
Defines functions TCGAbarcode .checkBarcodes .uniqueDelim

Documented in TCGAbarcode

.uniqueDelim <- function(ids) {
    nonnum <- gsub("[a-zA-Z0-9]", "", ids)
    dels <- unique(unlist(
        strsplit(nonnum, "")
    if (!length(dels))
        dels <- ""

.checkBarcodes <- function(barcodes, check.sample = FALSE) {
    if (!all(startsWith(toupper(barcodes), "TCGA")))
        stop("Barcodes must start with 'TCGA'")
    filler <- .uniqueDelim(barcodes)
    if (length(filler) != 1L)
        stop("Barcode delimiters not consistent")
    bcodelens <- unique(nchar(barcodes))
    if (length(bcodelens) > 1L)
        warning("Inconsistent barcode lengths: ",
            paste(bcodelens, collapse = ", "))
    if (check.sample) {
        if (any(bcodelens < 15L))
        stop("'barcodes' should be at least 15 characters ",
                "with sample information")

#' Parse data from TCGA barcode
#' This function returns the specified snippet of information obtained from
#' the TCGA barcode.
#' @param barcodes A character vector of TCGA barcodes
#' @param participant Logical (default TRUE) participant identifier chunk
#' @param sample Logical (default FALSE) includes the numeric sample code of
#' the barcode and the vial letter
#' @param portion Logical (default FALSE) includes the portion and analyte
#' codes of the barcode
#' @param plate Logical (default FALSE) returns the plate value
#' @param center Logical (default FALSE) returns a matrix with the plate and
#' center codes
#' @param index An optional numeric vector indicating barcode positions when
#'   split by the delimiter (i.e., hyphen '-'). For example, an index of
#'   `c(1, 2)` corresponds to 'TCGA-ZZ' in `TCGA-ZZ-A1A1`.
#' @return A character vector or data matrix of TCGA barcode information
#' @author M. Ramos
#' @examples
#' barcodes <- c("TCGA-B0-5117-11A-01D-1421-08",
#' "TCGA-B0-5094-11A-01D-1421-08",
#' "TCGA-E9-A295-10A-01D-A16D-09")
#' ## Patient identifiers
#' TCGAbarcode(barcodes)
#' ## Sample identifiers
#' TCGAbarcode(barcodes, sample = TRUE)
#' @export TCGAbarcode
TCGAbarcode <- function(barcodes, participant = TRUE, sample = FALSE,
    portion = FALSE, plate = FALSE, center = FALSE, index = NULL)
    filler <- .uniqueDelim(barcodes)
    stopifnot(is.null(index) || is.numeric(index))
    if (is.null(index))
        index <- which(
            c(rep(participant, 3), sample, portion, plate, center)
    barcodeMat <- do.call(rbind, strsplit(barcodes, filler))
    apply(barcodeMat[, index, drop = FALSE], 1L, paste, collapse = filler)
waldronlab/BiocInterfaces documentation built on Dec. 19, 2024, 2:07 p.m.