plotPCA2D <- function(my.data, pc.importance, my.names, my.colors, comp = c(1, 2), posText = 4) {
# stopifnot(require(rgl)) ### ModAlba
scores <- my.data$x
rownames(scores) <- my.names
Xlims <- c(min(scores[, comp[1]]) - ((max(scores[, comp[1]]) - min(scores[, comp[1]]))/6), max(scores[, comp[1]]))
Ylims <- c(min(scores[, comp[2]]), max(scores[, comp[2]]))
main = "Principal Components 2D Plot",
xlab = paste0("PC", comp[1], " ", round(pc.importance[2, comp[1]]*100, 1), "%"),
ylab = paste0("PC", comp[2], " ", round(pc.importance[2, comp[2]]*100, 1), "%"),
xlim = Xlims, ylim = Ylims, type = "n")
for(i in 1:dim(scores)[1]) {
points(scores[i, comp[1]],
scores[i, comp[2]],
pch = 19, col = my.colors[i])
text(scores[, comp[1]],
scores[, comp[2]],
my.names, cex = 0.6, pos = posText)
plotPCA3D <- function(my.data, pc.importance, my.names, my.colors, comp = c(1, 2, 3)) {
# stopifnot(require(rgl)) ### ModAlba
scores <- my.data$x
rownames(scores) <- my.names
Xlims <- c(min(scores[, comp[1]]), max(scores[, comp[1]]))
Ylims <- c(min(scores[, comp[2]]), max(scores[, comp[2]]))
Zlims <- c(min(scores[, comp[3]]), max(scores[, comp[3]]))
main = "Principal Components 3D Plot",
xlab = paste0("PC", comp[1], " ", round(pc.importance[2, comp[1]]*100, 1), "%"),
ylab = paste0("PC", comp[2], " ", round(pc.importance[2, comp[2]]*100, 1), "%"),
zlab = paste0("PC", comp[3], " ", round(pc.importance[2, comp[3]]*100, 1), "%"),
xlim = Xlims, ylim = Ylims, zlim = Zlims, type = "n", size = 4)
for(i in 1:dim(scores)[1]) {
points3d(scores[i, comp[1]],
scores[i, comp[2]],
scores[i, comp[3]],
size = 4, pch = 19, col = my.colors[i])
text3d(scores[, comp[1]],
scores[, comp[2]],
scores[, comp[3]],
my.names, cex = 0.6, pos = 4)
doPCAplot <- function(my.data,
sampleNames ,
my.colors ,
my.groups ,
my.cex = 0.8,
cor = TRUE,
comp = c(1, 2),
posText = 4,
dim3 = FALSE,
my.PCAplot = TRUE,
x.coord = -100,
y.coord = 100,
pch = 19) {
if(my.PCAplot) {
pc.my.norm <- prcomp(t(exprs(my.data)))
pc.importance <- summary(pc.my.norm)$importance
print(round(pc.importance, 3))
comp <- c(1, 2)
plotPCA2D(pc.my.norm, pc.importance, sampleNames, my.colors, comp, posText)
if(dim3) {
comp <- c(1, 2, 3)
plotPCA3D(pc.my.norm, pc.importance, sampleNames, my.colors, comp)
normplots <- function(my.data, sampleNames, my.colors, my.groups, my.method = "average",
my.cex = 0.7, posText = 4, dim3 = FALSE, PCAPlots = TRUE, outputDir, csv = csv) {
### Boxplots
opt <- par(las = 2, cex.axis = my.cex)
boxplot(exprs(my.data), col = my.colors, names = sampleNames, las = 2 , main = "Normalized (RMA) data", cex.axis = my.cex)
### Dendrograma
opt <- par(las = 2, cex = my.cex)
clust.euclid.average <- hclust(dist(t(exprs(my.data))), method = my.method)
plot(clust.euclid.average, main = "Hierarchical clustering of samples", labels = sampleNames, hang = -1, xlab = " ", sub = " ")
### PCA
doPCAplot(my.data, sampleNames, my.colors, my.groups, my.cex, PCAFFile, outputDir = outputDir, cor, comp, posText = posText,
dim3 = dim3, csv = csv, my.PCAplot = PCAPlots, x.coord = -100, y.coord = 100, pch = 19)
#' normplots2File
#' normplots2File plots the result of the normalized data and creates a file.
#' @param my.data Normalized data.
#' @param sampleNames Names of the samples of the normalized data.
#' @param my.colors Colores used in the plots.
#' @param my.groups Name of the groups in the plots
#' @param my.method Method used to make the clusters.
#' @param my.cex Cex used in the plots.
#' @param posText Position of the text.
#' @param dim3 If TRUE the PCA plot is in 3D.
#' @param fileName Name of the file created.
#' @param outputDir Path of the file created.
#' @param PCAPlots If TRUE PCA plots will be created.
#' @param csv Indicates the file type.
#' @param lFile Name of the links file.
#' @importFrom links2File addToLinksFile
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' load("./ResultsDir/normalizedData.Rda")
#' repes <- duplicated(exprs(my.norm), MARGIN=1)
#' exprs(my.norm) <- exprs(my.norm)[!repes,]
#' eset_norm <- my.norm
#' my.colors <- rainbow(length(sampleNames(eset_norm)))
#' my.names <- pData(eset_norm)$ShortName
#' myCex<- 0.8
#' dim3 <- FALSE
#' fileName <- "NormalizedPlots.pdf"
#' outputDir <- "./ResultsDir"
#' PCAPlots <- TRUE
#' csv <- "csv2"
#' normplots2File(my.data = eset_norm, sampleNames = my.names, my.colors = my.colors,
#' my.groups = pData(eset_norm)$Group, my.method = "average",my.cex = myCex ,
#' posText = 2, dim3 = FALSE,fileName = fileName, outputDir = outputDir,PCAPlots = TRUE,
#' csv = fileType)}
#' @export
normplots2File <- function(my.data,
my.method = "average",
my.cex = 0.7,
posText = 4,
dim3 = FALSE,
PCAPlots = TRUE,
lFile = NULL) {
if(!is.null(fileName)) pdf(file.path(outputDir, fileName))
normplots(my.data = my.data, sampleNames = sampleNames, my.colors = my.colors,
my.groups = my.groups, my.method = my.method, my.cex = my.cex, posText = posText,
dim3 = dim3, PCAPlots = PCAPlots, outputDir = outputDir)
if(!is.null(fileName)) dev.off()
addToLinksFile(linksFile = lFile, fileName, categ = 'QC', desc = "Plots of normalized data")
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