
Defines functions mock_dictionary prune_dictionary_for_exclusivity makeAdjacencyMatrixFromGroupMemberList makeAdjacencyMatrixFromList makeAdjacencyMatrix assessWebCall weaveWebFromTables

Documented in assessWebCall makeAdjacencyMatrix makeAdjacencyMatrixFromGroupMemberList makeAdjacencyMatrixFromList mock_dictionary prune_dictionary_for_exclusivity weaveWebFromTables

#' Create an anansiWeb object from two 'omics tables and a dictionary
#' @description This function will take two tables of 'omics data, for example metabolomics and functional microbiome data. It will also take a dictionary list, which is provided in this package.
#' @param tableY A table containing features of interest. Rows should be samples and columns should be features. The Y and X refer to the position of the features in a formula: Y ~ X.
#' @param tableX A table containing features of interest. Rows should be samples and columns should be features. The Y and X refer to the position of the features in a formula: Y ~ X. If left empty, tableY will be duplicated.
#' @param dictionary A list that has feature names from tableY as names. Default is the dictionary provided in this package.
#' @param mode A character vector. Can be "interaction" or "membership". Toggles whether to link two datasets based on their interactions or based on shared group membership.
#' @param verbose A boolean. Toggles whether to print diagnostic information while running. Useful for debugging errors on large datasets.
#' @param prune A boolean. Toggles whether to prune particularly large groups.
#' @param max_sds A numeric. Only relevant for prune == TRUE. How many SDs larger than the median a group can be before it is pruned.
#' For general use, we recommend sticking to that one. You can access the dictionary like this: \code{data(dictionary)}
#' @return an \code{anansiWeb} object. Web is used as input for most of the main workflow of anansi.
#' @export
weaveWebFromTables <- function(tableY, tableX = NULL, dictionary = anansi::anansi_dic, verbose = TRUE, mode = "interaction", prune = FALSE, max_sds = 3) {
  tableX <- assessWebCall(tableY = tableY, tableX = tableX, verbose = verbose)

  if (identical(tableX, tableY)) {
    if (verbose) {
      message("Using softmax to undo CLR transformation while keeping the zero imputation. ")
    ct.list <- apply(tableY, 1, softmax, simplify = FALSE)
    tableX <- do.call(rbind, ct.list)
    tableY <- tableX

  if (length(dictionary) == 1) {
    if (dictionary == "none") {
      if (verbose) {
        message("No dictionary provided, preparing for all vs all analysis. ")
      dictionary <- mock_dictionary(tableY = tableY, tableX = tableX)

  stopifnot("the mode argument needs to be interaction or membership." = mode %in% c("interaction", "membership"))
  # For conventional use, table Y should be metabolites and table X functions.

  # The two 'table' matrices MUST have row
  # and column names that are unique, and
  # look like the following:
  #               f1  f2  f3  f4  f5  f6
  #   sample1      0   0   2   0   0   1
  #   sample2     20   8  12   5  19  26
  #   sample3      3   0   2   0   0   0
  #       ... many more rows ...

  if (prune) {
    dictionary <- prune_dictionary_for_exclusivity(
      dict_list = dictionary,
      max_sds = max_sds, verbose = verbose

  # create binary adjacency matrix first
  dictionary <- makeAdjacencyMatrix(
    tableY = tableY, dict_list = dictionary,
    verbose = verbose, mode = mode

  # If we're looking at single data set, don't do associations with yourself. Set diagonal to FALSE.
  if (identical(tableX, tableY)) {
    diag(dictionary) <- FALSE

  # Check if input tables have the same names and the same length.
  if (!identical(row.names(tableY), row.names(tableX))) {
    warning("The row names of tableY and tableX do not correspond. Please make sure they are in the same order.")
  if (nrow(tableY) != nrow(tableX)) {
    stop("tableY and tableX do not have the same number of rows/observations.")

  available_tableY <- sort(intersect(colnames(tableY), rownames(dictionary)))
  available_tableX <- sort(intersect(colnames(tableX), colnames(dictionary)))

  if (verbose) {
    message(paste(length(available_tableY), "were matched between table 1 and the columns of the adjacency matrix"))
    message(paste(length(available_tableX), "were matched between table 2 and the rows of the adjacency matrix"))
  # Select the relevant part of the adjacency matrix
  dictionary <- dictionary[available_tableY, available_tableX]

  # Ensure there are no features that never interact
  dictionary <- dictionary[rowSums(dictionary) > 0, colSums(dictionary) > 0]

  # use the dictionary to clean input tables
  tableY <- tableY[, rownames(dictionary)]
  tableX <- tableX[, colnames(dictionary)]

  # Disable the diagonal for within-dataset testing.
  if (identical(tableX, tableY)) {
    if (verbose) {
      message("X and Y tables are identical. Setting the diagonal of the dictionary to FALSE.")
    diag(dictionary) <- FALSE

  # Return an anansiWeb object with three slots: typically metabolites, functions and adjacency matrix
    tableY     = as.matrix(tableY),
    tableX     = as.matrix(tableX),
    dictionary = as.matrix(dictionary)

#' Helper function to assess the input feature tables
#' @description Assess the input tables. Mostly to prepare for within-table associations. Called by \code{\link{weaveWebFromTables}}.
#' @param tableY A table containing features of interest. Rows should be samples and columns should be features. The Y and X refer to the position of the features in a formula: Y ~ X.
#' @param tableX A table containing features of interest. Rows should be samples and columns should be features. The Y and X refer to the position of the features in a formula: Y ~ X. If left empty, tableY will be duplicated.
#' @param verbose A boolean. Toggles whether to print diagnostic information while running. Useful for debugging errors on large datasets.
#' @return A potentially adjusted tableX.
assessWebCall <- function(tableY, tableX, verbose) {
  if (is.null(tableX)) {
    tableX <- tableY

  if (identical(tableX, tableY) & verbose) {
    message("Single feature table detected. Preparing web for within-table analysis.")

#' Starting point to wrangle anansi dictionary list into binary adjacency matrix
#' @description Takes the anansi dictionary in list format and wrangles it into a binary adjacency matrix.
#' @seealso \code{\link{weaveWebFromTables}}
#' @param tableY A matrix containing y features of interest. Rows should be samples and columns should be features. Only used for mode == "interaction".
#' @param dict_list A list that has tableY names as entries in the case of mode == "interaction" and group names in the case of mode == "membership". For general use, we recommend using the one provided in this package.
#' @param verbose A boolean. Toggles whether to print diagnostic information while running. Useful for debugging errors on large datasets.
#' @param mode A character vector. Can be "interaction" or "membership". Toggles whether to link two datasets based on their interactions or based on shared group membership.
#' @return a binary adjacency matrix with features from tableY as rows and features from tableX as columns.
makeAdjacencyMatrix <- function(dict_list, tableY = NULL, verbose = TRUE, mode = mode) {
  if (mode == "interaction") {
    if (verbose) {
      message("Operating in interaction mode")
    makeAdjacencyMatrixFromList(tableY = tableY, dict_list = dict_list, mode = mode)
  } else if (mode == "membership") {
    if (verbose) {
      message("Operating in membership mode")
    makeAdjacencyMatrixFromGroupMemberList(dict_list = dict_list, mode = mode)

#' Wrangle anansi dictionary list into binary adjacency matrix
#' @description Takes the anansi dictionary in list format and wrangles it into a binary adjacency matrix based on which tableY features are present in both the dictionary and  \code{tableY}.
#' For general use, should probably not be called directly, but rather through \code{\link{weaveWebFromTables}}.
#' @seealso \code{\link{weaveWebFromTables}}
#' @param tableY A matrix containing features of interest. Rows should be samples and columns should be features.
#' @param dict_list A list that has tableY names as entries in the case of mode == "interaction" and groupnames in the case of mode == "membership". For general use, we recommend using the one provided in this package.
#' @param mode A character vector. Can be "interaction" or "membership". Toggles whether to link two datasets based on their interactions or based on shared group membership.
#' @return a binary adjacency matrix with the group members on both the rows and columns.
makeAdjacencyMatrixFromList <- function(tableY = NULL, dict_list, mode = "interaction") {
  # If in interaction mode, prune list to only contain features in tableY
  if (mode == "interaction") {
    dict_list <- dict_list[names(dict_list) %in% colnames(tableY)]
  ynames <- names(dict_list)
  xnames <- sort(unique(unlist(dict_list)))

  # create an empty adjacency matrix
  dict_out <- matrix(
    nrow = length(ynames),
    ncol = length(xnames),
    dimnames = list(ynames, xnames), data = FALSE
  # Fill in the canonical associations by row
  for (y in seq_len(length(dict_list))) {
    dict_out[y, dict_list[[y]]] <- TRUE
  # Return the resulting matrix

#' Wrangle anansi dictionary list into binary adjacency matrix
#' @description Takes the anansi dictionary in list format and wrangles it into a binary adjacency matrix based on group membership.
#' For general use, should probably not be called directly, but rather through \code{\link{weaveWebFromTables}}.
#' @seealso \code{\link{weaveWebFromTables}}
#' @param dict_list A list that has tableY names as entries in the case of mode == "interaction" and groupnames in the case of mode == "membership". For general use, we recommend using the one provided in this package.
#' @param mode A character vector. Can be "interaction" or "membership". Toggles whether to link two datasets based on their interactions or based on shared group membership.
#' @return a binary adjacency matrix with the group members on both the rows and columns.
makeAdjacencyMatrixFromGroupMemberList <- function(dict_list, mode = mode) {
  basic_list <- makeAdjacencyMatrixFromList(tableY = NULL, dict_list = dict_list, mode = mode)
  # Populate the empty adjacency matrix with TRUE between features that share a membership
  # Thanks to Benjamin Valderrama for the suggestion to use crosspod here!
  dict_out <- crossprod(basic_list) >= 1


#' Kick out particularly large groups before wrangling the dictionary list into a binary adjacency matrix.
#' @description Takes the anansi dictionary in list format and prunes the larges groups based on sd from the median.
#' @param dict_list A list that has tableY names as entries in the case of mode == "interaction" and group names in the case of mode == "membership". For general use, we recommend using the one provided in this package.
#' @param verbose A boolean. Toggles whether to print diagnostic information while running. Useful for debugging errors on large datasets.
#' @param max_sds a numeric, how many standard deviantions larger than the group median are groups allowed to be?
#' @return a pruned anansi dictionary list object.
#' @importFrom stats sd
prune_dictionary_for_exclusivity <- function(dict_list, max_sds = 3, verbose = TRUE) {
  mem_sizes <- unlist(lapply(dict_list, length))
  discard <- mem_sizes > (median(mem_sizes) + (max_sds * sd(mem_sizes)))

  if (verbose) {
    message(paste(sum(discard), "groups were", max_sds, "sds larger than the median group size and were kicked out. "))
    message(paste("These include", paste(names(dict_list[discard]), collapse = ", ")))


#' Helper function to make a mock dictionary
#' @description Make a full all vs all dictionary in the case of an all vs all analysis.
#' @param tableY A table containing features of interest. Rows should be samples and columns should be features. The Y and X refer to the position of the features in a formula: Y ~ X.
#' @param tableX A table containing features of interest. Rows should be samples and columns should be features. The Y and X refer to the position of the features in a formula: Y ~ X.
#' @return a full anansi dictionary list object.
mock_dictionary <- function(tableY, tableX) {
  # generate list
  m_dic <- vector("list", length = ncol(tableY))
  names(m_dic) <- colnames(tableY)
  # populate list
  m_dic <- lapply(m_dic, FUN = function(x) {
thomazbastiaanssen/anansi documentation built on Feb. 9, 2025, 2:07 p.m.