fmt_identity <- function(...) {
out <- function(x) return(x)
class(out) <- c("fmt_factory", class(out))
#' Rounding with a user-supplied function in the `fmt` argument
#' @noRd
#' @param fun A function which accepts a numeric vector and returns a numeric vector of the same length.
fmt_function <- function(fun) {
out <- function(x, ...) {
if (isTRUE(checkmate::check_data_frame(x))) {
for (n in colnames(x)) {
if (is.numeric(x[[n]])) {
x[[n]] <- fun(x[[n]])
x[[n]] <- fmt_nainf(x[[n]])
x[[n]] <- fmt_mathmode(x[[n]])
} else if (isTRUE(checkmate::check_numeric(x))) {
x <- fun(x)
x <- fmt_nainf(x)
x <- fmt_mathmode(x)
class(out) <- c("fmt_factory", class(out))
#' Rounding with the `sprintf()` function in the `fmt` argument
#' @param fmt A string to control `sprintf()`, such as `"%.3f"` to keep 3 decimal digits. See `?sprintf`
#' @export
fmt_sprintf <- function(fmt) {
fun <- function(k) sprintf(fmt, k)
out <- function(x, ...) {
class(out) <- c("fmt_factory", class(out))
#' Rounding using scientific notation
#' @param digits a positive integer indicating how many significant digits are to be used for numeric and complex `x`.
#' @param ... additional arguments passed to `format()`.
#' @export
fmt_sci <- function(digits = 3, ...) {
fun <- function(k) format(k, digits = digits, scientific = TRUE, trim = TRUE, ...)
out <- function(x, ...) {
class(out) <- c("fmt_factory", class(out))
#' Rounding with decimal digits in the `fmt` argument
#' @param digits Number of decimal digits to keep, including trailing zeros.
#' @param pdigits Number of decimal digits to keep for p values. If `NULL`, the value of `digits` is used.
#' @param ... Additional arguments are passed to the `format()` function (e.g., `big.marks`, `scientific`). See `?format`
#' @export
fmt_decimal <- function(digits = 3, pdigits = NULL, ...) {
if (is.null(pdigits)) {
pdigits <- digits
out <- function(x, pval = FALSE, ...) {
fun <- function(z, ...) {
if (isTRUE(digits == 0)) {
out <- sprintf("%.0f", z)
} else {
out <- format(
round(z, digits),
nsmall = digits,
drop0trailing = FALSE,
trim = TRUE,
# long numbers default to scientific notation with too many digits
if (isTRUE(grepl("e", out))) {
out <- format(z, digits = digits, scientific = TRUE, trim = TRUE, ...)
# add back minus sign if rounded to 0.000
out <- add_sign(out, z)
pfun <- function(z, ...) {
threshold <- 10^-pdigits
ifelse(z < threshold,
paste0("<", format(round(threshold, pdigits), trim = TRUE)),
format(round(z, pdigits), nsmall = pdigits, trim = TRUE), ...)
if (isTRUE(checkmate::check_data_frame(x))) {
for (n in colnames(x)) {
if (is.numeric(x[[n]])) {
if (n == "p.value") {
x[[n]] <- pfun(x[[n]], ...)
} else {
x[[n]] <- fun(x[[n]], ...)
x[[n]] <- fmt_mathmode(x[[n]])
x[[n]] <- fmt_nainf(x[[n]])
} else {
x[[n]] <- as.character(x[[n]])
x[[n]] <- fmt_nainf(x[[n]])
} else if (isTRUE(checkmate::check_numeric(x))) {
if (isTRUE(pval)) {
x <- pfun(x, ...)
} else {
x <- fun(x, ...)
x <- fmt_mathmode(x)
x <- fmt_nainf(x)
class(out) <- c("fmt_factory", class(out))
#' Rounding with significant digits in the `fmt` argument
#' The number of decimal digits to keep after the decimal is assessed
#' @param digits Number of significant digits to keep.
#' @param ... Additional arguments are passed to the `format()` function (e.g., `big.marks`, `scientific`). See `?format`
#' @export
fmt_significant <- function(digits = 3, ...) {
fun <- function(x) format(x, digits = digits, trim = TRUE, ...)
out <- function(x) {
if (isTRUE(checkmate::check_data_frame(x))) {
# unsupported columns/statistics: decimal rounding
z <- fmt_decimal(digits = digits)(x)
# supported columns/statistics: significant rounding
cols <- c("estimate", "std.error", "conf.low", "conf.high")
cols <- intersect(colnames(x), cols)
tmp <- x[, cols, drop = FALSE]
tmp <- apply(tmp, 1, FUN = fun)
tmp <-, col.names = cols)
for (n in colnames(tmp)) {
z[[n]] <- tmp[[n]]
z[[n]] <- fmt_nainf(z[[n]])
z[[n]] <- fmt_mathmode(z[[n]])
z[[n]] <- add_sign(z[[n]], tmp[[n]])
out <- z
} else if (isTRUE(checkmate::check_numeric(x))) {
out <- fun(x)
out <- fmt_nainf(out)
out <- fmt_mathmode(out)
class(out) <- c("fmt_factory", class(out))
#' Rounding with decimal digits on a per-statistic basis in the `fmt` argument for `modelsummary()`
#' @param ... Statistic names and `fmt` value
#' @param default Number of decimal digits to keep for unspecified terms
#' @export
fmt_statistic <- function(..., default = 3) {
args <- utils::modifyList(list(...), list("default" = default))
if (!isTRUE(checkmate::check_list(args, names = "named"))) {
msg <- "All arguments of the `fmt_statistic()` function must be named."
for (i in seq_along(args)) {
args[[i]] <- sanitize_fmt(args[[i]])
if ("" %in% names(args)) {
args[["conf.low"]] <- args[["conf.high"]] <- args[[""]]
out <- function(x, unknown = TRUE) {
if (!isTRUE(checkmate::check_data_frame(x))) {
msg <- "`fmt_statistic()` only supports data frames."
for (n in colnames(x)) {
if (is.numeric(x[[n]])) {
# in fmt_statistic()
if (n %in% names(args)) {
x[[n]] <- args[[n]](x[[n]])
x[[n]] <- fmt_nainf(x[[n]])
x[[n]] <- fmt_mathmode(x[[n]])
# defaults
} else if (isTRUE(unknown)) {
x[[n]] <- args[["default"]](x[[n]])
x[[n]] <- fmt_nainf(x[[n]])
x[[n]] <- fmt_mathmode(x[[n]])
class(out) <- c("fmt_factory", "fmt_statistic", class(out))
#' Rounding with decimal digits on a per-term basis in the `fmt` argument for `modelsummary()`
#' @param ... Term names and `fmt` value
#' @param default Number of decimal digits to keep for unspecified terms
#' @export
fmt_term <- function(..., default = 3) {
args <- utils::modifyList(list(...), list("default" = default))
if (!isTRUE(checkmate::check_list(args, names = "named"))) {
msg <- "All arguments of the `fmt_statistic()` function must be named."
for (i in seq_along(args)) {
args[[i]] <- sanitize_fmt(args[[i]])
out <- function(x) {
if (!isTRUE(checkmate::check_data_frame(x)) || !"term" %in% colnames(x)) {
msg <- "`fmt_term()` only supports data frames with a `term` column."
atomic <- lapply(as.list(x), as.list)
for (col in seq_along(atomic)) {
for (row in seq_along(atomic[[col]])) {
if (is.numeric(atomic[[col]][[row]])) {
if (x$term[row] %in% names(args)) {
atomic[[col]][[row]] <- args[[x$term[row]]](atomic[[col]][[row]])
} else {
atomic[[col]][[row]] <- args[["default"]](atomic[[col]][[row]])
atomic[[col]][[row]] <- fmt_nainf(atomic[[col]][[row]])
atomic[[col]][[row]] <- fmt_mathmode(atomic[[col]][[row]])
x <-"cbind", lapply(atomic, as.vector))
x <- data.frame(x)
class(out) <- c("fmt_factory", class(out))
fmt_mathmode <- function(x) {
out <- x
## LaTeX siunitx \num{}
flag <- settings_equal("output_format", c("latex", "latex_tabular")) ||
settings_equal("output_format_ultimate", c("latex", "latex_tabular"))
if (flag) {
if (settings_equal("format_numeric_latex", "siunitx")) {
if (!settings_equal("dcolumn_stars_mbox", TRUE)) {
out <- sprintf("\\num{%s}", out)
} else if (settings_equal("format_numeric_latex", c("dollars", "mathmode"))) {
out <- sprintf("$%s$", out)
## HTML: convert hyphen-minus to minus
if (settings_equal("output_format", c("html", "kableExtra"))) {
# in hebrew or chinese locales, the html minus signs does not appear and it underlines the whole number.
if (settings_equal("modelsummary_format_numeric_html", "minus") && settings_equal("known_locale", TRUE)) {
out <- gsub("\\-", "\u2212", out)
} else if (settings_equal("modelsummary_format_numeric_html", c("mathjax", "dollars"))) {
out <- sprintf("$%s$", out)
# we usually run fmt_mathmode before this
out <- gsub("\\\\num\\{\\}", "", out)
fmt_nainf <- function(x) {
if (is.factor(x) || is.logical(x) || is.character(x)) {
x <- as.character(x)
# Remove weird numbers before wrapping in siunitx
out <- gsub("^NA$|^NaN$|^-Inf$|^Inf$|^\\\\num\\{NA\\}|^\\\\num\\{NaN\\}|^\\\\num\\{-Inf\\}|^\\\\num\\{Inf\\}", "", x)
# empty siunitx
out <- gsub("\\\\num\\{\\}", "", out)
#' Rounding with number of digits determined by an equivalence test
#' This function implements the suggestions of Astier & Wolak for the number of decimal digits to keep for coefficient estimates. The other statistics are rounded by `fmt_significant()`.
#' @param conf_level Confidence level to use for the equivalence test (1 - alpha).
#' @inheritParams fmt_significant
#' @inheritParams fmt_decimal
#' @references
#' Astier, Nicolas, and Frank A. Wolak. Credible Numbers: A Procedure for Reporting Statistical Precision in Parameter Estimates. No. w32124. National Bureau of Economic Research, 2024.
#' @examples
#' library(modelsummary)
#' mod <- lm(mpg ~ hp, mtcars)
#' # Default equivalence-based formatting
#' modelsummary(mod, fmt = fmt_equivalence())
#' # alpha = 0.2
#' modelsummary(mod, fmt = fmt_equivalence(conf_level = .8))
#' # default equivalence, but with alternative significant digits for other statistics
#' modelsummary(mod, fmt = fmt_equivalence(digits = 5))
#' @export
fmt_equivalence <- function(conf_level = 0.95, digits = 3, pdigits = NULL, ...) {
alpha <- 1 - conf_level
fun_sig <- fmt_significant(digits = digits, pdigits = pdigits)
out <- function(x) {
if (!isTRUE(checkmate::check_data_frame(x))) {
msg <- "`fmt_equivalence()` only accepts data frames, not vectors."
if (!all(c("estimate", "std.error") %in% colnames(x))) {
msg <- "The data frame to format must include an `estimate` and a `std.error` column."
x_out <- fun_sig(x)
# Rank of last reported digit (first non-significant digit)
x$fnsd <- ceiling((log(x$std.error) + log(stats::qnorm(p = (1 - alpha)))) / log(10)) - 1
# 1/ Format estimates (code provided by Nicolas Astier)
estimate_string <- as.character(x$estimate)
# Point estimates for which no scientific notation is needed
if (sum(x$fnsd <= 0) > 0) {
estimate_string[x$fnsd <= 0] <- unlist(
X = 1:sum(x$fnsd <= 0),
FUN = function(z) {
format(round(x$estimate[x$fnsd <= 0][z],
digits = -x$fnsd[x$fnsd <= 0][z]),
nsmall = -x$fnsd[x$fnsd <= 0][z])
# Point estimates for which scientific notation is needed
if (sum(x$fnsd > 0) > 0) {
estimate_string[x$fnsd > 0] <- unlist(
X = 1:sum(x$fnsd > 0),
FUN = function(z) {
order_x <- floor(log(abs(x$estimate[x$fnsd > 0][z])) / log(10))
if (order_x >= x$fnsd[x$fnsd > 0][z]) {
return(formatC(x$estimate[x$fnsd > 0][x], format = "e", digits = order_x - x$fnsd[x$fnsd > 0][z]))
} else {
# Update dataframe
x_out$estimate <- estimate_string
class(out) <- c("fmt_factory", class(out))
add_sign <- function(string, number) {
if (!is.numeric(number)) return(string)
out <- ifelse(sign(number) == -1 & !grepl("^-", string),
paste0("-", string), string)
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