#' Generate html report from the `runrewiring()` method.
#' @description
#' Contain functions to generate an html report from the rewired linker modules.
#' `create_index_page()` initializes folders and files for the html report. `write_tables_all()` generates
#' a table given stats from the rewiring method. `write_html_table_page()` creates the header for the
#' html file when the table will be placed. `table2html()` gets the `write_html_table_page()` info and
#' return the generated html file. This functions run inside `runrewiring()`
#' @param outdir path for the resultant folder.
#' @param runtag name that is `paste()` to the name folder.
#' @param codedir folder from which `sorttable.js` and `glossary.txt`
#' files are `paste()` into the output folder.
#' @param indexpath name for the index file.
#' @param glossarypath name for the glossary file.
#' @param imgstr path for the image folder.
#' @param txtstr path for the txts folder.
#' @param mytab table to transform into html file.
#' @param tabletype type of table.
#' @param html_idxs index for table rows.
#' @param html_cols index for table columns.
#' @param filestr name of the html file to be generated.
#' @param htmlinfo list containing `indexpath`,`txtstr`, and html dir.
#' @param resultstable modified table from `write_tables_all()`.
#' @param htmlpagefile path of the html file.
#' @param resultsrelpath path of the txt files.
#' @noRd
table2html_from_graph <- function(resultstable, numvar = TRUE) {
if (numvar) {
numvar <- "idx"
} else {
numvar <- "Drivers"
colheader <- paste(collapse = "</th><th>", c(numvar, colnames(resultstable)))
theader <- paste0("<thead>\n<tr bgcolor='#AAAAAA';><th>", colheader, "</th></tr>\n</thead>\n<tbody>\n")
head_str <- paste0("<script src='../../sorttable.js'></script>\n<TABLE class=", "'sortable' border =1 >\n", theader)
numtable <- cbind(rownames(resultstable), resultstable)
rowinnerstrs <- apply(numtable, 1, paste, collapse = "</td><td>")
rowstrs <- paste0("<tr><td>", rowinnerstrs,"</td></tr>")
rows_str <- paste(collapse = "\n", rowstrs)
return(paste0(collapse = "\n", head_str, rows_str, "\n</tbody></table><br>"))
table2html <- function(resultstable) {
colheader <- paste(collapse = "</th><th>", c("idx", colnames(resultstable)))
theader <- paste0("<thead>\n<tr bgcolor='#AAAAAA';><th>", colheader, "</th></tr>\n</thead>\n<tbody>\n")
head_str <- paste0("<script src='../sorttable.js'></script>\n<TABLE class=", "'sortable' border =1 >\n", theader)
numtable <- cbind(seq_len(nrow(resultstable)), resultstable)
rowinnerstrs <- apply(numtable, 1, paste, collapse = "</td><td>")
rowstrs <- paste0("<tr><td>", rowinnerstrs, "</td></tr>")
rows_str <- paste(collapse = "\n", rowstrs)
return(paste0(collapse = "\n", head_str, rows_str, "\n</tbody></table><br>"))
write_html_table_page <- function(resultstable, htmlpagefile, resultsrelpath, indexpath = "index.html", glossarypath = "glossary.txt",
htmlinfo) {
write(paste0("<table border = 1 width = '100%'><tr bgcolor = ", "'#AAAAAA'><th><a href = '", "../", indexpath, "'>",
"Index</a></th><th><a href = '"," ../",glossarypath, "' >", "Glossary</a></th><th><a href = '",
"../", resultsrelpath, "' >Download</a></th></tr></table><br><br>"), file = htmlpagefile)
htmlstr <- table2html(resultstable)
write(htmlstr, file = htmlpagefile, append = TRUE)
write_tables_all <- function(mytab, tabletype = "table", html_idxs = seq_len(nrow(mytab)), html_cols = colnames(mytab), filestr = "data",
htmlinfo = list(htmldir = "htmls/", indexpath = "index.html", txtstr = "txts/",abspath="./"), extradir = "", glossarypath = "glossary.txt") {
htmlpath <- paste0("htmls/", filestr, "_", tabletype, ".html")
resultspath <- paste0(htmlinfo$txtstr, filestr, "_", tabletype, ".txt")
message("Writing table: ", extradir, resultspath)
# Write the table as .txt
utils::write.table(mytab, paste0(htmlinfo$htmldir, extradir, resultspath), sep = "\t", row.names = FALSE, col.names = TRUE, quote = FALSE)
# Write hyperlink in index file
write(paste0("<a href = \"", htmlpath, "\">", tabletype, "</a><br>"), file = paste0(htmlinfo$htmldir, extradir,
htmlinfo$indexpath), append = TRUE)
# Write the table in .html format
write_html_table_page(resultstable = mytab[html_idxs, html_cols], htmlpagefile = paste0(htmlinfo$htmldir, extradir, htmlpath),
resultsrelpath = resultspath, indexpath = htmlinfo$indexpath, glossarypath = glossarypath, htmlinfo = htmlinfo)
create_index_page <- function(outdir = "./", runtag = "run", codedir = "code/", indexpath = "index.html", glossarypath = "glossary.txt",
imgstr = "imgs/", txtstr = "txts/", htmlstr = "htmls/", report_name="") {
htmldir <- paste0(outdir, runtag, "/")
file.copy(from = paste0(codedir, "sorttable.js"), to = htmldir)
# Create folder imgs
dir.create(file.path(paste0(htmldir, imgstr)))
# Create folder txts
dir.create(file.path(paste0(htmldir, txtstr)))
# Create folder htmls
dir.create(file.path(paste0(htmldir, htmlstr)))
# glossary <- as.matrix(utils::read.table(paste0(codedir, "glossary.txt"), header = TRUE, sep = "\t", quote = ""))
file.copy(from = paste0(codedir, "glossary.txt"), to = htmldir)
abspath <- paste0(htmldir, indexpath)
write(paste0("<br>"), file = abspath)
return(list(htmldir = htmldir, indexpath = indexpath, imgstr = imgstr, txtstr = txtstr, glossarypath = glossarypath, abspath = abspath,report_name=report_name))
violinPlots <- function(norm_expr_mat_keep, phenosamples, pheno, nodesumm, edgesumm, objtargs, htmlinfo) {
modhtmlfile <- paste0(htmlinfo$htmldir, htmlinfo$indexpath)
imgdir <- paste0(htmlinfo$htmldir, htmlinfo$imgstr)
normexpmat <- norm_expr_mat_keep[, phenosamples]
nodesumm2 <- utils::type.convert(as.data.frame(nodesumm, stringsAsFactors = FALSE))
colnames(nodesumm2) <- make.names(colnames(nodesumm2))
reg_info <- nodesumm2[nodesumm2$is.regulator == 1, c("t.stat", "t.pval")]
reg_info <- reg_info[order(reg_info$t.stat, decreasing = TRUE), ]
reg_vec <- rownames(reg_info)
# --- regulator expression distributions ---
write(paste0("<table style='width:100%' bgcolor='gray'><tr><td><h1>", "Regulator Expression Levels", "</h1></td></tr></table><br>\n"),
modhtmlfile, append = TRUE)
respond_plotlist <- list()
nonresp_plotlist <- list()
for (reg in reg_vec) {
respond_plotlist[[reg]] <- as.numeric(normexpmat[reg, pheno == 1])
nonresp_plotlist[[reg]] <- as.numeric(normexpmat[reg, pheno == 0])
# methods::show(c(reg, signif(mean(respond_plotlist[[reg]])), signif(mean(nonresp_plotlist[[reg]]))))
plotwidth <- 500
plotheight <- 800
myplotname <- paste0("violin.regexp")
grDevices::png(paste0(imgdir, myplotname, ".png"), width = plotwidth, height = plotheight)
vioplot::vioplot(x = respond_plotlist, col = "palevioletred", side = "right", names = paste(sep = "||", rownames(reg_info), signif(reg_info$t.pval,
2)), plotCentre = "line", horizontal = TRUE, cex.axis = 0.8)
vioplot::vioplot(x = nonresp_plotlist, col = "lightblue", side = "left", add = TRUE, plotCentre = "line", horizontal = TRUE)
graphics::abline(v = -5:5 * 2, col = "lightgrey")
graphics::title(xlab = "Expression Value (CQN)", ylab = "Regulator")
graphics::legend("topleft", fill = c("palevioletred", "lightblue"), legend = c("R", "NR"), title = "Outcome", cex = 0.5)
rankdf <- data.frame(matrix(vector(), length(reg_vec), 0, dimnames = list(sample(reg_vec), c())), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
rankdfcols <- c()
rankdfcols <- c(rankdfcols, "regulator", "reg.expr.tpval", "reg.expr.rank")
rankdf <- cbind(rankdf[rownames(reg_info), ], rownames(reg_info), signif(reg_info$t.pval, 2), rank(reg_info$t.pval))
colnames(rankdf) <- rankdfcols
write(paste0("<img src='", htmlinfo$imgstr, myplotname, ".png", "' alt='", myplotname, "' height='", plotheight, "' width='", plotwidth,
"'><br>\n"), modhtmlfile, append = TRUE)
# --- target expression diff distributions ---
write(paste0("<table style='width:100%' bgcolor='gray'><tr><td><h1>", "Target Expression Diff Distributions", "</h1></td></tr></table><br>\n"),
modhtmlfile, append = TRUE)
write("<table style='width:100%'> ", modhtmlfile, append = TRUE)
write(paste0("<tr>"), modhtmlfile, append = TRUE)
for (cname in c("all", "nonresp", "respond")) {
nonzeroedges <- edgesumm[edgesumm[, paste0(cname, ".weights")] != 0, ]
plotlist <- list()
for (reg in reg_vec) {
# targets <- as.character(nonzeroedges[nonzeroedges$reg == reg, "target"])
targets <- intersect(as.character(nonzeroedges[nonzeroedges$reg == reg, "target"]), objtargs)
plotlist[[reg]] <- as.numeric(nodesumm2[targets, "t.stat"])
# methods::show(c(reg, length(targets), signif(mean(plotlist[[reg]]))))
plotlist <- plotlist[names(sort(unlist(lapply(plotlist, mean)), decreasing = TRUE))]
plotlist[["supmod"]] <- as.numeric(nodesumm2[, "t.stat"])
# added png
plotwidth <- 500
plotheight <- 800
myplotname0 <- paste0("violin.tarexpdiff.", cname)
grDevices::png(paste0(imgdir, myplotname0, ".png"), width = plotwidth, height = plotheight)
vioplot::vioplot(x = plotlist, col = "goldenrod", side = "right", main = cname, names = paste(sep = "||", names(plotlist),
unlist(lapply(plotlist, length)), signif(unlist(lapply(plotlist, mean)), 3)), plotCentre = "line", horizontal = TRUE, cex.axis = 0.6)
graphics::abline(v = -5:5 * 2, col = "lightgrey")
graphics::title(xlab = "T Statistic: Higher in Responders <-> Not Signficant <-> Higher in Non-Responders", ylab = "Regulator Targets")
if (cname == "all") {
rankdfcols <- c(rankdfcols, "all.targets", "tar.diffexpr.avg", "tar.diffexpr.rank")
tmpvals <- signif(unlist(lapply(plotlist, mean)), 3)[reg_vec]
rankdf <- cbind(rankdf[reg_vec, ], unlist(lapply(plotlist, length))[reg_vec], tmpvals, rank(tmpvals))
colnames(rankdf) <- rankdfcols
write(paste0(" <img src='", htmlinfo$imgstr, myplotname0, ".png", "' alt='", myplotname0, "' height='", plotheight, "' width='",
plotwidth, "'>   \n"), modhtmlfile, append = TRUE)
write(paste0("</tr>\n"), modhtmlfile, append = TRUE)
write(paste0("</table>"), modhtmlfile, append = TRUE)
# --- target regulator correlation distributions ---
write(paste0("<table style='width:100%' bgcolor='gray'><tr><td><h1>", "Target Regulator Correlation Distributions", "</h1></td></tr></table><br>\n"),
modhtmlfile, append = TRUE)
write("<table style='width:100%'> ", modhtmlfile, append = TRUE)
write(paste0("<tr>"), modhtmlfile, append = TRUE)
# calculate module correlation
modmat <- t(normexpmat[rownames(nodesumm2), ])
corall <- stats::cor(modmat)
corR <- stats::cor(modmat[pheno == 1, ])
corNR <- stats::cor(modmat[pheno == 0, ])
corR[is.na(corR)] <- 0
corNR[is.na(corNR)] <- 0
cordiff <- corNR - corR
for (loopmode in c("all", "specific")) {
# plot regulator target set correlation
respond_plotlist <- list()
nonresp_plotlist <- list()
mypvals <- rep(2, length(reg_vec))
names(mypvals) <- reg_vec
for (reg in reg_vec) {
respondtars <- as.character(edgesumm$target[edgesumm$respond.weights != 0 & edgesumm$reg == reg])
nonresptars <- as.character(edgesumm$target[edgesumm$nonresp.weights != 0 & edgesumm$reg == reg])
if (loopmode == "all") {
respondtars <- as.character(edgesumm$target[edgesumm$all.weights != 0 & edgesumm$reg == reg])
nonresptars <- as.character(edgesumm$target[edgesumm$all.weights != 0 & edgesumm$reg == reg])
respondtars <- intersect(respondtars,objtargs)
nonresptars <- intersect(nonresptars,objtargs)
respond_plotlist[[reg]] <- as.numeric(corR[reg, respondtars])
nonresp_plotlist[[reg]] <- as.numeric(corNR[reg, nonresptars])
if (length(respondtars) < 2 | length(nonresptars) < 2) {
mypvals[reg] <- 1
respond_plotlist[[reg]] <- 0
nonresp_plotlist[[reg]] <- 0
} else if (stats::var(respond_plotlist[[reg]]) == 0 | stats::var(nonresp_plotlist[[reg]]) == 0) {
mypvals[reg] <- 1
} else {
tres <- stats::t.test(respond_plotlist[[reg]], nonresp_plotlist[[reg]])
mypvals[reg] <- signif(tres$p.value, 1)
# methods::show(c(reg, length(respondtars), length(nonresptars), signif(mean(respond_plotlist[[reg]])), signif(mean(nonresp_plotlist[[reg]])),
# as.numeric(mypvals[reg])))
respond_plotlist <- respond_plotlist[names(sort(mypvals, decreasing = TRUE))]
nonresp_plotlist <- nonresp_plotlist[names(sort(mypvals, decreasing = TRUE))]
for (loopmode in c("all", "specific")) {
# plot histogram of target/regulator correlation
plotwidth <- 500
plotheight <- 800
myplotname <- paste0("violin.tarregcorr.", loopmode)
grDevices::png(paste0(imgdir, myplotname, ".png"), width = plotwidth, height = plotheight)
vioplot::vioplot(x = respond_plotlist, col = "palevioletred", side = "right", main = loopmode, names = paste(sep = "||", names(respond_plotlist),
unlist(lapply(respond_plotlist, length)), unlist(lapply(nonresp_plotlist, length)), mypvals[names(respond_plotlist)]),
plotCentre = "line", horizontal = TRUE, cex.axis = 0.6)
vioplot::vioplot(x = nonresp_plotlist, col = "lightblue", side = "left", add = TRUE, plotCentre = "line", horizontal = TRUE)
graphics::abline(v = -5:5/5, col = "lightgrey")
graphics::title(xlab = "Pearson Correlation", ylab = "Regulator Targets")
graphics::legend("topleft", fill = c("palevioletred", "lightblue"), legend = c("R", "NR"), title = "Outcome", cex = 0.5)
if (loopmode == "all") {
rankdfcols <- c(rankdfcols, "regtar.corr.tpval", "regtar.corr.rank")
rankdf <- cbind(rankdf[names(mypvals), ], mypvals, rank(mypvals))
colnames(rankdf) <- rankdfcols
write(paste0("<img src='", htmlinfo$imgstr, myplotname, ".png", "' alt='", myplotname, "' height='", plotheight, "' width='",
plotwidth, "'>   \n"), modhtmlfile, append = TRUE)
write(paste0("</tr>\n"), modhtmlfile, append = TRUE)
write(paste0("</table>"), modhtmlfile, append = TRUE)
bipartiteGraphsSumm <- function(numclus, nodesumm, edgesumm, numdataset, modmeth, htmlinfo) {
modhtmlfile <- paste0(htmlinfo$htmldir, htmlinfo$indexpath)
imgdir <- paste0(htmlinfo$htmldir, htmlinfo$imgstr)
write(paste0("<table style='width:100%' bgcolor='gray'><tr><td><h1>", "Modules Summary", "</h1></td></tr></table><br>\n"), modhtmlfile,
append = TRUE)
pname <- paste(sep = ".", "igraphs.refined.graphs")
# write plot to index page
write(paste0("<embed src='", "../../supermodule", numdataset, ".", modmeth, ".", numclus, "/imgs/", pname, ".pdf", "' alt='", pname,
"' height='", 750, "' width='", 1500, "'>   <br>\n"), modhtmlfile, append = TRUE)
sortidxs <- sort(as.numeric(nodesumm[, "t-pval"]), decreasing = FALSE, index.return = TRUE)$ix
#write_tables_all(nodesumm[sortidxs, ], tabletype = paste0(modmeth, "_nodesumm"), filestr = "data", html_idxs = 1:dim(nodesumm)[1],
write_tables_all(nodesumm[sortidxs, ], tabletype = paste0(modmeth, "_nodesumm"), filestr = "data", html_idxs = seq(nrow(nodesumm)),
htmlinfo = htmlinfo)
sortidxs <- sort(as.numeric(edgesumm[, "all-pearson"]), decreasing = FALSE, index.return = TRUE)$ix
#write_tables_all(edgesumm[sortidxs, ], tabletype = paste0(modmeth, "_edgesumm"), filestr = "data", html_idxs = 1:dim(edgesumm)[1],
write_tables_all(edgesumm[sortidxs, ], tabletype = paste0(modmeth, "_edgesumm"), filestr = "data", html_idxs = seq(nrow(edgesumm)),
htmlinfo = htmlinfo)
geneOrder <- function(modsumm, ObjectList, numdataset) {
allregs<- ObjectList$datasets[[numdataset]]$regs
alltargs<- ObjectList$datasets[[numdataset]]$targs
pheno <- ObjectList$datasets[[numdataset]]$pheno
phenosamples <- ObjectList$datasets[[numdataset]]$phenosamples
lognorm_est_counts <- ObjectList$datasets[[numdataset]]$lognorm_est_counts
modregs <- intersect(unique(modsumm$fulledgesumm$reg),allregs)
modtargs <- intersect(unique(modsumm$fulledgesumm$target),alltargs)
difftargs <- setdiff(unique(modsumm$fulledgesumm$target),alltargs)
diffregs <- setdiff(unique(modsumm$fulledgesumm$reg),allregs)
if (length(diffregs) != 0) {
message('List of regulators changed since ', length(diffregs),' regulators in the dataset that was used to generate runrewiring is missing in dataset ', numdataset, '.')
if (length(difftargs) != 0) {
message('List of targets changed since ', length(difftargs),' targets in the dataset that was used to generate runrewiring is missing in dataset ', numdataset, '.')
keepfeat <- unique(c(modregs, modtargs))
mat <- t(lognorm_est_counts[keepfeat, phenosamples])
# calculate correlation matrices
corall <- stats::cor(mat)
cor1 <- stats::cor(mat[(pheno + 1) == 1, seq(ncol(mat))])
cor2 <- stats::cor(mat[(pheno + 1) == 2, seq(ncol(mat))])
cor1[is.na(cor1)] <- 0
cor2[is.na(cor2)] <- 0
cordiff <- cor1 - cor2
cormats <- list(corall = corall, cordiff = cordiff, cor1 = cor1, cor2 = cor2)
# order genes by clustering of corrdiff
targetorder <- labels(stats::as.dendrogram(stats::hclust(stats::dist(cordiff[modtargs, modtargs]))))
regorder <- modregs
if (length(modregs) > 1) {
regorder <- labels(stats::as.dendrogram(stats::hclust(stats::dist(cordiff[modregs, modregs]))))
return(list(modregs = modregs, modtargs = modtargs, mat = mat, targetorder = targetorder, regorder = regorder, cormats = cormats))
superModuleStatistics <- function(modregs, modtargs, mat, pheno, htmlinfo) {
modhtmlfile <- paste0(htmlinfo$htmldir, htmlinfo$indexpath)
regnames <- paste(collapse = ", ", modregs)
split <- as.numeric(table(pheno))
stats <- c(length(modtargs), length(modregs), regnames, dim(mat), split)
statsnames <- c("num-targets", "num-regulators", "regulator-names", "num-samples", "num-genes", "num-pheno0", "num-pheno1")
stattab <- cbind(statsnames, stats)
write(paste0("<table style='width:100%' bgcolor='gray'><tr><td><h1>", "SuperModule Statistics", "</h1></td></tr></table><br>\n"),
paste0(htmlinfo$htmldir, htmlinfo$indexpath), append = TRUE)
write(table2html(stattab), modhtmlfile, append = TRUE)
createLegendPlot <- function(htmlinfo,type, mat) {
imgdir <- paste0(htmlinfo$htmldir, htmlinfo$imgstr)
plotwidth <- 450
plotheight <- 150
myplotname <- paste0("correlation_colorscale")
grDevices::png(paste0(imgdir, myplotname, ".png"), width = plotwidth, height = plotheight)
ngroups <- 9
vals <- seq(-1, 1, length.out = ngroups)
colramp <- (grDevices::colorRampPalette(c("darkred", "gray100", "darkgreen")))(ngroups)
graphics::image(vals, 1, as.matrix(vals, ngroups, 1), col = colramp, axes = FALSE, main = "", xlab = "", ylab = "")
graphics::axis(1, vals, cex.axis = 2)
if (type==2){
myplotname <- paste0("expression_colorscale")
grDevices::png(paste0(imgdir, myplotname, ".png"), width = plotwidth, height = plotheight)
ngroups <- sqrt(length(mat))
min_exp_value <- signif(min(mat),2)
max_exp_value <- signif(max(mat),2)
plotzlim <- c(min_exp_value,max_exp_value)
vals <- seq(min_exp_value, max_exp_value, length.out = ngroups)
colramp <- (grDevices::colorRampPalette(c("darkorange", "gray100", "darkblue")))(ngroups)
graphics::image(vals, 1, as.matrix(vals, ngroups, 1), col = colramp, axes = FALSE, main = "", xlab = "", ylab = "")
graphics::axis(1, signif(seq(min_exp_value,max_exp_value,length.out=9),3), cex.axis = 1, at = signif(seq(min_exp_value,max_exp_value,length.out=9),3))
# plot target correlation
correlationOfModuleGene <- function(mymod, regorder, targetorder, mat, cormats, htmlinfo, phenotype_class_vals) {
modhtmlfile <- paste0(htmlinfo$htmldir, htmlinfo$indexpath)
imgdir <- paste0(htmlinfo$htmldir, htmlinfo$imgstr)
write(paste0("<table style='width:100%' bgcolor='gray'><tr><td><h1>", "Correlation Of Module Genes ", "</h1></td></tr></table><br>\n"),
modhtmlfile, append = TRUE)
write(paste0("<img src='", htmlinfo$imgstr, "correlation_colorscale", ".png", "' alt='", "correlation_colorscale", "' height='",
150, "' width='", 450, "'><br>\n"), modhtmlfile, append = TRUE)
write("<table style='width:100%'> ", modhtmlfile, append = TRUE)
plot_correlation_row(cormats = cormats, rowdesc = "targets", xnames = targetorder, ynames = targetorder, plotheight = 450, myshowrows = TRUE,
htmlfile = modhtmlfile, imgdir = imgdir, modnum = mymod, plotwidth = 450, mycvec = c("darkred", "gray100", "darkgreen"), plotzlim = c(-1,
1), plottitle = phenotype_class_vals)
# plot regulator correlation
plot_correlation_row(cormats = cormats, rowdesc = "regulators", xnames = regorder, ynames = regorder, plotheight = 350, myshowrows = TRUE,
htmlfile = modhtmlfile, imgdir = imgdir, modnum = mymod, plotwidth = 350, mycvec = c("darkred", "gray100", "darkgreen"), plotzlim = c(-1,
1), plottitle = phenotype_class_vals)
# plot regulator by target correlation
plot_correlation_row(cormats = cormats, rowdesc = "all", xnames = targetorder, ynames = regorder, plotheight = 450, myshowrows = TRUE,
htmlfile = modhtmlfile, imgdir = imgdir, modnum = mymod, plotwidth = 200, mycvec = c("darkred", "gray100", "darkgreen"), plotzlim = c(-1,
1), plottitle = phenotype_class_vals)
write(paste0("</table>"), modhtmlfile, append = TRUE)
expressionTableOfModuleGenes <- function(mymod, nodesumm, htmlinfo) {
modhtmlfile <- paste0(htmlinfo$htmldir, htmlinfo$indexpath)
write(paste0("<table style='width:100%' bgcolor='gray'><tr><td><h1>", "Expression Table of Module Genes", "</h1></td></tr></table><br>\n"),
modhtmlfile, append = TRUE)
sortidxs <- sort(as.numeric(nodesumm[, "t-pval"]), decreasing = FALSE, index.return = TRUE)$ix
#htmlidxs <- union(sortidxs[1:25], which(nodesumm[, "is-regulator"] == "1"))
htmlidxs <- union(sortidxs[seq(25)], which(nodesumm[, "is-regulator"] == "1"))
write(table2html(nodesumm[htmlidxs, ]), modhtmlfile, append = TRUE)
sortidxs <- sort(as.numeric(nodesumm[, "t-stat"]), decreasing = FALSE, index.return = TRUE)$ix
#write_tables_all(nodesumm[sortidxs, ], tabletype = paste0(mymod, "_mod_node_summ"), filestr = "data", html_idxs = 1:dim(nodesumm)[1],
write_tables_all(nodesumm[sortidxs, ], tabletype = paste0(mymod, "_mod_node_summ"), filestr = "data", html_idxs = seq(nrow(nodesumm)),
htmlinfo = htmlinfo)
expressionPlotsOfModuleGenes <- function(mymod, regorder, targetorder, mat, samps2pheno, phenostrs, htmlinfo,plotzlim) {
modhtmlfile <- paste0(htmlinfo$htmldir, htmlinfo$indexpath)
imgdir <- paste0(htmlinfo$htmldir, htmlinfo$imgstr)
write(paste0("<table style='width:100%' bgcolor='gray'><tr><td><h1>", "Expression Plots of Module Genes ", "</h1></td></tr></table><br>\n"),
modhtmlfile, append = TRUE)
write(paste0("<img src='", htmlinfo$imgstr, "expression_colorscale", ".png", "' alt='", "correlation_colorscale", "' height='",
150, "' width='", 450, "'><br>\n"), modhtmlfile, append = TRUE)
write("<table style='width:100%'> ", modhtmlfile, append = TRUE)
# plot regulator expression
plot_expression_row(mymat = t(mat)[regorder, , drop = FALSE], rowdesc = "regulators", plotheight = 400, myshowrows = TRUE, samps2pheno = samps2pheno,
phenostrs = phenostrs, htmlfile = modhtmlfile, imgdir = imgdir, modnum = mymod, plotwidth = 800, mycvec = c("darkorange", "gray100",
"darkblue"), plotzlim = plotzlim)
# plot target expression
plot_expression_row(mymat = t(mat)[targetorder, ], rowdesc = "targets", plotheight = 600, myshowrows = TRUE, samps2pheno = samps2pheno,
phenostrs = phenostrs, htmlfile = modhtmlfile, imgdir = imgdir, modnum = mymod, plotwidth = 800, mycvec = c("darkorange", "gray100",
"darkblue"), plotzlim = plotzlim)
write(paste0("</table>"), modhtmlfile, append = TRUE)
nullDistributionOfRewiringStatistic <- function(mat, pheno, modmeth, mymod, htmlinfo) {
modhtmlfile <- paste0(htmlinfo$htmldir, htmlinfo$indexpath)
imgdir <- paste0(htmlinfo$htmldir, htmlinfo$imgstr)
result <- NULL
result <- rewiring_test_pair_detail(mat, pheno + 1, perm = 1000)
write(paste0("<table style='width:100%' bgcolor='gray'><tr><td><h1>", "Null Distribution of Rewiring Statistic", "</h1></td></tr></table><br>\n"),
modhtmlfile, append = TRUE)
# plot histogram of dave stats
plotwidth <- 400
plotheight <- 400
# myplotname <- paste0("hist.", modmeth, ".mod", mymod)
myplotname <- "hist.test."
grDevices::png(paste0(imgdir, myplotname, ".png"), width = plotwidth, height = plotheight)
rewiring_score <- result$T_star
graphics::hist(main = paste0("True Val = ", signif(result$TS, 3),"\n (p value = " , signif(result$pval,3),")"), outer = FALSE, rewiring_score)
graphics::abline(v = result$TS, col = "red")
write(paste0("<img src='", htmlinfo$imgstr, myplotname, ".png", "' alt='", myplotname, "' height='", plotheight, "' width='", plotwidth,
"'><br>\n"), modhtmlfile, append = TRUE)
regulatorSummaryAndRank <- function(rankdf, htmlinfo) {
modhtmlfile <- paste0(htmlinfo$htmldir, htmlinfo$indexpath)
write(paste0("<table style='width:100%' bgcolor='gray'><tr><td><h1>", "Regulator Summary And Rank", "</h1></td></tr></table><br>\n"),
modhtmlfile, append = TRUE)
write(table2html(rankdf), modhtmlfile, append = TRUE)
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.