#' Create data for main profile plot
#' @export
#' @param data_heat a data frame contains processed profiles
#' @return A data frame contains data for main profile plot.
#' @importFrom stats na.omit
#' @rawNamespace import(data.table, except = c(set, melt))
#' @author Vinh Tran {tran@bio.uni-frankfurt.de}
#' @seealso \code{\link{from_input_to_profile}}
#' @examples
#' data("full_processed_profile", package="phyloprofile")
#' data_main_plot(full_processed_profile)
data_main_plot <- function(data_heat){
paralogNew <- NULL
# reduce number of inparalogs based on filtered dataHeat
data_heat_tb <- data.table(na.omit(data_heat))
data_heat_tb[, paralogNew := .N, by = c("geneID", "supertaxon")]
data_heat_tb <- data.frame(data_heat_tb[, c("geneID",
data_heat <- merge(
data_heat, data_heat_tb,
by = c("geneID", "supertaxon"),
all.x = TRUE
data_heat$paralog <- data_heat$paralogNew
data_heat <- data_heat[!duplicated(data_heat), ]
# remove unneeded dots
data_heat$presSpec[data_heat$presSpec == 0] <- NA
data_heat$paralog[data_heat$presSpec < 1] <- NA
data_heat$paralog[data_heat$paralog == 1] <- NA
#' Create data for customized profile plot
#' @description Create data for customized profile plot based on a selected
#' list of genes and/or taxa.
#' @export
#' @param data_heat a data frame contains processed profiles
#' @param selected_taxa subset of taxa
#' @param selected_seq subset of sequences
#' @return A data frame contains data for customized profile plot.
#' @author Vinh Tran {tran@bio.uni-frankfurt.de}
#' @seealso \code{\link{from_input_to_profile}}
#' @examples
#' data("full_processed_profile", package="phyloprofile")
#' selected_taxa <- c("Mammalia", "Echinoidea", "Gunneridae")
#' selected_seq <- "all"
#' data_customized_plot(full_processed_profile, selected_taxa, selected_seq)
data_customized_plot <- function(data_heat, selected_taxa, selected_seq){
geneID <- NULL
supertaxonMod <- NULL
# process data
data_heat$supertaxonMod <- {
data_heat$supertaxon, 6, nchar(as.character(data_heat$supertaxon))
if (selected_taxa[1] == "all" & selected_seq[1] != "all") {
# select data from dataHeat for selected sequences only
data_heat <- subset(data_heat, geneID %in% selected_seq)
} else if (selected_seq[1] == "all" & selected_taxa[1] != "all") {
# select data from dataHeat for selected taxa only
data_heat <- subset(data_heat, supertaxonMod %in% selected_taxa)
} else {
# select data from dataHeat for selected sequences and taxa
data_heat <- subset(data_heat,
geneID %in% selected_seq
& supertaxonMod %in% selected_taxa)
# remove unneeded dots
data_heat$presSpec[data_heat$presSpec == 0] <- NA
data_heat$paralog[data_heat$presSpec < 1] <- NA
data_heat$paralog[data_heat$paralog == 1] <- NA
#' Create profile heatmap plot
#' @export
#' @param data data for heatmap plot
#' @param plot_parameter plot parameters (type of x-axis "taxa" or "genes";
#' names of 2 variables; colors for lowest and highest value of variable 1;
#' colors for lowest and highest value of variable 2; color of co-orthologs;
#' text sizes for x, y axis and legend; legend position "top", "bottom",
#' "right", "left" or "none"; zoom ratio of the co-ortholog dots from -1 to 3;
#' angle of x-axis from 0 to 90;
#' show/hide separate line for reference taxon 1/0;
#' enable/disable coloring gene categories TRUE/FALSE)
#' @return A profile heatmap plot as ggplot object.
#' @importFrom plyr mapvalues
#' @importFrom ggplot2 scale_fill_gradient
#' @importFrom ggplot2 scale_color_gradient
#' @importFrom ggplot2 scale_size_continuous
#' @importFrom ggplot2 guide_colourbar
#' @importFrom ggplot2 geom_hline
#' @importFrom ggplot2 geom_rect
#' @importFrom ggplot2 geom_tile
#' @author Vinh Tran {tran@bio.uni-frankfurt.de}
#' @seealso \code{\link{data_main_plot}}, \code{\link{data_customized_plot}}
#' @examples
#' data("full_processed_profile", package="phyloprofile")
#' plot_df <- data_main_plot(full_processed_profile)
#' plot_parameter <- list(
#' "x_axis" = "taxa",
#' "var1_id" = "FAS",
#' "var2_id" = "Traceability",
#' "low_color_var1" = "#FF8C00",
#' "high_color_var1" = "#4682B4",
#' "low_color_var2" = "#FFFFFF",
#' "high_color_var2" = "#F0E68C",
#' "para_color" = "#07D000",
#' "x_size" = 8,
#' "y_size" = 8,
#' "legend_size" = 8,
#' "main_legend" = "top",
#' "dot_zoom" = 0,
#' "x_angle" = 60,
#' "guideline" = 0,
#' "color_by_group" = FALSE
#' )
#' heatmap_plotting(plot_df, plot_parameter)
heatmap_plotting <- function(data, plot_parameter){
geneID <- NULL
supertaxon <- NULL
group <- NULL
var1 <- NULL
var2 <- NULL
presSpec <- NULL
paralog <- NULL
xmin <- NULL
xmax <- NULL
ymin <- NULL
ymax <- NULL
# parameters
x_axis <- plot_parameter$x_axis
var1_id <- plot_parameter$var1_id
var2_id <- plot_parameter$var2_id
low_color_var1 <- plot_parameter$low_color_var1
high_color_var1 <- plot_parameter$high_color_var1
low_color_var2 <- plot_parameter$low_color_var2
high_color_var2 <- plot_parameter$high_color_var2
para_color <- plot_parameter$para_color
x_size <- plot_parameter$x_size
y_size <- plot_parameter$y_size
legend_size <- plot_parameter$legend_size
main_legend <- plot_parameter$main_legend
dot_zoom <- plot_parameter$dot_zoom
x_angle <- plot_parameter$x_angle
guideline <- plot_parameter$guideline
color_by_group <- plot_parameter$color_by_group
# rescale numbers of paralogs
data$paralog <- as.numeric(data$paralog)
if (length(unique(na.omit(data$paralog))) > 0) {
max_paralog <- max(na.omit(data$paralog))
data$paralogSize <- (data$paralog / max_paralog) * 3
# remove prefix number of taxa names but keep the order
data$supertaxon <- {
warn_missing = FALSE,
from = as.character(data$supertaxon),
to = substr(as.character(data$supertaxon),
# format plot
if (x_axis == "genes") {
p <- ggplot(data, aes(x = geneID, y = supertaxon))
} else{
p <- ggplot(data, aes(y = geneID, x = supertaxon))
if (color_by_group == TRUE) {
p <- p + geom_tile(aes(fill = factor(group)), alpha = 0.3)
} else {
if (length(unique(na.omit(data$var2))) != 1) {
p <- p + scale_fill_gradient(
low = low_color_var2,
high = high_color_var2,
na.value = "gray95",
limits = c(0, 1)
) + #fill color (var2)
geom_tile(aes(fill = var2)) # filled rect (var2 score)
if (length(unique(na.omit(data$presSpec))) < 3) {
if (length(unique(na.omit(data$var1))) == 1) {
# geom_point for circle illusion (var1 and presence/absence)
p <- p + geom_point(aes(colour = var1),
size = data$presSpec * 5 * (1 + dot_zoom),
na.rm = TRUE, show.legend = FALSE)
} else {
# geom_point for circle illusion (var1 and presence/absence)
p <- p + geom_point(aes(colour = var1),
size = data$presSpec * 5 * (1 + dot_zoom),
na.rm = TRUE)
# color of the corresponding aes (var1)
p <- p + scale_color_gradient(
low = low_color_var1,
high = high_color_var1,
limits = c(0, 1)
} else {
if (length(unique(na.omit(data$var1))) == 1) {
# geom_point for circle illusion (var1 and presence/absence)
p <- p + geom_point(aes(size = presSpec),
color = "#336a98",
na.rm = TRUE)
} else {
# geom_point for circle illusion (var1 and presence/absence)
p <- p + geom_point(aes(colour = var1, size = presSpec),
na.rm = TRUE)
# color of the corresponding aes (var1)
p <- p +
low = low_color_var1, high = high_color_var1,
limits = c(0, 1)
# plot inparalogs (if available)
if (length(unique(na.omit(data$paralog))) > 0) {
p <- p + geom_point(data = data,
aes(size = paralog),
color = para_color,
na.rm = TRUE,
show.legend = TRUE)
p <- p + guides(size = guide_legend(title = "# of co-orthologs"))
# to tune the size of circles
p <- p +
range = c(
min(na.omit(data$paralogSize)) * (1 + dot_zoom),
max(na.omit(data$paralogSize)) * (1 + dot_zoom)
} else {
# remain the scale of point while filtering
present_vl <- data$presSpec[!is.na(data$presSpec)]
# to tune the size of circles;
# use "floor(value*10)/10" to round "down" the value with one decimal nr
p <- p +
range = c(
(floor(min(present_vl) * 10) / 10 * 5) * (1 + dot_zoom),
(floor(max(present_vl) * 10) / 10 * 5) * (1 + dot_zoom)
if (color_by_group == FALSE) {
p <- p + guides(fill = guide_colourbar(title = var2_id),
color = guide_colourbar(title = var1_id))
} else {
p <- p + guides(fill = guide_legend("Category"),
color = guide_colourbar(title = var1_id))
base_size <- 9
# guideline for separating ref species
if (guideline == 1) {
if (x_axis == "genes") {
p <- p + labs(y = "Taxon")
p <- p + geom_hline(yintercept = 0.5, colour = "dodgerblue4")
p <- p + geom_hline(yintercept = 1.5, colour = "dodgerblue4")
} else{
p <- p + labs(x = "Taxon")
p <- p + geom_vline(xintercept = 0.5, colour = "dodgerblue4")
p <- p + geom_vline(xintercept = 1.5, colour = "dodgerblue4")
# format theme
p <- p + theme_minimal()
p <- p + theme(
axis.text.x = element_text(angle = x_angle, hjust = 1, size = x_size),
axis.text.y = element_text(size = y_size),
axis.title.x = element_text(size = x_size),
axis.title.y = element_text(size = y_size),
legend.title = element_text(size = legend_size),
legend.text = element_text(size = legend_size),
legend.position = main_legend
# return plot
#' Highlight gene and/or taxon of interest on the profile plot
#' @export
#' @usage highlight_profile_plot(data, plot_parameter, taxon_highlight,
#' rank_name, gene_highlight)
#' @param data data for heatmap plot
#' @param plot_parameter plot parameters (type of x-axis "taxa" or "genes";
#' names of 2 variables; colors for lowest and highest value of variable 1;
#' colors for lowest and highest value of variable 2; color of co-orthologs;
#' text sizes for x, y axis and legend; legend position "top", "bottom",
#' "right", "left" or "none"; zoom ratio of the co-ortholog dots from -1 to 3;
#' angle of x-axis from 0 to 90;
#' show/hide separate line for reference taxon 1/0;
#' enable/disable coloring gene categories TRUE/FALSE)
#' @param taxon_highlight taxon of interst
#' @param rank_name working taxonomy rank
#' @param gene_highlight gene of interest
#' @return A profile heatmap plot with highlighted gene and/or taxon of interest
#' as ggplot object.
#' @author Vinh Tran {tran@bio.uni-frankfurt.de}
#' @seealso \code{\link{data_main_plot}}, \code{\link{data_customized_plot}}
#' @examples
#' data("full_processed_profile", package="phyloprofile")
#' plot_df <- data_main_plot(full_processed_profile)
#' plot_parameter <- list(
#' "x_axis" = "taxa",
#' "var1_id" = "FAS",
#' "var2_id" = "Traceability",
#' "low_color_var1" = "#FF8C00",
#' "high_color_var1" = "#4682B4",
#' "low_color_var2" = "#FFFFFF",
#' "high_color_var2" = "#F0E68C",
#' "para_color" = "#07D000",
#' "x_size" = 8,
#' "y_size" = 8,
#' "legend_size" = 8,
#' "main_legend" = "top",
#' "dot_zoom" = 0,
#' "x_angle" = 60,
#' "guideline" = 0,
#' "color_by_group" = FALSE
#' )
#' taxon_highlight <- "Mammalia"
#' rank_name <- "class"
#' gene_highlight <- "OG_1019"
#' highlight_profile_plot(
#' plot_df, plot_parameter, taxon_highlight, rank_name, gene_highlight
#' )
highlight_profile_plot <- function(
xmin <- NULL
xmax <- NULL
ymin <- NULL
ymax <- NULL
# get heatmap
p <- heatmap_plotting(data, plot_parameter)
# highlight taxon
if (taxon_highlight != "none") {
# get selected highlight taxon ID
nameReduced_file <- paste(
if (!file.exists(nameReduced_file)) {
fileURL <- paste0(
res <- tryCatch(
destfile = nameReduced_file,
error=function(e) 1
taxa_list <- as.data.frame(read.table(
sep = "\t",
header = TRUE
taxon_highlight_id <- {
taxa_list$fullName == taxon_highlight
& taxa_list$rank == rank_name
if (length(taxon_highlight_id) == 0L) {
taxon_highlight_id <- {
taxa_list$ncbiID[taxa_list$fullName == taxon_highlight]
# get taxonID together with it sorted index
highlight_taxon <- {
data[data$supertaxonID == taxon_highlight_id, 2][1]
# get index
selected_index <- as.numeric(
as.character(substr(highlight_taxon, 2, 4))
# draw a rect to highlight this taxon's column
if (plot_parameter$x_axis == "taxa") {
rect <- data.frame(
xmin = selected_index - 0.5,
xmax = selected_index + 0.5,
ymin = -Inf,
ymax = Inf
} else {
rect <- data.frame(
ymin = selected_index - 0.5,
ymax = selected_index + 0.5,
xmin = -Inf,
xmax = Inf
p <- p + geom_rect(
data = rect,
aes(xmin = xmin, xmax = xmax, ymin = ymin, ymax = ymax),
color = "yellow",
alpha = 0.3,
inherit.aes = FALSE
# highlight gene
if (gene_highlight != "none") {
# get selected highlight gene ID
gene_highlight <- gene_highlight
# get index
all_genes <- levels(data$geneID)
selected_index <- match(gene_highlight, all_genes)
# draw a rect to highlight this taxon's column
if (plot_parameter$x_axis == "taxa") {
rect <- data.frame(
ymin = selected_index - 0.5,
ymax = selected_index + 0.5,
xmin = -Inf,
xmax = Inf
} else {
rect <- data.frame(
xmin = selected_index - 0.5,
xmax = selected_index + 0.5,
ymin = -Inf,
ymax = Inf
p <- p + geom_rect(
data = rect,
aes(xmin = xmin, xmax = xmax, ymin = ymin, ymax = ymax),
color = "yellow",
alpha = 0.3,
inherit.aes = FALSE
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