# There is currently a problem on windows which can't display chars in th
# text/plain output, which are not available in the current locale.
# See https://github.com/IRkernel/repr/issues/28#issuecomment-208574856
#' @importFrom utils capture.output
char_fallback <- function(char, default) {
real_len <- nchar(char)
r_len <- nchar(capture.output(cat(char)))
if (real_len == r_len) char else default
sym_times <- char_fallback('\u00D7', 'x')
stopifsmall <- function(max_dist) {
if (max_dist < .Machine$double.eps)
'The supplied sigma is not large enough. Please select a larger one.
find_sigmas(data) should return one with the right order of magnitude. (max dist. is %.3e)',
#' @importFrom utils flush.console
verbose_timing <- function(verbose, msg, expr) {
if (verbose) {
cat(sprintf('%s...', msg))
dif <- system.time({
r <- force(expr)
cat(sprintf('...done. Time: %.2fs\n', dif[['elapsed']]))
} else {
#' @importFrom Matrix Diagonal
#' @importMethodsFrom Matrix solve
accumulated_transitions <- function(dm) {
if (!is.null(dm@data_env$propagations)) { # compat
dm@data_env$accumulated_transitions <- dm@data_env$propagations
rm('propagations', envir = dm@data_env)
if (is.null(dm@data_env$accumulated_transitions)) {
if (is.null(dm@transitions))
stop('DiffusionMap was created with suppress_dpt = TRUE')
n <- length(dm@d_norm)
phi0 <- dm@d_norm / sqrt(sum(dm@d_norm ^ 2))
inv <- solve(Diagonal(n) - dm@transitions + phi0 %*% t(phi0))
dm@data_env$accumulated_transitions <- inv - Diagonal(n)
hasattr <- function(x, which) !is.null(attr(x, which, exact = TRUE))
flipped_dcs <- function(d, dcs) {
if (is(d, 'DiffusionMap')) d <- eigenvectors(d)
evs <- as.matrix(d[, abs(dcs)])
evs[, dcs < 0] <- -evs[, dcs < 0]
rescale_mat <- function(mat, rescale) {
if (is.list(rescale)) {
stopifnot(setequal(dimnames(rescale), c('from', 'to')))
rv <- apply(mat, 2L, scales::rescale, rescale$to, rescale$from)
} else if (is.array(rescale)) {
stopifnot(length(dim(rescale)) == 3L)
stopifnot(ncol(mat) == ncol(rescale))
stopifnot(dim(rescale)[[1L]] == 2L)
stopifnot(dim(rescale)[[3L]] == 2L)
col_type <- get(typeof(mat))
rv <- vapply(seq_len(ncol(mat)), function(d) {
scales::rescale(mat[, d], rescale['to', d, ], rescale['from', d, ])
}, col_type(nrow(mat)))
stopifnot(all(dim(rv) == dim(mat)))
dimnames(rv) <- dimnames(mat)
# irlba supports sparse data, pcaMethods supports NAs.
#' @importFrom methods is
#' @importFrom pcaMethods pca scores
#' @importFrom irlba prcomp_irlba
pca_scores <- function(x, n_pcs, center = TRUE, scale = FALSE) {
# prcomp_irlba supports unit vector (uv) scaling
if (is(x, 'sparseMatrix')) {
pcs <- prcomp_irlba(x, n_pcs, center = center, scale. = scale)$x
rownames(pcs) <- rownames(x)
} else {
scores(pca(x, nPcs = n_pcs, center = center, scale = if (scale) 'uv' else 'none'))
runs <- function(vec) {
enc <- rle(vec)
enc$values <- make.unique(enc$values, '_')
get_louvain_clusters <- function(transitions) {
graph <- igraph::graph_from_adjacency_matrix(transitions, 'undirected', weighted = TRUE)
#' @importFrom BiocGenerics duplicated
setMethod('duplicated', 'dgCMatrix', function(x, incomparables = FALSE, MARGIN = 1L, ...) { # nolint: object_name_linter.
MARGIN <- as.integer(MARGIN) # nolint: object_name_linter.
n <- nrow(x)
p <- ncol(x)
j <- rep(seq_len(p), diff(x@p))
i <- x@i + 1
v <- x@x
if (MARGIN == 1L) { # rows
names(v) <- j
splits <- split(v, i)
is_empty <- setdiff(seq_len(n), i)
} else if (MARGIN == 2L) { # columns
names(v) <- i
splits <- split(v, j)
is_empty <- setdiff(seq_len(p), j)
} else {
stop('Invalid MARGIN ', MARGIN, ', matrices only have rows (1) and columns (2).')
result <- duplicated.default(splits)
if (!any(is_empty)) return(result)
out <- logical(if (MARGIN == 1L) n else p)
out[-is_empty] <- result
if (length(is_empty) > 1)
out[is_empty[-1]] <- TRUE
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