#' Create HTML report
#' Contains all the necessary functions to run `create_html_summary()`.
#' @noRd
linker_summarize_rungraphs <- function(rungraphs = NULL, iso_table = NULL, weighted_chip_evidence = NULL, graphstr = "data", htmlinfo = list(htmldir = "html/",
indexpath = "index.html", txtstr = "txts/"), runinfo = list(nregs = "1", ntargets = "5", nboots = "10")) {
message("Processing ", graphstr, " graph method ...")
write(paste0("<br><br><b>", graphstr, "</b><br><br>"), file = paste0(htmlinfo$htmldir, htmlinfo$indexpath), append = TRUE)
# summarize edge results
edgesinfo <- edgeinfo_from_graphs(rungraphs = rungraphs, iso_table = iso_table, weighted_chip_evidence = weighted_chip_evidence)
# edgesinfo <<- edgesinfo
# write edge results summary
linker_write_tables_all(edgesinfo, tabletype = "edges", html_cols = c("edgekey", "weight", "reg-origid", "target-origid", "reg-geneid",
"target-geneid", "chip-evidence", "num-chip-peaks"), html_idxs = seq_len(min(1000, dim(edgesinfo)[1])), filestr = graphstr,
htmlinfo = htmlinfo)
# regulators summary
regsinfo <- genetable_summary(filter = "reg-origid", filterNeigh = "target-origid", tabletype = "regulators", nboots = as.integer(runinfo$nboots),
minsupport = 4, edgesinfo = edgesinfo, graphstr = graphstr, htmlinfo = htmlinfo)
# targets summary
targetsinfo <- genetable_summary(filter = "target-origid", filterNeigh = "reg-origid", tabletype = "targets", nboots = as.integer(runinfo$nboots),
minsupport = 4, edgesinfo = edgesinfo, graphstr = graphstr, htmlinfo = htmlinfo)
# summarize edge results
message("Summarizing ", graphstr, " graph method ...")
ngraphmods <- length(rungraphs)
myweights <- as.numeric(edgesinfo[, "weight"])
myevidence <- as.numeric(edgesinfo[, "chip-evidence"])
write(paste0("<br>", ngraphmods, " graphs with an average of ", signif(sum(myweights)/ngraphmods, 3), " edges each.<br>"), file = paste0(htmlinfo$htmldir,
htmlinfo$indexpath), append = TRUE)
write(paste0(sum(myweights), " (", signif(sum(myweights)/(runinfo$nregs * runinfo$ntargets * runinfo$nboots) * 100, 3), "%) of ",
runinfo$nregs, "*", runinfo$ntargets, "*", runinfo$nboots, " possible edges across bootstraps.<br>"), file = paste0(htmlinfo$htmldir,
htmlinfo$indexpath), append = TRUE)
write(paste0(length(myweights), " (", signif(length(myweights)/(runinfo$nregs * runinfo$ntargets) * 100, 3), "%) of ", runinfo$nregs,
"*", runinfo$ntargets, " unique edges found.<br><br>"), file = paste0(htmlinfo$htmldir, htmlinfo$indexpath), append = TRUE)
evid_weight_raw <- cbind(c(myweights), c(myevidence))
if (length(unique(myweights)) == 1 || length(unique(myweights)) == 1) {
evid_weight_raw <- rbind(evid_weight_raw, c(0, -1))
evidence_by_weight_final <- cumSumTable(evid_weight_raw)
summary_final <- cbind(rownames(evidence_by_weight_final), evidence_by_weight_final)
if (dim(summary_final)[2] == 6) {
colnames(summary_final) <- c("Support", "nEdges", "cumEdges", "%NA", "%NoPeak", "%Peaks")
} else {
colnames(summary_final) <- c("Support", "nEdges", "cumEdges")
htmlstr <- table2html(summary_final)
write(htmlstr, file = paste0(htmlinfo$htmldir, htmlinfo$indexpath), append = TRUE)
linker_create_index_page <- function(outdir = "./", runtag = "run", codedir = "./", indexpath = "index.html", glossarypath = "glossary.html",
imgstr = "imgs/", txtstr = "txts/") {
dir.create(file.path(outdir), showWarnings = FALSE)
htmldir <- paste0(outdir, runtag, "/")
dir.create(file.path(htmldir), showWarnings = FALSE)
file.copy(from = paste0(codedir, "sorttable.js"), to = htmldir)
dir.create(file.path(paste0(htmldir, imgstr)), showWarnings = FALSE)
dir.create(file.path(paste0(htmldir, txtstr)), showWarnings = FALSE)
glossary <- as.matrix(utils::read.table(paste0(codedir, "glossary.txt"), header = TRUE, sep = "\t", quote = ""))
file.copy(from = paste0(codedir, "glossary.txt"), to = htmldir)
abspath <- paste0(htmldir, indexpath)
write(paste0("<br>"), file = abspath)
linker_write_html_table_page(glossary, paste0(htmldir, glossarypath), glossarypath)
return(list(htmldir = htmldir, indexpath = indexpath, imgstr = imgstr, txtstr = txtstr, glossarypath = glossarypath, abspath = abspath))
genetable_summary <- function(filter, filterNeigh, tabletype, nboots = 10, minsupport = 4, edgesinfo, graphstr, htmlinfo) {
message(tabletype, " processing...")
mygids <- unique(edgesinfo[, filter])
# only extract top 1000 targets
if (tabletype == "targets") {
tmptable <- table(as.data.frame(edgesinfo[, c("target-origid", "weight")]))
topgenes <- rownames(tmptable)
names(topgenes) <- rownames(tmptable)
if (nboots > 1) {
scaledtable <- t(t(as.matrix(tmptable)) * as.numeric(colnames(tmptable)))
keepsupport <- nboots:minsupport
colstrs <- intersect(colnames(scaledtable), as.character(keepsupport))
topgenes <- rowSums(scaledtable[, as.character(colstrs)])
sortidxs <- sort(topgenes, decreasing = TRUE, index.return = TRUE)$ix
mygids <- rownames(tmptable)[sortidxs[seq_len(min(1000, length(topgenes)))]]
genetable <- t(sapply(mygids, extract_gene_row, filter, filterNeigh, edgesinfo, nboots))
colnames(genetable) <- c("gid", "nEdges", "nNeigh", "nMax-Conf-Neigh", "topNeigh", "suppTable")
sortval <- (as.numeric(genetable[, "nMax-Conf-Neigh"]) * 1e+09 + as.numeric(genetable[, "nEdges"]))
sortidxs <- sort(sortval, decreasing = TRUE, index.return = TRUE)$ix[seq_len(min(1000, length(sortval)))]
linker_write_tables_all(genetable, tabletype = tabletype, html_idxs = sortidxs, filestr = graphstr, htmlinfo = htmlinfo)
edgeinfo_from_graphs <- function(rungraphs, iso_table, weighted_chip_evidence) {
message("Extracting edges from all graphs...")
edgelist_list <- lapply(rungraphs, extract_edge_strings_from_graph)
edgestable <- table(unlist(edgelist_list))
reg_origids <- unlist(lapply(strsplit(names(edgestable), "\\|\\|"), "[[", 2))
tar_origids <- unlist(lapply(strsplit(names(edgestable), "\\|\\|"), "[[", 1))
message("reg_origids: ")
message("tar_origids: ")
# get gene ids
reg_gids <- as.character(iso_table[reg_origids, "iso_ensgs"])
tar_gids <- as.character(iso_table[tar_origids, "iso_ensgs"])
message("reg_gids: ")
message("tar_gids: ")
# get chip evidence
raw_evidence <- rep(-1, length(edgestable))
if (!is.null(weighted_chip_evidence)) {
message("...Extracting chip evidence")
raw_evidence <- weighted_chip_evidence[cbind(gsub("-", ".", reg_gids), gsub("-", ".", tar_gids))]
binary_evidence <- raw_evidence
binary_evidence[binary_evidence > 1] <- 1
sortval <- edgestable * 1e+06 + raw_evidence
# combine edge summary table
edgesinfo <- cbind(names(edgestable), edgestable, reg_origids, tar_origids, reg_gids, tar_gids, binary_evidence, raw_evidence,
colnames(edgesinfo) <- c("edgekey", "weight", "reg-origid", "target-origid", "reg-geneid", "target-geneid", "chip-evidence", "num-chip-peaks",
return(edgesinfo[sort(as.numeric(edgesinfo[, "sort-val"]), decreasing = TRUE, index.return = TRUE)$ix, ])
linker_write_html_table_page <- function(resultstable, htmlpagefile, resultsrelpath, indexpath = "index.html", glossarypath = "glossary.html",
htmlinfo) {
write(paste0("<table border = 1 width = '100%'><tr bgcolor = ", "'#AAAAAA'><th><a href = '", indexpath, "' target='_blank'>", "Index</a></th><th><a href = '",
glossarypath, "' target=", "'_blank'>Glossary</a></th><th><a href = '", resultsrelpath, "' target='_blank'>Download</a></th></tr></table><br><br>"),
file = htmlpagefile)
htmlstr <- table2html(resultstable)
write(htmlstr, file = htmlpagefile, append = TRUE)
linker_write_tables_all <- function(mytab, tabletype = "table", html_idxs = seq_len(dim(mytab)[1]), html_cols = colnames(mytab), filestr = "data",
htmlinfo = list(htmldir = "html/", indexpath = "index.html", txtstr = "txts/")) {
htmlpath <- paste0(filestr, "_", tabletype, ".html")
resultspath <- paste0(htmlinfo$txtstr, filestr, "_", tabletype, ".txt")
message("Writing table: ", resultspath)
utils::write.table(mytab, paste0(htmlinfo$htmldir, resultspath), sep = "\t", row.names = FALSE, col.names = TRUE, quote = FALSE)
write(paste0("<a href = \"", htmlpath, "\" target=\"_blank\">", tabletype, "</a><br>"), file = paste0(htmlinfo$htmldir, htmlinfo$indexpath),
append = TRUE)
linker_write_html_table_page(resultstable = mytab[html_idxs, html_cols], htmlpagefile = paste0(htmlinfo$htmldir, htmlpath), resultsrelpath = resultspath,
indexpath = htmlinfo$indexpath)
# Helpers -----------------------------------------------------------------
showfirstlast <- function(mynames) {
methods::show(c(length(mynames), length(unique(mynames)), sort(mynames)[c(1, length(mynames))]))
cumSumTable <- function(mydataframe) {
dftable <- table(as.data.frame(as.matrix(mydataframe)))
idxnums <- sort(as.numeric(rownames(dftable)), decreasing = TRUE)
dftable <- dftable[as.character(idxnums), ]
if (is.null(dim(dftable))) {
# if only one column or row
nCount <- dftable
cumCount <- cumsum(dftable)
# show(tmptab)
return(cbind(nCount, cumCount))
} else {
cumul_table <- apply(dftable, 2, cumsum)
nCount <- rowSums(dftable)
cumCount <- rowSums(cumul_table)
dftable_final <- cbind(nCount, cumCount, signif(cumul_table/rowSums(cumul_table) * 100, 3))
# show(dftable_final)
extract_edge_strings_from_graph <- function(mygraph) {
elist <- igraph::get.edgelist(mygraph)
# small graphs lose node names when extracted
if (is.numeric(elist)) {
} else {
return(apply(elist, 1, paste, collapse = "||"))
extract_gene_row <- function(mygid, myfield, myfield2, edgesinfo, nboots = 10, maxneigh = 3) {
# mygid = 'ENSG00000196092' myfield = 'reg-geneid' myfield2 = 'target-origid' mygid = 'ENSG00000181804' myfield2 = 'reg-origid'
# myfield = 'target-geneid'
gididxs <- which(edgesinfo[, myfield] == mygid)
mysubtab <- edgesinfo[gididxs, c(myfield2, "weight", "num-chip-peaks", "chip-evidence")]
if (length(gididxs) == 1) {
mysubtab <- t(as.matrix(mysubtab))
evid_weight_tab <- ""
if (length(gididxs) > 1) {
evid_weight_tab <- cumSumTable(mysubtab[, c("weight", "chip-evidence")])
evid_weight_tab <- evid_weight_tab[c(1, dim(evid_weight_tab)[1]), ]
return(c(mygid, sum(as.numeric(mysubtab[, "weight"])), length(gididxs), sum(as.numeric(mysubtab[, "weight"]) == nboots), tab2cell(mysubtab[seq_len(min(maxneigh,
length(gididxs))), ], keeprnames = FALSE), tab2cell(evid_weight_tab)))
tab2cell <- function(mytab, keepheader = TRUE, keeprnames = TRUE) {
if (keepheader) {
mytab <- rbind(colnames(mytab), mytab)
if (keeprnames) {
mytab <- cbind(rownames(mytab), mytab)
return(paste(collapse = "<br>", apply(mytab, 1, paste, collapse = " | ")))
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.