#' @title Produces an object allowing to perform GO-like enrichment of anatomical terms using the topGO package
#' @description This function produces a topAnatObject, ready to use for gene set enrichment testing using functions from the topGO package. This object uses the Uberon ontology instead of the GO ontology.
#' @details To perform the enrichment test for expression in anatomical structures for each term of Uberon ontology (browsable at \url{http://www.ontobee.org/ontology/UBERON}), the data are formatted to use the topGO package for testing. This package is interesting because it propagates the mapping of gene to terms to parent terms, and it possesses a pannel of enrichment tests and decorrelation methods. Expert users should be able to use information from the topAnatObject to test enrichment with other packages than topGO.
#' @param topAnatData a list including a gene2anatomy list, an organ.relationships list and an organ.names data.frame, produced by the function loadTopAnatData().
#' @param geneList Vector indicating foreground and background genes. Names of the vector indicate the background genes. Values are 1 (gene in foreground) or 0 (gene not in foreground).
#' @param nodeSize Minimum number of genes mapped to a node for it to be tested. Default is 10.
#' @param ... Additional parameters as passed to build topGOdata object in topGO package.
#' @return topAnatObject, a topGO-compatible object ready for gene set enrichment testing.
#' @author Julien Roux
#' @examples{
#' bgee <- Bgee$new(species = "Mus_musculus", dataType = "rna_seq")
#' myTopAnatData <- loadTopAnatData(bgee)
#' geneList <- as.factor(c(rep(0, times=90), rep(1, times=10)))
#' names(geneList) <- c("ENSMUSG00000064370", "ENSMUSG00000064368", "ENSMUSG00000064367",
#' "ENSMUSG00000064363", "ENSMUSG00000065947", "ENSMUSG00000064360",
#' "ENSMUSG00000064358", "ENSMUSG00000064357", "ENSMUSG00000064356",
#' "ENSMUSG00000064354", "ENSMUSG00000064351", "ENSMUSG00000064345",
#' "ENSMUSG00000064341", "ENSMUSG00000029757", "ENSMUSG00000079941",
#' "ENSMUSG00000053367", "ENSMUSG00000016626", "ENSMUSG00000037816",
#' "ENSMUSG00000036781", "ENSMUSG00000022519", "ENSMUSG00000079606",
#' "ENSMUSG00000068966", "ENSMUSG00000038608", "ENSMUSG00000047473",
#' "ENSMUSG00000038542", "ENSMUSG00000025386", "ENSMUSG00000028145",
#' "ENSMUSG00000024816", "ENSMUSG00000020978", "ENSMUSG00000055373",
#' "ENSMUSG00000038155", "ENSMUSG00000046408", "ENSMUSG00000030032",
#' "ENSMUSG00000042249", "ENSMUSG00000071909", "ENSMUSG00000039670",
#' "ENSMUSG00000032501", "ENSMUSG00000054252", "ENSMUSG00000068071",
#' "ENSMUSG00000067578", "ENSMUSG00000074892", "ENSMUSG00000027905",
#' "ENSMUSG00000058216", "ENSMUSG00000078754", "ENSMUSG00000062101",
#' "ENSMUSG00000043633", "ENSMUSG00000071350", "ENSMUSG00000021639",
#' "ENSMUSG00000059113", "ENSMUSG00000049115", "ENSMUSG00000053310",
#' "ENSMUSG00000043832", "ENSMUSG00000063767", "ENSMUSG00000026775",
#' "ENSMUSG00000038537", "ENSMUSG00000078716", "ENSMUSG00000096820",
#' "ENSMUSG00000075089", "ENSMUSG00000049971", "ENSMUSG00000014303",
#' "ENSMUSG00000056054", "ENSMUSG00000033082", "ENSMUSG00000020801",
#' "ENSMUSG00000030590", "ENSMUSG00000026188", "ENSMUSG00000014301",
#' "ENSMUSG00000073491", "ENSMUSG00000014529", "ENSMUSG00000036960",
#' "ENSMUSG00000058748", "ENSMUSG00000047388", "ENSMUSG00000002204",
#' "ENSMUSG00000034285", "ENSMUSG00000109129", "ENSMUSG00000035275",
#' "ENSMUSG00000051184", "ENSMUSG00000034424", "ENSMUSG00000041828",
#' "ENSMUSG00000029416", "ENSMUSG00000030468", "ENSMUSG00000029911",
#' "ENSMUSG00000055633", "ENSMUSG00000027495", "ENSMUSG00000029624",
#' "ENSMUSG00000045518", "ENSMUSG00000074259", "ENSMUSG00000035228",
#' "ENSMUSG00000038533", "ENSMUSG00000030401", "ENSMUSG00000014602",
#' "ENSMUSG00000041827", "ENSMUSG00000042345", "ENSMUSG00000028530",
#' "ENSMUSG00000038722", "ENSMUSG00000075088", "ENSMUSG00000039629",
#' "ENSMUSG00000067567", "ENSMUSG00000057594", "ENSMUSG00000005907",
#' "ENSMUSG00000027496")
#' myTopAnatObject <- topAnat(myTopAnatData, geneList, nodeSize=1)
#' }
#' @import topGO graph
#' @export
topAnat <- function(topAnatData, geneList, nodeSize = 10, ... ){
## Test if topAnatData not empty
cat("\nChecking topAnatData object.........\n")
if( length(topAnatData$gene2anatomy) == 0 ) {
stop("ERROR: the gene2anatomy list of your topAnatData object is empty.")
if( length(topAnatData$organ.relationships) == 0 ) {
stop("ERROR: the organ.relationships list of your topAnatData object is empty.")
if( length(topAnatData$organ.names[,1]) == 0 ) {
stop("ERROR: the organ.names data frame of your topAnatData object is empty.")
## Test if gene list is fine
cat("\nChecking gene list..................\n")
if (!is.factor(geneList)){
geneList <- as.factor(geneList)
if (length(geneList) == 0){
stop("ERROR: the gene list provided is empty.")
if (length(levels(geneList)) != 2){
stop("ERROR: the gene list provided is not in the right format (should be a named vector including only 0 and 1 values).")
if (length(geneList) < 100) {
cat("\nWARNING: Given the low number of genes provided, it is very unlikely that the test will have enough power.\n")
## If geneList includes genes not present in topAnatData$gene2anatomy, restrict to these genes
if (sum(names(geneList) %in% names(topAnatData$gene2anatomy)) != length(geneList)){
cat("\nWARNING: Some genes in your gene list have no expression data in Bgee, and will not be included in the analysis.", sum(names(geneList) %in% names(topAnatData$gene2anatomy)), "genes in background will be kept.\n")
if (nodeSize == 0){
stop("ERROR: the node size parameter has to be at least 1.")
if (!is.numeric(nodeSize)){
stop("ERROR: the node size parameter should be a numeric, integer value.")
nodeSize <- as.integer(nodeSize)
## Building the modified topGOdata object. This reports to the user how many genes are in the background / foreground
topAnatObject <- .makeTopAnatDataObject(
parentMapping = topAnatData$organ.relationships,
allGenes = geneList,
description = "topGO object, ready for anatomical ontology enrichment test",
ontology = "UBERON animal anatomical structures ontology",
nodeSize = nodeSize,
gene2Nodes = topAnatData$gene2anatomy
## Create a hash from the topAnatObject and the topAnatData objects
myAnalysisInfo <- c(topAnatObject, topAnatData)
## Use library digest to create a SHA512 hash, that will be used as analysis Id
analysisId <- digest(myAnalysisInfo, algo = "sha512")
## cat(paste0("\nAnalysis Id hash built: ", analysisId, "\n"))
## !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
## The analysis id is used for our internal statistics. It is a secure hash that does not allow the
## identification of the gene lists and datasets used by the user, but will inform us on the
## number of distinct analyses that are run with the package.
## !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
## Send a query to our webservice for statistics purposes of topAnat use (even when cached files are used)
if (topAnatData$bgee.object$sendStats == TRUE){
myUrl <- paste0(topAnatData$bgee.object$topAnatUrl, "?page=stats&action=launch_top_anat_analysis&api_key=", topAnatData$bgee.object$apiKey, "&analysis_id=", analysisId, "&source=BgeeDB_R_package&source_version=", as.character(packageVersion("BgeeDB")))
## Send query, but no need to wait for the answer
try(getURL(myUrl, followLocation = TRUE, .opts = list(timeout = 1)), silent=TRUE)
## Sets of functions written with help of Adrian Alexa (author of the topGO package, personnal communication) to make topGO work with another ontology than the Gene Ontology
.annFUN.gene2Nodes <- function(feasibleGenes = NULL, gene2Nodes) {
## Restrict the mappings to the feasibleGenes set
gene2Nodes <- gene2Nodes[intersect(names(gene2Nodes), feasibleGenes)]
## Throw-up the genes which have no annotation
gene2Nodes <- gene2Nodes[!is.na(gene2Nodes)]
gene2Nodes <- gene2Nodes[sapply(gene2Nodes, length) > 0]
## Get all the Terms and keep a one-to-one mapping with the genes
allNodes <- unlist(gene2Nodes, use.names = FALSE)
geneID <- rep(names(gene2Nodes), sapply(gene2Nodes, length))
return(split(geneID, allNodes))
.buildGraph.topology <- function(knownNodes, parentMapping) {
## first build the lookUp table for the terms
nodeLookUp <- new.env(hash = TRUE, parent = emptyenv())
## warping functions for a easier acces to the lookUp table
isNodeInDAG <- function(node) {
return(exists(node, envir = nodeLookUp, mode = 'logical', inherits = FALSE))
setNodeInDAG <- function(node) {
assign(node, TRUE, envir = nodeLookUp)
## get the root of the ontology
GENE.ONTO.ROOT <- setdiff(unique(unlist(parentMapping, use.names = FALSE)),
## we read all the database once and the access the list
adjLookUP <- as.list(parentMapping)
## we use an environment of environments to store edges: (this way is faster)
## in the end we will coerce it to a list of list and build a graphNEL obj.
edgeEnv <- new.env(hash = TRUE, parent = emptyenv())
## add the arc (u --> v) to edgeEnv of type :
envAddEdge <- function(u, v) {
assign(v, 0, envir = get(u, envir = edgeEnv))
## recursivly build the induced graph starting from one node
buildInducedGraph <- function(node) {
## if we have visited the node, there is nothing to do
## we put the node in the graph and we get his parents
setNodeInDAG(node) # we visit the node
assign(node, new.env(hash = TRUE, parent = emptyenv()), envir = edgeEnv) # adj list
if(node == GENE.ONTO.ROOT)
adjNodes <- adjLookUP[[node]]
## debuging point! should not happen!
if(length(adjNodes) == 0)
cat('\n There are no adj nodes for node: ', node, '\n')
for(i in 1:length(adjNodes)) {
x <- as.character(adjNodes[i])
envAddEdge(node, x)
## we start from the most specific nodes
lapply(knownNodes, buildInducedGraph)
## now we must transform our env into a Graph structure
## for now we use lapply, later we can do it with eapply
.graphNodes <- ls(edgeEnv)
.edgeList <- eapply(edgeEnv,
function(adjEnv) {
aux <- as.list(adjEnv)
return(list(edges = match(names(aux), .graphNodes),
weights = as.numeric(aux)))
## now we can build the graphNEL object
nodes = .graphNodes,
edgeL = .edgeList,
edgemode = 'directed'))
.makeTopAnatDataObject <- function(## the child-parrent relationship
## a named numeric or factor, the names are the genes ID
## function to select the signif. genes
geneSelectionFun = NULL,
## minimum node size
nodeSize = 0,
## annotation data
## additional parameters
...) {
## code from new()
ClassDef <- getClass("topGOdata", where = topenv(parent.frame()))
## On Windows, the symbol has a different name:
if (Sys.info()['sysname'] == "Windows"){
packageName <- getNativeSymbolInfo("new_object")$package[['name']]
.Object <- .Call("new_object", ClassDef, PACKAGE=packageName)
} else {
## Mac or Linux:
## .Object <- .Call("R_do_new_object", ClassDef, PACKAGE = "base")
## ## With R > 2.3.1, PACKAGE = "base" doesn't seem to work
## .Object <- .Call("R_do_new_object", ClassDef)
## ## Works if code is sourced, but there is a namespace conflict.
## ## In fact we should not invoke the base package. See this thread:
## ## http://r.789695.n4.nabble.com/question-re-error-message-package-error-quot-
## ## functionName-quot-not-resolved-from-current-namespace-td4663892.html
## ## 'PACKAGE' is meant to name the DLL rather than the R package...
packageName <- getNativeSymbolInfo("R_do_new_object")$package[['name']]
.Object <- .Call("R_do_new_object", ClassDef, PACKAGE=packageName)
## some checking
stop("allGenes must be a named vector")
if(!is.factor(allGenes) && !is.numeric(allGenes))
stop("allGenes should be a factor or a numeric vector")
.Object@allGenes <- names(allGenes)
if(is.factor(allGenes)) {
if(length(levels(allGenes)) != 2)
stop("allGenes must be a factor with 2 levels")
.Object@allScores <- factor(as.character(allGenes))
.Object@geneSelectionFun <- function(x) {
else {
.Object@allScores <- as.numeric(allGenes)
## function to select which genes are significant
warning("No function to select the significant genes provided!")
.Object@geneSelectionFun <- geneSelectionFun
## size of the nodes which will be pruned
.Object@nodeSize = as.integer(nodeSize)
## this function is returning a list of terms from the specified ontology
## with each entry being a vector of genes
cat("\nBuilding 'most specific' Terms......")
mostSpecificTerms <- .annFUN.gene2Nodes(feasibleGenes = .Object@allGenes, gene2Nodes = gene2Nodes)
cat(" (", length(mostSpecificTerms), "Terms found. )\n")
## build the graph starting from the most specific terms ...
cat("\nBuild DAG topology..................")
g <- .buildGraph.topology(names(mostSpecificTerms), parentMapping)
cat(" (", graph::numNodes(g), "terms and", graph::numEdges(g), "relations. )\n")
## probably is good to store the levels but for the moment we don't
.nodeLevel <- buildLevels(g, leafs2root = TRUE)
## annotate the nodes in the graph with genes
cat("\nAnnotating nodes (Can be long)......")
g <- topGO:::mapGenes2GOgraph(g, mostSpecificTerms, nodeLevel = .nodeLevel) ## leafs2root
## select the feasible genes
gRoot <- getGraphRoot(g)
feasibleGenes <- ls(graph::nodeData(g, n = gRoot, attr = "genes")[[gRoot]])
cat(" (", length(feasibleGenes), "genes annotated to the nodes. )\n")
.Object@feasible <- .Object@allGenes %in% feasibleGenes
cc <- .countsInNode(g, graph::nodes(g))
.Object@graph <- graph::subGraph(names(cc)[cc >= .Object@nodeSize], g)
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