.isSingleType <- function(x, test = is.character) {
test(x) && length(x) == 1L && !is.na(x)
#' OncoPrint for TCGA Mutation Assays
#' @param multiassayexperiment A `MultiAssayExperiment`, usually from
#' `curatedTCGAData`
#' @param matchassay character(1) The name of the assay containing mutation
#' data, this can be a pattern (e.g., "*_Mutation-*", the default)
#' @param variantCol character(1) The name of the metadata column containing
#' the mutation categories, usually "Variant_Classification" in TCGA
#' @param brewerPal character(1) The name of the `RColorBrewer::brewer.pal`
#' palette, (default: "Set3")
#' @param ntop integer(1) The number of the top N genes for displaying based
#' on per-sample mutation frequency
#' @param incl.thresh double(1) The inclusion threshold for empirical mutations,
#' mutations less frequent than this value will not be included
#' @param rowcol character(1) The name of the column in the metadata to annotate
#' the rows with either "Hugo_Symbol" (default) or
#' @examples
#' library(curatedTCGAData)
#' acc <- curatedTCGAData("ACC", "Mutation", version = "1.1.38", FALSE)
#' oncoPrintTCGA(acc)
#' @return An oncoPrint plot of mutations
#' @export
oncoPrintTCGA <-
function(multiassayexperiment, matchassay = "*_Mutation-*",
variantCol = "Variant_Classification", brewerPal = "Set3", ntop = 25,
incl.thresh = 0.01, rowcol = "Hugo_Symbol")
.isSingleType(matchassay), .isSingleType(variantCol),
.isSingleType(brewerPal), .isSingleType(ntop, is.numeric),
is(multiassayexperiment, "MultiAssayExperiment"),
.isSingleType(incl.thresh, is.numeric), .isSingleType(rowcol)
.checkPkgsAvail(c("org.Hs.eg.db", "ComplexHeatmap", "RColorBrewer"))
mutname <- grep(utils::glob2rx(matchassay),
names(multiassayexperiment), value = TRUE)
if (length(mutname) > 1)
stop("Only one mutation assay supported at this time")
ragex <- multiassayexperiment[[mutname]]
stopifnot(is(ragex, "RaggedExperiment"))
rownames(ragex) <- mcols(ragex)[[rowcol]]
somaticnonsilent <- mcols(ragex)[["Mutation_Status"]] == "Somatic" &
mcols(ragex)[[variantCol]] != "Silent"
ragex <- ragex[somaticnonsilent, ]
Variants <- mcols(ragex)[[variantCol]]
Variants <- gsub("_", " ", Variants)
mcols(ragex)[[variantCol]] <- Variants
types <- table(Variants)
tottypes <- sum(types)
incl <- (types/tottypes) > incl.thresh
types <- types[incl]
validvariants <- setNames(names(types), names(types))
ragex <- ragex[mcols(ragex)[[variantCol]] %in% validvariants, ]
rr <- BiocGenerics::unstrand(RaggedExperiment::rowRanges(ragex))
ragex <- RaggedExperiment::`rowRanges<-`(ragex, value = rr)
gen <- GenomeInfoDb::genome(ragex)
genomeannot <- unique(gen)
genomelen <- length(gen)
if (length(genomeannot) > 1)
stop("'genome' annotation is not consistent")
if (!grepl("^[Hh][Gg]", genomeannot)) {
cbuild <- correctBuild(genomeannot, "NCBI")
ragex <- GenomeInfoDb::`genome<-`(ragex, cbuild)
ragex <- GenomeInfoDb::`seqlevelsStyle<-`(ragex, "UCSC")
genomeannot <- translateBuild(genomeannot)
.checkPkgsAvail(paste0("TxDb.Hsapiens.UCSC.", genomeannot, ".knownGene"))
gn <- sort(.getGN(genomeannot, "genes"))
gn <- BiocGenerics::unstrand(gn)
gn <- gn[!is.na(names(gn))]
sqls <- seqlevelsStyle(ragex)
seqlevelsStyle(gn) <- sqls
simplify_fun <- function(scores, ranges, qranges)
{ any(scores != "Silent") }
res <- RaggedExperiment::qreduceAssay(
ragex, gn, simplify_fun, "Variant_Classification", background = FALSE
rownames(res) <- names(gn)
topgenes <- head(sort(rowSums(res), decreasing = TRUE), ntop)
gn2 <- gn[match(names(topgenes), names(gn))]
qualcolors <-
RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(n = length(validvariants), brewerPal)
colors <- setNames(qualcolors, validvariants)
colfuns <- lapply(colors, function(couleur) {
args <- alist(x =, y =, w =, h =)
args <- as.pairlist(args)
body <- substitute({
grid::grid.rect(x, y, w, h, gp = grid::gpar(fill = z, col = NA))
}, list(z = couleur))
eval(call("function", args, body))
background <- function(x, y, w, h)
grid::grid.rect(x, y, w, h,
gp = grid::gpar(fill = "#FFFFFF", col = "#FFFFFF"))
mutfuns <- c(background = background, colfuns)
simplify_funs <- lapply(validvariants,
function(variant) {
args <- alist(scores =, ranges =, qranges =)
args <- as.pairlist(args)
body <- substitute({
as.numeric(any(S4Vectors::`%in%`(scores, z)))
}, list(z = variant))
eval(call("function", args, body))
list_mats <- lapply(simplify_funs, function(variant_fun) {
res <- RaggedExperiment::qreduceAssay(ragex, gn2, variant_fun,
"Variant_Classification", background = 0)
rownames(res) <- names(gn2)
list_mats, alter_fun = mutfuns, col = colors, show_pct = FALSE
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