarchy_keys_depth())
#' stopifnot(nrow(get_complete_model_fit(mr$modelProtein)) == 6)
model_analyse <- function(
subject_Id = "protein_Id",
modelName = "Model")
pepIntensity |>
dplyr::group_by(!!!syms(subject_Id)) |>
tidyr::nest() -> nestProtein
lmermodel <- "linear_model"
pb <- progress::progress_bar$new(total = nrow(nestProtein))
modelProtein <- nestProtein |>
dplyr::mutate(!!lmermodel := purrr::map(data, model_strategy$model_fun, pb = pb))
modelProtein <- modelProtein |>
dplyr::mutate(!!"exists_lmer" := purrr::map_lgl(!!sym(lmermodel), function(x){!is.character(x)}))
modelProteinF <- modelProtein |>
dplyr::filter( !!sym("exists_lmer") == TRUE)
modelProteinF <- modelProteinF |>
dplyr::mutate(!!"isSingular" := purrr::map_lgl(!!sym(lmermodel), model_strategy$isSingular ))
modelProteinF <- modelProteinF |>
dplyr::mutate(!!"df.residual" := purrr::map_dbl(!!sym(lmermodel), df.residual ))
modelProteinF <- modelProteinF |>
dplyr::mutate(!!"sigma" := purrr::map_dbl( !!sym(lmermodel) , sigma))
nrcoeff <- function(x) {
cc <- coefficients(x)
if (class(cc) == "numeric") {
nrcoeff_not_NA <- function(x){
cc <- coefficients(x)
if (class(cc) == "numeric") {
modelProteinF <- modelProteinF |> dplyr::mutate(nrcoef = purrr::map_int(!!sym(lmermodel), nrcoeff))
modelProteinF <- modelProteinF |> dplyr::mutate(nrcoeff_not_NA = purrr::map_int(!!sym(lmermodel), nrcoeff_not_NA))
#return(list(modelProtein = modelProtein, modelProteinF = modelProteinF))
modelProteinF <- modelProteinF |>
dplyr::select_at(c(subject_Id,"isSingular", "df.residual","sigma" ,"nrcoef", "nrcoeff_not_NA") )
modelProtein <- dplyr::left_join(modelProtein, modelProteinF)
return(list(modelProtein = modelProtein,
modelName = modelName
# visualize lmer modelling results ----
#' Plot prdictions
#' @export
#' @family modelling
#' @keywords internal
#' @examples
#' m <- sim_make_model_lmer()
#' plot_lmer_peptide_predictions(m, intensity = "abundance")
#' m <- sim_make_model_lmer("interaction")
#' plot_lmer_peptide_predictions(m, intensity = "abundance")
plot_lmer_peptide_predictions <- function(m, intensity = "abundance"){
data <- m@frame
data$prediction <- predict(m)
interactionColumns <- intersect(attributes(terms(m))$term.labels,colnames(data))
data <- make_interaction_column(data, interactionColumns, sep = ":")
gg <- ggplot(data, aes(x = .data$interaction ,
y = !!sym(intensity))) + geom_point()
gg <- gg + geom_point(aes(x = .data$interaction,
y = .data$prediction), color = 2) + facet_wrap(~peptide_Id)
gg <- gg + theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = -90, hjust = 0))
# Generate linear functions -----
.lmer4_coeff_matrix <- function(m){
data <- NULL
if ("lm" %in% class(m)) {
data <- m$model
# for "lmerModLmerTest"
data <- m@frame
interactionColumns <- intersect(attributes(terms(m))$term.labels,colnames(data))
data <- make_interaction_column(data, interactionColumns, sep = ":")
if ("rlm" %in% class(m)) {
coeffs <- coefficients(summary(m))[,'Value']
} else {
coeffs <- coefficients(summary(m))[,'Estimate']
inter <- unique(data$interaction)
mm <- matrix(0, nrow = length(inter), ncol = length(coeffs))
rownames(mm) <- inter
colnames(mm) <- names(coeffs)
mm[,1] <- 1
coefi <- coeffs[-1]
for (i in seq_along(coefi)) {
# the grep is needed to extract coefficients of interaction terms belonging to a factor
# I am using wor boundaries "\\b" to allow for factor levels that are substrings.
positionIDX <- grep(paste0("\\b",names(coefi)[i],"\\b"), inter)
mm[positionIDX, i + 1 ] <- 1
return(list(mm = mm, coeffs = coeffs))
.get_match_idx <- function(mm, factor_level){
ddd <- names_to_matrix(rownames(mm), split = ":")
xd <- apply(ddd, 2, function(x, factor_level){x %in% factor_level}, factor_level)
idx <- which(apply(xd,1, sum) > 0)
.coeff_weights_factor_levels <- function(mm){
getCoeffs <- function(factor_level, mm){
idx <- .get_match_idx(mm, factor_level)
x <- as.list(apply(mm[idx,, drop = FALSE],2,mean) )
x <- tibble::as_tibble(x)
tibble::add_column(x, "factor_level" = factor_level,.before = 1)
factor_levels <- unique(unlist(stringr::str_split(rownames(mm), ":")))
xx <- purrr::map_df(factor_levels, getCoeffs, mm)
#' get linfct from model
#' @param m linear model
#' @family modelling
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
#' @examples
#' m <- sim_make_model_lm("factors")
#' linfct <- linfct_from_model(m, as_list = TRUE)
#' linfct$linfct_factors
#' linfct$linfct_interactions
#' lf <- matrix(
#' c(1, 1, 1, 1, 0.5, 0.5, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0.5, 0.5),
#' nrow = 4,
#' byrow = FALSE,
#' dimnames = list(c("BackgroundX", "BackgroundZ", "TreatmentA", "TreatmentB"),
#' c("(Intercept)", "TreatmentB", "BackgroundZ"))
#' )
#' stopifnot(lf == linfct$linfct_factors)
#' m <- sim_make_model_lm("interaction")
#' linfct <- linfct_from_model(m)
#' m <- lm(Petal.Width ~ Species, data = iris)
#' linfct_from_model(m)
#' xx <- data.frame( Y = 1:10 , Condition = c(rep("a",5), rep("b",5)) )
#' m <- lm(Y ~ Condition, data = xx)
#' linfct_from_model(m)
#' xx <- data.frame( Y = 1:10 , Condition = c(rep("a",5), rep("b.b",5)) )
#' m <- lm(Y ~ Condition, data = xx)
#' linfct_from_model(m)
#' xx <- data.frame( Y = 1:10 , Condition = c(rep("a",5), rep("ab",5)) )
#' m <- lm(Y ~ Condition, data = xx)
#' linfct_from_model(m)
linfct_from_model <- function(m, as_list = TRUE){
cm <- .lmer4_coeff_matrix(m)
cm_mm <- cm$mm[order(rownames(cm$mm)),]
l_factors <- .coeff_weights_factor_levels(cm_mm)
linfct_factors <- l_factors |>
dplyr::select(-.data$factor_level) |>
rownames(linfct_factors) <- l_factors$factor_level
linfct_factors <- linfct_factors[order(rownames(linfct_factors)),]
res <- list(linfct_factors = linfct_factors , linfct_interactions = cm_mm)
if (as_list) {
do.call( rbind, res)
#' linfct_matrix_contrasts
#' @export
#' @param linfct linear functions as created by linfct_from_model
#' @param contrast contrasts to determine linear functions for
#' @param p.message print messages default FALSE
#' @family modelling
#' @keywords internal
#' @examples
#' m <- sim_make_model_lm( "factors")
#' Contr <- c("TreatmentA_vs_B" = "TreatmentA - TreatmentB",
#' "BackgroundX_vs_Z" = "BackgroundX - BackgroundZ",
#' "IntoflintoA" = "`TreatmentA:BackgroundX` - `TreatmentA:BackgroundZ`",
#' "IntoflintoB" = "`TreatmentB:BackgroundX` - `TreatmentB:BackgroundZ`",
#' "IntoflintoX" = "`TreatmentA:BackgroundX` - `TreatmentB:BackgroundX`",
#' "IntoflintoZ" = "`TreatmentA:BackgroundZ` - `TreatmentB:BackgroundZ`",
#' "interactXZ" = "IntoflintoX - IntoflintoZ",
#' "interactAB" = "IntoflintoA - IntoflintoB"
#' )
#' linfct <- linfct_from_model(m, as_list = FALSE)
#' x <- linfct_matrix_contrasts(linfct, Contr )
#' stopifnot(sum(x["interactXZ",]) == 0 )
#' stopifnot(sum(x["interactAB",]) == 0 )
#' m <- sim_make_model_lm( "interaction")
#' linfct <- linfct_from_model(m, as_list = FALSE)
#' x <- linfct_matrix_contrasts(linfct, Contr )
#' stopifnot(sum(x["interactXZ",]) ==1 )
#' stopifnot(sum(x["interactAB",]) ==1 )
linfct_matrix_contrasts <- function(linfct , contrasts, p.message = FALSE){
linfct <- t(linfct)
df <- tibble::as_tibble(linfct, rownames = "interaction")
make_contrasts <- function(data,
cnams <- base::setdiff(colnames(data),"interaction")
for (i in seq_along(contrasts)) {
if (p.message) {message(names(contrasts)[i], "=", contrasts[i],"\n")}
expr_string <- as.character(rlang::parse_expr(contrasts[i]))
data <- dplyr::mutate(data, !!names(contrasts)[i] := !!rlang::parse_expr(contrasts[i]))
}, error = function(e) {
warning("Warn 'linfct_matrix_contrasts':", e$message, "\n")
# Handle the error, e.g., by skipping the current iteration, logging the error, etc.
res <- data |> dplyr::select(-one_of(cnams))
res <- make_contrasts(df, contrasts )
res <- tibble::column_to_rownames(res,"interaction")
res <- t(res)
#' create all possible contrasts
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
#' @family modelling
#' @examples
#' m <- sim_make_model_lm( "interaction")
#' linfct <- linfct_from_model(m)
#' xl <- prolfqua::linfct_all_possible_contrasts(linfct$linfct_factors)
#' xx <- prolfqua::linfct_all_possible_contrasts(linfct$linfct_interactions)
#' m <- sim_make_model_lm( "factor")
#' linfct <- linfct_from_model(m)
#' xl <- prolfqua::linfct_all_possible_contrasts(linfct$linfct_factors)
#' xx <- prolfqua::linfct_all_possible_contrasts(linfct$linfct_interactions)
#' m <- sim_make_model_lm( "parallel2")
#' linfct <- linfct_from_model(m)
#' xl <- prolfqua::linfct_all_possible_contrasts(linfct$linfct_factors)
#' stopifnot(all(xl == c(0,-1)))
#' xx <- prolfqua::linfct_all_possible_contrasts(linfct$linfct_interactions)
#' stopifnot(all(xx == c(0,-1)))
#' m <- sim_make_model_lm( "parallel3")
#' linfct <- linfct_from_model(m)
#' xl <- prolfqua::linfct_all_possible_contrasts(linfct$linfct_factors)
#' stopifnot(all(xl == c(0,0,0,-1,0,1,0,-1,-1)))
#' xx <- prolfqua::linfct_all_possible_contrasts(linfct$linfct_interactions)
#' stopifnot(all(xl == c(0,0,0,-1,0,1,0,-1,-1)))
linfct_all_possible_contrasts <- function(lin_int ){
combs <- combn(nrow(lin_int),2)
names <- rownames(lin_int)
newnames <- rep("", ncol(combs))
new_lin_fct <- matrix(NA, nrow = ncol(combs), ncol = ncol(lin_int))
for (i in seq_len(ncol(combs))) {
newnames[i] <- paste(names[combs[,i]], collapse = " - ")
new_lin_fct[i,] <- lin_int[combs[1,i],] - lin_int[combs[2,i],]
rownames(new_lin_fct) <- newnames
colnames(new_lin_fct) <- colnames(lin_int)
#' create contrasts between factor levels
#' @export
#' @family modelling
#' @keywords internal
#' @examples
#' m <- sim_make_model_lm( "interaction")
#' xl <- linfct_factors_contrasts(m)
#' m <- lm(Petal.Width ~ Species, data = iris)
#' linfct_factors_contrasts(m)
linfct_factors_contrasts <- function(m){
ffac <- attributes(terms(m))$term.labels
ffac <- ffac[!grepl(":",ffac)] # remove interactions
linfct_factors <- linfct_from_model(m)$linfct_factors
factorDepths <- rownames(linfct_factors)
res <- vector(length(ffac), mode = "list")
for (i in seq_along(ffac)) {
fac <- ffac[i]
idx <- grep(fac, factorDepths)
linfct_m <- linfct_factors[idx,]
res[[i]] <- linfct_all_possible_contrasts(linfct_m)
res <- do.call(rbind, res)
# Computing contrasts helpers -----
#' apply multcomp::glht method to linfct
#' @export
#' @family modelling
#' @keywords internal
#' @examples
#' mb <- sim_make_model_lm( "interaction")
#' linfct <- linfct_from_model(mb)
#' names(linfct)
#' my_glht(mb, linfct$linfct_factors)
#' m <- sim_make_model_lm( "factors")
#' linfct <- linfct_from_model(m)$linfct_factors
#' my_glht(m, linfct)
my_glht <- function(model, linfct , sep = TRUE ) {
if (!class(model) == "lm") # fixes issue of mutlcomp not working on factors of class character
warning("USE ONLY WITH LM models ", class(model))
if (length(lme4::fixef(model)) != ncol(linfct)) {
return(NA) # catch rank defficient
if (isSingular_lm(model)) {
model$model <- as.data.frame(unclass(model$model))
if (sep) {
res <- list()
for (i in seq_len(nrow(linfct))) {
x <- multcomp::glht(model, linfct = linfct[i,,drop = FALSE])
RHS <- broom::tidy(confint(x)) |> dplyr::select(-.data$estimate)
RHS$df <- x$df
RHS$sigma <- sigma(model)
x <- dplyr::inner_join(broom::tidy(summary(x)), RHS, by = c("contrast")) # |> dplyr::select(-contrast)
res[[i]] <- x
res <- dplyr::bind_rows(res)
x <- multcomp::glht(model, linfct = linfct)
RHS <- broom::tidy(confint(x)) |> dplyr::select(-.data$estimate)
RHS$df <- x$df
RHS$sigma <- sigma(model)
res <- dplyr::inner_join(broom::tidy(summary(x)), RHS, by = c("contrast")) |>
#' compute contrasts for full models
#' @param m linear model generated using lm
#' @param linfct linear function
#' @param coef use default
#' @param use default
#' @param confint which confidence interval to determine
#' @export
#' @family modelling
#' @keywords internal
#' @examples
#' m <- sim_make_model_lm( "factors")
#' linfct <- linfct_from_model(m)$linfct_factors
#' my_glht(m, linfct)
#' my_contrast(m, linfct, confint = 0.95)
#' my_contrast(m, linfct, confint = 0.99)
my_contrast <- function(m,
coef = coefficients(m),
Sigma.hat = vcov(m),
confint = 0.95){
df <- df.residual(m)
sigma <- sigma(m)
estimate <- linfct %*% t(t(coef))
if (df > 0) {
std.error <- sqrt(diag(linfct %*% Sigma.hat %*% t(linfct)))
statistic <- estimate / std.error
#p.value <- pt(-abs(statistic), df = df) * 2
p.value <- pt(abs(statistic), df = df, lower.tail = FALSE) * 2
prqt <- -qt((1 - confint)/2, df = df)
conf.low <- estimate - prqt * std.error
conf.high <- estimate + prqt * std.error
std.error <- NA
statistic <- NA
p.value <- NA
conf.low <- NA
conf.high <- NA
res <- data.frame(lhs = rownames(linfct),
sigma = sigma,
df = df,
estimate = estimate,
std.error = std.error,
statistic = statistic ,
p.value = p.value,
conf.low = conf.low,
conf.high = conf.high,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
#' handles incomplete models by setting coefficients to 0
#' @param m linear model generated using lm
#' @param linfct linear function
#' @param confint confidence interval default 0.95
#' @export
#' @family modelling
#' @keywords internal
#' @examples
#' m <- sim_make_model_lm( "factors")
#' linfct <- linfct_from_model(m)$linfct_factors
#' my_contrast_V1(m, linfct, confint = 0.95)
#' my_contrast_V1(m, linfct, confint = 0.99)
my_contrast_V1 <- function(incomplete, linfct, confint = 0.95){
Sigma.hat <- vcov(incomplete)
Sigma.hat[is.na(Sigma.hat)] <- 0
coef <- coefficients(incomplete)
coef[is.na(coef)] <- 0
res <- my_contrast(incomplete, linfct,
coef = coef,
Sigma.hat = Sigma.hat,
confint = confint)
#' handles incomplete models
#' only keeps non NA coefficients.
#' @param m linear model generated using lm
#' @param linfct linear function
#' @param confint confidence interval default 0.95
#' @export
#' @family modelling
#' @keywords internal
#' @examples
#' m <- sim_make_model_lm( "factors")
#' linfct <- linfct_from_model(m)$linfct_factors
#' my_contrast_V2(m, linfct, confint = 0.95)
#' my_contrast_V2(m, linfct, confint = 0.99)
my_contrast_V2 <- function(m, linfct,confint = 0.95){
Sigma.hat <- vcov(m)
coef <- na.omit(coefficients(m))
res <- vector(nrow(linfct), mode = "list")
for (i in seq_len(nrow(linfct))) {
linfct_v <- linfct[i,,drop = FALSE]
idx <- which(linfct_v != 0)
nam <- colnames(linfct_v)[idx]
if (all(nam %in% names(coef))) {
linfct_v_red <- linfct_v[, nam, drop = FALSE]
Sigma.hat_red <- Sigma.hat[nam,nam,drop = FALSE]
coef_red <- coef[nam]
res[[i]] <- my_contrast(m,linfct_v_red,
coef = coef_red,
Sigma.hat = Sigma.hat_red, confint = confint)
res[[i]] <- data.frame(lhs = rownames(linfct_v),
sigma = sigma(m),
df = df.residual(m),
estimate = NA,
std.error = NA,
statistic = NA ,
p.value = NA,
conf.low = NA,
conf.high = NA,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
res <- dplyr::bind_rows(res)
#' applies contrast computation using lmerTest::contest function
#' @param m mixed effects model
#' @param linfct linear function
#' @param ddf method to determine denominator degrees of freedom
#' @family modelling
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
#' @examples
#' mb <- sim_make_model_lmer("interaction")
#' summary(mb)
#' linfct <- linfct_from_model(mb)
#' names(linfct)
#' my_contest(mb, linfct$linfct_factors)
#' my_contest(mb, linfct$linfct_interactions)
#' if(require(multcomp)){
#' my_glht(mb, linfct$linfct_factors)
#' my_glht(mb, linfct$linfct_interactions)
#' }
#' length(mb@beta)
#' lmerTest::contest(mb, c( 0 ,1 , 0 , 0),joint = FALSE)
#' summary(mb)
my_contest <- function(model, linfct, ddf = c("Satterthwaite", "Kenward-Roger")){
ddf <- match.arg(ddf)
if (length(lme4::fixef(model)) != ncol(linfct) ) {
warning("Model is rank deficient!")
return(NA) # catch rank defficient
res <- lmerTest::contest(model,
joint = FALSE,
confint = TRUE,
ddf = ddf)
res <- tibble::as_tibble(res, rownames = "lhs")
res$sigma <- sigma(model)
res <- res |> dplyr::rename(estimate = "Estimate",
std.error = "Std. Error",
statistic = "t value",
p.value = "Pr(>|t|)",
conf.low = "lower",
conf.high = "upper")
# computing contrast ----
#' pivot model contrasts matrix to wide format produced by `contrasts_linfct` and ...
#' @export
#' @family modelling
#' @keywords internal
#' @examples
#' # this function is used by the contrast classes to implement the to wide method
pivot_model_contrasts_2_Wide <- function(modelWithInteractionsContrasts,
subject_Id = "protein_Id",
columns = c("estimate", "p.value","p.value.adjusted"),
contrast = "lhs"){
m_spread <- function(longContrasts, subject_Id, column , contrast){
res <- longContrasts |>
dplyr::select(all_of(c(subject_Id, contrast, column)))
res <- res |> dplyr::mutate(!!contrast := paste0(column, ".", !!sym(contrast)))
res <- res |> tidyr::pivot_wider(names_from = contrast, values_from = column)
res <- list()
for (column in columns) {
res[[column]] <- m_spread(modelWithInteractionsContrasts, subject_Id,column, contrast)
res <- res |> reduce(left_join, by = c(subject_Id))
#' compute group averages
#' used in p2621, p2109
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
#' @examples
#' modelSummary_A <- sim_build_models_lm()
#' m <- get_complete_model_fit(modelSummary_A$modelDF)
#' factor_contrasts <- linfct_factors_contrasts( m$linear_model[[1]])
#' factor_levelContrasts <- contrasts_linfct( m,
#' factor_contrasts,
#' subject_Id = "protein_Id",
#' contrastfun = prolfqua::my_contrast_V2)
contrasts_linfct <- function(models,
subject_Id = "protein_Id" ,
contrastfun = prolfqua::my_contest){
modelcol <- "linear_model"
# TODO (goes into calling code)
# models <- models |> dplyr::filter(.data$exists_lmer == TRUE)
interaction_models <- vector(mode = "list", length = nrow(models))
if ("matrix" %in% class(linfct)) {
pb <- progress::progress_bar$new(total = length(models[[modelcol]]))
for (i in seq_along(models[[modelcol]])) {
interaction_models[[i]] <- contrastfun(models[[modelcol]][[i]], linfct = linfct)
interaction_model_matrix <- models
interaction_model_matrix$contrast <- interaction_models
} else if (("list" %in% class(linfct)) && (length(linfct) == nrow(models))) {
pb <- progress::progress_bar$new(total = length(models[[modelcol]]))
for (i in seq_along(models[[modelcol]])) {
interaction_models[[i]] <- contrastfun(models[[modelcol]][[i]], linfct = linfct[[i]])
interaction_model_matrix <- models
interaction_model_matrix$contrast <- interaction_models
} else {
stop("linct must be either a matrix or a list of length == nrow models")
#interaction_model_matrix <- models |>
# dplyr::mutate("contrast" := purrr::map(!!sym(modelcol) , contrastfun , linfct = linfct ))
mclass <- function(x){
interaction_model_matrix <- interaction_model_matrix |>
dplyr::mutate(classC = purrr::map_chr(.data$contrast, mclass)) |>
dplyr::filter(.data$classC != "logical")
contrasts <- interaction_model_matrix |>
dplyr::select_at( c(subject_Id, "contrast") ) |>
# take sigma and df from somewhere else.
modelInfos <- models |>
"sigma.model" = "sigma",
"df.residual.model" = "df.residual" )) |>
contrasts <- dplyr::inner_join(contrasts, modelInfos, by = subject_Id)
# LIMMA ----
#' Moderate p-values - limma approach
#' @export
#' @family modelling
#' @keywords internal
moderated_p_limma <- function(mm, df = "df", estimate = "diff", robust = FALSE, confint = 0.95){
sv <- prolfqua::squeezeVarRob(mm$sigma^2, df = mm[[df]],robust = robust)
# pior degrees of freedom are Inf
if (all(is.infinite(sv$df.prior))) {
sv$df.prior <- mean(mm[[df]]) * nrow(mm)/10
sv <- tibble::as_tibble(sv)
sv <- setNames(sv, paste0('moderated.', names(sv)))
mm <- dplyr::bind_cols(mm, sv)
mm <- mm |> dplyr::mutate(moderated.statistic = .data$statistic * .data$sigma / sqrt(.data$moderated.var.post))
mm <- mm |> dplyr::mutate(moderated.df.total = !!sym(df) + .data$moderated.df.prior)
mm <- mm |> dplyr::mutate(moderated.p.value = 2*pt( abs(.data$moderated.statistic),
df = .data$moderated.df.total, lower.tail = FALSE) )
prqt <- -qt((1 - confint)/2, df = mm$moderated.df.total)
mm$moderated.conf.low <- mm[[estimate]] - prqt * sqrt(mm$moderated.var.post)
mm$moderated.conf.high <- mm[[estimate]] + prqt * sqrt(mm$moderated.var.post)
mm <- dplyr::ungroup(mm)
#' Moderate p-value for long table
#' @param mm result of \code{\link{contrasts_linfct}}
#' @param group_by_col colnames with contrast description - default 'lhs'
#' @export
#' @family modelling
#' @keywords internal
#' @examples
#' mod <- sim_build_models_lm()
#' m <- get_complete_model_fit(mod$modelDF)
#' factor_contrasts <- linfct_factors_contrasts(m$linear_model[[1]])
#' factor_levelContrasts <- contrasts_linfct(
#' mod$modelDF,
#' factor_contrasts,
#' subject_Id = "protein_Id",
#' contrastfun = my_contrast_V2)
#' mmm <- moderated_p_limma_long(factor_levelContrasts, group_by_col = "lhs")
moderated_p_limma_long <- function(mm ,
group_by_col = "lhs",
estimate = "estimate",
robust = FALSE){
dfg <- mm |>
dplyr::group_by_at(group_by_col) |>
xx <- purrr::map_df(dfg, moderated_p_limma, estimate = estimate, robust = robust)
#' adjust columns
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
#' @examples
#' bb <- c(runif(1000), rexp(1500,rate=5))
#' length(bb)
#' bb <- bb[bb < 1]
#' length(bb)
#' bb <- bb[1:2000]
#' hist(bb)
#' data <- data.frame(contrast = rep(LETTERS[1:5],400), p.value = bb)
#' dataX <- adjust_p_values(data)
#' Adata <- dataX |> dplyr::filter(contrast == "A")
#' stopifnot(all.equal(Adata$FDR, p.adjust(Adata$p.value, method="BH")))
#' data2 <- adjust_p_values(data, group_by_col = NULL)
#' stopifnot(all.equal(data2$FDR, p.adjust(data2$p.value, method="BH")))
adjust_p_values <- function(
column = "p.value",
group_by_col = "contrast",
newname = "FDR"
dfg <- mm |>
xx <- dplyr::mutate(dfg, !!newname := p.adjust(!!sym(column),method = "BH"))
# HELPER ----
# ROPECA ----
#' p-value of protein from p.value of the median fold change peptide.
#' @param max.n limit number of peptides per protein.
#' @export
#' @family modelling
#' @keywords internal
#' @examples
#' plot(get_p_values_pbeta(0.1,1:10,10), ylim=c(0,0.1))
#' plot(get_p_values_pbeta(0.1,1:10,3), ylim=c(0,0.1))
#' plot(get_p_values_pbeta(0.3,1:30, 3), ylim=c(0,0.1))
#' abline(h=.05,col = 2)
#' plot(seq(0.0,1.0,length=30),get_p_values_pbeta(seq(0.0,1.0,length=30),rep(10,30)))
#' abline(0,1)
#' plot(seq(0.0,1.0,length=30),get_p_values_pbeta(seq(0.0,1.0,length=30),rep(10,30),3))
#' abline(0,1)
#' testthat::expect_equal(get_p_values_pbeta(0.3,10, 3),0.216, tolerance = 1e-4)
#' testthat::expect_equal(get_p_values_pbeta(0,10, 3),0, tolerance = 1e-4)
#' testthat::expect_equal(get_p_values_pbeta(1,10, 3),1, tolerance = 1e-4)
#' testthat::expect_equal(get_p_values_pbeta(1,10, 3),get_p_values_pbeta(1,3, 10), tolerance = 1e-4)
get_p_values_pbeta <- function(median.p.value,
max.n = 10){
n.obs <- pmin(n.obs, max.n)
shape1 <- (n.obs/2 + 0.5)
shape2 <- (n.obs - (n.obs/2 + 0.5) + 1)
# n.obs/2 + 0.5
stopifnot(shape1 == shape2)
res.p.value <- pbeta(median.p.value,
shape1 = shape1,
shape2 = shape2)
#' compute protein level fold changes and p.values (using beta distribution)
#' takes p-value of the scaled p-value
#' @param contrasts_data data frame
#' @param contrast name of column with contrast identifier
#' @param subject_Id name of column with typically protein Id
#' @param estimate name of column with effect size estimate
#' @param statistic statistic name of column with statistic (typically t-statistics)
#' @param p.value name of column with moderated.p.value
#' @param max.n used to limit the number of peptides in probablity computation.
#' @export
#' @family modelling
#' @keywords internal
#' @return data.frame with columns
#' @examples
#' set.seed(10)
#' nrPep <- 10000
#' nrProtein <- 800
#' p.value <- runif(nrPep)
#' estimate <- rnorm(nrPep)
#' avgAbd <- runif(nrPep)
#' protein_Id <- sample(1:800, size = nrPep,
#' replace = TRUE, prob = dexp(seq(0,5,length = 800)))
#' plot(table(table(protein_Id)))
#' testdata <- data.frame(contrast = "contrast1",
#' protein_Id = protein_Id,
#' estimate = estimate,
#' pseudo_estimate = estimate,
#' p.value = p.value,
#' avgAbd = avgAbd )
#' xx30 <- summary_ROPECA_median_p.scaled(testdata,
#' subject_Id = "protein_Id",
#' estimate = "estimate",
#' p.value = "p.value",
#' max.n = 30)
#' xx2 <- summary_ROPECA_median_p.scaled(testdata,
#' subject_Id = "protein_Id",
#' estimate = "estimate",
#' p.value = "p.value",
#' max.n = 1)
#' testthat::expect_equal(mad(xx2$estimate, na.rm = TRUE),0.384409, tolerance = 1e-4)
#' testthat::expect_equal(median(xx2$estimate), -0.006874857, tolerance = 1e-4)
#' testthat::expect_equal(xx2$beta.based.significance[1],0.819, tolerance = 1e-3)
#' testthat::expect_equal(xx2$beta.based.significance[2],0.9234362,tolerance = 1e-3)
#' # Uniform distribution
#' hist(testdata$p.value)
#' hist(xx30$median.p.scaled, breaks = 20)
#' hist(xx2$median.p.scaled, breaks = 20)
#' # shows that beta.based.significance has NO uniform distribution
#' # although H0 is true for all cases.
#' hist(xx30$beta.based.significance, breaks = 20)
#' hist(xx2$beta.based.significance, breaks = 20)
#' hist(xx2$median.p.value, breaks = 20)
#' hist(xx2$beta.based.significance, breaks = 20)
#' hist(estimate)
summary_ROPECA_median_p.scaled <- function(
contrast = "contrast",
subject_Id = "protein_Id",
estimate = "diff",
statistic = "statistic",
p.value = "moderated.p.value",
max.n = 10){
nrpepsPerProt <- contrasts_data |>
group_by_at(c(subject_Id, contrast)) |>
dplyr::summarize(n = dplyr::n() )
contrasts_data <- contrasts_data |>
scaled.p =
ifelse(!!sym(estimate) > 0, 1 - !!sym(p.value) , !!sym(p.value) - 1))
summarized.protein <- contrasts_data |>
group_by_at(c(subject_Id, contrast)) |>
n_not_na = n(),
mad.estimate = mad(!!sym(estimate), na.rm = TRUE),
estimate = median(!!sym(estimate), na.rm = TRUE),
statistic = median(!!sym(statistic), na.rm = TRUE),
median.p.scaled = median(.data$scaled.p, na.rm = TRUE),
avgAbd = median(.data$avgAbd, na.rm = TRUE))
summarized.protein <- summarized.protein |>
dplyr::mutate(median.p.value = 1 - abs(.data$median.p.scaled))
summarized.protein <- summarized.protein |>
dplyr::mutate(beta.based.significance = get_p_values_pbeta(.data$median.p.value, .data$n_not_na, max.n = max.n))
summarized.protein <- summarized.protein |>
dplyr::mutate(n.beta = pmin(.data$n_not_na, max.n))
summarized.protein <- dplyr::inner_join(nrpepsPerProt,
by = c(subject_Id, contrast))
summarized.protein$isSingular <- FALSE
# scale it back here.
return(ungroup( summarized.protein ))
#' Fishers exact test on a datframe
#' @export
#' @family modelling
#' @keywords internal
#' @examples
#' Nprot <- 1000
#' condA <- 8
#' condB <- 8
#' observedA <- sample(0:8, Nprot, replace = TRUE)
#' observedB <- sample(0:8, Nprot, replace = TRUE)
#' xb <- data.frame(observedA = observedA, observedB = observedB)
#' xb$samplesA <- condA
#' xb$samplesB <- condB
#' proteinID <- unique(stringi::stri_rand_strings(Nprot + 20,5))[1:Nprot]
#' xb$proteinID <- proteinID
#' xlater <- xb
#' res <- contrasts_fisher_exact(xlater)
contrasts_fisher_exact <- function(
observedA = "observedA",
observedB = "observedB",
samplesA = "samplesA",
samplesB = "samplesB"
) {
relativeRisk <- function(observedA, observedB, samplesA, samplesB) {
rr <- (observedA/(observedA + observedB))/(samplesA/(samplesA + samplesB))
odsRatio <- function(observedA, observedB, samplesA, samplesB) {
rr <- (observedA/observedB)/(samplesA/samplesB)
apply_fischer <- function(proteinID,observedA, observedB, samplesA, samplesB){
mat <- matrix(c(observedA, samplesA - observedA,
observedB,samplesB - observedB), nrow = 2)
fisher_result <- fisher.test(mat)
return(data.frame(proteinID = proteinID,
p_value = fisher_result$p.value,
OdsRatio = (fisher_result$estimate),
conf.lower = (fisher_result$conf.int[1]),
conf.higher = (fisher_result$conf.int[2]))
xb$OdsRatioM <- odsRatio(
observedA = xb[["observedA"]],
observedB = xb[["observedB"]],
samplesA = xb[["samplesA"]],
samplesB = xb[["samplesB"]])
xb$relativeRiskM <- relativeRisk(
observedA = xb[["observedA"]],
observedB = xb[["observedB"]],
samplesA = xb[["samplesA"]],
samplesB = xb[["samplesB"]])
res <- vector(mode = "list", length(nrow(xb)))
for (i in seq(nrow(xb))) {
res[[i]] <- apply_fischer(
xb[["samplesB"]][i] )
result <- dplyr::bind_rows(res)
xx <- dplyr::inner_join(xb , result, by = c("proteinID" = "proteinID"))
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