# ==========================================================================
# Uncategorized tools for Biobase
# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
# testBioCConnection
# openPDF
# listLen; reverseSplit
# rowQ; rowMedians; rowMin; rowMax
# copySubstitute
# isUnique
# cache
# userQuery
# ==========================================================================
testBioCConnection <- function() {
## Stifle the "connected to www.... garbage output
curNetOpt <- getOption("internet.info")
on.exit(options(internet.info=curNetOpt), add=TRUE)
## First check to make sure they have HTTP capability. If they do
## not, there is no point to this exercise.
http <- as.logical(capabilities(what="http/ftp"))
if (http == FALSE)
## find out where we think that bioC is
bioCoption <- getOption("BIOC")
if (is.null(bioCoption))
bioCoption <- "http://www.bioconductor.org"
## Now check to see if we can connect to the BioC website
biocURL <- url(paste0(bioCoption,"/main.html"))
test <- try(readLines(biocURL)[1])
if (inherits(test,"try-error"))
# ==========================================================================
openPDF <- function(file, bg=TRUE) {
OST <- .Platform$OS.type
if (OST=="windows")
if (OST == "unix") {
bioCOpt <- getOption("BioC")
pdf <- getOption("pdfviewer")
msg <- NULL
if (is.null(pdf))
msg <- "getOption('pdfviewer') is NULL"
else if (length(pdf)==1 && nchar(pdf[[1]])==0)
msg <- "getOption('pdfviewer') is ''"
if (!is.null(msg))
stop(msg, "; please use 'options(pdfviewer=...)'")
cmd <- paste(pdf,file)
if( bg )
cmd <- paste(cmd, "&")
# ==========================================================================
reverseSplit = function(inList) {
if (length(inList)==0) {
lens = sapply(inList, length)
nms = rep(names(inList), lens)
vals = unlist(inList)
split(nms, vals)
# ==========================================================================
copySubstitute = function(src, dest, symbolValues,
symbolDelimiter = "@",
allowUnresolvedSymbols = FALSE,
recursive = FALSE,
removeExtension = "\\.in$") {
## Check integrity of arguments (...lots of bureaucracy)
mess = NULL
if (!is.list(symbolValues) && !is.vector(symbolValues))
mess = "'symbolValues' must be a list or vector."
if (!all(sapply(symbolValues, is.character)))
mess = "'symbolValues' must only contain characters."
if (is.null(names(symbolValues)) || any(names(symbolValues)==""))
mess = "'symbolValues' must have non-empty names."
if (!(is.character(symbolDelimiter) && length(symbolDelimiter)==1 && all(nchar(symbolDelimiter)==1)))
mess = "'symbolDelimiter' must be a single character."
if (!is.logical(allowUnresolvedSymbols))
mess = "'allowUnresolvedSymbols' must be of type logical."
## Here the actual subsitution and copying work is done
## cin and cout are single files or connections
cpSubsCon = function(cin, cout) {
txt = readLines(cin)
for (i in seq(along.with=symbolValues)) {
txt = gsub(nm[i], symbolValues[[i]], txt, fixed=TRUE)
if (any(is.na(txt)))
stop("trying to replace ", nm[i], " by an NA")
## check for unresolved symbols
if(!allowUnresolvedSymbols) {
re = regexpr(paste0(symbolDelimiter, ".+", symbolDelimiter), txt)
wh = which(re>0)
if(length(wh)>0) {
ml = attr(re, "match.length")
mess <- paste0(mess, paste(sapply(wh, function(i) {
paste("Line", i, ":", substr(txt[i], re[i], re[i] + ml[i]))
}), collapse="\n"))
## finito
writeLines(text=txt, con=cout)
## Substitution on filenames
subsFileName = function(x) {
res = gsub(removeExtension, "", x)
for (i in seq(along.with=symbolValues)) {
res = gsub(nm[i], symbolValues[[i]], res)
if (any(is.na(res)))
stop("trying to replace ", nm[i], " by an NA")
## Iterate over character vectors of filenames and
## recursively descend into directories
cpSubs = function(src, dest) {
usage = paste("\n* Usage:",
"\n* with recursive=FALSE:",
"\n* 'src' a connection open for reading or a file name AND",
"\n* 'dest' a connection open for writing or a file name",
"\n* with recursive=TRUE:",
"\n* 'src' a vector of file and directory names and 'dest' a directory name\n\n")
if (!recursive) {
## {file,connection} to {file,connection}
if ((("connection" %in% class(src) && isOpen(src, rw="r")) ||
(is.character(src) && length(src)==1)) &&
(("connection" %in% class(dest) && isOpen(dest, rw="w")) ||
(is.character(dest) && length(dest)==1)))
dest = subsFileName(dest)
cpSubsCon(src, dest)
else {
## recursive: file(s) and/or directory(ies) to directory
if (is.character(src) && is.character(dest) && length(dest==1)) {
## if 'dest' does not exist, create
if (file.access(dest) != 0) {
if (!dir.create(dest))
stop("'dest' does not exist, and cannot be created: ", dest)
## process src
isdir = file.info(src)$isdir
for (k in seq(along.with=src)) {
## name of source file or directory (without path)
tmp = unlist(strsplit(src[k], .Platform$file.sep))
tmp = subsFileName(tmp[length(tmp)])
## name of destination file or directory (with path)
destname = file.path(dest, tmp)
if (isdir[k]) {
stop("directory cannot be created: ", destname)
cpSubs(dir(src[k], full.names=TRUE), destname)
cpSubsCon(src[k], destname)
} ## for k
} ## if(is.character...)
} ## if(recursive)else
} ## cpSubs
## DO IT!
nm = paste0(symbolDelimiter, names(symbolValues), symbolDelimiter)
cpSubs(src, dest)
# ==========================================================================
note <- function(...) {
## A "less drastic" version of warning()
if (nargs() > 0) {
message <- paste("Note:",...,"\n")
## ==================================================
isUnique = function(x){
rv = rep(TRUE, length(x))
if(length(x)>=2) {
ord = order(x)
ox = x[ord]
## compare consecutive values
neq = (ox[-length(ox)]!=ox[-1])
## a value is unique if neither its predecessor nor successor
## in the ordered vector are the same
rv[ord] = c(neq, TRUE) & c(TRUE, neq)
## - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
## O.Sklyar, EBI, 2006
matchpt <- function(x, y) {
if (is.vector(x))
x <- matrix(x, ncol = 1L, nrow = length(x))
if (!(is.matrix(x) && is.numeric(x)))
stop("'x' must be a numeric matrix.")
if (!missing(y)) {
if (is.vector(y))
y <- matrix(y, ncol = 1L, nrow = length(y))
if (!(is.matrix(y) && is.numeric(y)))
stop("y must be a numeric matrix.")
if (ncol(x) != ncol(y))
stop("x and y must have the same number of columns.")
} else {
y <- NULL
res <- .Call("matchpt", x, y, PACKAGE = "Biobase")
res <- as.data.frame(res)
rownames(res) <- rownames(x)
## - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
cache <- function(expr, dir=".", prefix="tmp_R_cache_") {
pexpr <- parse(text=deparse(substitute(expr)))
pexpr <- as.list(pexpr[[1]])
name <- as.character(pexpr[[2]])
RHS <- pexpr[[3]]
cachefile <- file.path(dir, paste0(prefix, name, ".RData"))
if(file.exists(cachefile)) {
assign(name, get(name), envir=parent.frame())
} else {
dir.create(dir, recursive=TRUE, showWarnings=FALSE)
assign(name, eval(RHS, envir=parent.frame()), envir=parent.frame())
save(list=name, file=cachefile, envir=parent.frame())
invisible(get(name, envir=parent.frame()))
## - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
validMsg <- function(msg, result) {
if (is.character(result)) {
append(msg, result)
} else msg
checkClass <- function(object, expected, prefix="", call.=FALSE, ...) {
if (!is(object, expected))
stop(prefix, " '", deparse(substitute(object)), "' is class '",
paste(class(object), collapse="', '"),
"' but should be or extend '",
paste(expected, collapse="', '"), "'", call.=call., ...)
## - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
userQuery <- function(msg, allowed=c("y","n"), default = "n",
case.sensitive = FALSE) {
## Prompts the user with a string and for an answer
## repeats until it gets allowable input
repeat {
allowMsg <- paste0("[", paste(allowed,collapse="/"), "] ")
outMsg <- paste(msg, allowMsg)
ans <- readLines(n=1)
ans <- tolower(readLines(n=1))
if (ans %in% allowed)
cat(ans, "is not a valid response, try again.\n")
unsafeSetSlot <- function(obj, slot, value) {
## This function _assumes_ that there is exactly on references to
## 'obj'; the number of references is not usually detectable from
## casual perusal of the code, because R only maintains the
## _illusion_ of pass by value. Use this with the greatest care,
## if at all.
invisible(.Call("unsafe_set_slot", obj, slot, value))
subListExtract <- function(L, name, simplify=FALSE, keep.names=TRUE) {
## Return a list or vector obtained by extracting the element named
## 'name' from each inner list of L.
## L - list
## name - character vector length 1, name of inner list element
## simplify - return an atomic vector or error if TRUE
## keep.names - if TRUE, keep names of L on result
## this is just a mockup, to play with the desired interface
## and behavior. will be replaced with a C version.
.Call(sublist_extract, L, name, simplify, keep.names)
## f <- function(x) {
## wh <- match(name, names(x), 0)
## if (wh > 0)
## x[[wh]]
## else # would be nice to have index in msg
## stop("bad inner list, no element named ", name)
## }
## if (!simplify)
## ans <- lapply(L, f)
## else {
## ans <- sapply(L, f)
## if (is.list(ans))
## stop("unable to simplify")
## }
## if (!keep.names)
## names(ans) <- NULL
## ans
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For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.