#' Run differential correlation analysis for all interacting metabolites and functions.
#' @description Can either take continuous or categorical data for \code{groups}. Typically, the main \code{anansi()} function will run this for you.
#' @param yarn An \code{anansiYarn} object, containing two tables with omics data and a dictionary that links them. See \code{weaveWebFromTables()} for how to weave a web.
#' @param metadata A vector or data.frame of categorical or continuous value necessary for differential correlations. Typically a state or treatment score. If no argument provided, anansi will let you know and still to regular correlations according to your dictionary.
#' @param verbose A boolean. Toggles whether to print diagnostic information while running. Useful for debugging errors on large datasets.
#' @return a list of \code{anansiTale} result objects, one for the total model, one for emergent correlations and one for disjointed correlations.
#' @importFrom stats anova lm pf residuals model.matrix.default terms.formula
#' @importFrom future.apply future_apply
#' @importFrom methods is
anansiDiffCor <- function(yarn, metadata, verbose = TRUE) {
# Compute shape of model.matrix and initialize qr.mm
base.mm <- build.mm(sat_model = yarn.f(yarn), metadata)
# identify the columns of the variables that change based on X-variable
x.fct <- get_x.fct(yarn.f(yarn), errorterm = yarn.e(yarn))
# TODO This could be important for argonaut support; consider modifying row id 1.
x.assign <- as.integer(which(x.fct[1, ] == 1))
all.assign <- attr(base.mm, "assign")
x.vars <- all.assign %in% x.assign
x.int <- x.assign[-1]
# set up F-tests
# number of samples in full model
n <- nrow(yarn.tY(yarn))
# strip mm of attributes
mm <- matrix(base.mm, ncol = NCOL(base.mm))
# Null models for general association of y and x: Remove all components with x.
Y.TSS <- SS(fast.qr.resid(
y = yarn.tY(yarn),
x = mm[, !x.vars]
# prepare output
df_mat <- dfmat(x.assign, x.int, all.assign, x.fct, n)
modelfit <- list(full = new("anansiTale",
subject = "model_full",
type = "r.squared",
df = df_mat[, 1],
estimates = yarn.dic.double(yarn) * Y.TSS, # start with RSS0
F.values = yarn.dic.double(yarn),
p.values = !yarn.dic(yarn),
q.values = !yarn.dic(yarn)
disjointed <- `names<-`(lapply(
function(x) {
subject = paste("model_disjointed", yarn.int(yarn)[x], sep = "_"),
type = "r.squared",
df = df_mat[, x + 1],
estimates = yarn.dic.double(yarn), # start with RSS0
F.values = yarn.dic.double(yarn),
p.values = !yarn.dic(yarn),
q.values = !yarn.dic(yarn)
), yarn.int(yarn))
emergent <- `names<-`(lapply(
function(x) {
subject = paste("model_emergent", yarn.int(yarn)[x], sep = "_"),
type = "r.squared",
df = df_mat[, x + 1] + c(0, -1, -1 / df_mat[1, x + 1]),
estimates = yarn.dic.double(yarn), # start with RSS0
F.values = yarn.dic.double(yarn),
p.values = !yarn.dic(yarn),
q.values = !yarn.dic(yarn)
), yarn.int(yarn))
# Compute R^2 for full model
modelfit$full@estimates <- 1 - (
function(x) R_full(y = x, mm, yarn, x.fct, x.vars)
) /
# compute all disjointed R^2 values, return to matrix with rows as values and columns as terms
for (t in seq_along(x.int)) {
i.disj <- index.disj(x = x.int[t], all.assign, x.fct)
for (y in seq_len(NCOL(yarn.tX(yarn)))) {
# adjust the input model.matrix by multiplying the relevant columns by x
qr.mm <- mm
qr.mm[, x.vars] <- mm[, x.vars] * yarn.tX(yarn)[, y]
y.ind <- yarn.dic(yarn)[, y]
y.vals <- `dimnames<-`(yarn.tY(yarn)[, y.ind], NULL)
# straight to web!!
disjointed[[t]]@estimates[yarn.dic(yarn)[, y], y] <- R_disj(y.vals, qr.mm, i.disj)
emergent[[t]]@estimates[yarn.dic(yarn)[, y], y] <- R_emerg(y.vals, qr.mm, i.disj)
# Add F and P statistics
modelfit <- lapply(modelfit, get_PF, d = yarn.dic(yarn))
disjointed <- lapply(disjointed, get_PF, d = yarn.dic(yarn))
emergent <- lapply(emergent, get_PF, d = yarn.dic(yarn))
modelfit = modelfit,
disjointed = disjointed,
emergent = emergent
#' Get total sum of squares for residual
#' @noRd
colwiseTSS <- function(x) apply(x, 2, function(x) sum((x - mean(x))^2))
#' fast resids
#' @noRd
fast.qr.resid <- function(x, y) {
y - crossprod(t(x), qr.coef(qr(x), y))
#' fast resids with sorted rolling
#' @noRd
fast.qr.resid <- function(x, y) {
y - crossprod(t(x), qr.coef(qr(x), y))
#' Get df1 & 2 for f-ratio
#' @noRd
dfmat <- function(x.assign, x.int, all.assign, x.fct, n) {
df0 <- colSums(
FUN.VALUE = vector("logical", length = length(all.assign)),
function(x) index.self.high(x, all.assign, x.fct)
df1 <- c(
sum(index.self.high(x.assign[1], all.assign, x.fct)),
vapply(x.int, FUN.VALUE = 2, function(x) sum(all.assign %in% x))
df2 <- n - (df0 + df1)
dfr <- df2 / df1
return(rbind(df1, df2, dfr))
#' @noRd
make_contrasts <- function(metadata) {
contr.in <- NULL
f.names <- colnames(metadata)[unlist(lapply(
function(x) (is.character(x) || is.factor(x) || is.logical(x))
if (length(f.names) > 0) {
contr.in <- `names<-`(rep("contr.sum", times = length(f.names)), f.names)
contr.in[names(which(vapply(metadata, FUN.VALUE = FALSE, is.ordered)))] <- "contr.poly"
#' @noRd
build.mm <- function(sat_model, metadata) {
contr <- make_contrasts(metadata)
sat_model, metadata,
contrasts.arg = contr
#' Calculate sums of squares by column
#' @description Sums of Squared residuals, short for `colSums(x^2)`.
#' @noRd
SS <- function(x) {
dn <- dim(x)
.colSums(x^2, dn[1L], dn[2L], FALSE)
#' Transform to odds: `x / (1-x)`.
#' @noRd
oddify <- function(x) x / (1 - x)
#' Compute F and P statistic for \code{anansiTale} object.
#' @description Populate \code{anansiTale} object with F statistics.
#' @param object An \code{anansiTale} object.
#' @param d A binary adjacency matrix, corresponding to the relevant dictionary
#' @noRd
get_PF <- function(object, d) {
object@F.values[d] <- oddify(object@estimates[d]) * object@df[3]
object@p.values[d] <- pf(object@F.values[d],
df1 = object@df[1], df2 = object@df[2],
lower.tail = FALSE
#' @noRd
R_disj <- function(y.vals, qr.mm, i.disj) {
# Disjointed
mm.0 <- qr.mm[, i.disj[, 1]]
mm.1 <- qr.mm[, i.disj[, 2]]
# Cycle through dropping interactions with x, including higher order interactions.
RSS_i0 <- SS(fast.qr.resid(y = y.vals, x = mm.0))
# Cycle through returning interactions with x, but not higher order interactions.
RSS_i1 <- SS(fast.qr.resid(y = y.vals, x = mm.1))
return(1 - (RSS_i1 / RSS_i0))
#' @noRd
R_emerg <- function(y.vals, qr.mm, i.disj) {
# Emergent
e.ord <- order(rowSums(qr.mm[, i.disj[, 3], drop = FALSE]))
e.mm <- cbind(1, diff(qr.mm[e.ord, -1]))
e.y <- diff(y.vals[e.ord, drop = FALSE])
# use diff to look at var
e.mm.0 <- e.mm[, i.disj[, 1]]
e.mm.1 <- e.mm[, i.disj[, 2]]
# Cycle through dropping interactions with x, including higher order interactions.
RSS_i0 <- SS(fast.qr.resid(y = e.y, x = e.mm.0))
# Cycle through returning interactions with x, but not higher order interactions.
RSS_i1 <- SS(fast.qr.resid(y = e.y, x = e.mm.1))
return(1 - (RSS_i1 / RSS_i0))
#' @noRd
R_full <- function(y, mm, yarn, x.fct, x.vars) {
# adjust the input model.matrix by multiplying the relevant columns by x
qr.mm <- mm
qr.mm[, x.vars] <- mm[, x.vars] * yarn.tX(yarn)[, y]
y.ind <- yarn.dic(yarn)[, y]
y.vals <- `dimnames<-`(yarn.tY(yarn)[, y.ind], NULL)
# Return H1 SSR
SS(fast.qr.resid(y = y.vals, x = qr.mm))
#' @noRd
index.self.high <- function(x, all.assign, x.fct) {
all.assign %in% which(apply(
x.fct * x.fct[, x] == x.fct[, x],
MARGIN = 2, all
#' @noRd
index.high <- function(x, all.assign, x.fct) {
all.assign %in% which(
x.fct * x.fct[, x] == x.fct[, x],
MARGIN = 2, all
), subscript = x, FALSE)
#' @noRd
index.disj <- function(x, all.assign, x.fct) {
# first is full null,
# second is parameter to investigate returned
i0 <- !all.assign %in% which(apply(
x.fct * x.fct[, x] == x.fct[, x],
MARGIN = 2, all
ix <- all.assign %in% x
cbind(i0, i1 = i0 | ix, ix)
#' Generate x.fct table, deal with \code{Error} terms.
#' @noRd
get_x.fct <- function(sat_model, errorterm) {
x.fct <- attr(terms.formula(sat_model), "factors")
if (!is.null(errorterm)) {
x.fct <- x.fct[rownames(x.fct) != errorterm, ]
return(`dimnames<-`(x.fct, NULL))
#' Generate table, to compute contrasts, basis for base.mm
#' @noRd
subset_metadata <- function(metadata, keep, raw_terms, indErr) {
if (!is.null(indErr)) {
all_terms <- c(
all_terms, deparse1(attr(raw_terms, "variables")[[1L + indErr]][[2L]],
backtick = TRUE
return(cbind(x = 1, metadata[, colnames(metadata) %in% all_terms, drop = FALSE]))
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