# Main function -----------------------------------------------------------
#' @include geom_range.R
#' Gene models
#' @description \code{geom_genemodel} is a specialised geom for drawing gene
#' models. It draws coding sequences thicker than untranslated regions and
#' styles introns with arrows, lines or chevrons. By default, it separates
#' different overlapping models along the y-axis.
#' @inheritParams ggplot2::geom_rect
#' @param position Position adjustment, either as a string, or the result of a
#' call to a position adjustment function.
#' @param intron.style By default, introns are displayed as a series of arrows
#' (\code{"arrowline"}) when a \code{strand} aesthetic contains \code{"+"} or
#' \code{"-"}. Alternatively, a \code{"chevron"} option is available. In
#' absence of strand information, the intron style defaults to a simple line
#' (\code{"line"}).
#' @param arrow Specification for arrow heads, as created by
#' \code{\link[grid]{arrow}}. Only applicable when \code{intron.style =
#' "arrowline"} (the default). Defaults internally to \code{grid::arrow(length
#' = grid::unit(2, "mm"))}.
#' @param arrow.freq A \code{\link[grid]{unit}} object specifying the distance
#' over which arrows should be repeated. Only applicable when
#' \code{intron.style = "arrowline"}.
#' @param chevron.height A \code{numeric} of length one specifying how high
#' chevrons should rise relative to coding sequences. Only applicable when
#' \code{intron.style = "chevron"}.
#' @details The expected input format is that every exon has its own row. The
#' genomic location of the exons are to be given to the \code{xmin} aesthetic
#' for start positions and the \code{xmax} aesthetic for the end position.
#' Genes are interpreted to be groups of exons specified by the required
#' \code{group} aesthetic. Exons that belong to the same group will be
#' connected by introns.
#' Optionally, a distinction between coding sequences (CDSs) and untranslated
#' regions (UTRs) can be made for each exon by providing the \code{exontype}
#' aesthetic. Also, strand information can be used to style introns in the
#' \code{"arrowline"} or \code{"chevron"} fashion by providing a \code{strand}
#' aesthetic, which assumes that \code{"+"} should be oriented left-to-right
#' and \code{"-"} should be right-to-left. A \code{y} aesthetic can be
#' provided to offset the gene models from the x-axis. The \code{thickness}
#' aesthetic controls how thick a CDS should be drawn in y-axis units.
#' Alternatively, this geom can also be used to visualise transcript models,
#' in which case the following recommendations apply. Supply a transcript name
#' or transcript ID to the group aesthetic instead of a gene name or gene ID.
#' Set \code{intron.style = "chevron"} which is more appropriate for splice
#' junctions.
#' @section Aesthetics:
#' \code{geom_genemodel} understands the following aesthetics (required
#' aesthetics are in bold, optional aesthetics in italics)
#' \itemize{
#' \item{\strong{xmax}}
#' \item{\strong{xmin}}
#' \item{\strong{group}}
#' \item{\emph{y}}
#' \item{\emph{thickness}}
#' \item{\emph{type}}
#' \item{\emph{strand}}
#' \item{colour}
#' \item{fill}
#' \item{size}
#' \item{linetype}
#' \item{alpha} }
#' @seealso \code{\link[ggnomics]{position_disjoint_ranges}}
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # Using GRanges for exons
#' require(GenomicRanges)
#' gm <- example_genemodels()
#' df <- DataFrame(x = granges(gm), mcols(gm))
#' ggplot(df) +
#' geom_genemodel(aes(x = x, group = name, exontype = type))
geom_genemodel <- function(
mapping = NULL,
data = NULL,
stat = "identity",
position = position_disjoint_ranges(extend = 1e4),
intron.style = "arrowline",
arrow = NULL,
arrow.freq = unit(4, "mm"),
chevron.height = 1,
linejoin = "mitre",
na.rm = FALSE,
show.legend = NA,
inherit.aes = TRUE
) {
intron.style <- match.arg(
c("arrowline", "line", "chevron")
data = data,
mapping = mapping,
stat = stat,
geom = GeomGenemodel,
position = position,
show.legend = show.legend,
inherit.aes = inherit.aes,
params = list(
intron.style = intron.style,
chevron.height = chevron.height,
arrow = arrow,
arrow.freq = arrow.freq,
linejoin = linejoin, na.rm = na.rm, ...
# ggproto -----------------------------------------------------------------
#' @usage NULL
#' @format NULL
#' @export
#' @rdname ggnomics_extensions
GeomGenemodel <- ggproto(
"GeomGenemodel", GeomRange,
default_aes = aes(colour = "grey35",
fill = "grey35",
size = 0.5,
linetype = 1,
alpha = NA,
y = 0,
thickness = 0.8,
strand = "*",
exontype = 1),
required_aes = c("x|y", "group"),
optional_aes = c("xend|yend", "strand", "exontype","thickness"),
non_missing_aes = c("exontype"),
setup_data = function(self, data, params) {
if (!is.null(data[["strand"]])) {
data[["strand"]] <- as.character(data[["strand"]])
} else if (!is.null(data[["x"]]) &&
HelenOfTroy(data[["x"]], "ANYGenomic")) {
data[["strand"]] <- as.character(strand(Nightfall(data[["x"]])))
} else if (!is.null(data[["y"]]) &&
HelenOfTroy(data[["y"]], "ANYGenomic")) {
data[["strand"]] <- as.character(strand(Nightfall(data[["y"]])))
ggproto_parent(GeomRange, self)$setup_data(data, params)
draw_panel = function(
self, data, panel_params, coord,
intron.style = "line", chevron.height = 1,
arrow = NULL, arrow.freq = unit(4, "mm"),
linejoin = "mitre"
) {
if (HelenOfTroy(data$x, "Ranges")) {
data <- transform(data, xmin = x, xmax = x, x = NULL)
} else {
data <- transform(data, xmin = x, xmax = xend,
x = NULL, xend = NULL)
if (HelenOfTroy(data$y, "Ranges")) {
data <- transform(data, ymin = y, ymax = y, y = NULL)
} else {
data <- transform(data, y = (y + yend)/2)
data <- transform(data, ymin = y - 0.5 * thickness * exontype,
ymax = y + 0.5 * thickness * exontype,
y = NULL, yend = NULL, exontype = NULL,
thickness = NULL)
coords <- coord$transform(data, panel_params)
coords$colour <- scales::alpha(coords$colour, coords$alpha)
coords$fill <- scales::alpha(coords$fill, coords$alpha)
# Build exons
exons <- grid::rectGrob(
coords$xmin, coords$ymin,
width = coords$xmax - coords$xmin,
height = coords$ymax - coords$ymin,
default.units = "npc",
just = c("left", "bottom"),
gp = grid::gpar(
col = coords$colour,
fill = coords$fill,
lwd = coords$size * .pt,
lty = coords$linetype,
linejoin = linejoin,
lineend = if (identical(linejoin, "round")) "round" else "square"
exons$name <- grid::grobName(exons, "exons")
# Distribute intron styling
if (intron.style == "line" || !any(c("+", "-") %in% coords$strand)) {
introns <- style_intron_plainline(coords, linejoin)
introns$name <- grid::grobName(introns, "introns")
genemodel <- grid::gTree(children = grid::gList(introns, exons))
genemodel$name <- grid::grobName(genemodel, "genemodel")
if (intron.style == "chevron") {
introns <- style_intron_chevron(coords, linejoin, chevron.height)
introns$name <- grid::grobName(introns, "introns")
genemodel <- grid::gTree(children = grid::gList(introns, exons))
genemodel$name <- grid::grobName(genemodel, "genemodel")
if (intron.style == "arrowline") {
introns <- style_intron_arrowline(coords, linejoin, arrow, arrow.freq)
introns$name <- grid::grobName(introns, "introns")
genemodel <- grid::gTree(children = grid::gList(introns, exons),
cl = "genemodel")
genemodel$name <- grid::grobName(genemodel, "genemodel")
# Intron Styles -----------------------------------------------------------
style_intron_arrowline <- function(
data, linejoin = "mitre",
arrow.template = NULL, arrow.freq = unit(4, "mm")
) {
data <- lapply(split(data, data$group), function(group) {
extremes <- group[which.max(group$xmax), ]
extremes$xmin <- min(group$xmin)
extremes$y <- (extremes$ymax + extremes$ymin) / 2
data <- do.call(rbind, data)
data$xmin <- unit(data$xmin, "npc")
data$xmax <- unit(data$xmax, "npc")
if (is.null(arrow.template)) {
arrow.template <- arrow(length = unit(2, "mm"))
data = data,
arrow.template = arrow.template,
arrow_freq_number = as.numeric(arrow.freq),
arrow_freq_unit = unit_type(arrow.freq),
gp = grid::gpar(
col = data$colour,
fill = data$fill,
lwd = data$size * .pt,
lty = data$linetype,
linejoin = linejoin,
lineend = if (identical(linejoin, "round")) "round" else "butt"
cl = "arrowline"
style_intron_plainline <- function(data, linejoin) {
data <- lapply(split(data, data$group), function(group) {
extremes <- group[which.max(group$xmax), ]
extremes$xmin <- min(group$xmin)
extremes$y <- (extremes$ymax + extremes$ymin) / 2
data <- do.call(rbind, data)
data$xmin <- unit(data$xmin, "npc")
data$xmax <- unit(data$xmax, "npc")
x0 = data$xmin,
x1 = data$xmax,
y0 = data$y,
y1 = data$y,
gp = grid::gpar(
col = data$colour,
lwd = data$size * .pt,
lty = data$linetype,
linejoin = linejoin,
lineend = if (identical(linejoin, "round")) "round" else "butt"
style_intron_chevron <- function(data, linejoin = "bevel", height = 1) {
dropcols <- !(colnames(data) %in% c("xmin", "xmax", "ymin", "ymax", "fill"))
data <- split(data, data$group)
data <- lapply(seq_along(data), function(i) {
group <- data[[i]]
n <- nrow(group)
if (n == 1) {
ymid <- (group$ymin[1] + group$ymax[1]) / 2
ymax <- if (group$strand[1] == "+") max(group$ymax) else min(group$ymin)
ymax <- ymid + diff(c(ymid, ymax)) * height
group <- group[order(group$xmin, group$xmax),]
out <- data.frame(
x = c(head(group$xmax, -1), tail(group$xmin, -1),
(head(group$xmax, -1) + tail(group$xmin, -1)) / 2),
y = rep(c(ymid, ymax),
c(2 * n - 2, n - 1)),
id = i,
row.names = NULL
out <- out[order(out$x), ]
data.frame(out, group[1, dropcols], row.names = NULL)
data <- do.call(rbind, data)
x = data$x,
y = data$y,
id = data$id,
gp = grid::gpar(
col = data$colour[!duplicated(data$id)],
lwd = data$size * .pt,
lty = data$linetype,
linejoin = "bevel",
lineend = if (identical(linejoin, "round")) "round" else "butt"
# makeContent -------------------------------------------------------------
# Needs to be exported to get the arrow thing to work
#' @export
#' @rdname geom_genemodel
#' @usage NULL
makeContent.genemodel <- function(x) {
# Evaluate arrowline grob to fix colour mistakes
if (inherits(x$children[[1]], "arrowline")) {
x$children[[1]] <- grid::makeContent(x$children[[1]])
makeContent.arrowline <- function(x) {
dat <- x$data
x$data <- NULL
# Convert coordinates to absolute
dat$xmin <- grid::convertX(dat$xmin, x$arrow_freq_unit, TRUE)
dat$xmax <- grid::convertX(dat$xmax, x$arrow_freq_unit, TRUE)
dat <- split(dat, dat$group)
dat <- lapply(dat, function(s){
# Split up lines into parts
munched <- if (s$strand == "+") {
c(seq(min(s$xmin), max(s$xmax), by = x$arrow_freq_number),
} else {
c(seq(max(s$xmax), min(s$xmin), by = -x$arrow_freq_number),
offset <- if (length(munched) > 1) -1 else length(munched)
trans <- data.frame(
xmin = head(munched, offset),
xmax = tail(munched, offset),
s[1, !(colnames(s) %in% c("xmin", "xmax"))],
arrow_length = c(rep(1, length(munched) - 2), 0),
row.names = NULL,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE
dat <- do.call(rbind, dat)
arrow <- x$arrow.template
arrow$length <- unit(dat$arrow_length * as.numeric(arrow$length),
# Update grob
x$gp <- grid::gpar(
col = dat$colour,
fill = dat$fill,
lwd = dat$size * .pt,
lty = dat$linetype,
linejoin = x$linejoin,
lineend = if (identical(x$linejoin, "round")) "round" else "butt"
x$x0 <- unit(dat$xmin, x$arrow_freq_unit)
x$x1 <- unit(dat$xmax, x$arrow_freq_unit)
x$y0 <- unit(dat$y, "npc")
x$y1 <- unit(dat$y, "npc")
x$arrow <- arrow
# Re-class grob
x$cl <- "segments"
class(x)[1] <- "segments"
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