#' Get the dataframe with the significant genes
#' @export
#' @usage get_significant_genes(in_group, selected_genes_list, rank, var,
#' use_common_ancestor, reference_taxon, parameters, ncbi_id_list,
#' data_full, right_format_features, domains)
#' @param in_group list of taxa
#' @param selected_genes_list list of genes
#' @param rank selected taxonamy rank
#' @param var variable for which to calculate the significance
#' @param use_common_ancestor boolean if the common anchestor should be used
#' @param reference_taxon taxon which is used as reference
#' @param parameters contains "show_p_value","highlight_significant",
#' "significance", "var1_id", "var2_id", "x_size_gc", "y_size_gc",
#' "interesting_features", "angle_gc", "legend_gc", "legend_size_gc"
#' @param ncbi_id_list list of ncbi ids
#' @param data_full full processed main data
#' @param right_format_features boolean if the features have the right format
#' @param domains dataframe holding the domain input
#' @return dataframe with the significant genes
#' @importFrom stats p.adjust
#' @author Carla Mölbert (carla.moelbert@gmx.de)
#' @examples
#' data("main_long_raw", package="phyloprofile")
#' data("full_processed_profile", package="phyloprofile")
#' in_group <- c("Aeropyrum pernix", "Agrobacterium fabrum")
#' selected_genes_list <- "OG_1017"
#' rank <- "species"
#' var <- ""
#' use_common_ancestor <- FALSE
#' reference_taxon <- "Homo sapiens"
#' ncbi_id_list <- get_input_taxa_id(main_long_raw)
#' data_full <- full_processed_profile
#' right_format_features <- TRUE
#' domain_file <- system.file(
#' "extdata", "domain_files/OG_1017.domains",
#' package = "phyloprofile", mustWork = TRUE
#' )
#' domains <- parse_domain_input("OG_1017", domain_file, "file")
#' parameters <- list(
#' "show_p_value" = TRUE,
#' "highlight_significant" = FALSE,
#' "significance" = 0.05,
#' "var1_id" = "1st variable",
#' "var2_id" = "2nd variable",
#' "x_size_gc" = 9,
#' "y_size_gc" = 9,
#' "interesting_features" = NULL,
#' "angle_gc" = 90,
#' "legend_gc" = "none",
#' "legend_size_gc" = 9,
#' "p_values_size" = 9
#' )
#' get_significant_genes(
#' in_group,
#' selected_genes_list,
#' rank,
#' var,
#' use_common_ancestor,
#' reference_taxon,
#' parameters,
#' ncbi_id_list,
#' data_full,
#' right_format_features,
#' domains
#' )
get_significant_genes <- function(
if (is.null(in_group) | length(selected_genes_list) == 0) return()
significance_level <- parameters$significance
name_list <- get_name_list() # load name List
taxa_list <- get_taxonomy_matrix(FALSE, ncbi_id_list) # load unsorted taxa
# Get the rank and the in-group
# if there is more than one element in the in_group -> use common anchestor
if (use_common_ancestor == TRUE) {
ancestor <- get_common_ancestor(in_group, rank,
name_list, taxa_list, ncbi_id_list)
if (is.null(ancestor)) return("No common ancestor found")
in_group <- ancestor[1]
rank <- ancestor[2]
} else {
# rank <- substring(rank, 4)
rank <- rank
if (is.na(rank)) return("No common ancestor found")
# provide the empty data frame
if (var == "Both") {
significant_genes_df <- data.frame(
geneID = character(),
in_group = I(list()),
out_group = I(list()),
pvalues_1 = I(list()),
pvalues_2 = I(list()),
features = I(list()),
databases = I(list()))
} else {
significant_genes_df <- data.frame(
geneID = character(),
in_group = I(list()),
out_group = I(list()),
pvalues = I(list()),
features = I(list()),
databases = I(list()))
# Get the list of genes to look at
if (is.element("all", selected_genes_list)) {
genes <- data_full$geneID
genes <- genes[!duplicated(genes)]
} else {
genes <- selected_genes_list
genes <- sort(genes)
# Subset depending on the rank and the in_group
selected_subset <- get_selected_subset(rank, in_group, name_list, taxa_list)
selected_subset <- subset(
selected_subset, !selected_subset$fullName == reference_taxon
# Check for each gene if it is significant
for (gene in genes) {
print(paste("Analyzing the distribution of", gene, "..."))
# Processing the dataframes for in- and out-group
selected_gene_df <- subset(data_full, data_full$geneID == gene)
in_group_df <- {
selected_gene_df$abbrName %in% selected_subset$abbrName
out_group_df <- {
!(selected_gene_df$abbrName %in% selected_subset$abbrName)
out_group_df <- {
subset(out_group_df, !out_group_df$fullName == reference_taxon)
# Generate and check the p_values for the gene
pvalue <- get_p_values(in_group_df, out_group_df, var, gene, parameters)
new_row <- data.frame(
geneID = gene,
in_group = NA,
out_group = NA,
pvalues = NA,
features = NA
new_row$in_group <- list(in_group_df)
new_row$out_group <- list(out_group_df)
if (var == "Both") {
new_row$pvalues_1 <- pvalue[1]
new_row$pvalues_2 <- pvalue[2]
} else {
new_row$pvalues <- pvalue
features <- get_features(gene, domains)
new_row$features <- list(features)
if (right_format_features) {
new_row$databases <- list(get_prefix_features(features))
significant_genes_df <- rbind(significant_genes_df, new_row)
if (var == "Both") {
significant_genes_df$pvalues_1 <- {
significant_genes_df$pvalues_1, method = "holm",
n = length(significant_genes_df$pvalues_1)
significant_genes_df$pvalues_2 <- {
significant_genes_df$pvalues_2, method = "holm",
n = length(significant_genes_df$pvalues_2)
significant_genes_df <-
significant_genes_df$pvalues_1 <= significance_level
| significant_genes_df$pvalues_2 <= significance_level ,
significant_genes_df <-
!is.na(significant_genes_df$pvalues_1) |
} else {
significant_genes_df$pvalues <- {
significant_genes_df$pvalues, method = "holm",
n = length(significant_genes_df$pvalues)
significant_genes_df <- {
significant_genes_df$pvalues <= significance_level,
significant_genes_df <- {
significant_genes_df[!is.na(significant_genes_df$pvalues) ,]
# return the significant genes
if (nrow(significant_genes_df) != 0) {
significant_genes_df$var <- var
significant_genes_df$rank <- rank
} else {
return("No candidate genes found")
#' Generate the in_group
#' @export
#' @usage get_common_ancestor(in_group, rank, name_list, selected_in_group,
#' ncbi_id_list)
#' @param in_group list of taxa
#' @param rank selected rank
#' @param name_list contains "ncbiID", "fullName", "rank", "parentID"
#' @param selected_in_group contains "abbrName, "ncbiID", fullName", "strain",
#' "genus"..
#' @param ncbi_id_list list of input taxon IDs
#' @return common anchestor
#' @author Carla Mölbert (carla.moelbert@gmx.de)
#' @examples
#' in_group <- c("Aeropyrum pernix", "Agrobacterium fabrum")
#' rank <- "species"
#' name_list_file <- system.file(
#' "extdata", "data/taxonNamesFull.txt",
#' package = "phyloprofile", mustWork = TRUE
#' )
#' name_list <- as.data.frame(data.table::fread(name_list_file))
#' selected_in_group <- get_taxonomy_matrix(FALSE, NULL)
#' ncbi_id_list <- c(56636, 1176649)
#' get_common_ancestor(
#' in_group,
#' rank,
#' name_list,
#' selected_in_group,
#' ncbi_id_list
#' )
get_common_ancestor <- function(in_group,
all_ranks <- get_taxonomy_ranks()
selected_in_group <- {
selected_in_group[!duplicated(selected_in_group), ]
# ranks were all elements of the in_group might be in the same taxon
# possible_ranks <- all_ranks[all_ranks >= rank]
possible_ranks <- all_ranks[match(rank, all_ranks):(length(all_ranks)-1)]
position <- 1
if (length(in_group) == 1) rank <- rank #substring(rank, 4)
# find the common ancestor of all taxa in the in_group
while (length(in_group) > 1 & position < length(possible_ranks)) {
current_rank <- as.character(possible_ranks[position][1])
next_rank <- as.character(possible_ranks[position + 1][1])
# dataframe with all elements with fitting rank
df_in_group <- subset(name_list, name_list$rank == current_rank)
# subset of df_in_group with elements that belong to the in_group
df_in_group <- subset(df_in_group, df_in_group$fullName %in% in_group)
# get all elements which could belong to the in-group
possible_in_group <- subset(selected_in_group,
select = c(current_rank, next_rank))
possible_in_group <- {
possible_in_group[,current_rank] %in% df_in_group$ncbiID,
possible_in_group <- possible_in_group[!duplicated(possible_in_group), ]
# only consider elements that have the next higher rank
subset_next_rank <- taxa_select_gc(next_rank, ncbi_id_list)
subset_next_rank <- subset_next_rank[!duplicated(subset_next_rank), ]
subset_next_rank <- {
subset_next_rank$ncbiID %in% possible_in_group[, next_rank]
in_group <- subset_next_rank$fullName
position <- position + 1
rank <- next_rank
# Return the in-group and the rank
if (position > length(possible_ranks)) return()
return(c(in_group, rank))
#' Get the subset depending on the choosen rank
#' @param rank selected rank
#' @param in_group list of taxa
#' @param name_list contains "ncbiID", "fullName", "rank", "parentID"
#' @param taxa_list contains "abbrName, "ncbiID", fullName", "strain", "genus"
#' @return list of prefixes for the features
#' @author Carla Mölbert (carla.moelbert@gmx.de)
get_selected_subset <- function(rank, in_group, name_list, taxa_list){
# Look if the fullName is in the in_group
name_list$fullName <- as.character(name_list$fullName)
name_list_rank <- subset(name_list, name_list$rank == rank)
in_group_subset <- subset(name_list, name_list$fullName %in% in_group)
# Look if it has the right rank
selected_subset <- taxa_list[taxa_list[, rank] %in% in_group_subset$ncbiID,]
#' Decide if the gene is significant
#' @param in_group contains "supertaxon", "geneID", "ncbiID", "orthoID",
#' "var1", "var2", "paralog", "abbrName", "taxonID", "fullname",
#' "supertaxonID", "rank", "category", "presSpec", "mVar1", "mVar2"
#' @param out_group as in-group but with information containing the out-group
#' @param variable variable(s) to claculate the plots for
#' @param gene gene to calculate the p-values for
#' @param parameters contains "show_p_value","highlight_significant",
#' "significance", "var1_id", "var2_id", "x_size_gc", "y_size_gc",
#' "interesting_features", "angle_gc", "legend_gc", "legend_size_gc"
#' @return return the pvalues
#' @author Carla Mölbert (carla.moelbert@gmx.de)
get_p_values <- function(in_group, out_group, variable, gene, parameters){
significance_level <- parameters$significance
# get the p-values for both variables
if (variable == "Both") {
var1 <- parameters$var1
var2 <- parameters$var2
pvalues1 <- calculate_p_value(
pvalues2 <- calculate_p_value(
pvalues <- list(pvalues1, pvalues2)
# get the p-values for one variable
else {
# Check which variable is selected and get the p_values
if (variable == parameters$var1_id) {
pvalues <- calculate_p_value(
} else {
pvalues <- calculate_p_value(
#' calculate the p_values
#' @param var_in list of values for the variable concerning the in-group
#' @param var_out list of values for the variable concerning the out-group
#' @param significance_level significant cutoff for statistical test
#' @return return the pvalues
#' @importFrom stats ks.test
#' @importFrom stats wilcox.test
#' @author Carla Mölbert (carla.moelbert@gmx.de)
calculate_p_value <- function(var_in, var_out, significance_level){
# delete all entrys that are NA
var_in <- var_in[!is.na(var_in)]
var_out <- var_out[!is.na(var_out)]
# if there is no data in one of the groups the p-value is NULL
if (length(var_in) == 0) return(NA)
else if (length(var_out) == 0) return(NA)
else {
# * Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test
# H0 : The two samples have the same distribution
ks <- suppressWarnings(
ks.test(unique(var_in), unique(var_out), exact = FALSE)
p_value <- ks$p.value # probabilitiy to recet H0, if it is correct
if (p_value < significance_level) pvalue <- c(p_value)
else {
# * Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney Test
# H0: the samples have the same location parameters
wilcox <- suppressWarnings(
alternative = "two.sided",
#exact = FALSE,
paired = FALSE)
p_value_wilcox <- wilcox$p.value
# pvalue <- c(p_value, p_value_wilcox)
pvalue <- c(p_value_wilcox)
# perm <- jmuOutlier:: perm.test(
# unique(var_in), unique(var_out),
# alternative = c("two.sided"),
# mu = 0, # Hypothesis: Samples do not differ
# paired = FALSE,
# all.perms = TRUE, # Tries to get a exact p value
# num.sim = 1000000,
# plot = FALSE, # does not plot
# stat = mean
# ) # compaires the means of the distributions
# pvalue <- perm$p.value
# return the calculated pvalues ----------------------------------------
#' get the list with all the features in the gene
#' @param selected_gene gene to get the feartures for
#' @param domains contains "seedID", "orthoID", "feature", "start", "end"
#' @return dataframe for the specific gene containing "seedID", "orthoID",
#' "feature", "start", "end"
#' @author Carla Mölbert (carla.moelbert@gmx.de)
get_features <- function(selected_gene, domains){
subset_domains <- {
) == selected_gene
subset_domains <- subset_domains[!duplicated(subset_domains), ]
#' Get the database for each feature in a specific gene
#' @param data contains "seedID", "orthoID", "feature", "start", "end"
#' @return list of prefixes for the features
#' @author Carla Mölbert (carla.moelbert@gmx.de)
get_prefix_features <- function(data){
features <- data$feature
choices <- gsub("_.*", "", features)
choices <- choices[!duplicated(choices)]
#' print list of available taxa
#' @param rank_select_gc rank selected for group compariosn
#' @param input_taxonID contains "seedID", "orthoID", "feature", "start", "end"
#' @return avilable taxa containing "ncbiID", "fullName", "rank", "parentID"
#' @author Carla Mölbert (carla.moelbert@gmx.de)
taxa_select_gc <- function(rank_select_gc, input_taxonID){
# if there is no rank set, there can not be any available taxa
if (length(rank_select_gc) == 0) return()
# load list of unsorted taxa
if (is.null(input_taxonID)) dt <- get_taxonomy_matrix(
FALSE, input_taxonID
else dt <- get_taxonomy_matrix(TRUE, input_taxonID)
# load list of taxon name
name_list <- phyloprofile::get_name_list()
# get rank name from rank_select
if (substr(rank_select_gc,3,3) == "_") {
# rank_name <- substr(rank_select_gc, 4, nchar(rank_select_gc))
rank_name <- rank_select_gc
else rank_name <- rank_select_gc
choice <- as.data.frame
choice <- rbind(dt[rank_name])
colnames(choice) <- "ncbiID"
choice <- merge(choice, name_list, by = "ncbiID", all = FALSE)
#' Create a list with all main taxanomy ranks
#' @export
#' @return A list of all main ranks (from strain to superkingdom)
#' @author Carla Mölbert (carla.moelbert@gmx.de)
#' @examples
#' get_taxonomy_ranks()
get_taxonomy_ranks <- function(){
all_ranks <- list(
"Strain " = "strain",
"Species" = "species",
"Genus" = "genus",
"Family" = "family",
"Order" = "order",
"Class" = "class",
"Phylum" = "phylum",
"Kingdom" = "kingdom",
"Superkingdom" = "superkingdom",
"unselected" = ""
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