#' Fit the log-log version of the power model
#' @description Fit the log-log version of the power model to SAR data and
#' return parameter values, summary statistics and the fitted values.
#' @usage lin_pow(data, con = 1, logT = log, compare = FALSE, normaTest =
#' "none", homoTest = "none", homoCor = "spearman")
#' @param data A dataset in the form of a dataframe with two columns: the first
#' with island/site areas, and the second with the species richness of each
#' island/site.
#' @param con The constant to add to the species richness values in cases where
#' one of the islands has zero species.
#' @param logT The log-transformation to apply to the area and richness values.
#' Can be any of \code{log}(default), \code{log2} or \code{log10}.
#' @param compare Fit the standard (non-linear) power model and return the
#' z-value for comparison (default: \code{compare = FALSE}).
#' @param normaTest The test used to test the normality of the residuals of the
#' model. Can be any of "lillie" (Lilliefors Kolmogorov-Smirnov test),
#' "shapiro" (Shapiro-Wilk test of normality), "kolmo" (Kolmogorov-Smirnov
#' test), or "none" (no residuals normality test is undertaken; the default).
#' @param homoTest The test used to check for homogeneity of the residuals of
#' the model. Can be any of "cor.fitted" (a correlation of the residuals with
#' the model fitted values), "cor.area" (a correlation of the residuals with
#' the area values), or "none" (no residuals homogeneity test is undertaken;
#' the default).
#' @param homoCor The correlation test to be used when \code{homoTest !=
#' "none"}. Can be any of "spearman" (the default), "pearson", or "kendall".
#' @details A check is made for any islands with zero species. If any zero
#' species islands are found, a constant (default: \code{con = 1}) is added to
#' each species richness value to enable log transformation. Natural
#' logarithms are used as default, but log2 and log10 can be used instead
#' using the \code{logT} argument.
#' The \code{compare} argument can be used to compare the c and z values
#' calculated using the log-log power model with that calculated using the
#' non-linear power model. Note that the log-log function returns log(c).
#' @importFrom stats lm summary.lm shapiro.test ks.test cor.test
#' @importFrom nortest lillie.test
#' @importFrom utils capture.output
#' @return A list of class "sars" with up to seven elements. The first element
#' is an object of class 'summary.lm'. This is the summary of the linear model
#' fit using the \link[stats]{lm} function and the user's data. The second
#' element is a numeric vector of the model's fitted values, and the third
#' contains the log-transformed observed data. The remaining elements depend
#' on the function arguments selected and can include the results of the
#' non-linear power model fit, the log-transformation function used (i.e.
#' \code{logT}) and the results of any residuals normality and heterogeneity
#' tests.
#' The \code{\link{summary.sars}} function returns a more useful summary of
#' the model fit results, and the \code{\link{plot.sars}} plots the model.
#' @examples
#' data(galap)
#' fit <- lin_pow(galap, con = 1)
#' summary(fit)
#' plot(fit)
#' @export
lin_pow <- function(data, con = 1, logT = log,
compare = FALSE, normaTest = "none",
homoTest = "none", homoCor = "spearman") {
if (!(is.matrix(data) | is.data.frame(data)))
stop("data must be a matrix or dataframe")
if (is.matrix(data)) data <- as.data.frame(data)
if (anyNA(data)) stop("NAs present in data")
if (!is.primitive(logT)) stop("logT should be a (primitive) function,
specifically: log, log2 or log10")
data <- data[order(data[,1]),]
colnames(data) <- c("A", "S")
xr <- range(data$S)/ mean(data$S)
if (isTRUE(all.equal(xr[1], xr[2]))) {
if (data$S[1] == 0){
if (compare){
warning("All richness values are zero: parameter estimates of",
" non-linear models should be interpreted with caution")
} else{
warning("All richness values identical")
} else{
warning("All richness values identical")
if (any(data$S == 0)){
log.data <- data.frame(A = logT(data$A), S = logT(data$S + con))
linearPower.fit <- lm(logT(S + con) ~ logT(A), data = data)
} else {
log.data <- data.frame(A = logT(data$A), S = logT(data$S))
linearPower.fit <- lm(logT(S) ~ logT(A), data = data)
fv <- linearPower.fit$fitted.values
linearPower.fit <- summary.lm(linearPower.fit)
resid <- linearPower.fit$residuals
sq_resid <- resid^2
res <- list(Model = linearPower.fit, calculated = fv, data = log.data)
if (compare == TRUE){
pow <- sar_power(data)
res$power <- pow
#normality and homogeneity tests
normaTest <- match.arg(normaTest, c("none", "shapiro", "kolmo", "lillie"))
homoTest <- match.arg(homoTest, c("none","cor.area","cor.fitted"))
if (homoTest != "none"){
homoCor <- match.arg(homoCor, c("spearman","pearson",
#normality of residuals
if (normaTest == "shapiro") {
normaTest <- list("test" = "shapiro", tryCatch(shapiro.test(resid),
error = function(e)NA))
} else if (normaTest == "lillie"){
normaTest <- list("test" = "lillie", tryCatch(lillie.test(resid),
error = function(e)NA))
} else if (normaTest == "kolmo"){
normaTest <- list("test" = "kolmo", tryCatch(ks.test(resid, "pnorm"),
error = function(e)NA))
} else{
normaTest <- list("test" = "none", "none")
#Homogeneity of variance
if (homoTest == "cor.area"){
homoTest <- list("test" = "cor.area", tryCatch(cor.test(sq_resid,log.data$A,
method = homoCor),
error = function(e)list(estimate=NA,p.value=NA)))
} else if (homoTest == "cor.fitted"){
homoTest <- list("test" = "cor.fitted",
method = homoCor),
error = function(e)list(estimate=NA,p.value=NA)))
} else {
homoTest <- list("test" = "none", "none")
res$normaTest <- normaTest
res$homoTest <- homoTest
lt <- capture.output(logT)
res$logT <- switch(lt,
"function (x, base = exp(1)) .Primitive(\"log\")" = "log()",
"function (x) .Primitive(\"log10\")" = "log10()",
"function (x) .Primitive(\"log2\")" = "log2()")
class(res) <- "sars"
attr(res, "type") <- "lin_pow"
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