#' Run lefser at different clades
#' \code{lefesrCaldes} Agglomerates the features abundance at different
#' taxonomic ranks using [mia::splitByRanks][mia::splitByRanks]
#' and performs lefser at each rank. The analysis is run at the species,
#' genus, family, order, class, and phylum levels.
#' @param relab A
#' (Tree) [SummarizedExperiment][SummarizedExperiment::SummarizedExperiment-class]
#' with full taxonomy in the rowData @param ... Arguments passed to the
#' \code{lefser} function.
#' @return An object of class 'lefser_df_clades', "lefser_df", and 'data.frame'.
#' @details
#' When running \code{lefserClades}, all features with NAs in the rowData will
#' be dropped. This is to avoid creating artificial clades with NAs.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data("zeller14")
#' z14 <- zeller14[, zeller14$study_condition != "adenoma"]
#' tn <- get_terminal_nodes(rownames(z14))
#' z14tn <- z14[tn, ]
#' z14tn_ra <- relativeAb(z14tn)
#' z14_input <- rowNames2RowData(z14tn_ra)
#' resCl <- lefserClades(relab = z14_input, classCol = "study_condition")
lefserClades <- function(relab, ...) {
se <- .selectTaxRanks(relab)
se <- .appendRankLetter(se)
l <- .dropFeatures(se)
se <- l[["se"]]
pathStrings <- l[["pathStrings"]]
seL <- as.list(mia::splitByRanks(se))
## Kingdom would not be informative
# seL <- seL[!names(seL) %in% "kingdom"]
msgRanks <- paste(names(seL), collapse = ", ")
msgRanks <- msgRanks[length(msgRanks):1]
"lefser will be run at the ", msgRanks, " level."
seL <- purrr::imap(seL, function(x, idx) {
seVar <- x
row_data <- as.data.frame(SummarizedExperiment::rowData(seVar))
row_data <- row_data[,1:which(colnames(row_data) == idx), drop = FALSE]
# row_data <- purrr::discard(row_data, ~ all(is.na(.x)))
SummarizedExperiment::rowData(seVar) <- S4Vectors::DataFrame(row_data)
newRowNames <- .rowData2PathStrings(seVar)
BiocGenerics::rownames(seVar) <- newRowNames
resL <- purrr::imap(seL, function(x, idx, ...) {
"\n>>>> Running lefser at the ", idx, " level.",
" <<<<"
lefser(relab = x,...),
warning = function(w) {
if (grepl("relativeAb", w$message)) {
controlVar <- resL |>
purrr::map(~ attr(.x, "lclassf")) |>
unlist(use.names = FALSE) |>
caseVar <- resL |>
purrr::map(~ attr(.x, "case")) |>
unlist(use.names = FALSE) |>
classArgVar <- resL |>
purrr::map(~ attr(.x, "class_arg")) |>
unlist(use.names = FALSE) |>
subclassArgVar <- resL |>
purrr::map(~ attr(.x, "subclass_arg")) |>
unlist(use.names = FALSE) |>
names(resL) <- names(seL)
res <- dplyr::bind_rows(resL, .id = "Rank") |>
dplyr::relocate(.data$Rank, .after = tidyselect::last_col())
class(res) <- c("lefser_df_clades", class(res))
attr(res, "pathStrings") <- pathStrings
attr(res, "tree") <- .toTree(pathStrings)
attr(res, "lclassf") <- controlVar
attr(res, "case") <- caseVar
attr(res, "inputSE") <- seL
attr(res, "class_arg") <- classArgVar
attr(res, "subclass_arg") <- subclassArgVar
## This functions makes sure that only the taxonomy
## is used for the rowData.
## OTU's or other non-typical taxonomic ranks will not be included.
.getTaxonomyFromPathStr <- function(pathStrings) {
rgx <- "^k__[^|]+\\|p__[^|]+\\|c__[^|]+\\|o__[^|]+\\|f__[^|]+(\\|g__[^|]+)?(\\|s__[^|]+)?(\\|t__[^|]+)?"
stringr::str_extract(pathStrings, pattern = rgx)
## This function selects pathStrings containing only
## taxa that is differentiallty abundant
.selectPathStrings <- function(se, res) {
pathStrings <- rownames(se)
index <- res$features |>
purrr::map(~ which(stringr::str_detect(pathStrings, .x))) |>
unlist() |>
unique() |>
pathStrings <- pathStrings[index]
.rowData2PathStrings <- function(se) {
xDat <- as.data.frame(SummarizedExperiment::rowData(se))
pathStrings <- tidyr::unite(
data = xDat, col = "taxonomy", sep = "|",
) |>
pathStrings <- sub("(\\|NA)+$", "", pathStrings)
.selectTaxRanks <- function(x) {
taxNames <- c(
"kingdom", "phylum", "class", "order", "family",
"genus", "species", "strain"
se <- x
rowDat <- SummarizedExperiment::rowData(se)
colnames(rowDat) <- stringr::str_to_lower(colnames(rowDat))
if ("superkingdom" %in% colnames(rowDat)) {
message("superkingdom --> kingdom")
colnames(rowDat)[which(colnames(rowDat) == "superkingdom")] <- "kingdom"
selectCols <- intersect(taxNames, colnames(rowDat))
SummarizedExperiment::rowData(se) <- rowDat[, selectCols]
.appendRankLetter <- function(x) {
se <- x
rowDat <- SummarizedExperiment::rowData(se)
for (i in seq_along(rowDat)) {
chr_vct <- rowDat[[i]]
rankName <- colnames(rowDat)[i]
rankLetter <- dplyr::case_when(
rankName == "kingdom" ~ "k__",
rankName == "phylum" ~ "p__",
rankName == "class" ~ "c__",
rankName == "order" ~ "o__",
rankName == "family" ~ "f__",
rankName == "genus" ~ "g__",
rankName == "species" ~ "s__",
rankName == "strain" ~ "t__",
# rankLetter <- stringr::str_c(
# stringr::str_extract(colnames(rowDat)[i], "^\\w"), "__"
# )
rowDat[[i]] <- stringr::str_c(rankLetter, chr_vct)
SummarizedExperiment::rowData(se) <- rowDat
.dropFeatures <- function(x) {
se <- x
row_data <- as.data.frame(SummarizedExperiment::rowData(se))
nrow1 <- nrow(row_data)
for (i in seq_along(row_data)) {
sumNA <- sum(is.na(row_data[[i]]))
if (sumNA > 0) {
sumNA, " features don't have ", colnames(row_data)[i],
" information."
row_data <- tidyr::drop_na(row_data)
nrow2 <- nrow(row_data)
if (nrow1 > nrow2) {
"Dropped ", nrow1 - nrow2,
" features without full taxonomy information."
se <- se[rownames(row_data),]
pathStrings <- sort(unique(.rowData2PathStrings(se)))
l1 <- length(pathStrings)
tips <- stringr::str_extract(pathStrings, "(|\\w__\\w+)?$")
dupTips <- tips[which(duplicated(tips))]
pathStrings <- pathStrings[!tips %in% dupTips]
l2 <- length(pathStrings)
if (l1 > l2) {
"Dropped ", l1 - l2,
" features with duplicated tip names."
list(se = se, pathStrings = pathStrings)
## Convert a character vector with pathStrings into a cladogram
## These could come from the rownames of a SummarizedExperiment with
## terminal nodes
.toTree <- function(pathStrs) {
edgeDF <- pathStrs |>
purrr::map(.pathString2EdgeList) |>
dplyr::bind_rows() |>
tipLabels <- stringr::str_extract(pathStrs, "[^|]+$")
nodeLabels <- unique(edgeDF$from)
idMap <- 1:(length(tipLabels) + length(nodeLabels))
names(idMap) <- c(tipLabels, nodeLabels)
edgeMat <- matrix(
data = c(idMap[edgeDF$from], idMap[edgeDF$to]),
ncol = 2
tr <- list(
edge = edgeMat,
tip.label = tipLabels,
node.label = nodeLabels,
Nnode = length(nodeLabels),
Ntip = length(tipLabels)
class(tr) <- "phylo"
## Helper function for .toTree
## Input is a single path string, e.g., "k__bacteria|p_Fusobacteria..."
.pathString2EdgeList <- function(pathStr) {
pathStrRoot <- stringr::str_c("ROOT|", pathStr)
chr_vct <- stringr::str_split(pathStrRoot, "\\|")[[1]]
from = chr_vct[1:length(chr_vct)-1],
to = chr_vct[2:length(chr_vct)]
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