names = c(
.pkg_variables <- new.env()
#' Load an example pangenome
#' This function loads an example pangenome at various stages of calculation,
#' useful for examples and tests.
#' @param lowMem logical. Should the returned object inherit from pgLM
#' @param geneLoc logical. Should the returned object inherit from pgVirtualLoc
#' @param withGroups logical. Should gene groups be defined
#' @param withNeighborhoodSplit logical. Should neighborhoodsplitting have been
#' performed
#' @param withParalogues logical. Should paralogue linking have been performed
#' @return A pgVirtual subclass object to the specifications defined
#' @examples
#' # Load standard (pgFull)
#' .loadPgExample()
#' # Use pgLM
#' .loadPgExample(lowMem=TRUE)
#' # Create with pgVirtualLoc subclass (here pgFullLoc)
#' .loadPgExample(geneLoc=TRUE)
#' # Create with grouping information
#' .loadPgExample(withGroups=TRUE)
#' # Create with gene groups split by neighborhood (pgVirtualLoc implied)
#' .loadPgExample(withNeighborhoodSplit=TRUE)
#' # Create with paralogue links
#' .loadPgExample(withGroups=TRUE, withParalogues=TRUE)
#' @importFrom utils unzip
#' @export
#' @rdname loadPgExample
.loadPgExample <- function(lowMem = FALSE, geneLoc = FALSE, withGroups = FALSE,
withNeighborhoodSplit = FALSE,
withParalogues = FALSE) {
location <- tempdir()
unzip(system.file('extdata', '', package = 'FindMyFriends'),
exdir = location)
genomeFiles <- list.files(location, full.names = TRUE, pattern = '*.fasta')
args <- list(paths = genomeFiles[1:5], translated = TRUE, lowMem = lowMem)
if (geneLoc || withNeighborhoodSplit) {
args$geneLocation <- 'prodigal'
obj <-, args)
if (!(withGroups || withNeighborhoodSplit)) {
return(obj) # Nothing more to do
if (withNeighborhoodSplit) {
grFile <- 'groupsNS.txt'
} else {
grFile <- 'groupsWG.txt'
grFile <- system.file('extdata', 'examplePG', grFile,
package = 'FindMyFriends')
obj <- manualGrouping(obj, scan(grFile, what = integer(), quiet = TRUE))
if (withParalogues) {
if (withNeighborhoodSplit) {
pFile <- 'paraNS.txt'
} else {
pFile <- 'paraWG.txt'
pFile <- system.file('extdata', 'examplePG', pFile,
package = 'FindMyFriends')
groupInfo(obj)$paralogue <- scan(pFile, what = integer(), quiet = TRUE)
#' Assign object defaults to missing values
#' This function takes care of investigating the enclosing functions arguments
#' and identifying the missing ones. If they are missing and a default is given
#' this value is assigned to the enclosing functions environment
#' @param def A named list of default values
#' @return This function is called for its side effects
#' @examples
#' # Should only be called within methods/functions
#' # This will obviously fail
#' \dontrun{
#' t <- function(x) {
#' x+1
#' }
#' t()
#' }
#' # Using .fillDefaults
#' t <- function(x, defs) {
#' .fillDefaults(defs)
#' x+1
#' }
#' # With defaults
#' t(defs=list(x=5))
#' # Direct setting takes precedence
#' t(x=2, defs=list(x=5))
#' # Still fails if defs doesn't contain the needed parameter
#' \dontrun{
#' t(defs=list(y='no no'))
#' }
#' # Usually defs are derived from the object in a method:
#' \dontrun{
#' setMethod('fillDefExample', 'pgFull',
#' function(object, x, y) {
#' .fillDefaults(defaults(object))
#' x+y
#' }
#' )
#' }
#' @seealso Set and get pangenome defaults with \code{\link{defaults}}
#' @export
#' @rdname fillDefaults
.fillDefaults <- function(def) {
frame <- sys.frame(-1)
args <- as.list(frame)
for (i in names(args)) {
if (identical(args[[i]], quote(expr = )) && !is.null(def[[i]])) {
if (!is.null(def$verbose) && def$verbose) {
message('Using object default ', i, '=', def[[i]])
assign(i, def[[i]], envir = sys.frame(-1))
#' Parallel version of linearKernel from kebabs
#' This function splits up the computations of linearKernel into chunks that can
#' be distributed and computed in parallel. Each chunk consists of a square of
#' the lower triangle.
#' @param x An ExplicitRepresentation
#' @param pParam The parallelisation parameters to be passed to bplapply
#' @param nSplits How many groups should x be split up in. The number of chunks
#' will be (nSplits+1)*nSplits/2
#' @param diag Should the diagonal be retained
#' @param lowerLimit Threshold for setting values to 0, thus decreasing the
#' memory requierement for the resulting sparse matrix
#' @return A lower triangular sparse matrix with dimension nrow(x)*nrow(x)
#' @importFrom BiocParallel bplapply
#' @importFrom kebabs linearKernel
#' @noRd
lkParallel <- function(x, pParam, nSplits, diag = FALSE, lowerLimit = 0) {
chunks <- getChunks(nrow(x), nSplits)
res <- bplapply(
function(i, x, chunks, combs, diag, lowerLimit) {
comb <- combs[i,]
if (comb$row == comb$col) {
interval <- chunks[comb$row, 1]:chunks[comb$row, 2]
linearKernel(x[interval,], sparse = TRUE, diag = diag,
lowerLimit = lowerLimit)
} else {
intervalRow <- chunks[comb$row, 1]:chunks[comb$row, 2]
intervalCol <- chunks[comb$col, 1]:chunks[comb$col, 2]
linearKernel(x[intervalRow,], x[intervalCol, ], sparse = TRUE,
lowerLimit = lowerLimit)
x = x,
chunks = chunks$chunks,
combs = chunks$combs,
diag = diag,
lowerLimit = lowerLimit,
BPPARAM = pParam)
weaveChunks(res, chunks)
#' Parallel version of linearKernel with dynamic kmer coputations
#' This version of lkParallel does not accept a precalculated explicit
#' representation but calculate it in each chunk to put less strain on memory
#' consumption.
#' @param pangenome A pgVirtual subclass
#' @param kmerSize The size of kmer
#' @param pParam The parallelisation parameters to be passed to bplapply
#' @param nSplits How many groups should x be split up in. The number of chunks
#' will be (nSplits+1)*nSplits/2
#' @param diag Should the diagonal be retained
#' @param lowerLimit Threshold for setting values to 0, thus decreasing the
#' memory requierement for the resulting sparse matrix
#' @return A lower triangular sparse matrix with dimension nrow(x)*nrow(x)
#' @importFrom BiocParallel bplapply
#' @importFrom kebabs getExRep spectrumKernel linearKernel
#' @noRd
lkParallelLM <- function(pangenome, kmerSize, pParam, nSplits, diag = FALSE,
lowerLimit = 0) {
chunks <- getChunks(nGenes(pangenome), nSplits)
res <- bplapply(
function(i, pangenome, kmerSize, chunks, combs, diag, lowerLimit) {
comb <- combs[i,]
if (comb$row == comb$col) {
interval <- chunks[comb$row, 1]:chunks[comb$row, 2]
x <- getExRep(genes(pangenome, subset = interval),
linearKernel(x, sparse = TRUE, diag = diag,
lowerLimit = lowerLimit)
} else {
intervalRow <- chunks[comb$row, 1]:chunks[comb$row, 2]
intervalCol <- chunks[comb$col, 1]:chunks[comb$col, 2]
x <- getExRep(genes(pangenome,
subset = c(intervalRow, intervalCol)),
x[seq_along(intervalCol) + length(intervalRow), ],
sparse = TRUE,
lowerLimit = lowerLimit)
pangenome = pangenome,
kmerSize = kmerSize,
chunks = chunks$chunks,
combs = chunks$combs,
diag = diag,
lowerLimit = lowerLimit,
BPPARAM = pParam)
weaveChunks(res, chunks)
#' Split a set of a certain size into chunks of a certain size
#' This function calculates the number of chunks based on the size of the set
#' and the size of the chunks. Furthermore it creates a dataframe with chunk
#' combinations to ensure that all chunks are compared with each others
#' @param size The number of elements to split
#' @param nSplits The number of chunks to create
#' @return A list with two elements: 'combs' contains all combinations of chunks
#' and 'chunks' contain the start end end indices of the elements in each chunk.
#' @importFrom utils combn
#' @noRd
getChunks <- function(size, nSplits) {
if (nSplits == 1) {
combs = data.frame(
col = 1,
row = 1
chunks = matrix(c(1, size), nrow = 1)
chunkSize <- ceiling(size/nSplits)
from <- seq(from = 1, to = size, by = chunkSize)
to <- c(from[-1] - 1, size)
chunks <- cbind(from, to)
combs <- data.frame(rbind(t(combn(1:nrow(chunks), 2)),
matrix(rep(1:nrow(chunks), 2), ncol = 2)))
names(combs) <- c('col', 'row')
combs$origInd <- 1:nrow(combs)
list(combs = combs, chunks = chunks)
#' Combine result from chunk vs chunk computations
#' This function combines results from doing chunk against chunk computations
#' into a full matrix - equal to having done all-vs-all on the full set instead
#' of in chunks.
#' @param squares A list of sparse matrices with results of the chunk vs chunk
#' computation.
#' @param split The output of getChunks
#' @return A sparse matrix with combined results
#' @importFrom dplyr %>% arrange_ group_by_ do
#' @importFrom Matrix Matrix
#' @noRd
weaveChunks <- function(squares, split) {
oldOptions <- options(dplyr.show_progress = FALSE)
if (length(squares) == 1) {
res <- split$combs %>%
arrange_(~col) %>%
group_by_(~col) %>%
arrange_(~row) %>%
do(cols = {
nCol <- ncol(squares[[.$origInd[1]]])
missingRows <- split$chunks[.$row[1], 1] - 1
if (missingRows != 0) {
mat <- list(
Matrix(0, ncol = nCol, nrow = missingRows, sparse = TRUE)
} else {
mat <- list()
mat <- append(mat, squares[.$origInd]), mat)
}), res$cols)
#' Recursively calculate and merge pangenomes
#' This function takes care of calculating the pangenome at each branch point
#' of a tree by getting representatives of gene groups from each subtree and
#' grouping the representatives. The algorithm can cache the result at each
#' branch point so the computations can be taken up if they are interupted.
#' @param pangenome A pgVirtual subclass
#' @param tree A dendrogram with a hierarchcal clustering of the genomes in the
#' pangenome.
#' @param er An explicit representation of the genes in the pangenome. Either
#' this or kmerSize must be supplied.
#' @param kmerSize The size of the kmers to use for calculating the explicit
#' representation. Either this or er must be supplied.
#' @param lowerLimit The lower limit of the cosine similarity in order for it to
#' be reported.
#' @param cacheDB A subclass of filehash to use for result cahcing
#' @return A list grouping gene indexes in pangenome
#' @importFrom digest digest
#' @importFrom filehash dbExists dbFetch dbInsert
#' @importFrom kebabs getExRep spectrumKernel linearKernel
#' @importFrom igraph components graph_from_adjacency_matrix
#' @importFrom Biostrings order
#' @importFrom stats is.leaf runif
#' @noRd
recurseCompare <- function(pangenome, tree, er, clusters, kmerSize, lowerLimit,
cacheDB, pParam) {
args <- mget(ls())
args$tree <- NULL
if ('pgGroups' %in% names(attributes(tree))) {
return(attr(tree, 'pgGroups'))
if (!missing(cacheDB)) {
key <- digest(tree)
if (dbExists(cacheDB, key)) {
return(dbFetch(cacheDB, key))
if (is.leaf(tree)) {
lab <- attr(tree, 'label')
org <- which(orgNames(pangenome) == lab)
if (length(org) == 0) {
org <- suppressWarnings(as.integer(lab))
if (org > length(pangenome) || {
stop('Invalid leaf label - no match')
} else if (length(org) > 1) {
stop('Invalid leaf label - multiple matches')
groups <- as.list(which(seqToOrg(pangenome) == org))
} else {
group1 <-, append(args, list(tree = tree[[1]])))
group2 <-, append(args, list(tree = tree[[2]])))
groups <- c(group1, group2)
groups <- mergeGroups(groups, clusters)
represent <- sapply(groups, function(x) {
x[, size = 1L)]
if (length(unlist(groups)) > 1e6 || runif(1) < 0.01)
gc() # Ensures always gc() when ngenes reaches 1mill
gen <- genes(pangenome, subset = represent)
if (missing(er)) {
erRep <- getExRep(gen, spectrumKernel(kmerSize))
} else {
erRep <- er[represent,]
members <- lkFMF(erRep, order = order(gen), lowerLimit = lowerLimit,
upperLimit = lowerLimit)
newGroups <- lapply(split(groups, members), unlist)
if (!missing(cacheDB)) {
dbInsert(cacheDB, key, newGroups)
#' @importFrom igraph make_undirected_graph
mergeGroups <- function(groups, clusters) {
if ([1])) {
inds <- unlist(groups)
if (length(unique(clusters[inds])) == length(inds)) {
clusters <- rbind(rep(seq_along(groups), lengths(groups)),
clusters[unlist(groups)] + length(groups))
edges <- as.integer(clusters)
gr <- make_undirected_graph(edges)
groupClusters <- components(gr)$membership[seq_along(groups)]
lapply(split(groups, groupClusters), unlist)
#' Parallel version of recurseCompare
#' This function is a parallel version of recurseCompare. It works by splitting
#' the tree into subtrees and process these in parallel. This will not give a
#' perfect paralellization as the tree is seldom symmetrical. Furthermore the
#' paralellization can only be used for the lower part of the tree.
#' @param pangenome A pgVirtual subclass
#' @param tree A dendrogram with a hierarchcal clustering of the genomes in the
#' pangenome.
#' @param er An explicit representation of the genes in the pangenome. Either
#' this or kmerSize must be supplied.
#' @param kmerSize The size of the kmers to use for calculating the explicit
#' representation. Either this or er must be supplied.
#' @param lowerLimit The lower limit of the cosine similarity in order for it to
#' be reported.
#' @param pParam A BiocParallelParam subclass
#' @param Approximate number of subtrees to create
#' @param cacheDB A subclass of filehash to use for result cahcing
#' @return A list grouping gene indexes in pangenome
#' @importFrom BiocParallel bplapply
#' @noRd
recurseCompPar <- function(pangenome, tree, er, kmerSize, lowerLimit, pParam,
nSplits, cacheDB) {
args <- list(pangenome = pangenome, lowerLimit = lowerLimit)
if (missing(er)) {
args$kmerSize <- kmerSize
} else {
args$er <- er
if (!missing(cacheDB)) args$cacheDB <- cacheDB
nTrees <- nSplits
if (attributes(tree)$members/4 > nTrees) {
nTrees <- floor(attributes(tree)$members/4)
while (nTrees > 4) {
subtrees <- cutK(tree, nTrees)
subRes <- bplapply(subtrees$lower, function(subtree, args) {
args$tree <- subtree, args)
}, args = args, BPPARAM = pParam)
tree <- fillTree(subtrees$upper, subRes)
nTrees <- floor(attributes(tree)$members/4)
args$tree <- tree, args)
#' Add results of subtrees to the branch points of the upper tree
#' This function adds the result of recurseCompare to the branch point of the
#' subtrees as the pgGroups attribute
#' @param upper The upper tree that needs to be filled out
#' @param lowerRes A list with the result of recurseCompare on the subtrees.
#' @return upper with the leafs filled with lowerRes
#' @importFrom stats is.leaf
#' @noRd
fillTree <- function(upper, lowerRes) {
if (is.leaf(upper)) {
leafInd <- as.integer(sub('Branch ', '', attributes(upper)$label))
attributes(upper)$pgGroups <- lowerRes[[leafInd]]
} else {
upper[[1]] <- fillTree(upper[[1]], lowerRes)
upper[[2]] <- fillTree(upper[[2]], lowerRes)
#' Cluster organisms in pangenome
#' This function clusters the genomes in a pangenome, either based on the
#' pangenome matrix or the cosine similarity of the combined genome (all genes
#' concatenated).
#' @param pangenome A subclass of pgVirtual
#' @param type Either 'pangenome' or 'kmer'. Should the clustering be based on
#' the pangenome matrix or kmer counts of all genes in the genomes
#' @param kmerSize If type='kmer' the kmerSize to use for kmer based similarity.
#' @param dist The distance function to use. All possible values of method in
#' dist() are allowed as well as 'cosine' for type='kmer'
#' @param clust The clustering function to use. Passed on to method in hclust()
#' @param chunkSize The number of organisms to process at once in parallel
#' @param pParam A BiocParallelParam subclass
#' @return A dendrogram object
#' @importFrom stats hclust as.dendrogram
#' @noRd
orgTree <- function(pangenome, type, kmerSize, dist, clust, chunkSize = 100,
pParam) {
distances <- switch(
pangenome = pgDist(pangenome, method = dist),
kmer = kmerDist(pangenome, kmerSize, chunkSize = chunkSize, pParam,
method = dist)
clusters <- hclust(distances, method = clust)
#' Get cosine similarity of organisms
#' This function calculate the cosine similarity of organisms based on the total
#' kmer count of all genes in the organism.
#' @param pangenome A subclass of pgVirtual
#' @param kmerSize If type='kmer' the kmerSize to use for kmer based similarity.
#' @param chunkSize The number of organisms to process at once in parallel
#' @param pParam A BiocParallelParam subclass
#' @return A matrix with cosine similarities in the lower triangle
#' @importFrom kebabs linearKernel
#' @noRd
kmerSim <- function(pangenome, kmerSize, chunkSize = 100, pParam) {
er <- orgExRep(pangenome, kmerSize, chunkSize = chunkSize, pParam)
sim <- linearKernel(er, sparse = FALSE)@.Data
diag(sim) <- 1
sim[sim < 0] <- 0
#' Get the distance between organisms based on kmers
#' This function calculates the distance between all organisms based on their
#' kmer feature vector. If method='cosine' The cosine similarity is calculated
#' and the distance is defined as sqrt(1-cosSim). Otherwise the distance is
#' calculated directly on the kmer feature vector using dist().
#' @param pangenome A subclass of pgVirtual
#' @param kmerSize If type='kmer' the kmerSize to use for kmer based similarity.
#' @param chunkSize The number of organisms to process at once in parallel
#' @param pParam A BiocParallelParam subclass
#' @param method The method to use for distance calculation. Either 'cosine' or
#' a valid value for the method parameter of dist().
#' @return A distance matrix
#' @importFrom stats as.dist dist
#' @noRd
kmerDist <- function(pangenome, kmerSize, chunkSize = 100, pParam,
method = 'cosine') {
if (method == 'cosine') {
sim <- kmerSim(pangenome, kmerSize, chunkSize = chunkSize, pParam)
as.dist(sqrt(1 - sim))
} else {
er <- orgExRep(pangenome, kmerSize, chunkSize = chunkSize, pParam)
dist(er@.Data, method = method)
#' Calculate explicit representations of genomes
#' This function concatenates all genes in each genome and calculate the
#' explicit representation of the result. The '-' separator is used to ensure
#' that kmers do not 'walk over' joined genes. Because of this, this approach
#' should be equal to calculating the explicit representation of each gene and
#' summing up.
#' @param pangenome A subclass of pgVirtual
#' @param kmerSize If type='kmer' the kmerSize to use for kmer based similarity.
#' @param chunkSize The number of organisms to process at once in parallel
#' @param pParam A BiocParallelParam subclass
#' @return An ExplicitRepresentationDense object.
#' @import S4Vectors
#' @importFrom Biostrings AAStringSet DNAStringSet
#' @importFrom kebabs getExRep spectrumKernel
#' @noRd
orgExRep <- function(pangenome, kmerSize, chunkSize = 100, pParam) {
nChunks <- ceiling(length(pangenome)/chunkSize)
chunks <- rep(1:nChunks, each = chunkSize, length.out = length(pangenome))
if (missing(pParam)) {
erList <- lapply(1:nChunks, function(i) {
genes <- lapply(as.list(genes(pangenome, 'organism',
subset = which(chunks == i))),
genomes <- unstrsplit(genes, sep = '-')
if (translated(pangenome)) {
genomes <- AAStringSet(genomes)
} else {
genomes <- DNAStringSet(genomes)
er <- getExRep(genomes, spectrumKernel(kmerSize), sparse = FALSE)
} else {
erList <- bplapply(1:nChunks, function(i, pangenome, chunks, kmerSize) {
genes <- lapply(as.list(genes(pangenome, 'organism',
subset = which(chunks == i))),
genomes <- unstrsplit(genes, sep = '-')
if (translated(pangenome)) {
genomes <- AAStringSet(genomes)
} else {
genomes <- DNAStringSet(genomes)
er <- getExRep(genomes, spectrumKernel(kmerSize), sparse = FALSE)
pangenome = pangenome,
chunks = chunks,
kmerSize = kmerSize,
BPPARAM = pParam)
kmerMatrix <- rbindMat(erList, fill = 0)
.Data = kmerMatrix,
usedKernel = spectrumKernel(kmerSize),
quadratic = FALSE)
#' Rbind matrices based on their colnames
#' This function is much like dplyr's bind_rows, but works with matrices
#' @param x A matrix or a list of matrices
#' @param ... Additional matrices if x is a matrix
#' @param fill The value to fill into non-existing cells
#' @return A matrix
#' @noRd
rbindMat <- function(x, ..., fill = NA) {
if (inherits(x, 'matrix')) x <- list(x, ...)
if (length(x) == 1) return(x[[1]])
cols <- unique(unlist(lapply(x, colnames)))
rows <- seq(sum(sapply(x, nrow)))
ans <- matrix(fill, ncol = length(cols), nrow = length(rows),
dimnames = list(NULL, cols))
currentEnd <- 1
rowN <- FALSE
for (i in seq_along(x)) {
rowInd <- seq(currentEnd, length.out = nrow(x[[i]]))
ans[rowInd, colnames(x[[i]])] <- x[[i]]
if (!is.null(rownames(x[[i]]))) {
if (!rowN) {
rowN <- TRUE
rownames(ans) <- 1:nrow(ans)
rownames(ans)[rowInd] <- rownames(x[[i]])
currentEnd <- currentEnd + nrow(x[[i]])
#' Extracts location information from prodigal generated files
#' This function parses prodigal generated sequence names and extract the
#' contig, start, stop and strand of each protein.
#' @param desc A character vector of sequence descriptions
#' @return A data.frame with the columns contig, start, end and strand
#' @noRd
prodigalParse <- function(desc) {
info <-, strsplit(desc, ' # '))[,-5]
info[, 1] <- sub('_\\d+$', '', info[,1])
info <- data.frame(
contig = info[, 1],
start = as.integer(info[,2]),
end = as.integer(info[,3]),
strand = as.integer(info[,4]),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
#' Extracts and check validity of location information
#' This function is used to handle the multiple ways gene location can be
#' supplied in. Furthermore it checks the length and columns of the output.
#' @param format A data.frame, a list of data.frames, a function taking gene
#' names as the sole input, or 'prodigal'. If it is a data.frame it will be
#' passed on as-is. If it is a list of data.frames they will be rbinded
#' together. If it is a function the function will be called with the gene names
#' as input. If it is 'prodigal' the function prodigalParse will be called with
#' the gene names as input. Other named formats (e.g. 'prodigal') might be added
#' in the future.
#' @param desc The gene names of the genes to get gene location from
#' @return A data.frame with number of rows equal to length of desc and the
#' columns 'start', 'end', 'contig' and 'strand'.
#' @noRd
getSeqInfo <- function(format, desc) {
if (is.null(format)) {
contig = character(),
start = integer(),
end = integer(),
strand = integer())
if (inherits(format, 'data.frame')) {
seqInfo <- format
} else if (inherits(format, 'list')) {
seqInfo <-, format)
} else if (inherits(format, 'function')) {
seqInfo <-, list(desc))
} else if (inherits(format, 'character')) {
seqInfo <- switch(
prodigal = prodigalParse(desc),
stop('Unknown format: ', format)
} else {
stop('Wrong input. Must be NULL, data.frame, list, function or
row.names(seqInfo) <- NULL
if (nrow(seqInfo) != length(desc) ||
!all(c('contig', 'start', 'end', 'strand') %in% names(seqInfo))) {
stop('Bad sequenceInfo formatting. Rows must match number of genes and
columns must be at least \'contig\', \'start\', \'end\' and
#' Cut dendrogram into K groups
#' This function replicates the hclust cutree function with the k parameter for
#' dendrogram object, which officially only supports cutting at a specified
#' height.
#' @param x A dendrogram
#' @param k The number of groups to cut at
#' @return A dendrogram
#' @importFrom stats is.leaf
#' @noRd
cutK <- function(x, k) {
getHeights <- function(x) {
heights <- attr(x, 'height')
if (!is.leaf(x)) {
heights <- c(heights, getHeights(x[[1]]), getHeights(x[[2]]))
heights <- sort(getHeights(x), decreasing = TRUE)
middleHeight <- heights + c(diff(heights), 0)/2
i <- 1
while (TRUE) {
dendro <- cut(x, middleHeight[i])
if (length(dendro$lower) == k) break
i <- i + 1
#' Split an XStringSet by a vector of factors
#' This function is equivalent to split but works on XStringSet and returns an
#' XStringSetList
#' @param x An XStringSet
#' @param f A vector of same length as x with grouping information
#' @return An XStringSetList subclass equivalent to the XStringSet subclass of x
#' @noRd
#' @import IRanges
#' @importClassesFrom Biostrings AAStringSetList DNAStringSetList RNAStringSetList BStringSetList
splitStringSet <- function(x, f) {
groups <- split(seq_along(x), f)
partitioning <- PartitioningByEnd(groups)
data <- x[unlist(groups)]
type <- as.character(class(x))
new(paste0(type, 'List'),
unlistData = data,
partitioning = partitioning,
elementType = type,
elementMetadata = NULL,
metadata = list())
#' Group genes based on grouping of gene groups
#' This function expands a grouping of gene groups (such as a paralogue link)
#' into a grouping of the underlying genes
#' @param groupInd A grouping of genes as returned by seqToGeneGroup()
#' @param links A grouping of gene groups as a vector of factors, as recorded in
#' groupInfo(object)$paralogue
#' @return An integer vector with the same length as groupInd giving the
#' grouping of genes according to group grouping
#' @noRd
paralogueInd <- function(groupInd, links) {
linkInd <- split(seq_along(links), links)
groupLookup <- rep(seq_along(linkInd), lengths(linkInd))
groupLookup[match(groupInd, unlist(linkInd))]
#' Replacement for the gtable rbind
#' Used to allow calling of rbind_gtable that can set the size of columns to
#' min and max in addition to first and last.
#' @param ... gtable objects
#' @param size A string specifying how the size of each column should be
#' calculated. If first it is taken from the first gtable, if last, from the
#' last. If max it is taken as the maximum of all, if min the minimum.
#' @param z The stack order of the gtables if any
#' @return A gtable object
#' @noRd
rbindGtable <- function(..., size = "max", z = NULL) {
gtables <- list(...)
if (!is.null(z)) {
gtables <- gtable:::z_arrange_gtables(gtables, z)
Reduce(function(x, y) rbind_gtable(x, y, size = size), gtables)
#' Replacement for gtables rbind.gtable
#' Binds two gtables together, allowing the user to specifiy min and max, in
#' addition to first and last for column width calculation
#' @param x A gtable object
#' @param y A gtable object
#' @param size A string specifying how the size of each column should be
#' calculated. If first it is taken from the first gtable, if last, from the
#' last. If max it is taken as the maximum of all, if min the minimum.
#' @return A gtable object
#' @importFrom gtable gtable_add_cols
#' @importFrom grid unit unit.c
#' @noRd
rbind_gtable <- function(x, y, size = "max") {
if (nrow(x) == 0) return(y)
if (nrow(y) == 0) return(x)
if (ncol(x) > ncol(y)) {
y <- gtable_add_cols(y, rep(unit(1e-6, 'mm'), ncol(x) - ncol(y)))
background <- grep('background', y$layout$name)
y$layout$r[background] <- ncol(y)
if (ncol(x) < ncol(y)) {
x <- gtable_add_cols(x, rep(unit(1e-6, 'mm'), ncol(y) - ncol(x)))
background <- grep('background', x$layout$name)
x$layout$r[background] <- ncol(x)
x_row <- length(x$heights)
y_row <- length(y$heights)
if (x_row == 0) return(y)
if (y_row == 0) return(x)
lay_x <- unclass(x$layout)
lay_y <- unclass(y$layout)
x$layout <- data.frame(
t = c(lay_x$t, lay_y$t + x_row),
l = c(lay_x$l, lay_y$l),
b = c(lay_x$b, lay_y$b + x_row),
r = c(lay_x$r, lay_y$r),
z = c(lay_x$z, lay_y$z),
clip = c(lay_x$clip, lay_y$clip),
name = c(lay_x$name, lay_y$name)
x$heights <- gtable:::insert.unit(x$heights, y$heights)
x$rownames <- c(x$rownames, y$rownames)
size <- match.arg(size, c("first", "last", "max", "min"))
x$widths <- switch(size,
first = x$widths,
last = y$widths,
min = gtable:::compare_unit(x$widths, y$widths, base::pmin),
max = gtable:::compare_unit(x$widths, y$widths, base::pmax)
x$grobs <- append(x$grobs, y$grobs)
#' Import annotation from an .annot file
#' This function makes it easy to import annotation create in Blast2GO or other
#' programs supporting .annot exporting of results.
#' @param file The .annot file to import
#' @return A data.frame ready to merge with a pangenome object using
#' \code{\link{addGroupInfo}} with the \code{key} argument set to 'name'.
#' @examples
#' # Get path to file
#' annot <- system.file('extdata', 'examplePG', 'example.annot', package='FindMyFriends')
#' # Parse the file
#' readAnnot(annot)
#' @importFrom dplyr %>% mutate_ group_by_ summarise_
#' @importFrom utils read.table
#' @export
readAnnot <- function(file) {
data <- read.table(file, header = FALSE, sep = '\t', fill = TRUE,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
names(data) <- c('name', 'annot', 'desc')
data <- data %>%
mutate_(ontology = ~grepl('GO:', annot)) %>%
group_by_(~name) %>%
summarise_(description = ~desc[1], GO = ~I(list(annot[ontology])),
EC = ~I(list(annot[!ontology])))
data <-
data$GO <- unclass(data$GO)
data$EC <- unclass(data$EC)
#' Transform similarities
#' This function is used to transform the similarity matrix created by
#' linearKernel or the parallel variants, based on whether to normalize and do
#' some kind of transformation on them
#' @param similarity A matrix (sparse or normal) to transform
#' @param low The lower limit of the new range (upper is fixed to 1)
#' @param rescale logical. Should the values be normalized to a new range
#' @param transform A function taking a matrix (sparse or normal), transforms
#' the values in it, and returns a new matrix of the same dimensions.
#' @return A matrix of the same type and dimensions as similarity
#' @importFrom Matrix Matrix
#' @noRd
transformSim <- function(similarity, low, rescale, transform) {
if (!inherits(similarity, 'sparseMatrix')) {
similarity <- Matrix(similarity, sparse = TRUE)
if (rescale) {
similarity@x <- (similarity@x - low)/(1 - low)
if (inherits(transform, 'function')) {
} else {
#' Calculate a pangenome matrix
#' This function calculates a pangenome matrix based on the basic information
#' available in a pgVirtual subclass. Depending on the class implementation,
#' better approaches might be available, but this approach is ensured to be
#' possible.
#' @param object A pgVirtual subclass
#' @return A dgCMatrix with organisms in columns and gene groups in rows
#' @importFrom Matrix sparseMatrix
#' @noRd
getPgMatrix <- function(object) {
mat <- createPanMatrix(seqToOrg(object), seqToGeneGroup(object))
sparseMatrix(i = mat$i, p = mat$p, x = mat$x,
dims = c(nGeneGroups(object), nOrganisms(object)),
dimnames = list(groupNames(object), orgNames(object)))
#' Convert between list and vector type indexing
#' This function converts back and forth between storing grouping as a list of
#' integer vectors with members of each groups and one integer vector with
#' group membership for each element.
#' @param groups Integer vector or list of integer vector
#' @return Depending on the input. The reverse of the input
#' @noRd
convertGrouping <- function(groups) {
if (is.list(groups)) {
members <- rep(seq_along(groups), lengths(groups))
members[unlist(groups)] <- as.integer(members)
} else {
members <- split(seq_along(groups), groups)
formatSeconds <- function(sec) {
names <- c('day', 'hour', 'minute', 'second')
time <- c(0, 0, 0, 0)
if (sec >= 86400) {
time[1] <- floor(sec / 86400)
sec <- sec %% 86400
if (sec >= 3600) {
time[2] <- floor(sec / 3600)
sec <- sec %% 3600
if (sec >= 60) {
time[3] <- floor(sec / 60)
sec <- sec %% 60
time[4] <- round(sec, 3)
names <- paste0(names, ifelse(time == 1, '', 's'))
names <- names[time != 0]
time <- time[time != 0]
combTime <- paste(time, names)
if (length(combTime) > 1) {
paste(paste(combTime[-length(combTime)], collapse = ', '),
tail(combTime, 1),
sep = ' and ')
} else {
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