plotClust <- function(mydata, ind.cut, i, scal = FALSE, ...)
my.col <- ncol(mydata)
matData <- matrix(mydata[ind.cut == i, ], ncol = my.col)
if(scal) {matData <- (t(scale(t(matData), scale = F)) + mean(matData))}
matplot(1:my.col, t(matData), type = "l", xlab = "", ylab = "log-Expression",
las = 2, axes = FALSE, main = paste("Cluster ", i, sep = ""), ...)
usr <- par("usr")
rect(usr[1], usr[3], usr[2], usr[4], border = "black")
axis(2, las = 2, cex.axis = 0.7)
# axis(1, at = 1:my.col, lab = colnames(mydata), las = 2, cex.axis = 0.5) ### ModAlba
axis(1, at = 1:my.col, labels = colnames(mydata), las = 2, cex.axis = 0.5) ### ModAlba
write2csv <- function(, fileName, csv = c("csv2", "csv", "txt", "xls"), outputDir) {
fileName <- file.path(outputDir, paste(fileName, substr(csv[1], 1, 3) , sep = "."))
switch (csv[1],
"csv" = write.csv(, file = fileName, quote = F),
"csv2" = write.csv2(, file = fileName, quote = F),
"txt" = write.table(, file = fileName, quote = F))
#' clusterAnalysis
#' Function to make the cluster analysis.
#' @param expres Expresion oused to perform the clusters.
#' @param genes ????
#' @param samples ????
#' @param sampleNames Name of the samples of the study.
#' @param comparisonName Name of the comparison. To identify the output
#' @param anotPackage Annotation package.
#' @param my.symbols ????
#' @param outputDir Path of the file created.
#' @param fileOfLinks Name of the links file.
#' @param numClusters ????
#' @param rowDistance Row distance in the clusters.
#' @param colDistance Column distance in the clusters.
#' @param RowVals ????
#' @param ColVals ?????
#' @param colorsSet ???
#' @param colsForGroups Colors of each group for the plots.
#' @param escala ???
#' @param densityInfo ???
#' @param cexForColumns Cex for the columns.
#' @param cexForRows Cex for the rows.
#' @param plotProfiles ???
#' @param Title Title of the plot.
#' @param csvType Csv type of the output.
#' @importFrom stats hclust
#' @importFrom stats as.dendrogram
#' @importFrom gplots heatmap.2
#' @importFrom links2File addToLinksFile
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' for(i in 1:length(compName)) {
#' matrices <- as.logical(apply(abs(as.matrix(cont.matrix[, wCont[[i]]])), 1, sum))
#' s2clust <- which(as.logical(apply(design[, matrices], 1, sum)))
#' pvalType <- ifelse(adjMethod[i] == "none", "pvalues", "adj-pvalues")
#' geneListFName <- paste("geneList", compName[i], pvalType, "LT", pValCutOff[i], "Rda", sep = ".")
#' pal <- colorpanel(n = 32, low = "green", mid = "white", high = "magenta")
#' load("./ResultsDir/geneList.Group1.pvalues.LT.0.01.Rda")
#' clust <- BasicP::clusterAnalysis(expres = exprs.filtered,
#' genes = geneList,
#' samples = s2clust,
#' sampleNames = as.character(targets$ShortName)[s2clust],
#' comparisonName = "Compar 1",
#' anotPackage = "",
#' my.symbols = symbolsTable,
#' outputDir = outputDir,
#' fileOfLinks = linksFile,
#' numClusters = 2,
#' rowDistance = NULL,
#' colDistance = NULL,
#' RowVals = TRUE,
#' ColVals = FALSE,
#' escala = "row",
#' colorsSet = pal,
#' densityInfo = "density",
#' colsForGroups = c(rep("pink", 5), rep("blue", 5)),
#' cexForColumns = 0.8,
#' cexForRows = 0.8,
#' Title = paste("Compar 1 with", pvalType, "<", pValCutOff[i],
#' ifelse(minLogFoldChange[i] == 0, "",
#' paste0("\n and |logFC|>=",
#' minLogFoldChange[i]))),
#' csvType = "csv2")
#' }
#' @export
clusterAnalysis <- function(expres,
my.symbols = NULL,
RowVals = TRUE,
ColVals = TRUE,
densityInfo = "none",
plotProfiles = FALSE,
Title = "",
csvType = NULL) {
cat (" - Comparison", Title, "\n")
categLabel <- "CLUSTER"
exprs2Cluster <- expres[genes, samples]
colnames(exprs2Cluster) <- sampleNames
dendro <- 'both'
if(RowVals && (!is.numeric(RowVals))) {
clustRow <- hclust(as.dist(1 - cor(t(exprs2Cluster))), method = "average")
dendroRow <- as.dendrogram(clustRow)
} else {
dendroRow <- RowVals
if(ColVals && (!is.numeric(ColVals))) {
# Caldria mirar si 'rowDistance' es nula, i si no ho es fer-la servir aqui
clustCol <- hclust(dist(t(exprs2Cluster)), method = "average")
dendroCol <- as.dendrogram(clustCol)
} else {
if(is.numeric(ColVals)) {
exprs2Cluster <- exprs2Cluster[, ColVals]
colsForGroups <- colsForGroups[ColVals]
ColVals <- FALSE
dendroCol <- FALSE
} else {
dendroCol <- ColVals
if(ColVals && RowVals) {
dendro <- 'both'
} else {
if(ColVals && (!RowVals)) {
dendro <- 'column'
} else {
if((!ColVals) && RowVals) {
dendro <- 'row'
} else {
dendro <- 'none'
if(toTIFF == TRUE) {
heatMapFName <- paste("HeatMap", comparisonName, "tiff", sep = ".")
} else {
heatMapFName <- paste("HeatMap", comparisonName, "pdf", sep = ".")
mainTitle <- ifelse(Title == "", comparisonName, Title)
if(!is.null(outputDir)) {
if(toTIFF == TRUE) {
# tiff(file = file.path(outputDir, heatMapFName), width = 3200, height = 3200, units = "px", res = 800) ### ModAlba
tiff(filename = file.path(outputDir, heatMapFName), width = 3200, height = 3200, units = "px", res = 800) ### ModAlba
par(cex.main = 1)
} else {
pdf(file.path(outputDir, heatMapFName))
foundSymbols <- my.symbols[which(names(my.symbols) %in% rownames(exprs2Cluster))]
newNames <- unlist(lapply(strsplit(paste(names(foundSymbols), foundSymbols ,sep = "."), "//"), function(l) l[[1]][1]))
rownames(exprs2Cluster)[rownames(exprs2Cluster) %in% names(my.symbols)] <- newNames
hm <- heatmap.2(exprs2Cluster,
col = colorsSet,
ColSideColors = as.character(colsForGroups),
scale = escala,
Rowv = dendroRow,
dendrogram = dendro,
key = TRUE,
symkey = FALSE,
# density = "none", ### ModAlba = "none", ### ModAlba
trace = "none", # Nomes a heamap.2
cexCol = cexForColumns,
#labRow = NA, # Si no volen el nom dels gens
cexRow = cexForRows,
main = mainTitle)
if(!is.null(outputDir)) {}
addToLinksFile(fileOfLinks, heatMapFName, categ = categLabel,
desc = "Heatmap made from genes selected from multiple comparisons")
if(RowVals) {
cutN <- cutree(clustRow, numClusters)
if(ColVals) {
names.ord <- (clustCol$labels[clustCol$order])
} else {
names.ord <- 1:ncol(exprs2Cluster)
if(plotProfiles) {
plotClustFName <- paste("ProfilePlots", comparisonName, "pdf", sep = ".")
pdf(file.path(outputDir, plotClustFName))
for(i in 1:numClusters) {plotClust(exprs2Cluster[, names.ord], cutN, i, scal = T)}
addToLinksFile(fileOfLinks, plotClustFName, categ = categLabel,
desc = "Profiles Plots of clusterized genes selected from multiple comparisons")
raw.gNames <- rev(rownames(exprs2Cluster[hm$rowInd, ]))
gNames <- unlist(lapply(strsplit(raw.gNames, "[.]"), function(l) l[[1]][1]))
if(!is.null(my.symbols)) {
mySymbols <- my.symbols[gNames]
my.genes <- data.frame(symbol = mySymbols, ID = gNames, GrupID = cutN[gNames],
exprs2Cluster[raw.gNames, names.ord])
} else {
if(!is.null(anotPackage)) {
my_SYMBOL_env <- eval(parse(text = paste(anotPackage, "SYMBOL",sep = "")))
mySymbols <- unlist(mget(gNames, my_SYMBOL_env, ifnotfound = NA))
my.genes <- data.frame(symbol = mySymbols, ID = gNames, GrupID = cutN[gNames],
exprs2Cluster[gNames, names.ord])
} else {
my.genes <- data.frame(ID = gNames, GrupID = cutN[gNames],
exprs2Cluster[gNames, names.ord])
genesInClustersFName <- paste("genesInClusters", comparisonName, sep = ".")
csvType <- ifelse(is.null(csvType), "csv2", csvType)
write2csv(my.genes, fileName = genesInClustersFName, csv = csvType, outputDir = outputDir)
addToLinksFile(fileOfLinks, paste(genesInClustersFName, substr(csvType[1], 1, 3), sep = "."),
categ = categLabel, desc = "Assignment of each gene to a cluster of made from genes selected from multiple comparisons")
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