#' An S4 class to contain all metabolomics and functional input data as well as a dictionary to link them.
#' Can only be used with the argonaut library.
#' @slot tableY A matrix of metabolomics data. Rows are samples and columns are features.
#' @slot tableX A stratified feature table containing features of interest. dim1 should be samples, dim2 should be features and dim3 should be subtypes.
#' @slot dictionary A binary adjacency matrix. Typically generated using the \code{weaveWebFromTables()} function.
#' @description argonansiWeb is the main container that will hold your input data thoughout the \code{anansi} pipeline.
#' @importClassesFrom argonaut stratifiedFeatureTable
slots = c(
tableX.sft = "stratifiedFeatureTable",
strat_dict = "matrix"
), contains = "anansiWeb"
#' Create an argonansiWeb object from two 'omics tables and a dictionary
#' @description This function will take two tables of 'omics data, for example metabolomics and stratified functional microbiome data. It will also take a dictionary list, which is provided in this package.
#' @param tableY A table containing features of interest. Rows should be samples and columns should be features. The Y and X refer to the position of the features in a formula: Y ~ X.
#' @param stratifiedTableX A stratified feature table containing features of interest. dim1 should be samples, dim2 should be features and dim3 should be subtypes.
#' @param dictionary A list that has feature names from tableY as names. Default is the dictionary provided in this package.
#' @param mode A character vector. Can be "interaction" or "membership". Toggles whether to link two datasets based on their interactions or based on shared group membership.
#' @param verbose A boolean. Toggles whether to print diagnostic information while running. Useful for debugging errors on large datasets.
#' @param prune A boolean. Toggles whether to prune particularly large groups.
#' @param max_sds A numeric. Only relevant for prune == TRUE. How many SDs larger than the median a group can be before it is pruned.
#' For general use, we recommend sticking to that one. You can access the dictionary like this: \code{data(dictionary)}
#' @return an \code{anansiWeb} object. Web is used as input for most of the main workflow of anansi.
#' @export
weaveWebFromStratifiedTables <- function(tableY, stratifiedTableX, dictionary = anansi::anansi_dic, verbose = TRUE, mode = "interaction", prune = FALSE, max_sds = 3) {
stopifnot("stratifiedTableX needs to be a stratifiedFeatureTable object from the argonaut package." = "stratifiedFeatureTable" %in% class(stratifiedTableX))
tableX <- argonaut::apply_by(X = stratifiedTableX, MARGIN = 3, mean)
if (length(dictionary) == 1) {
if (dictionary == "none") {
if (verbose) {
message("No dictionary provided, preparing for all vs all analysis. ")
dictionary <- mock_dictionary(tableY = tableY, tableX = tableX)
stopifnot("the mode argument needs to be interaction or membership." = mode %in% c("interaction", "membership"))
# For conventional use, table Y should be metabolites and table X functions.
# The two 'table' matrices MUST have row
# and column names that are unique, and
# look like the following:
# f1 f2 f3 f4 f5 f6
# sample1 0 0 2 0 0 1
# sample2 20 8 12 5 19 26
# sample3 3 0 2 0 0 0
# ... many more rows ...
if (prune) {
dictionary <- prune_dictionary_for_exclusivity(
dict_list = dictionary,
max_sds = max_sds, verbose = verbose
# create binary adjacency matrix first
dictionary <- makeAdjacencyMatrix(
tableY = tableY, dict_list = dictionary,
verbose = verbose, mode = mode
# If we're looking at single data set, don't do associations with yourself. Set diagonal to FALSE.
if (identical(tableX, tableY)) {
diag(dictionary) <- FALSE
# Check if input tables have the same names and the same length.
if (!identical(row.names(tableY), row.names(tableX))) {
warning("The row names of tableY and tableX do not correspond. Please make sure they are in the same order.")
if (nrow(tableY) != nrow(tableX)) {
stop("tableY and tableX do not have the same number of rows/observations.")
available_tableY <- sort(intersect(colnames(tableY), rownames(dictionary)))
available_tableX <- sort(intersect(colnames(tableX), colnames(dictionary)))
if (verbose) {
m1 <- paste(
length(available_tableY), "were matched between table 1 and the columns of the adjacency matrix,\n",
length(available_tableX), "were matched between table 2 and the rows of the adjacency matrix"
# Select the relevant part of the adjacency matrix
dictionary <- dictionary[available_tableY, available_tableX]
# Ensure there are no features that never interact
dictionary <- dictionary[rowSums(dictionary) > 0, colSums(dictionary) > 0]
# use the dictionary to clean input tables
tableY <- tableY[, rownames(dictionary)]
# tableX = tableX[,colnames(dictionary)]
stratifiedTableX <- argonaut::sft(stratifiedTableX[, colnames(dictionary), ])
tableX <- get_strat_X(stratifiedTableX)
strat_dict <- as.matrix(dictionary)[, rep(seq_len(ncol(as.matrix(dictionary))), argonaut::apply_by(stratifiedTableX, 3, length)[1, ])]
# Return an argonansiWeb object with five slots: typically metabolites, functions, stratified functions, a stratified adjacency matrix and aggregated an adjacency matrix
tableY = as.matrix(tableY),
tableX = as.matrix(tableX),
tableX.sft = stratifiedTableX,
strat_dict = as.matrix(strat_dict),
dictionary = as.matrix(dictionary)
#' Run differential correlation analysis for all interacting metabolites and functions.
#' @description Should not be run on its own. to be applied by \code{anansiDiffCor()}. Typically, the main \code{anansi()} function will handle this for you.
#' @param web An \code{anansiWeb} object, containing two tables with omics data and a dictionary that links them. See \code{weaveWebFromTables()} for how to weave a web.
#' @param which_dictionary A matrix derived from calling \code{which(web@dictionary, arr.ind = TRUE)}. It contains coordinates for the relevant measurements to be compared.
#' @param metadata A vector or data.frame of categorical or continuous value necessary for differential correlations. Typically a state or treatment score. If no argument provided, anansi will let you know and still to regular correlations according to your dictionary.
#' @param formula A formula object. Used to assess differential associations.
#' @return a list of \code{anansiTale} result objects, one for the total model, one for emergent correlations and one for disjointed correlations.
#' @importFrom stats anova lm pf residuals na.exclude reformulate
glm_argonaut_calc_diff_cor <- function(web, which_dictionary, metadata, formula) {
meta_glm <- metadata
# Extract relevant values
meta_glm$y <- web@tableY[, which_dictionary[1]]
meta_glm <- cbind(meta_glm, x = argonaut::getFeature(web@tableX.sft, which_dictionary[2]))
all_terms <- attr(terms.formula(formula), "term.labels")
all_subtypes <- colnames(meta_glm)[grep(x = colnames(meta_glm), pattern = "x\\.")]
# All subtypes in one model
vec_combined <- c(0, 1)
# One model per subtype
vec_full <- matrix(rep(c(0, 1), length(all_subtypes)), ncol = length(all_subtypes), byrow = FALSE)
# Differential association per subtype
vec_out <- matrix(rep(c(0, 1), (2 * length(all_subtypes)) * length(all_terms)), ncol = length(all_subtypes), byrow = FALSE)
# paste together all subtypes with plusses between them:
collapsed_subtypes <- paste(all_subtypes, collapse = " + ")
internal_formula <- reformulate(
termlabels = paste0("(", collapsed_subtypes, ") * 1 * ."),
response = "y"
formula_full <- update.formula(formula, internal_formula)
for (i in seq_len((all_subtypes))) {
# paste together all subtypes with plusses between them:
collapsed_subtypes_i <- paste(all_subtypes[i], collapse = " + ")
internal_formula_i <- reformulate(
termlabels = paste0("(", collapsed_subtypes_i, ") * 1 * ."),
response = "y"
formula_i <- update.formula(formula, internal_formula_i)
# fit linear model
fit <- lm(formula = formula_i, data = meta_glm)
# Calculate p-value for entire model
fstat <- summary(fit)$fstatistic
p <- pf(fstat[1], fstat[2], fstat[3], lower.tail = FALSE)
vec_full[1, i] <- summary(fit)$r.squared
vec_full[2, i] <- p
# fit linear model
fit <- lm(formula = formula_full, data = meta_glm)
# Calculate p-value for entire model
fstat <- summary(fit)$fstatistic
p <- pf(fstat[1], fstat[2], fstat[3], lower.tail = FALSE)
vec_combined[1] <- summary(fit)$r.squared
vec_combined[2] <- p
# run ANOVA to determine impact of group on SLOPE of association.
disj_fit <- anova(fit)
# Calculate r.squared
# get the residual sum of squares
resid.ss <- sum(residuals(fit)^2)
target_disj_interactions <- grep(paste(paste0("^", all_subtypes, ":"), collapse = "|"), row.names(disj_fit))
disj.rsquared <- disj_fit[target_disj_interactions, 2] / (disj_fit[target_disj_interactions, 2] + resid.ss)
vec_out[cbind(rep(x = c(seq_len(length(all_terms)) * 2) - 1, each = length(all_subtypes)), seq_len(length(all_subtypes)))] <- disj.rsquared
vec_out[cbind(rep(x = c(seq_len(length(all_terms)) * 2), each = length(all_subtypes)), seq_len(length(all_subtypes)))] <- disj_fit[target_disj_interactions, 5]
# For each subtype, run ANOVA to determine impact of group on STRENGTH of association.
for (i in seq_len(length(all_subtypes))) {
f_get_resid <- reformulate(
termlabels = all_subtypes[i],
response = "y"
meta_glm$abs_resid <- abs(residuals(lm(formula = f_get_resid, data = meta_glm, na.action = na.exclude)))
formula_emerg <- update.formula(
new = reformulate(
termlabels = paste0("(", paste(all_subtypes[-i], collapse = " + "), ") * 1 * ."),
response = "abs_resid"
), old = formula
emerg_fit <- lm(formula = formula_emerg, data = meta_glm)
emerg_anova <- anova(emerg_fit)
# Calculate r.squared
resid_emerg.ss <- sum(residuals(emerg_fit)^2)
target_emerg_interactions <- grep(paste(paste0("^", all_terms, "$"), collapse = "|"), row.names(emerg_anova))
emerg.rsquared <- emerg_anova[target_emerg_interactions, 2] / (emerg_anova[target_emerg_interactions, 2] + resid_emerg.ss)
vec_out[cbind(rep(x = 2 * length(all_terms) + c(seq_len(length(all_terms)) * 2) - 1, each = length(all_terms)), i)] <- emerg.rsquared
vec_out[cbind(rep(x = 2 * length(all_terms) + c(seq_len(length(all_terms)) * 2), each = length(all_terms)), i)] <- emerg_anova[target_emerg_interactions, 5]
return(list(vec_combined = vec_combined, vec_full = vec_full, vec_out = vec_out))
#' Run differential correlation analysis for all interacting metabolites and functions in case of stratified output.
#' @description Typically, the main \code{anansi()} function will run this for you.
#' @param web An \code{anansiWeb} object, containing two tables with omics data and a dictionary that links them. See \code{weaveWebFromTables()} for how to weave a web.
#' @param stats_out A vector containing all statistical output from \code{model_picker}.
#' @param all_terms A vector containing all RHS terms of the supplied model formula, including interactions.
#' @return a list of \code{anansiTale} result objects, one for the total model, one for emergent correlations and one for disjointed correlations.
collate_model_output_argonaut <- function(web, stats_out, all_terms) {
# Create result container matrices. We take advantage of the fact that true interactions are coded as TRUE, which corresponds to 1,
# automatically setting all non-canonical interactions as p = 1 and estimate = 0.
dictionary <- web@dictionary
strat_dict <- web@strat_dict
colnames(strat_dict) <- paste(colnames(strat_dict), unlist(argonaut::apply_by(web@tableX.sft, 3, names)[1, ], use.names = FALSE), sep = ".")
out_rvals_tot <- dictionary
out_pvals_tot <- !dictionary
out_rvals <- strat_dict
out_pvals <- !strat_dict
out_disjrvals <- strat_dict
out_disjpvals <- !strat_dict
out_emergrvals <- strat_dict
out_emergpvals <- !strat_dict
stats_tot <- argonaut_parse_tot(stats_out = stats_out)
out_rvals_tot[dictionary] <- stats_tot[, 1]
out_pvals_tot[dictionary] <- stats_tot[, 2]
# #Expand to stratified dimensions
# out_rvals_tot = as.matrix(out_rvals_tot)[,rep(seq_len(ncol(as.matrix(out_rvals_tot))), argonaut::apply_by(web@tableX.sft, 3, length)[1,])]
# colnames(out_rvals_tot) <- colnames(strat_dict)
# out_pvals_tot = as.matrix(out_pvals_tot)[,rep(seq_len(ncol(as.matrix(out_pvals_tot))), argonaut::apply_by(web@tableX.sft, 3, length)[1,])]
# colnames(out_pvals_tot) <- colnames(strat_dict)
# Adjust for multiple comparisons
out_qvals_tot <- out_pvals_tot
out_qvals_tot[dictionary] <- NA
out_tot_tale <- list(full = new("anansiTale",
subject = "model_full",
type = "r.squared",
estimates = out_rvals_tot,
p.values = out_pvals_tot,
q.values = out_qvals_tot
stats_full <- argonaut_parse_full(stats_out = stats_out)
stats_diff <- argonaut_parse_diff(stats_out = stats_out)
out_rvals[strat_dict] <- stats_full[1, ]
out_pvals[strat_dict] <- stats_full[2, ]
# Adjust for multiple comparisons
out_qvals <- out_pvals
out_qvals[strat_dict] <- NA
out_tale <- list(full = new("anansiTale",
subject = "model_full_by_subtype",
type = "r.squared",
estimates = out_rvals,
p.values = out_pvals,
q.values = out_qvals
out_disjointed <- vector(mode = "list", length = length(all_terms))
for (i in seq_len(length(all_terms))) {
out_disjrvals[strat_dict] <- stats_diff[(i * 2) - 1, ]
out_disjpvals[strat_dict] <- stats_diff[(i * 2), ]
# Adjust for multiple comparisons
out_disjqvals <- out_disjpvals
out_disjqvals[strat_dict] <- NA
out_disjointed[[i]] <- new("anansiTale",
subject = paste("model_disjointed", all_terms[i], sep = "_"),
type = "r.squared",
estimates = out_disjrvals,
p.values = out_disjpvals,
q.values = out_disjqvals
names(out_disjointed) <- all_terms
out_emergent <- vector(mode = "list", length = length(all_terms))
for (i in seq_len(length(all_terms))) {
out_emergrvals[strat_dict] <- stats_diff[(i * 2) + (i * 2) - 1, ]
out_emergpvals[strat_dict] <- stats_diff[(i * 2) + (i * 2), ]
# Adjust for multiple comparisons
out_emergqvals <- out_emergpvals
out_emergqvals[strat_dict] <- NA
out_emergent[[i]] <- new("anansiTale",
subject = paste("model_emergent", all_terms[i], sep = "_"),
type = "r.squared",
estimates = out_emergrvals,
p.values = out_emergpvals,
q.values = out_emergqvals
names(out_emergent) <- all_terms
# Collect into nested list and return results
modelfit = out_tot_tale,
modelfit_sub = out_tale,
disjointed = out_disjointed,
emergent = out_emergent
#' Parse argonansi output
#' @description Typically, the main \code{anansi()} function will run this for you.
#' @param stats_out A vector containing all statistical output from \code{model_picker}.
#' @return a matrix, containing the parameters for the full combined models.
argonaut_parse_tot <- function(stats_out) {
do.call(rbind, lapply(stats_out, FUN = function(x) {
#' Parse argonansi output
#' @description Typically, the main \code{anansi()} function will run this for you.
#' @param stats_out A vector containing all statistical output from \code{model_picker}.
#' @return a matrix, containing the parameters for the full individual models.
argonaut_parse_full <- function(stats_out) {
do.call(cbind, lapply(stats_out, FUN = function(x) {
#' Parse argonansi output
#' @description Typically, the main \code{anansi()} function will run this for you.
#' @param stats_out A vector containing all statistical output from \code{model_picker}.
#' @return a matrix, containing the parameters for the differential association models.
argonaut_parse_diff <- function(stats_out) {
do.call(cbind, lapply(stats_out, FUN = function(x) {
#' Collapse tableX for Argonaut data
#' @description Should not be run on its own. to be applied by \code{anansiDiffCor()}. Typically, the main \code{anansi()} function will handle this for you.
#' @param tableX.sft A stratifiedFeatureTable object.
#' @return a matrix with rows as samples and columns as ordered features per subtype.
get_strat_X <- function(tableX.sft) {
slice_list <- lapply(seq_len(dim(tableX.sft)[2]),
FUN = function(f) {
slic <- tableX.sft[, f, ][, !is.na(colSums(tableX.sft[, f, ]))]
colnames(slic) <- paste(dimnames(tableX.sft)[[2]][f],
sep = "."
slice_mat <- do.call(cbind, slice_list)
slice_mat <- slice_mat[, order(colnames(slice_mat))]
#' Expand a matrix of dictionary dimensions to stratified dictionary dimensions.
#' @description Should not be run on its own.
#' @param x An anansiTale object with result matrices of dictionary dimensions.
#' @param web An \code{anansiWeb} object, containing two tables with omics data and a dictionary that links them. See \code{weaveWebFromTables()} for how to weave a web.
#' @return An anansiTale object with result matrices with rows as tableX features and columns as ordered tableY features per subtype.
argonaut_rep_to_strat <- function(x, web) {
slot(x, "estimates") <- as.matrix(slot(x, "estimates"))[, rep(seq_len(ncol(as.matrix(web@dictionary))), argonaut::apply_by(web@tableX.sft, 3, length)[1, ])]
colnames(slot(x, "estimates")) <- paste(colnames(slot(x, "estimates")), unlist(argonaut::apply_by(web@tableX.sft, 3, names)[1, ], use.names = FALSE), sep = ".")
slot(x, "p.values") <- as.matrix(slot(x, "p.values"))[, rep(seq_len(ncol(as.matrix(web@dictionary))), argonaut::apply_by(web@tableX.sft, 3, length)[1, ])]
colnames(slot(x, "p.values")) <- paste(colnames(slot(x, "p.values")), unlist(argonaut::apply_by(web@tableX.sft, 3, names)[1, ], use.names = FALSE), sep = ".")
slot(x, "q.values") <- as.matrix(slot(x, "q.values"))[, rep(seq_len(ncol(as.matrix(web@dictionary))), argonaut::apply_by(web@tableX.sft, 3, length)[1, ])]
colnames(slot(x, "q.values")) <- paste(colnames(slot(x, "q.values")), unlist(argonaut::apply_by(web@tableX.sft, 3, names)[1, ], use.names = FALSE), sep = ".")
# library(argonaut)
# library(tidyverse)
# set.seed(123)
# y = rnorm(100)
# x = board_argo(nsubtypes = 5,
# nfeatures = 10,
# nsamples = 100, p_missing = 0.3) %>%
# as.sft()
# z = sample(LETTERS[1:3], 100, replace = TRUE)
# u = sample(LETTERS[1:3], 100, replace = TRUE)
# x = getFeature(x, 1)
# colnames(x) = paste0("x.", colnames(x))
# metadata = data.frame(y, z, u)
# f = ~ z *u
# metadata = cbind(metadata, x)
# formula = f
# meta_glm = metadata
# argonaut::apply_by(x, 3, names)
# temp = all_terms
# all_terms = c(temp)
# do.call(length, strsplit(all_terms, paste0(all_terms[!grepl(all_terms, pattern = ":")], collapse = "|"), ""))
# unlist(lapply(strsplit(all_terms, paste0(all_terms[!grepl(all_terms, pattern = "\\:")], collapse = "|"), ""), length))
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.